Beck & Cordoba


Active Member
Jul 28, 2010
"Beck is hijacking the imagery and symbolism of August 28 and the Lincoln Memorial to promote an agenda of intolerance," Marc Morial

Morial said in the phone interview that civil rights leaders believe that "Beck is deliberately trying to poke a stick in our eye, or kick sand in our faces"

Listening to Harball today, Al Sharpton made similar remarks. He believes Beck should move the rally to another, less controversial day.

So Sharpton and the National Urban League have a problem with Beck exercising his rights to hold a Restoring Honor Rally on a controversial location, yet find it to be the height of intolerance to even suggest that the Cordoba Center be moved further away from Ground Zero.

Sounds consistent to me.
What is the significance of Aug. 28?

It's the anniversary of the 'I have a dream' speech.

So the black racists are getting all ansty about Beck hijacking 'their' guy's speech.... despite the fact that MLK would despise the way they have hijacked his 'dream' and made it into a nightmare.

And, I am struggling to work out why this is in the politics forum. Ohhh, wait, it's cuz the OP is too stupid to know the difference between a politician and a political commentator.
What is the significance of Aug. 28?

Apparently, it's the anniversary of the "I have a dream speech"

It's rather funny, because the Family members of MLK I've seen speak out about it are in favor of it.
Sharpton is obviously trying to violate Beck's constitutional rights. How dare he imply that whites can't celebrate the message of MLK. Whites fought for civil rights, too!!! I, as a white man, am insulted Sharpton could insinuate a white man can't speak at that location on that day!!

Nancy Pelosi needs to investigate who is funding Sharpton and the Natioinal Urban League.
Why don't Sharpton and Beck just screw and get it over with? I can't stand the sexual frustration between the two.
What is the significance of Aug. 28?

It's the anniversary of the 'I have a dream' speech.

So the black racists are getting all ansty about Beck hijacking 'their' guy's speech.... despite the fact that MLK would despise the way they have hijacked his 'dream' and made it into a nightmare.

And, I am struggling to work out why this is in the politics forum. Ohhh, wait, it's cuz the OP is too stupid to know the difference between a politician and a political commentator.

i apologize for my stupidity. how dare i post this in the wrong forum.

i hope you didn't struggle too much.
What is the significance of Aug. 28?

It's the anniversary of the 'I have a dream' speech.

So the black racists are getting all ansty about Beck hijacking 'their' guy's speech.... despite the fact that MLK would despise the way they have hijacked his 'dream' and made it into a nightmare.

And, I am struggling to work out why this is in the politics forum. Ohhh, wait, it's cuz the OP is too stupid to know the difference between a politician and a political commentator.

i apologize for my stupidity. how dare i post this in the wrong forum.

i hope you didn't struggle too much.

I accept your apology. Don't do it again.
Marc Morial.. crooked former mayor of NOLA has little wiggle room to be lecturing anyone on anything.
It's the anniversary of the 'I have a dream' speech.

So the black racists are getting all ansty about Beck hijacking 'their' guy's speech.... despite the fact that MLK would despise the way they have hijacked his 'dream' and made it into a nightmare.

And, I am struggling to work out why this is in the politics forum. Ohhh, wait, it's cuz the OP is too stupid to know the difference between a politician and a political commentator.

i apologize for my stupidity. how dare i post this in the wrong forum.

i hope you didn't struggle too much.

I accept your apology. Don't do it again. :evil:
you forgot something to make that post perfect
What is the significance of Aug. 28?

It's the anniversary of the 'I have a dream' speech.

So the black racists are getting all ansty about Beck hijacking 'their' guy's speech.... despite the fact that MLK would despise the way they have hijacked his 'dream' and made it into a nightmare.

And, I am struggling to work out why this is in the politics forum. Ohhh, wait, it's cuz the OP is too stupid to know the difference between a politician and a political commentator.

Libs can't see their own hypocrisy.

If MLK's dream truly happened, then it wouldn't be "their" day. There wouldn't be a "we" or "them" or "their", just "our", as all Americans without regard to race.

Sadly, its the left that is perverting MLK's message. MLK's dream included white people having the same rights also. I think King would be proud to see someone like Beck honoring him and honoring imporant African Americans in our past. Beck has taught me more about the massive contributions African Americans have made to the US than any public school I ever attended. Yet, somehow he's racist?
What is the significance of Aug. 28?

Apparently, it's the anniversary of the "I have a dream speech"

It's rather funny, because the Family members of MLK I've seen speak out about it are in favor of it.


Family members of MLK spoke in favor of it.......ON TV ON BECKS SHOW!!!!

Guess libs missed that one.

of course they missed it. It's not like they actually watch Glenn or listen to what he says. I wish they would. He is one of the few sane voices out there.
Apparently, it's the anniversary of the "I have a dream speech"

It's rather funny, because the Family members of MLK I've seen speak out about it are in favor of it.


Family members of MLK spoke in favor of it.......ON TV ON BECKS SHOW!!!!

Guess libs missed that one.

of course they missed it. It's not like they actually watch Glenn or listen to what he says. I wish they would. He is one of the few sane voices out there.
oh, they watch and listen
but they have selective hearing
No one "owns" that day. Beck has every right to speak...silly for some people to think otherwise.

Of course it's silly for anyone to think that.

In fact, I think MLK would join Beck there if he was alive. We need to restore integrity to this nation.

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