Barack Obama Broke Laws To Swap Five Taliban Leaders For Bowe Bergdahl


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Investigation: Barack Obama Broke Laws To Swap Five Taliban Leaders For Bowe Bergdahl

1. "Barack Obama Broke Laws To Swap Five Taliban Leaders For Bowe Bergdahl"
This is a LIE! The Taliban 5 were never EVER swapped for the release of Bowe Bergdahl!
- Although they are loosely connected / related, the group that held Bergdahl does NOT like the Taliban. They never EVER asked for the release of the Taliban 5. They demanded a RANSOM for Bergdahl. Their 'M.O.' is kidnapping and ransoming some people to fund their activities.
- The release of the Taliban 5 was part of his continued INDIVIDUAL effort to keep a campaign promise almost NO ONE wanted him to keep - the closing of Gitmo, by-passing Congress to do so. Obama had been ... is STILL ... releasing terrorists from GITMO...quietly. The Taliban 5, however, were simply too big to release by themselves. Bowe Bergdahl was the perfect ruse / excuse to release them. Pushing a creed he doesn't truly believe in ('Never leave a man behind') Obama PAID the group holding Bergdahl and released the Talban 5.

(THINK about it: Aside from all of what I just pointed out, Obama did not release the 5 to the terrorists holding Bergdahl. When is the last time you heard of a 'prisoner exchange' where there was NO EXCHANGE? The terrorists holding Bergdahl did not get the Taliban 5 in the exchange - the 5 were not delivered to THEM. There was NO CONTACT between the 5 and the guys holding Bergdahl at all...none during negotiations and none AFTER their release. The 5 were instead 'dropped off' in Qatar, an 'allied' country that we KNOW supports terrorism. The group holding Bergdahl took their money and went merrily on their way, not giving a flying frick about the 5.)

2. "Barack Obama Broke Laws To Swap Five Taliban Leaders For Bowe Bergdahl"

NO SHIT...but that really isn't a surprise to anyone, even to those who defend him (yet they would never say so).

Obama was required to give Congress a 30-Day notice / heads-up of the deal, the 'swap'. He refused to do so. He intentionally refused to - broke the law / Violated the Constitution and went around Congress on his own for the same reason he took the nation to war in Libya on his own without ever going to Congress before doing so: HE KNEW THERE WAS NO WAY IN HELL HE WOULD BE ABLE TO JUSTIFY HIS ACTIONS AND SELL THEM ON THE IDEA. His actions violated 'Separation of Powers' despite the WH unbelievably WRONG is declaring Obama had the Constitutional Authority to 'do what is required to keep Americans safe'. It was a 'patriotic plea' that did / does not stand up to the Constitution, specifically, again, to the 'Separation of Power'!

The Obama administration - Obama - illegally used DoD / military funds to make the whole thing happen. According to the Government Accountability Office report, "the DoD wrongly used $988,400 from a wartime appropriations to facilitate the transfer". The WH responded by declaring “We strongly disagree with GAO’s conclusion, and we reject the implication that the administration acted unlawfully.”

Yeah, that's tantamount to:

Cop: "Sir, you just broke the law.
Crook: "I strongly disagree, and I REJECT your accusation. Now if you will excuse me, I have to be going..."

We don't leave Americans overseas nitwit.

I'll let Ambassador Steven's widow and family know that!

When EVERY foreign country that had reps in Benghazi were pulling THEIR people out because of the threats and that it was too dangerous to chance, OUR President and Sect of State was denying Stevens' 600 requests for additional security, taking away 16 members of his security detail - after 2 previous attacks on his compound, and eventually left him there to die instead of taking him out like every other country did with their people!

In this case, bringing home your people NEEDLESSLY IN BODY BAGS AFTER THE FACT doesn't count.
We should close Gitmo it's super expensive probably the most expensive present in the world.
No laws were broken.

Barack Obama Broke Laws To Swap Five Taliban Leaders For Bowe Bergdahl
We should close Gitmo it's super expensive probably the most expensive present in the world.
True...we should release them all back into the world to resume their terrorist activities, the murder of innocents, and attacks on US military and citizens.

Their own countries don't want them; however, that should not make them our problem. I think we should find out what country they belong to, strap parachutes on them, and drop them out of a plane over their nations' capitols with a note attached to them that states 'Return to Sender - Your Problem, Not Mine'. I would warn them 1st, after having made a record of who they are, that the next time they are caught participating in terrorist activities there will be NO imprisonment. They will be killed on the spot....'trying to escape', of course.
... because there is no evidence that the Commander in Chief is limited by Congress in authorizing prisoner trades. He runs the war; Congress merely funds it.
As pointed out in the article, the WH - OBAMA - was required by law to notify Congress of the swap 30 days prior to the event (which AGAIN was NOT a 'swap'). Also, again in the article, the GAO pointed out that funds were used ILLEGALLY.

Simply saying, 'I disagree with you and say I did not break the law', which is what Obama did, does not negate the law.
... because there is no evidence that the Commander in Chief is limited by Congress in authorizing prisoner trades. He runs the war; Congress merely funds it.
As pointed out in the article, the WH - OBAMA - was required by law to notify Congress of the swap 30 days prior to the event (which AGAIN was NOT a 'swap'). Also, again in the article, the GAO pointed out that funds were used ILLEGALLY.

Simply saying, 'I disagree with you and say I did not break the law', which is what Obama did, does not negate the law.
So what. The CiC in times of war has powers that are not limited by Congressional action. You can say he broke the law, and so what.
So what. The CiC in times of war has powers that are not limited by Congressional action. You can say he broke the law, and so what.
The CiC's powers ARE limited by the Constitution....and whether we are officially 'at war' is extremely debatable.
So what. The CiC in times of war has powers that are not limited by Congressional action. You can say he broke the law, and so what.
The CiC's powers ARE limited by the Constitution....and whether we are officially 'at war' is extremely debatable.
Your opinion is incorrect. The president, in times of war, is cloaked with immense power. The only limit Congress has on the pres is overriding a veto and impeachment and withholding funds.
We should close Gitmo it's super expensive probably the most expensive present in the world.
I think we should give all of those enemy combatants the same trial they give us.
LINK: Investigation: Barack Obama Broke Laws To Swap Five Taliban Leaders For Bowe Bergdahl

1. "Barack Obama Broke Laws To Swap Five Taliban Leaders For Bowe Bergdahl"
This is a LIE! The Taliban 5 were never EVER swapped for the release of Bowe Bergdahl!
- Although they are loosely connected / related, the group that held Bergdahl does NOT like the Taliban. They never EVER asked for the release of the Taliban 5. They demanded a RANSOM for Bergdahl. Their 'M.O.' is kidnapping and ransoming some people to fund their activities.
- The release of the Taliban 5 was part of his continued INDIVIDUAL effort to keep a campaign promise almost NO ONE wanted him to keep - the closing of Gitmo, by-passing Congress to do so. Obama had been ... is STILL ... releasing terrorists from GITMO...quietly. The Taliban 5, however, were simply too big to release by themselves. Bowe Bergdahl was the perfect ruse / excuse to release them. Pushing a creed he doesn't truly believe in ('Never leave a man behind') Obama PAID the group holding Bergdahl and released the Talban 5.

(THINK about it: Aside from all of what I just pointed out, Obama did not release the 5 to the terrorists holding Bergdahl. When is the last time you heard of a 'prisoner exchange' where there was NO EXCHANGE? The terrorists holding Bergdahl did not get the Taliban 5 in the exchange - the 5 were not delivered to THEM. There was NO CONTACT between the 5 and the guys holding Bergdahl at all...none during negotiations and none AFTER their release. The 5 were instead 'dropped off' in Qatar, an 'allied' country that we KNOW supports terrorism. The group holding Bergdahl took their money and went merrily on their way, not giving a flying frick about the 5.)

2. "Barack Obama Broke Laws To Swap Five Taliban Leaders For Bowe Bergdahl"

NO SHIT...but that really isn't a surprise to anyone, even to those who defend him (yet they would never say so).

Obama was required to give Congress a 30-Day notice / heads-up of the deal, the 'swap'. He refused to do so. He intentionally refused to - broke the law / Violated the Constitution and went around Congress on his own for the same reason he took the nation to war in Libya on his own without ever going to Congress before doing so: HE KNEW THERE WAS NO WAY IN HELL HE WOULD BE ABLE TO JUSTIFY HIS ACTIONS AND SELL THEM ON THE IDEA. His actions violated 'Separation of Powers' despite the WH unbelievably WRONG is declaring Obama had the Constitutional Authority to 'do what is required to keep Americans safe'. It was a 'patriotic plea' that did / does not stand up to the Constitution, specifically, again, to the 'Separation of Power'!

The Obama administration - Obama - illegally used DoD / military funds to make the whole thing happen. According to the Government Accountability Office report, "the DoD wrongly used $988,400 from a wartime appropriations to facilitate the transfer". The WH responded by declaring “We strongly disagree with GAO’s conclusion, and we reject the implication that the administration acted unlawfully.”

Yeah, that's tantamount to:

Cop: "Sir, you just broke the law.
Crook: "I strongly disagree, and I REJECT your accusation. Now if you will excuse me, I have to be going..."
Trading for Bergdahl was the biggest mistake. We should have bombed where they were holding him. Blew him up for going AWOL. He cost the USA so much. He's lucky he isn't in the brig.

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