Beheading Infidels. Allah Heals The Hearts Of Believers By Doing So.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Go ahead and accuse me of Islamaphobia for posting this. I don't give a damn! Here's the item that caught my eye and you Muslims cannot refute:

“Fight them [those who oppose Islam], Allah will torment them with your hands, humiliate them, empower you over them, and heal the hearts of the believers, removing the rage from their hearts”
(Koran 9:14-15).

What's so hard to understand about that? So it's not “radical” but a tradition of Islam.

Read the full article for yourselves and be ready to watch the flow of Muslims who want to claim this unfairly skews their Religion of Peace. @ Beheading infidels How Allah heals the hearts of believers Human Events

And for those who want to read the rest of the news about Islam, go to
I've read many things in the Old Testament far more brutal than that.

What is your point?
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I've read many things in the Old Testament far more brutal than that.

What is your point?

The point is, Christians and Jews aren't using the Bible as an excuse to do those brutal things today, Muslims, on the other hand...........

Islam is a very young religion compared to Christianity and Judaism, which have both influenced the murder of countless humans in the past. They both had time to grow and evolve. Islam is now following a similar course of action.

Personally, I despise all these indoctrinated Mundanes. Christians deserve to be killed by Muslims and vice versa. They all think they know the One True Way.

I say, let them slaughter each other until they wake up and decide to start slaughtering the people who have been indoctrinating and manipulating them all this time through religion.

I've read many things in the Old Testament far more brutal than that.

What is your point?

The point is, Christians and Jews aren't using the Bible as an excuse to do those brutal things today, Muslims, on the other hand...........

Islam is a very young religion compared to Christianity and Judaism, which have both influenced the murder of countless humans in the past. They both had time to grow and evolve. Islam is now following a similar course of action.

Personally, I despise all these indoctrinated Mundanes. Christians deserve to be killed by Muslims and vice versa. They all think they know the One True Way.

I say, let them slaughter each other until they wake up and decide to start slaughtering the people who have been indoctrinating and manipulating them all this time through religion.

Islam is now following a similar course of action.

How is Islam going to grow and evolve?
I've read many things in the Old Testament far more brutal than that.

What is your point?

The point is, Christians and Jews aren't using the Bible as an excuse to do those brutal things today, Muslims, on the other hand...........

Islam is a very young religion compared to Christianity and Judaism, which have both influenced the murder of countless humans in the past. They both had time to grow and evolve. Islam is now following a similar course of action.

Personally, I despise all these indoctrinated Mundanes. Christians deserve to be killed by Muslims and vice versa. They all think they know the One True Way.

I say, let them slaughter each other until they wake up and decide to start slaughtering the people who have been indoctrinating and manipulating them all this time through religion.

Islam is now following a similar course of action.

How is Islam going to grow and evolve?

Through murder and genocide, just like Christianity.
I've read many things in the Old Testament far more brutal than that.

What is your point?

The point is, Christians and Jews aren't using the Bible as an excuse to do those brutal things today, Muslims, on the other hand...........

Islam is a very young religion compared to Christianity and Judaism, which have both influenced the murder of countless humans in the past. They both had time to grow and evolve. Islam is now following a similar course of action.

Personally, I despise all these indoctrinated Mundanes. Christians deserve to be killed by Muslims and vice versa. They all think they know the One True Way.

I say, let them slaughter each other until they wake up and decide to start slaughtering the people who have been indoctrinating and manipulating them all this time through religion.

Islam is now following a similar course of action.

How is Islam going to grow and evolve?

Through the science of remote controlled flying weapons platforms which splatter them on the walls of their dwellings and interiors of their vehicles which are covered with flies and the flies lay eggs that turn into maggots. This evolution into the maggot is a step upwards in the chain of life for the muslim.
I've read many things in the Old Testament far more brutal than that.

What is your point?

The point is, Christians and Jews aren't using the Bible as an excuse to do those brutal things today, Muslims, on the other hand...........

Islam is a very young religion compared to Christianity and Judaism, which have both influenced the murder of countless humans in the past. They both had time to grow and evolve. Islam is now following a similar course of action.

Personally, I despise all these indoctrinated Mundanes. Christians deserve to be killed by Muslims and vice versa. They all think they know the One True Way.

I say, let them slaughter each other until they wake up and decide to start slaughtering the people who have been indoctrinating and manipulating them all this time through religion.

Islam is now following a similar course of action.

How is Islam going to grow and evolve?

Through the science of remote controlled flying weapons platforms which splatter them on the walls of their dwellings and interiors of their vehicles which are covered with flies and the flies lay eggs that turn into maggots. This evolution into the maggot is a step upwards in the chain of life for the muslim.
Great visual , huggy!
I've read many things in the Old Testament far more brutal than that.

What is your point?

The point is, Christians and Jews aren't using the Bible as an excuse to do those brutal things today, Muslims, on the other hand...........

You guys are missing the point here. The Christian believes every single word of the Torah / Tanach - the Hebrew prophets - Abraham - Isaac- Jacob - book of Isaiah - every single word from Genesis to Malachi where the Old Testament ends and the New Testament begins.

I have read the Old Testament far more times than I have read the New Testament and I continue to read it over and over and over again. Why? It is my faith! This is my faith as a Christian! Both the Old Testament and the New Testament! I read the entire book! Not part of it!

The God who said to Israel, Hear O Israel, the Lord thy God is one - is My God! That is the God I serve and believe in! He is a holy God and His eye watches over Jerusalem - He neither sleeps nor slumbers - Yes! That God! That's my God! Is there any other? I know not any!

I am fully aware of all the church leaders who have gotten on board with this interfaith thing - we all serve the same God - his name maybe said differently but it is all Him! No it isn't! My God is not calling for Jews, Christians and the unbelievers to be beheaded. My God is not calling for sex slavery, marrying five year olds and kidnapping men, women and children in His name! That is not God! That is pure evil and Lucifer is the god of evil and all those who practice it.

We need to stop with the political correctness and admit that the reason Islam is at war with God Almighty and those who follow him is because the doctrine is an enemy of God! It is at war with the Word of God and challenging anyone to defy them because like Goliath who challenged David it is using the exact same weapons - fear - intimidation - mockery of the God of Israel - mockery of the Jews - mockery of Christians - mockery of all who refuse to join them claiming they are "infidels". No. ISIS are the infidels. HAMAS is the infidels, Al Qaeda, El Shabob, Hizbollah are the infidels and they are headed to hell! Let us be clear that God is angry with the wicked every day. These people are wicked. Their doctrine is wicked. The god they serve is a demon - baal allah and he is as wicked as the baal god Dagon who was worshipped by the Philistines who captured Samson through the hands of Delilah.

We need to stop tip toeing around this and realize that peoples lives are hanging in the balance. Many of which are lost - Muslims who have yet to come to Christ and need to overcome their fear so they can get out while they still can.

These are serious times and I am fully aware that my warfare is not with flesh and blood but with principalities and wicked rulers in the spiritual realm - this warfare is one in which God has the victory but who will stand with God and proclaim His truth in the face of today's Goliath and not back down? The same that can ascend to God's holy hill. Those with clean hands and a pure heart.

We have to prepare our own hearts for this warfare because it is right in front of us. We need to have a King David state of mind in us. We need to read Psalms every day and make sure that Psalm 1 is the story of our life every day. Not just on Sunday! Or Saturday! But every day!
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As Muhammad claimed to be the last of the prophets (as if a deity would pick a murdering thief and pedophile for its speaker), it is unable to evolve. It will however, grow, this done through a combination of terror, deceit (al taqiyya) and infiltration.
As Muhammad claimed to be the last of the prophets (as if a deity would pick a murdering thief and pedophile for its speaker), it is unable to evolve. It will however, grow, this done through a combination of terror, deceit (al taqiyya) and infiltration.

I especially like the white Americans that go over there and fight for Allah through ISIS.

These are some of the dumbest most spoiled people on the planet.

How do these idjits figure that the muslim's attempt to take over the world is THEIR fight?

We should absolutely take away their citizenship and void their passports.

The ISIS assholes can't believe that any Americans support these traitors.

We seriously need to ramp up drone attacks on all known ISIS activity and not just take out large targets. We should have the skies of Northern Iraq and Seria buzzing like a bee hive 24/7 taking out these muslim terrorist fucks.

If we are sending out 100 drones now...we should make it 1000 every day and night.

There must be technology available to record a large area's activity and track backwards in time where these fuckwads are coming from then take out every location where they stopped to get so much as a bag of french fries.

The residents of these areas of ISIS operation need to have a life or death reason to NOT give these ISIS a-holes ANY assistance.
As Muhammad claimed to be the last of the prophets (as if a deity would pick a murdering thief and pedophile for its speaker), it is unable to evolve. It will however, grow, this done through a combination of terror, deceit (al taqiyya) and infiltration.

I especially like the white Americans that go over there and fight for Allah through ISIS.

These are some of the dumbest most spoiled people on the planet.

How do these idjits figure that the muslim's attempt to take over the world is THEIR fight?

We should absolutely take away their citizenship and void their passports.

The ISIS assholes can't believe that any Americans support these traitors.

We seriously need to ramp up drone attacks on all known ISIS activity and not just take out large targets. We should have the skies of Northern Iraq and Seria buzzing like a bee hive 24/7 taking out these muslim terrorist fucks.

If we are sending out 100 drones now...we should make it 1000 every day and night.

There must be technology available to record a large area's activity and track backwards in time where these fuckwads are coming from then take out every location where they stopped to get so much as a bag of french fries.

The residents of these areas of ISIS operation need to have a life or death reason to NOT give these ISIS a-holes ANY assistance.

Maybe we could put Isotope markers in fuel suppliers batches and get an idea where these people are getting the fuel for their vehicles.
There aren't THAT many distribution points in any fuel supply chain.
We could test the fuel in the vehicles and trucks these fyucks use and work backwards to their sources of supply. .. or at least set up remote cameras that watch these places of supply and watch for suspicious activity leading backwards to more important targets.
Go ahead and accuse me of Islamaphobia for posting this. I don't give a damn! Here's the item that caught my eye and you Muslims cannot refute:

“Fight them [those who oppose Islam], Allah will torment them with your hands, humiliate them, empower you over them, and heal the hearts of the believers, removing the rage from their hearts”
(Koran 9:14-15).

What's so hard to understand about that? So it's not “radical” but a tradition of Islam.

Read the full article for yourselves and be ready to watch the flow of Muslims who want to claim this unfairly skews their Religion of Peace. @ Beheading infidels How Allah heals the hearts of believers Human Events

And for those who want to read the rest of the news about Islam, go to
Did you ever read anything in the koran that saud what wounded the hearts of the muslims to begin with? I could tell you what it probably was. Looking into a mirror and seeing a sand negro. (you know what I mean)
Go ahead and accuse me of Islamaphobia for posting this. I don't give a damn! Here's the item that caught my eye and you Muslims cannot refute:

“Fight them [those who oppose Islam], Allah will torment them with your hands, humiliate them, empower you over them, and heal the hearts of the believers, removing the rage from their hearts”
(Koran 9:14-15).

What's so hard to understand about that? So it's not “radical” but a tradition of Islam.

Read the full article for yourselves and be ready to watch the flow of Muslims who want to claim this unfairly skews their Religion of Peace. @ Beheading infidels How Allah heals the hearts of believers Human Events

And for those who want to read the rest of the news about Islam, go to
Did you ever read anything in the koran that saud what wounded the hearts of the muslims to begin with? I could tell you what it probably was. Looking into a mirror and seeing a sand negro. (you know what I mean)

I can see you have a great deal of anger about those of Arab descent. As the only ones I've ever really known are those running 7-11s and other convenient stores, it's hard for me to form a personal opinion on them. I only know what I read on forums and see of the boob tube.

As for the Koran, I've never read it from cover-to-cover and never plan to. I have however read many, many pieces on it, its history, and the various interpretations that bring us to things like Sharia and the radicalization of people.

I personally believe it contains nothing of merit and only foments hatred and bigotry.
Don't worry about muslim terrorists, they're all stuck in the sand over there, always have been.
Go ahead and accuse me of Islamaphobia for posting this. I don't give a damn! Here's the item that caught my eye and you Muslims cannot refute:

“Fight them [those who oppose Islam], Allah will torment them with your hands, humiliate them, empower you over them, and heal the hearts of the believers, removing the rage from their hearts”
(Koran 9:14-15).

What's so hard to understand about that? So it's not “radical” but a tradition of Islam.

Read the full article for yourselves and be ready to watch the flow of Muslims who want to claim this unfairly skews their Religion of Peace. @ Beheading infidels How Allah heals the hearts of believers Human Events

And for those who want to read the rest of the news about Islam, go to

"Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior or you'll go to hell."

Ya, that's much nicer.

More Christians Muslims kill the better off the rest of the world will be. At least Muslims aren't hypocritical about their faith, teaching one thing but doing another. Their books might say kill infidels, but though Christian ones do too, only Muslims actually follow through.
Go ahead and accuse me of Islamaphobia for posting this. I don't give a damn! Here's the item that caught my eye and you Muslims cannot refute:

“Fight them [those who oppose Islam], Allah will torment them with your hands, humiliate them, empower you over them, and heal the hearts of the believers, removing the rage from their hearts”
(Koran 9:14-15).

What's so hard to understand about that? So it's not “radical” but a tradition of Islam.

Read the full article for yourselves and be ready to watch the flow of Muslims who want to claim this unfairly skews their Religion of Peace. @ Beheading infidels How Allah heals the hearts of believers Human Events

And for those who want to read the rest of the news about Islam, go to

"Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior or you'll go to hell."

Ya, that's much nicer.

More Christians Muslims kill the better off the rest of the world will be. At least Muslims aren't hypocritical about their faith, teaching one thing but doing another. Their books might say kill infidels, but though Christian ones do too, only Muslims actually follow through.

More Christians Muslims kill the better off the rest of the world will be.

Yeah, they'll kill the idiots like you last.

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