A Brexiter's view of the world


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
The Brexit people voted to leave the EU without really caring about the consequences. They are people who buy into Nationalism quite easy, and get angry at almost anything which doesn't conform to their view of the world.

The funniest examples are when they demanded that Britain get its sovereignty back. One of the reasons they wanted sovereignty back was because of the high number of immigrants coming into the country, especially Muslims. But what they didn't seem to see was that these people were coming in from OUTSIDE THE EU, which meant it was the British govt letting them in, and not the EU govt. Another issue was the welfare system. They were angry that these people from all over the world and the EU were coming in and getting benefits. What they didn't see was that these people were choosing the UK over all the other countries because the UK govt was willing to hand out these benefits when France (in the EU), Germany (in the EU) etc, were not handing out benefits in this manner. Again, a problem with the UK govt.

But the biggest impact of leaving the EU is the fall of the pound.

Before the Brexit vote the pound was at 1.3 to the Euro, in November 2015 it has been at 1.4 against the Euro.

Sterling tumbles to seven-month low as euro enjoys renewed strength

Here's an article about the pound diving down to 1.26 to the Euro on June 28th. This is a low for the year. There's no denying that this happened. It's fact.

The title of the article is "
Sterling tumbles to seven-month low as euro enjoys renewed strength"

Which again, is fact. There's no opinion there, just pure fact of what has happened.

"Sterling hit a seven-month low to the euro on Wednesday, "

Again, fact, this is a low that hasn't been since since November, a ten year old would easily be able to see this is the case.

"Just before UK markets opened, sterling was 0.3 per cent lower at 88.8 pence per euro, its lowest level since November 9. Meanwhile, against the dollar, sterling was less than 0.1 per cent higher at $1.28."

Again, more FACTS.

But this is what the Brexit people had to say about this:

D Enny said: "More Utter garbage from Yahoo the pound had one of its best days today against the Euro and the Dollar they must think people don't follow the markets"

"Utter garbage", hmm... presenting the facts is garbage. How is that the case? How it is possible to simply state the facts and then get told it's garbage? The pound did rise after this. It rose to 1.139, but it was higher on the 23rd June, and it went up, and then settled back down to more or less the same level it's been for about the last week or so.

He says that people must think they don't follow the markets. Well anyone who follows the markets will see that the pound hit a seven month low against the Euro.

steve wrote: "The stupid woman who wrote this must have had the same maths teacher as Diane Abbott."

Yes, the woman who wrote a factual article is a "stupid woman", instead of an actual opinion, the guy just attacked.

Laurence wrote: "So, Harry, the £ was lower in November 2016 and the sky didn't fall in then either, did it?"

Somehow seeming to think that as long as the sky doesn't fall in, then everything is okay. The pound could fall to 0.001 against the Euro and he'd still be happy because the sky is still there.

Reasonable Howard said: "I saw the headline and thought it has to be a Yahoo or Reuters article."

Another typically right wing way of dealing with things that are uncomfortable for them. Attacking the press. The article probably is a yahoo or Reuters article, seeing as he's on yahoo's page and saw the headline. But blame the press. Yes, let's blame the press for the pound being so low, don't blame the voters who voted to leave the EU which caused the pound to drop this low. Very typical tactics.

sam wrote: "Get used to it yahoo. We are leaving the EU! Your negative contributions only serve to make it worse and then you will take the blame. Just like the anti-Britain BBC, Sky and Guardian!"

Apparently anything that is negative against Brexit is "anti-British". Brexit is amazing and if the pound has dropped it's everyone else's fault but the voters who voted for it's fault. It's the media's fault especially. They learned from Trump, or did Trump learn from them.

Either way you see all this nonsense. These people would have the media report only positive things about Brexit. Anything positive that does get reported is proof that Brexit is great. The first example of a guy who said the Pound had a great day. It was only "great" because it went down to a low and then sprang up from that low.

Sterling surges, FTSE falls on Carney rate hike signal

Here's an article that is about the opposite.

Sterling surges, FTSE falls on Carney rate hike signal"

From a day later, it's a Reuters article. Yeah, these Brexit people see Reuters and Yahoo as only saying bad stuff, and then when it's good, what then? Only four comments and none of them are criticizing Yahoo or Reuters. Why? Because the Brexiters don't have the need to attack any more.

It's quite tiring, and you'd have to assume that for ordinary sensible people from the UK who see this nonsense from these people, and know that it's this sort of "logic", or lack of, are the ones who caused this mess in the first place.
and the take away for me is simply that the English , British or UK government or whatever it is is the traitor to its own people . Same goes for the USA , maybe not as bad as the 'euros' and english but bad under mrobama and hopefully better under Trump . [i only read the first 2 paragraphs Frigid ]
The Brexit people voted to leave the EU without really caring about the consequences. They are people who buy into Nationalism quite easy, and get angry at almost anything which doesn't conform to their view of the world.

The funniest examples are when they demanded that Britain get its sovereignty back. One of the reasons they wanted sovereignty back was because of the high number of immigrants coming into the country, especially Muslims. But what they didn't seem to see was that these people were coming in from OUTSIDE THE EU, which meant it was the British govt letting them in, and not the EU govt. Another issue was the welfare system. They were angry that these people from all over the world and the EU were coming in and getting benefits. What they didn't see was that these people were choosing the UK over all the other countries because the UK govt was willing to hand out these benefits when France (in the EU), Germany (in the EU) etc, were not handing out benefits in this manner. Again, a problem with the UK govt.

But the biggest impact of leaving the EU is the fall of the pound.

Before the Brexit vote the pound was at 1.3 to the Euro, in November 2015 it has been at 1.4 against the Euro.

Sterling tumbles to seven-month low as euro enjoys renewed strength

Here's an article about the pound diving down to 1.26 to the Euro on June 28th. This is a low for the year. There's no denying that this happened. It's fact.

The title of the article is "
Sterling tumbles to seven-month low as euro enjoys renewed strength"

Which again, is fact. There's no opinion there, just pure fact of what has happened.

"Sterling hit a seven-month low to the euro on Wednesday, "

Again, fact, this is a low that hasn't been since since November, a ten year old would easily be able to see this is the case.

"Just before UK markets opened, sterling was 0.3 per cent lower at 88.8 pence per euro, its lowest level since November 9. Meanwhile, against the dollar, sterling was less than 0.1 per cent higher at $1.28."

Again, more FACTS.

But this is what the Brexit people had to say about this:

D Enny said: "More Utter garbage from Yahoo the pound had one of its best days today against the Euro and the Dollar they must think people don't follow the markets"

"Utter garbage", hmm... presenting the facts is garbage. How is that the case? How it is possible to simply state the facts and then get told it's garbage? The pound did rise after this. It rose to 1.139, but it was higher on the 23rd June, and it went up, and then settled back down to more or less the same level it's been for about the last week or so.

He says that people must think they don't follow the markets. Well anyone who follows the markets will see that the pound hit a seven month low against the Euro.

steve wrote: "The stupid woman who wrote this must have had the same maths teacher as Diane Abbott."

Yes, the woman who wrote a factual article is a "stupid woman", instead of an actual opinion, the guy just attacked.

Laurence wrote: "So, Harry, the £ was lower in November 2016 and the sky didn't fall in then either, did it?"

Somehow seeming to think that as long as the sky doesn't fall in, then everything is okay. The pound could fall to 0.001 against the Euro and he'd still be happy because the sky is still there.

Reasonable Howard said: "I saw the headline and thought it has to be a Yahoo or Reuters article."

Another typically right wing way of dealing with things that are uncomfortable for them. Attacking the press. The article probably is a yahoo or Reuters article, seeing as he's on yahoo's page and saw the headline. But blame the press. Yes, let's blame the press for the pound being so low, don't blame the voters who voted to leave the EU which caused the pound to drop this low. Very typical tactics.

sam wrote: "Get used to it yahoo. We are leaving the EU! Your negative contributions only serve to make it worse and then you will take the blame. Just like the anti-Britain BBC, Sky and Guardian!"

Apparently anything that is negative against Brexit is "anti-British". Brexit is amazing and if the pound has dropped it's everyone else's fault but the voters who voted for it's fault. It's the media's fault especially. They learned from Trump, or did Trump learn from them.

Either way you see all this nonsense. These people would have the media report only positive things about Brexit. Anything positive that does get reported is proof that Brexit is great. The first example of a guy who said the Pound had a great day. It was only "great" because it went down to a low and then sprang up from that low.

Sterling surges, FTSE falls on Carney rate hike signal

Here's an article that is about the opposite.

Sterling surges, FTSE falls on Carney rate hike signal"

From a day later, it's a Reuters article. Yeah, these Brexit people see Reuters and Yahoo as only saying bad stuff, and then when it's good, what then? Only four comments and none of them are criticizing Yahoo or Reuters. Why? Because the Brexiters don't have the need to attack any more.

It's quite tiring, and you'd have to assume that for ordinary sensible people from the UK who see this nonsense from these people, and know that it's this sort of "logic", or lack of, are the ones who caused this mess in the first place.

Welcome to my world...the lunatics are running the asylum.
Winning ...


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