Being Catholic means you don't really have to grapple with the big issues


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Being Catholic means you don't really have to grapple with the big issues. All the answers are in a book, you read it, and then that's it. No fuss, no muss.

I see the struggles of people who grapple with the big issues, and they seem to be in a great deal of emotional pain. They really don't know why we are here, what it's all for, what's the point of all this, and why they should bother to go on living. I feel sorry for these people because they don't have the answers and they don't have any way of getting the answers.

Some of these people who lack answers and struggle with it are comedians, and they entertain people and make lots of money with their grappling for answers, which has a comic value even though it's really tragic.

There is no real way I can help any of these people because if I told them the answers, they would refuse to believe me. I know, I've tried.

I'm not saying I'm a saint, I'm not. Also, while I know all the answers, I have a certain hostility to God that arises from his unwillingness to smooth the path before me and make everything work out for my benefit. I understand that my attitude is completely immature, since I am making demands of God that he warp the universe to favor me, but there it is.

So really, my position may be even more precarious than the man who struggles for answers. I know the answers, but I refuse to act on them. That means I am most certainly damned, unless I repent in time and make a good confession.
Uncle Ferd says, "Yeah...

... all ya have to do is go to confession...

... an' voila!...

... yer good to go fer another week."
Most Catholics I know don't adhere to many of the tenets put down by the church

Birth control is widely used among Catholics for example

I find Catholics really love to point out the sins of others but rarely of themselves
Uncle Ferd says, "Yeah...

... all ya have to do is go to confession...

... an' voila!...

... yer good to go fer another week."
Yeah say 3 hail marys and your soul is spotless

Who the hell believes that crap?
Being Catholic means you don't really have to grapple with the big issues. All the answers are in a book, you read it, and then that's it. No fuss, no muss.

I see the struggles of people who grapple with the big issues, and they seem to be in a great deal of emotional pain. They really don't know why we are here, what it's all for, what's the point of all this, and why they should bother to go on living. I feel sorry for these people because they don't have the answers and they don't have any way of getting the answers.

Some of these people who lack answers and struggle with it are comedians, and they entertain people and make lots of money with their grappling for answers, which has a comic value even though it's really tragic.

There is no real way I can help any of these people because if I told them the answers, they would refuse to believe me. I know, I've tried.

I'm not saying I'm a saint, I'm not. Also, while I know all the answers, I have a certain hostility to God that arises from his unwillingness to smooth the path before me and make everything work out for my benefit. I understand that my attitude is completely immature, since I am making demands of God that he warp the universe to favor me, but there it is.

So really, my position may be even more precarious than the man who struggles for answers. I know the answers, but I refuse to act on them. That means I am most certainly damned, unless I repent in time and make a good confession.

it's always easy to believe in simplistic things and not have to actually think.
I guess if you don't want to actually think and be told what to do by the bible religion is for you
Do me a favor,
watch EWTN recorded masses.
Tell me if you see even one person with a normal happy face? Why not even one?
They look all somber and miserable. Each member looks like their cat died and their crops were wiped out. Why?
That's not religion.
Now look at TBN, phoney almost sinister fake glee, they look disturbingly happy as in slightly deranged, but are they, is it a mirage or mask or over zealous attempt? Many of them even the pastors admit bouts of depression and even being hospitalized over losing grip. Is that religion too?
THE fallen star left 1/3 like wormwood, which is a deadly poisonous weed that even makes people go insane (religion done wrong).
In history, they actually had to dump barrels and barrels of Absinthe because wormwood was used to make the liquor which turned out made the drinkers mad. So Wormwood is a perfect example of what false prophet & philosophy and or adhering to preservation of such an image can cause people to hate, go mad, be poisonous, violent etc. When mixed with political motivation it truly becomes deadly, hence the warning by Christian preachers of the power authority of Rome using the(image) false prophet is no different then todays Christianity warning about radical Islam using a prophet any way they want to get their political agendas & motivations met.
Most Catholics I know don't adhere to many of the tenets put down by the church

Birth control is widely used among Catholics for example

I find Catholics really love to point out the sins of others but rarely of themselves

I was raised Catholic, I didn't find that to be true about pointing out the sins of others, that would be the damn Baptist.

Unless you are talking priest and his flock...


Being Catholic means you don't really have to grapple with the big issues. All the answers are in a book, you read it, and then that's it. No fuss, no muss.

I see the struggles of people who grapple with the big issues, and they seem to be in a great deal of emotional pain. They really don't know why we are here, what it's all for, what's the point of all this, and why they should bother to go on living. I feel sorry for these people because they don't have the answers and they don't have any way of getting the answers.

Some of these people who lack answers and struggle with it are comedians, and they entertain people and make lots of money with their grappling for answers, which has a comic value even though it's really tragic.

There is no real way I can help any of these people because if I told them the answers, they would refuse to believe me. I know, I've tried.

I'm not saying I'm a saint, I'm not. Also, while I know all the answers, I have a certain hostility to God that arises from his unwillingness to smooth the path before me and make everything work out for my benefit. I understand that my attitude is completely immature, since I am making demands of God that he warp the universe to favor me, but there it is.

So really, my position may be even more precarious than the man who struggles for answers. I know the answers, but I refuse to act on them. That means I am most certainly damned, unless I repent in time and make a good confession.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the big issues. Being Catholic offers a great deal of comfort and guidance in life but I don't think that means we are not to ponder issues of all sizes and types. One of God's gifts to us is an intellect, after all. Personally, I like comedy. It's often a fun way to consider issues. That's just a matter of style though. There are plenty of unfunny thinkers out there too.

What some people choose to skip is prayer, asking for God's guidance and the grace of discernment. Sadly, many Catholics forgo that too.
Most Catholics I know don't adhere to many of the tenets put down by the church

Birth control is widely used among Catholics for example

I find Catholics really love to point out the sins of others but rarely of themselves

I was raised Catholic, I didn't find that to be true about pointing out the sins of others, that would be the damn Baptist.

Unless you are talking priest and his flock...



I was also raised in the Catholic cult but I got out
In my experience Catholics and Christians in general are vile hypocrites
Most Catholics I know don't adhere to many of the tenets put down by the church

Birth control is widely used among Catholics for example

I find Catholics really love to point out the sins of others but rarely of themselves

I was raised Catholic, I didn't find that to be true about pointing out the sins of others, that would be the damn Baptist.

Unless you are talking priest and his flock...



I was also raised in the Catholic cult but I got out
In my experience Catholics and Christians in general are vile hypocrites

Yeah I got out of the Catholic Church when I was around 16 , hanging out with the Methodist and Lutherans was where the girls were at when younger

Being Catholic means you don't really have to grapple with the big issues. All the answers are in a book, you read it, and then that's it. No fuss, no muss.

I see the struggles of people who grapple with the big issues, and they seem to be in a great deal of emotional pain. They really don't know why we are here, what it's all for, what's the point of all this, and why they should bother to go on living. I feel sorry for these people because they don't have the answers and they don't have any way of getting the answers.

Some of these people who lack answers and struggle with it are comedians, and they entertain people and make lots of money with their grappling for answers, which has a comic value even though it's really tragic.

There is no real way I can help any of these people because if I told them the answers, they would refuse to believe me. I know, I've tried.

I'm not saying I'm a saint, I'm not. Also, while I know all the answers, I have a certain hostility to God that arises from his unwillingness to smooth the path before me and make everything work out for my benefit. I understand that my attitude is completely immature, since I am making demands of God that he warp the universe to favor me, but there it is.

So really, my position may be even more precarious than the man who struggles for answers. I know the answers, but I refuse to act on them. That means I am most certainly damned, unless I repent in time and make a good confession.

it's always easy to believe in simplistic things and not have to actually think.

Oh look after almost two months later Jillian Is starting to post more.
Well, first I would say it isn't just Catholics that have a book that they follow, all major religions have the benefit of guidance from God as they see it. Certainly having Faith is comforting. You control what you can and then that which you cannot you have Faith it will work out according to a righteous Almighty. Hence the word "faith". Those who lack faith don't have a guidance system other than "right or wrong" (in some cases), how they morally determine that is subjective.

In regards to just repenting once a week and all is good, this is a most dangerous attitude, dare I say an arrogant perspective to take. If one firmly believes in a Higher Power, do they not think that it is known what they are doing? Who in their right mind would ever try to "game" God? "Hey, I can do whatever I want, go to confession once a week and *poof* all is well". Right, because God wouldn't know that this is what you are doing.

I remember a friend saying he could live basically any way he wanted and on his death bed he will pray to God and all will be forgiven. Who am I to be the judge on that, he's the one who has to die when he dies. My opinion to him was "I wouldn't want to roll the dice like that, but good luck with it I suppose".

It comes from your heart. What do you REALLY believe and feel. How do you REALLY perceive your fellow man. Everyone has their own Faith and interprets it in their own way regardless of the texts that they themselves might read and follow. You are always going to view it differently than the next person even if you both attended the same place of worship as the next person.

I know people who have bore false witness, constantly, habitually, so that they could "get ahead" in life. They are completely comfortable with this and shrug their shoulders at the negative outcomes to others lives it has had. "It's a dog eat dog world" they say. Do I think that whatever all knowing being exists in the world is going to welcome them with open arms? Personally, no, I don't. Others might believe it's redeemable. At the moment only one knows for sure, and in the end only two will.
Being Catholic means you don't really have to grapple with the big issues. All the answers are in a book, you read it, and then that's it. No fuss, no muss.

I'm the last person to defend the Catholic Church, but how is that different than any other religion?
The reason Catholicism is better for me is that it held up when I looked into it as a law student, to determine whether or not it was really true. I was very thorough, and I believe any other religion would not have held up to that kind of scrutiny.

I would give as an example any Protestant denomination. The first question a Protestant must answer is "Why did we leave the Catholic Church?" For an Episcopalian, this question immediately leads to an embarrassing answer, "We left the Catholic Church so that King Henry VIII could divorce his wife and marry his mistress."

A second example I would give is the Mormon Church. The first question a Mormon must answer is "Why do we believe in the Book of Mormon?" The answer is, "Because Joseph Smith transcribed it from a golden tablet given to him by an angel." The second question is, "Who is Joseph Smith" immediately leads to an embarrassing answer, "He is a prophet of God who had 40 wives." This biographical detail, including the fact that Joseph Smith forcibly married women who were already married to other men, really puts some doubt into the question of whether Mormonism is the true religion.

The founder of the Catholic Church was Jesus Christ, who lacks an embarrassing biography to discredit his teachings.
Being Catholic means you don't really have to grapple with the big issues. All the answers are in a book, you read it, and then that's it. No fuss, no muss.

I'm the last person to defend the Catholic Church, but how is that different than any other religion?
The reason Catholicism is better for me is that it held up when I looked into it as a law student, to determine whether or not it was really true. I was very thorough, and I believe any other religion would not have held up to that kind of scrutiny.

I would give as an example any Protestant denomination. The first question a Protestant must answer is "Why did we leave the Catholic Church?" For an Episcopalian, this question immediately leads to an embarrassing answer, "We left the Catholic Church so that King Henry VIII could divorce his wife and marry his mistress."

A second example I would give is the Mormon Church. The first question a Mormon must answer is "Why do we believe in the Book of Mormon?" The answer is, "Because Joseph Smith transcribed it from a golden tablet given to him by an angel." The second question is, "Who is Joseph Smith" immediately leads to an embarrassing answer, "He is a prophet of God who had 40 wives." This biographical detail, including the fact that Joseph Smith forcibly married women who were already married to other men, really puts some doubt into the question of whether Mormonism is the true religion.

The founder of the Catholic Church was Jesus Christ, who lacks an embarrassing biography to discredit his teachings.

jesus didn't found any church. he was a jew.

but you can believe whatever you want.

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