Bain sent American jobs overseas

Why would Romknee want to "distance himself from Bain"?
It's successes far outweigh any perceived failures.
Give me a guy with business experience and savvy over some silver-tongued hack from Chicago any day.
Mitt Romney should disclose 10 years of his tax returns. He should disclose exactly how much personal wealth he achieved through investments in firms that destroyed American jobs. He should disclose exactly how many offshore accounts he used, in Swiss banks and the Cayman Islands, and any other tricks his highly paid advisers found for Mitt to minimize his taxes, for his profits from destroying American jobs.

The Romney tax return cover-up must end.

Romney cover-up of his tax returns, offshore tax shelters and outsourcing profits must end - The Hill's Pundits Blog

So if Romney's obligated to disclose his personal information to disprove random accusations of people who disagree with him politically, shouldn't president Obama likewise be required to release his school records to disprove claims that he had shitty grades in high school while smoking pakalolo, but still got into top colleges by claiming foreign birth? I'm not even a birther, but it seems to me that if we're going to say presidential candidates are obligated to release documents that aren't the public's business in order to disprove accusations by political opponents, we ought to be fair about it. Not only fair, we ought to be fast about it, too. Get this shit out of the way. And we should be thorough. . . furiously thorough. We ought to be Fast and Furious about making them disclose private information to disprove accusations!

Now, as to the original topic, REALLY!? With all the political shit you could blast Romney on, you choose -this-? When Bain was cleaning up struggling business models, their primary purpose wasn't the glory of the republic, but only to make money by turning that business model profitable? You mean their mission statement wasn't, "For the people!"? Damn it, when will these business people learn that the purpose of an industry is to give people jobs, not to make products and profits!?

that's just... different.
That may be true but GE, one of Obama buddies shipped their jobs over seas and paid no tax. As long as they can keep us fighting with each other nothing will get done.
Mitt Romney’s financial company, Bain Capital, invested in a series of firms that specialized in relocating jobs done by American workers to new facilities in low-wage countries like China and India.

During the nearly 15 years that Romney was actively involved in running Bain, a private equity firm that he founded, it owned companies that were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories making computer components, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Romney campaign officials repeatedly declined requests to comment on Bain’s record of investing in outsourcing firms during the Romney era.

Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas - The Washington Post

Study confirms Romney

Romney's Bain Capital Pioneered Shipping American Jobs Overseas

I guess Romney wanted American jobs located overseas, with his money?

Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas

Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas - The Washington Post

During the nearly 15 years that Romney was actively involved in running Bain, a private equity firm that he founded, it owned companies that were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories making computer components, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Jesus, this is deja vu
Romney's Bain Capital Pioneered Shipping American Jobs Overseas

CaféAuLait;5498442 said:

Study confirms Romney

Mitt Romney claims in every speech that he “knows how to create jobs.” Critics claim that Romney created jobs ‘overseas’. A study by the Washington Post released Thursday confirms that when Romney ran Bain Capital, it did indeed invest in companies that outsourced jobs overseas. In fact, Romney’s Bain was a pioneer in outsourcing.

Study confirms Romney

Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas - The Washington Post

During the nearly 15 years that Romney was actively involved in running Bain, a private equity firm that he founded, it owned companies that were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories making computer components, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas - The Washington Post
Not as many as your Dear Leader's 'Jobs Czar' Jeffrey Immelt has. GE has shipped Thousands & Thousands of American Jobs overseas.
Why would Romknee want to "distance himself from Bain"?
It's successes far outweigh any perceived failures.
Give me a guy with business experience and savvy over some silver-tongued hack from Chicago any day.

yep, even slick Willie said he was a successful business man. He'll get my vote.
Barry Hussein Obama never had a real job that wasn't paid by the taxpayers or stealing from some endowment fund. He never met a payroll and he never had to deal with all the responsibilities that small businesses and corporate CEO's do every day. Mitt Romney worked within the system, met payrolls, paid taxes and made millions. Which one is more qualified to be president?
CaféAuLait;5497943 said:
In your haste to post this story, I guess you miss all the other threads discussing the same?

We have Obama’s jobs czar, Jeff Immelt that outsourced jobs and then there is Obama who has spent US tax dollars to train overseas workers.

Obama trains IT workers using taxpayer dollars:

U.S. To Train 3,000 Offshore IT Workers - Software - Application integration/middleware - Informationweek

Now It's Armenia: USAID Funds IT In Eurasia - Storage - Disaster recovery/business continuity - Informationweek
You beat me to this one well done.
Barry Hussein Obama never had a real job that wasn't paid by the taxpayers or stealing from some endowment fund. He never met a payroll and he never had to deal with all the responsibilities that small businesses and corporate CEO's do every day. Mitt Romney worked within the system, met payrolls, paid taxes and made millions. Which one is more qualified to be president?

the one that was elected as President and who in less than two years curtailed the 07-09 Republican Great Recession in June of 09 and is responsible for positive GDP for each quarter from that time to the present.
That may be true but GE, one of Obama buddies shipped their jobs over seas and paid no tax. As long as they can keep us fighting with each other nothing will get done.

What in the whacky world of right wing lunacy are you talkin' bout?

Big O's Jobs Czar Jeffrey Immelt. I'm not surprised you don't know about him, he's a Democrat.
Our standard of living has priced us out of many industries. Whether it is minimum wage or benefits or taxes, we have priced our labor above that of other countries. As technology make the shipment of items and services cheaper there are fewer and fewer reasons to do business in a country with such high costs for labor. 20 years ago there were significant benefits to doing business primarily in the US. First was security. You had no guarantee (in fact it was highly likely) that your facilities were not going to be confiscated by many of the governments around the world. Second was cost. Overseas tech support, for example, was not practical when telecommunications costs were over $1.00/minute to call to many overseas countries.

Now the US labor does not offer the same bargain that it did 20 years ago. There are a lot of "industrialized" nations in the world and a lot of former "third world countries" have advanced to the point that there is no where near the risk that something bad will happen to your investment. As demands for healthcare benefits and taxes continue to rise it just doesn't make sense to do a lot of business here in the US. At some point the market will reset. I'm not sure how exactly this will happen but as technology unfolds it is not unlikely that we will see houses shipped to the US from overseas locations and assembled in a matter of days instead of the weeks that it takes to build a house here.

We are at a cross roads in my opinion. We either need to relax regulations/taxes/wages or we will face ever increasing unemployment. While people like to blame Obama (and I'm not a fan at all) for the unemployment rate it isn't his fault. More and more people are getting higher education and personal debt is skyrocketing. That makes labor more expensive because if you go get a degree in History you cannot work for $10.00/hr. There are only so many jobs which require a History degree (most of them involve teaching and usually require something higher than a bachelors degree). This is all a serious problem and while everyone continues to blame one of the parties both are at fault. The entire system is broken.

Obama's job czar Jeff Immelt showed a lot of skill in outsourcing jobs to.

Romney and Bain ::: During the nearly 15 years that Romney was actively involved in running Bain, a private equity firm that he founded, it owned companies that were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories making computer components, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas - The Washington Post
Obama's job czar Jeff Immelt showed a lot of skill in outsourcing jobs to.

Romney and Bain ::: During the nearly 15 years that Romney was actively involved in running Bain, a private equity firm that he founded, it owned companies that were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories making computer components, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas - The Washington Post

And that changes the fact that Obama's man Jeff Immelt shipped jobs overseas how? If job outsourcing truly upsets you then Obama appointing a man who outsourced jobs as his job czar should bother you as much as Bane should it not?
A company like Bain capital only makes money by sending jobs over seas if the company it takes over is running inefficiently. The resources being poured into the company are being wasted by putting them towards that company. If a company is salvageable it is in Bain's interest to fix the company and sell it off. In the case of many companies in the US it is simply more efficient to redirect the capital tied up in that company to other uses.

I will give Romney the credit that as a businessman who runs a profitable business that makes money for it's investors he may very well be worth the large salary he earned and a good investment. He may very well be a great businessman.

That being said the government is not a business by a long shot. There are lots of time the government does many things that are not directly profitable and even are done at a large loss that is never returned. Government is not a business and the concerns of the people the government represents may often run directly contrary to the concerns of business.

Mitt Romney being a great businessman does not speak anything about how well he will do as the person running large portions of the enforcement section of the government, and probably speaks negatively as to his qualifications for the position. As a businessman it is a wise decision to see out less expensive foreign alternatives to US labor. As a businessman it makes sense to cut corners and not provide health care and safety regulations for your common easy to replace workers. As a businessman it makes sense to hide money and practice shady deals which push legal boundaries, or perhaps even break them while you never get caught. It may even be profitable to outright break things like environmental laws and suffer fines which may be far less than the cost of obeying such things. As a businessman Romney made decisions that were good for investors, though they may be morally and legally wrong. This is why Romney's time at Bain capital is relevant in showing why a person of his lacing morals and legal standing is not a person you want anywhere near the office of president.

Not to mention the president and other elected officials often do not have the same choices available to a business person. You cannot outsource firefighters, police, elected officials, military people, and security people. You often have to take losses to improve the lives of the people around. It may make great financial sense to cut off social programs like social security, education, and public safety, but the effects of doing so may be catastrophic to your society in lowering quality of life, enadangering public safety, and weakening your country's workforce.

Also, it may not be a detriment to have a guy who is gullible enough to believe he is an alien diety as long as he sends the LDS some donations, or that black people are the offspring of satan, but do we really want a wacko who takes his religion litterally especially when it says such outlandish and crazy things based on the word of a known con man? It is perfectly legal to believe in LRH and the teachings of scientologists who also believe in galactic fedarations based on the teachings of a man who was a known criminal, but are you going to put that person in charge of your country? There is a difference between having the right to believe in anything you want philisophically, and putting a gullible cult member in charge of your country. Just because you allow belief does not mean you should put the mentally feeble in charge of your government.
Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas

Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas - The Washington Post

During the nearly 15 years that Romney was actively involved in running Bain, a private equity firm that he founded, it owned companies that were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories making computer components, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


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