Ben Carson, our soft spoken progressive RINO

I just love that Europeans stole this country from the native already living here, exploited immigrant/slave labor at every opportunity, and are now mad at Hispanics for crossing our borders. America was BUILT on the principle of taking stuff that doesn't belong to you
Does anyone want to guess the political leanings here?
Let's just not pretend you love, or even like, your country.


I just love that Europeans stole this country from the native already living here, exploited immigrant/slave labor at every opportunity, and are now mad at Hispanics for crossing our borders. America was BUILT on the principle of taking stuff that doesn't belong to you
Does anyone want to guess the political leanings here?
Let's just not pretend you love, or even like, your country.


I absolutely love our country. I just think the radical right and radical left and the establishment and the tea party hate america
I just love that Europeans stole this country from the native already living here, exploited immigrant/slave labor at every opportunity, and are now mad at Hispanics for crossing our borders. America was BUILT on the principle of taking stuff that doesn't belong to you

I highly recommend reviewing history because your retelling of it is incredibly inaccurate.
Carson lost all credibility when he proposed using drone attacks on our border to combat immigration and smuggling

what the hell? I'm sure you can prove him saying that. Because I've never him say such a thing. links please and not left hate site, thanks

I sure can because I am an informed voter who follows the news and keeps track of the bull that candidates say

Carson calls for drone strikes on border 'caves' -

oh yeah, you're informed, but then only inform others with misleading information. You have nothing to prance around crowing how you're so informed

Funny you left out where he said he would use them on "caves". but I guess you don't mind them smuggling human beings and breaking into our country at the same time. What the hell, lets just get rid of our border agency and throw the doors open for every country that wants to get rid of those THEIR Governments can't take care of so send them our way. Our Masters in this Government and even our own countrymen and women keep claiming we are rich rich rich and IF we say something against them, we are the ones that gets beat down.
And if CNN is where you get all your political news I wouldn't say you are that informed.
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I just love that Europeans stole this country from the native already living here, exploited immigrant/slave labor at every opportunity, and are now mad at Hispanics for crossing our borders. America was BUILT on the principle of taking stuff that doesn't belong to you
Does anyone want to guess the political leanings here?
Let's just not pretend you love, or even like, your country.



Sure don't like what CONServatives/GOP has done to US for 35 years, true Bubba
Quit making up all these excuses on why you on the left can't or won't support him

just admit it because he's black and a Republican. he done walked off the Democrat Plantation so he's not acceptable just like the Democrat clerk you all have turned your back on and spit one her instead.
Quit making up all these excuses on why you on the left can't or won't support him

just admit it because he's black and a Republican. he done walked off the Democrat Plantation so he's not acceptable just like the Democrat clerk you all have turned your back on and spit one her instead.

Not to worry. If he doesn't win the GOP nomination you can blame Obama for ruining the presidency for black people.
Quit making up all these excuses on why you on the left can't or won't support him

just admit it because he's black and a Republican. he done walked off the Democrat Plantation so he's not acceptable just like the Democrat clerk you all have turned your back on and spit one her instead.

Crazy right wingers, MUST be why the GOP gets less than 10% of the black vote, the party of inclusiveness!
I just love that Europeans stole this country from the native already living here, exploited immigrant/slave labor at every opportunity, and are now mad at Hispanics for crossing our borders. America was BUILT on the principle of taking stuff that doesn't belong to you
Does anyone want to guess the political leanings here?
Let's just not pretend you love, or even like, your country.


I absolutely love our country. I just think the radical right and radical left and the establishment and the tea party hate america

What do you think about those who support and defend abiding by the legislative intent of our Constitution? Just curious.


Those who reject and ignore abiding by the intentions and beliefs under which our Constitution was agree to, as those intentions and beliefs may be documented from historical records, wish to remove the anchor and rudder of our constitutional system so they may then be free to “interpret” the Constitution to mean whatever they wish it to mean.

I just love that Europeans stole this country from the native already living here, exploited immigrant/slave labor at every opportunity, and are now mad at Hispanics for crossing our borders. America was BUILT on the principle of taking stuff that doesn't belong to you
Does anyone want to guess the political leanings here?
Let's just not pretend you love, or even like, your country.


I absolutely love our country. I just think the radical right and radical left and the establishment and the tea party hate america

What do you think about those who support and defend abiding by the legislative intent of our Constitution? Just curious.


Those who reject and ignore abiding by the intentions and beliefs under which our Constitution was agree to, as those intentions and beliefs may be documented from historical records, wish to remove the anchor and rudder of our constitutional system so they may then be free to “interpret” the Constitution to mean whatever they wish it to mean.

In United States constitutional interpretation, the Living Constitution (or loose constructionism) is the claim that the Constitution has a dynamic meaning or that it has the properties of an animate being in the sense that it changes. The idea is associated with views that contemporaneous society should be taken into account when interpreting key constitutional phrases.

...The second, relating to intent, contends that the constitutional framers specifically wrote the Constitution in broad and flexible terms to create such a dynamic, "living" document

Living Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is puritanical criticism like that voiced in the OP that can kill the GOP's chances of winning. Carson is a solid conservative on nearly all issues by any rational measurement. He would be a gigantic improvement over Obama and would give us our first genuine, devout Christian in the White House in a very long time.
I dont get the fascination with Carson. Yes, he is an accomplished smart man who takes many positions I agree with. But the Presidency is not an entry level position in politics. He has zero experience to qualify him to be president.
Ben Carson: people should pay taxes according to their “means”!

Ben Carson has once again shown his socialist inner thinking! See Ben Carson attacks Donald Trump's tax plan

”Yesterday, Ben Carson criticized Donald Trump’s tax plan. He was right, but for the wrong reasons.

According to CNN, Carson said:

"I also strongly believe that every American should pay something according to their means. We are all Americans and we all have the same rights and responsibilities."

Apparently, Mr. Carson believes a hard working wage earner living in one of our nation’s inner cities who works two or three jobs to earn enough to extricate themselves from undesirable living conditions should pay more in federal taxes than a neighbor who is too lazy to work extra hours in order to improve their station in life.

Seems to me Mr. Carson’s thinking reflects a dangerous mindset ____ from each according to their means.


“…..with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow-citizens—a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities“. Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address
Most "Republican" members of Congress are stealth Democrats! A lot of them were kicked out last election. Hopefully 20 or thirty more will be kicked out this coming election.


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!


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