Battle of Paris continues


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
The Free French Forces siege of BFM TV has been broken by the Vichy Macronist government, installed by and directed from Brussels, but the Yellow Vests are regrouping and will not capitulate,. French TV stations have been surrounded for over a day now as the people shout "journalists come out". Yeah...its back to that.
I'm looking at American and British traitors here. Sooner or later the people tire of you and your attacks on their nationhood.
The French are finally seeing their real enemy. All over the world people are revolting against the ruling elite and their media enablers.
Donald Trump and Nigel Farage are world heroes for starting this movement..

PressTV-'Yellow Vests' head for French TV stations, protest bias

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What'll it take for Americans to finally fight back?
How far down the hole do Americans have to be pushed before they push back?

What do you think of this video? Any validity to it?
What'll it take for Americans to finally fight back?
How far down the hole do Americans have to be pushed before they push back?

Face it, we just don't have it in us; either that, or we just haven't hit bottom yet. The beauty of our version of capitalism is that we're all set up to compete against one another, variation on the field hand versus house negro theme.
What'll it take for Americans to finally fight back?
How far down the hole do Americans have to be pushed before they push back?

Face it, we just don't have it in us; either that, or we just haven't hit bottom yet. The beauty of our version of capitalism is that we're all set up to compete against one another, variation on the field hand versus house negro theme.

Maybe “not yet” but that’s not all bad. We are speaking of decent citizens who prefer to just let people alone and continue their daily struggle to feed and clothe their families. God bless them.
But Europe leads the US in self destruction. They can’t avoid it now. And finally they are surrounding tv stations as they realize (((who))) did the heavy lifting to bring them to this point.
What'll it take for Americans to finally fight back?
How far down the hole do Americans have to be pushed before they push back?

Face it, we just don't have it in us; either that, or we just haven't hit bottom yet. The beauty of our version of capitalism is that we're all set up to compete against one another, variation on the field hand versus house negro theme.

Maybe “not yet” but that’s not all bad. We are speaking of decent citizens who prefer to just let people alone and continue their daily struggle to feed and clothe their families. God bless them.
But Europe leads the US in self destruction. They can’t avoid it now. And finally they are surrounding tv stations as they realize (((who))) did the heavy lifting to bring them to this point.

I don't really see any substantial differences, still a eurocentric perceptual reality and globalized capitalist exploitation and resource extraction/concentration/redistribution. Of course europe is ahead, america is europe's baby whether she admits it or not.
The Free French Forces siege of BFM TV has been broken by the Vichy Macronist government, installed by and directed from Brussels, but the Yellow Vests are regrouping and will not capitulate,. French TV stations have been surrounded for over a day now as the people shout "journalists come out". Yeah...its back to that.
I'm looking at American and British traitors here. Sooner or later the people tire of you and your attacks on their nationhood.
The French are finally seeing their real enemy. All over the world people are revolting against the ruling elite and their media enablers.
Donald Trump and Nigel Farage are world heroes for starting this movement..

PressTV-'Yellow Vests' head for French TV stations, protest bias

Was that Nigel Farage, or Defarge, and how are his knitting skills?
What'll it take for Americans to finally fight back?
How far down the hole do Americans have to be pushed before they push back?

Face it, we just don't have it in us; either that, or we just haven't hit bottom yet. The beauty of our version of capitalism is that we're all set up to compete against one another, variation on the field hand versus house negro theme.
or we just haven't hit bottom yet.
When the market tanks, because of Nanny Pelosi fucking with US through congressional acts, I think that this will be the turning point and open season on liberals......
or we just haven't hit bottom yet.
When the market tanks, because of Nanny Pelosi fucking with US through congressional acts, I think that this will be the turning point and open season on liberals......

I think it'll take a LOT more than that.
We're already allowing our rights to be taken away, the 2nd Amendment slowly being diluted and weakened, they openly persecute ANY Republican (even the President), they've declared war on our border security, demonized Christianity and totally own the Entertainment industry, flagrantly use the media to portray the opposition as evil bigots, control the Social Networking Industry, the Search Engines, brazenly advocate the public harassment of opposition elected officials and even have our Primary Intelligence and Justice / law Enforcement agencies under their corrupt control.

That's not enough??? They've pretty much wrapped it all up tight as a drum.

I think they would have to take the guns then start gassing Americans before they'd do much more than complain under their breath.
This is just from observation.

Remember a runaway locomotive is far easier to stop as it's just leaving the station than after it's reached top speed.
The Corruption Train has been roaring down the tracks to tyranny for a long time now.
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The Free French Forces siege of BFM TV has been broken by the Vichy Macronist government, installed by and directed from Brussels, but the Yellow Vests are regrouping and will not capitulate,. French TV stations have been surrounded for over a day now as the people shout "journalists come out". Yeah...its back to that.
I'm looking at American and British traitors here. Sooner or later the people tire of you and your attacks on their nationhood.
The French are finally seeing their real enemy. All over the world people are revolting against the ruling elite and their media enablers.
Donald Trump and Nigel Farage are world heroes for starting this movement..

PressTV-'Yellow Vests' head for French TV stations, protest bias

The enemie's name is NWO
What'll it take for Americans to finally fight back?
How far down the hole do Americans have to be pushed before they push back?

Face it, we just don't have it in us; either that, or we just haven't hit bottom yet. The beauty of our version of capitalism is that we're all set up to compete against one another, variation on the field hand versus house negro theme.

We have it in us. But we (1) don't want to believe it and (2) live under an occupying force which has had since 1917 to develop and hone their propaganda techniques. A fish doesn't notice water. And Americans dont notice Cultural Marxism.
I believe that is changing.
What'll it take for Americans to finally fight back?
How far down the hole do Americans have to be pushed before they push back?

What do you think of this video? Any validity to it?

There is a spiritual element here. True they have used the old "population falling" argument over and over. But they only started that after years of pushing divorce, delayed adulthood, birth control, abortion, homosexuality, backbreaking taxes and feminism. And then they say "hey the population is cratering"
Disingenuous. We can reverse a population decline in ONE generation. And nobody should even need any instructions on how to do it.
or we just haven't hit bottom yet.
When the market tanks, because of Nanny Pelosi fucking with US through congressional acts, I think that this will be the turning point and open season on liberals......

I think it'll take a LOT more than that.
We're already allowing our rights to be taken away, the 2nd Amendment slowly being diluted and weakened, they openly persecute ANY Republican (even the President), they've declared war on our border security, demonized Christianity and totally own the Entertainment industry, flagrantly use the media to portray the opposition as evil bigots, control the Social Networking Industry, the Search Engines, brazenly advocate the public harassment of opposition elected officials and even have our Primary Intelligence and Justice / law Enforcement agencies under their corrupt control.

That's not enough??? They've pretty much wrapped it all up tight as a drum.

I think they would have to take the guns then start gassing Americans before they'd do much more than complain under their breath.
This is just from observation.

Remember a runaway locomotive is far easier to stop as it's just leaving the station than after it's reached top speed.
The Corruption Train has been roaring down the tracks to tyranny for a long time now.

If you don't like being portrayed as evil bigots, then quit being evil bigots.
We think about Britain voting to leave the EU and being stopped by elites in coalition with foreign governments. But remember...France voted no as well. They voted "NO" by 55%. It was ignored and they were absorbed into the EU anyhow...and then they were swamped with Muslims.
No more of that voting nonsense from them.

2005 French European Constitution referendum - Wikipedia

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