Bastille Day, 2017


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
President Trump has accepted France's invitation to the 'Défilé du Quatorze Juillet'. This celebrates one of the world's oldest alliances and friendships. Trump and Macron will review the Frence military parade together on the Champs Elysee.
Can't wait to hear his remarks when that day comes....

"Thank you President Micron. Y'know French Republicans built this bastle, and they made the Brits pay for it. Amazing, incredible bastle. The Brits were laughing at 'em. They were laughing! Of course my bastle in New York is much bigger. Many people have said that. Thousands and thousands of people on the rooftops, chanting my name and holding up copies of Time Magazine. It's incredible. I can't wait to tweet about how many French people took off work on a Friday to come out to see me --- almost as many as my inauguration -- and of course all the French women are here to flirt. That's to be expected. But let me tell you more about me....."

President Trump has accepted France's invitation to the 'Défilé du Quatorze Juillet'. This celebrates one of the world's oldest alliances and friendships. Trump and Macron will review the Frence military parade together on the Champs Elysee.
I am glad that President Trump accept the invitation , l'amitié Française et Américaine est très importante:)
President Trump has accepted France's invitation to the 'Défilé du Quatorze Juillet'. This celebrates one of the world's oldest alliances and friendships. Trump and Macron will review the Frence military parade together on the Champs Elysee.
I am glad that President Trump accept the invitation , l'amitié Française et Américaine est très importante:)

Tu sais, il s'appelle "Trompe(r)" non? ;)
The French will have a mock 'storming of the Bastille' and Trump will ride a golf cart in through the front gate. Then he'll look around and say "I'll bet you can lock up a lot of Frogs in here". "I hear the Russians hacked your election too, but you won by 65% of the vote?. Almost as good as I did, did you see my inauguration pics? Most yuuuge crowd ever anywhere, trust me. Bigger than Kim Jong Un." KellyAnne Hookerface will sit down texting spread eagle on the cobblestones in the main entryway and the French will all whisper "Mon dieu! Eau de Javel!"

Macron will later call Merkel and say "thank god for that huge ocean".
It is the 100th anniversary of America's entry into WWI, and French history gives that a special place. It came at a crucial time when Germany was just transferring troops from the Eastern Front after the 'Bolshevik' capitulation.
President Trump has accepted France's invitation to the 'Défilé du Quatorze Juillet'. This celebrates one of the world's oldest alliances and friendships. Trump and Macron will review the Frence military parade together on the Champs Elysee.
You are misinformed as la Fête nationale has nothing to do with a France-USA alliance but is a commemoration of the storming of the Bastille on 14 July (le quatorze juillet) 1789 and la Fête de la Fédération celebrating the unity of the French nation on 14 July 1790.

Although this year is the centenary of the American entry into the Great War which began three years earlier, it sullies the celebration of le quatorze juillet to have invited such an obnoxious low-life as the minority president of the USA who said during a speech at the annual conservative CPAC convention in Maryland that his friend, Jim, would not visit France anymore because it is too dangerous and that "Paris is no longer Paris". Shame of President Macron for insulting the French people by having such a disreputable person as Donald Trump in Paris today.
I have never understood why the French are so enamored of that day when innocent people were slaughtered and initiated the Reign of Terror over their fellow countrymen.

The French Revolution has been the model of every leftwing bloody ascension to power ever since.
President Trump has accepted France's invitation to the 'Défilé du Quatorze Juillet'. This celebrates one of the world's oldest alliances and friendships. Trump and Macron will review the Frence military parade together on the Champs Elysee.
You are misinformed as la Fête nationale has nothing to do with a France-USA alliance but is a commemoration of the storming of the Bastille on 14 July (le quatorze juillet) 1789 and la Fête de la Fédération celebrating the unity of the French nation on 14 July 1790.

Although this year is the centenary of the American entry into the Great War which began three years earlier, it sullies the celebration of le quatorze juillet to have invited such an obnoxious low-life as the minority president of the USA who said during a speech at the annual conservative CPAC convention in Maryland that his friend, Jim, would not visit France anymore because it is too dangerous and that "Paris is no longer Paris". Shame of President Macron for insulting the French people by having such a disreputable person as Donald Trump in Paris today.
You should learn to read in context before jumping to silly conclusions about another's knowledge. Re-read the two posts.
I have never understood why the French are so enamored of that day when innocent people were slaughtered and initiated the Reign of Terror over their fellow countrymen.

The French Revolution has been the model of every leftwing bloody ascension to power ever since.

The day the Bastille was stormed only a few guards died, no 'innocent' people. It was the beginning of a revolution on the same principles as the American, perhaps that's why you don't understand it.
The so-called 'terror' came later, after France was invaded by ruthless enemies and betrayed by ruthless countrymen. No one is 'enamored' of that.
Perhaps you can tell us what the model for the bloody right wing revolutions was, or shouldn't we just assume that revolution risks blood?
I have never understood why the French are so enamored of that day when innocent people were slaughtered and initiated the Reign of Terror over their fellow countrymen.

The French Revolution has been the model of every leftwing bloody ascension to power ever since.

The day the Bastille was stormed only a few guards died, no 'innocent' people. It was the beginning of a revolution on the same principles as the American, perhaps that's why you don't understand it.
The so-called 'terror' came later, after France was invaded by ruthless enemies and betrayed by ruthless countrymen. No one is 'enamored' of that.
Perhaps you can tell us what the model for the bloody right wing revolutions was, or shouldn't we just assume that revolution risks blood?
Emmanuel Macron is basically The Fonz



I have never understood why the French are so enamored of that day when innocent people were slaughtered and initiated the Reign of Terror over their fellow countrymen.

The French Revolution has been the model of every leftwing bloody ascension to power ever since.
May I remind you that the USA was founded on a bloody revolution before the French.
Can't wait to hear his remarks when that day comes....

"Thank you President Micron. Y'know French Republicans built this bastle, and they made the Brits pay for it. Amazing, incredible bastle. The Brits were laughing at 'em. They were laughing! Of course my bastle in New York is much bigger. Many people have said that. Thousands and thousands of people on the rooftops, chanting my name and holding up copies of Time Magazine. It's incredible. I can't wait to tweet about how many French people took off work on a Friday to come out to see me --- almost as many as my inauguration -- and of course all the French women are here to flirt. That's to be expected. But let me tell you more about me....."


Maybe this year muslims won't run over 89 people and injure over 400......that would be nice..right?

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