Be cool to divide the country

There would be no divide until all the plans were made. First we agree to the divide, vote on who gets what side, and then make the final separation.
You make it sound so simple. I guess we'd be right where we are when the first vote, the one to divide the country fails to pass, which it would.

Hello square one!
This is great idea.

Divide the country in half.

The blue states would not have to ship their jobs to china. They would simply move the jobs, factories, industry across the border to the Conservatives who are willing to work.

We would also give you the minority leadership of the senate, and all the other RINOs

After everything is divided, and the blue leeches quit working we would adjust the borders so that we have all the farmland and forests in the east. Democrats dont work anyhow so that land would be free for the taking. And the Democrats not having guns or anything, we could simply slap them like they little bitches that they are, when it comes to land disputes or anything approaching a war.

War, I would love to see their pink brigades, fight. They would need allies, like the french, so they could have guns and such that they give up with the dividing of the state.

We will need a wall around the blue cities, to keep them out of our pristine land and to keep the illegal aliens out. Illegal aliens are not stupid, they will not be living in the blue cities.

The biggest benefit I guess, would be if we went to war, we could wipe them out with water ballons, spit balls, and good ole fashion slapping.
This is great idea.

Divide the country in half.

The blue states would not have to ship their jobs to china. They would simply move the jobs, factories, industry across the border to the Conservatives who are willing to work.

We would also give you the minority leadership of the senate, and all the other RINOs

After everything is divided, and the blue leeches quit working we would adjust the borders so that we have all the farmland and forests in the east. Democrats dont work anyhow so that land would be free for the taking. And the Democrats not having guns or anything, we could simply slap them like they little bitches that they are, when it comes to land disputes or anything approaching a war.

War, I would love to see their pink brigades, fight. They would need allies, like the french, so they could have guns and such that they give up with the dividing of the state.

We will need a wall around the blue cities, to keep them out of our pristine land and to keep the illegal aliens out. Illegal aliens are not stupid, they will not be living in the blue cities.

The biggest benefit I guess, would be if we went to war, we could wipe them out with water ballons, spit balls, and good ole fashion slapping.
Yeah, just like the last time you people came up with one of your stupid ideas.
So all liberals don't work and all conservatives work tirelessly. Now that is hilarious. I know liberal voting business owners that work hard. Painting with a broad brush never works.
No one is dividing my country. I don't give a shit what fucking color, religion, or political orientation they are. Anyone who tries will be utterly destroyed. Make no mistake.
No one is dividing my country. I don't give a shit what fucking color, religion, or political orientation they are. Anyone who tries will be utterly destroyed. Make no mistake.

Ah heck no, we're doing this, the left are just too fucked up. On topic, Biden says GM is the future of electric cars. They sold 26 elect. vehicles last qtr. :abgg2q.jpg: You can bet they're all turds. Personally I've had enough of opposite day.
So all liberals don't work and all conservatives work tirelessly. Now that is hilarious. I know liberal voting business owners that work hard. Painting with a broad brush never works.
Yep, that is exactly what I said, I painted with a very broad brush. In typical the typical democrat bigoted fashion you applied you projected you stereotyping onto me. Good job.

I work tirelessly, typically 7 days a week, almost every single week of the year. And when I am done working at my job, many days I work at home.

Work, which politicians spoke of bringing jobs back to America? That would be the Republicans, Conservatives. Which politicians said those jobs were not coming back and did not even understand in the least bit how to bring our jobs back, that would be Democrats, Liberals.
We would also give you the minority leadership of the senate, and all the other RINOs

By separation of the country I mean totally. We have our own Congress and they have theirs. We would not work together on anything. Trade? That can be ironed out, but what we need are two completely separate governments, each having their own legislative and judicial branch, and each having their own Constitution which I would suspect the conservatives would keep the one we have now with some minor changes.
You make it sound so simple. I guess we'd be right where we are when the first vote, the one to divide the country fails to pass, which it would.

Hello square one!

It would now because there is not nearly enough support for it. I'm saying that if there was, that's the way we would have to do it.

Were you ever in a bad marriage or know anybody that was? That's the state of our country right now. We are only together for the convenience and miserable at the same time. Like a divorce, too much work, too much time, too much initial sacrifice. But in the end we conservatives would have a much better life, just like the husband or wife in a bad marriage and meet somebody new.

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