Bad News For Coup Crew Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Bad News For Coup Crew
Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months

Bad News For Coup Crew – Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months… | The Last Refuge
20 Dec 19
Merry Christmas. The intercept is reporting that former NSA Director, Admiral Mike Rogers, has been working with U.S. Attorney John Durham for several months during his investigation into the origin of the 2016 intelligence operation against candidate Trump. This is particularly important because NSA Director Mike Rogers’ knowledge is at the epicenter of the origination of almost everything related to the FBI data-surveillance that was happening in 2015 and 2016.
(Via Intercept) [] Retired Adm. Michael Rogers, former director of the National Security Agency, has been cooperating with the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump presidential campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, according to four people familiar with Rogers’s participation. Rogers has met the prosecutor leading the probe, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, on multiple occasions, according to two people familiar with Rogers’s cooperation. Now, it’s all out in the open and no longer subject to opinion. After the DOJ inspector general informs, positively affirms, Judge Collyer was purposely misled into cooperating with, and authorizing, a fraudulent FBI investigation…. well, now Collyer is also likely rethinking those Trump Tower searches Director Rogers told her about back in 2016.

Now, it’s all out in the open and no longer subject to opinion. Admiral Rogers is voluntarily assisting I.G. Durham.
It appears that Brennan and Clapper will soon be questioned by Durham. If Durham has flipped anyone of importance it has to make the 44th president, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, and the rest of the co-conspirators of the failed coup d' etat more than a bit jittery. Perhaps Barry’s biggest mistake was hiring a patriot who was not a long-time loyalist, and who could not be counted on to maintain the Obama Code of Omerta. No doubt there are others that will turn to assist in this investigation.
In other news Presiding FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer will step down after public rebuke of FBI citing health issues. Judge Collyer has no choice but to leave. She was an integral part of this whole saga whether she knew or not. She has no credibility as a sitting judge any longer. All she can do is place a few shots at the sinking ship and try to claim she stopped its progress. She will be remembered as the FISA Judge who allowed this all to happen and continue on her watch..
It's like the bow lookouts searching for icebergs on the Titanic. They didn’t recognize the hazard until it was too late and their fate was already sealed. She is abandoning ship.
When we notice that the culprits in Cross Fire Hurricane/Spygate have not been even charged but Roger Stone was arrested before dawn by what looked like a SWAT team and punished sternly for relatively minor infractions, we can’t help noticing that something terribly wrong is going on in the federal government.
The only logical explanation I can see for all those “random” errors and mistakes that are directed in the same direction is that a powerful clique has already weaponized large part of the federal government to advance their egoistic political nefarious agenda.
Now it's being said that Joseph Mifsud is no longer with the living. His wallet and passport were found by police in a picturesque coastal town in Madeira, a Portuguese island off the coast of Morocco. You have to wonder what happened to him? Italian news outlet Il Giornale []Pagina non trovata - suggested that according to sources within the Agrigento Public Prosecution office, Mifsud is believed to be dead. Hmmm..?
Bad News For Coup Crew
Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months

Bad News For Coup Crew – Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months… | The Last Refuge
20 Dec 19
Merry Christmas. The intercept is reporting that former NSA Director, Admiral Mike Rogers, has been working with U.S. Attorney John Durham for several months during his investigation into the origin of the 2016 intelligence operation against candidate Trump. This is particularly important because NSA Director Mike Rogers’ knowledge is at the epicenter of the origination of almost everything related to the FBI data-surveillance that was happening in 2015 and 2016.
(Via Intercept) [] Retired Adm. Michael Rogers, former director of the National Security Agency, has been cooperating with the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump presidential campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, according to four people familiar with Rogers’s participation. Rogers has met the prosecutor leading the probe, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, on multiple occasions, according to two people familiar with Rogers’s cooperation. Now, it’s all out in the open and no longer subject to opinion. After the DOJ inspector general informs, positively affirms, Judge Collyer was purposely misled into cooperating with, and authorizing, a fraudulent FBI investigation…. well, now Collyer is also likely rethinking those Trump Tower searches Director Rogers told her about back in 2016.

Now, it’s all out in the open and no longer subject to opinion. Admiral Rogers is voluntarily assisting I.G. Durham.
It appears that Brennan and Clapper will soon be questioned by Durham. If Durham has flipped anyone of importance it has to make the 44th president, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, and the rest of the co-conspirators of the failed coup d' etat more than a bit jittery. Perhaps Barry’s biggest mistake was hiring a patriot who was not a long-time loyalist, and who could not be counted on to maintain the Obama Code of Omerta. No doubt there are others that will turn to assist in this investigation.
In other news Presiding FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer will step down after public rebuke of FBI citing health issues. Judge Collyer has no choice but to leave. She was an integral part of this whole saga whether she knew or not. She has no credibility as a sitting judge any longer. All she can do is place a few shots at the sinking ship and try to claim she stopped its progress. She will be remembered as the FISA Judge who allowed this all to happen and continue on her watch..
It's like the bow lookouts searching for icebergs on the Titanic. They didn’t recognize the hazard until it was too late and their fate was already sealed. She is abandoning ship.
When we notice that the culprits in Cross Fire Hurricane/Spygate have not been even charged but Roger Stone was arrested before dawn by what looked like a SWAT team and punished sternly for relatively minor infractions, we can’t help noticing that something terribly wrong is going on in the federal government.
The only logical explanation I can see for all those “random” errors and mistakes that are directed in the same direction is that a powerful clique has already weaponized large part of the federal government to advance their egoistic political nefarious agenda.
Now it's being said that Joseph Mifsud is no longer with the living. His wallet and passport were found by police in a picturesque coastal town in Madeira, a Portuguese island off the coast of Morocco. You have to wonder what happened to him? Italian news outlet Il Giornale []Pagina non trovata - suggested that according to sources within the Agrigento Public Prosecution office, Mifsud is believed to be dead. Hmmm..?

That guy ain't dead.
Bad News For Coup Crew
Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months

Bad News For Coup Crew – Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months… | The Last Refuge
20 Dec 19
Merry Christmas. The intercept is reporting that former NSA Director, Admiral Mike Rogers, has been working with U.S. Attorney John Durham for several months during his investigation into the origin of the 2016 intelligence operation against candidate Trump. This is particularly important because NSA Director Mike Rogers’ knowledge is at the epicenter of the origination of almost everything related to the FBI data-surveillance that was happening in 2015 and 2016.
(Via Intercept) [] Retired Adm. Michael Rogers, former director of the National Security Agency, has been cooperating with the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump presidential campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, according to four people familiar with Rogers’s participation. Rogers has met the prosecutor leading the probe, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, on multiple occasions, according to two people familiar with Rogers’s cooperation. Now, it’s all out in the open and no longer subject to opinion. After the DOJ inspector general informs, positively affirms, Judge Collyer was purposely misled into cooperating with, and authorizing, a fraudulent FBI investigation…. well, now Collyer is also likely rethinking those Trump Tower searches Director Rogers told her about back in 2016.

Now, it’s all out in the open and no longer subject to opinion. Admiral Rogers is voluntarily assisting I.G. Durham.
It appears that Brennan and Clapper will soon be questioned by Durham. If Durham has flipped anyone of importance it has to make the 44th president, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, and the rest of the co-conspirators of the failed coup d' etat more than a bit jittery. Perhaps Barry’s biggest mistake was hiring a patriot who was not a long-time loyalist, and who could not be counted on to maintain the Obama Code of Omerta. No doubt there are others that will turn to assist in this investigation.
In other news Presiding FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer will step down after public rebuke of FBI citing health issues. Judge Collyer has no choice but to leave. She was an integral part of this whole saga whether she knew or not. She has no credibility as a sitting judge any longer. All she can do is place a few shots at the sinking ship and try to claim she stopped its progress. She will be remembered as the FISA Judge who allowed this all to happen and continue on her watch..
It's like the bow lookouts searching for icebergs on the Titanic. They didn’t recognize the hazard until it was too late and their fate was already sealed. She is abandoning ship.
When we notice that the culprits in Cross Fire Hurricane/Spygate have not been even charged but Roger Stone was arrested before dawn by what looked like a SWAT team and punished sternly for relatively minor infractions, we can’t help noticing that something terribly wrong is going on in the federal government.
The only logical explanation I can see for all those “random” errors and mistakes that are directed in the same direction is that a powerful clique has already weaponized large part of the federal government to advance their egoistic political nefarious agenda.
Now it's being said that Joseph Mifsud is no longer with the living. His wallet and passport were found by police in a picturesque coastal town in Madeira, a Portuguese island off the coast of Morocco. You have to wonder what happened to him? Italian news outlet Il Giornale []Pagina non trovata - suggested that according to sources within the Agrigento Public Prosecution office, Mifsud is believed to be dead. Hmmm..?

That guy ain't dead.

Hmm...., from your Computer to God's email address. There's no doubt Mifsud's wallet and Passport were deliberately left at the airport. If he hasn't been killed yet, those that wish him so will still be looking for him to silence him.
Bad News For Coup Crew
Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months

Bad News For Coup Crew – Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months… | The Last Refuge
20 Dec 19
Merry Christmas. The intercept is reporting that former NSA Director, Admiral Mike Rogers, has been working with U.S. Attorney John Durham for several months during his investigation into the origin of the 2016 intelligence operation against candidate Trump. This is particularly important because NSA Director Mike Rogers’ knowledge is at the epicenter of the origination of almost everything related to the FBI data-surveillance that was happening in 2015 and 2016.
(Via Intercept) [] Retired Adm. Michael Rogers, former director of the National Security Agency, has been cooperating with the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump presidential campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, according to four people familiar with Rogers’s participation. Rogers has met the prosecutor leading the probe, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, on multiple occasions, according to two people familiar with Rogers’s cooperation. Now, it’s all out in the open and no longer subject to opinion. After the DOJ inspector general informs, positively affirms, Judge Collyer was purposely misled into cooperating with, and authorizing, a fraudulent FBI investigation…. well, now Collyer is also likely rethinking those Trump Tower searches Director Rogers told her about back in 2016.

Now, it’s all out in the open and no longer subject to opinion. Admiral Rogers is voluntarily assisting I.G. Durham.
It appears that Brennan and Clapper will soon be questioned by Durham. If Durham has flipped anyone of importance it has to make the 44th president, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, and the rest of the co-conspirators of the failed coup d' etat more than a bit jittery. Perhaps Barry’s biggest mistake was hiring a patriot who was not a long-time loyalist, and who could not be counted on to maintain the Obama Code of Omerta. No doubt there are others that will turn to assist in this investigation.
In other news Presiding FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer will step down after public rebuke of FBI citing health issues. Judge Collyer has no choice but to leave. She was an integral part of this whole saga whether she knew or not. She has no credibility as a sitting judge any longer. All she can do is place a few shots at the sinking ship and try to claim she stopped its progress. She will be remembered as the FISA Judge who allowed this all to happen and continue on her watch..
It's like the bow lookouts searching for icebergs on the Titanic. They didn’t recognize the hazard until it was too late and their fate was already sealed. She is abandoning ship.
When we notice that the culprits in Cross Fire Hurricane/Spygate have not been even charged but Roger Stone was arrested before dawn by what looked like a SWAT team and punished sternly for relatively minor infractions, we can’t help noticing that something terribly wrong is going on in the federal government.
The only logical explanation I can see for all those “random” errors and mistakes that are directed in the same direction is that a powerful clique has already weaponized large part of the federal government to advance their egoistic political nefarious agenda.
Now it's being said that Joseph Mifsud is no longer with the living. His wallet and passport were found by police in a picturesque coastal town in Madeira, a Portuguese island off the coast of Morocco. You have to wonder what happened to him? Italian news outlet Il Giornale []Pagina non trovata - suggested that according to sources within the Agrigento Public Prosecution office, Mifsud is believed to be dead. Hmmm..?

That guy ain't dead.

I'm sure they've been thinking about it. Clapper, Brennan and especially Obama that put him into the job..... As far as Mifsud is concerned, he's either in a deep-deep hole,or is using false documents to hide.
Bad News For Coup Crew
Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months

Bad News For Coup Crew – Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Working With John Durham For Several Months… | The Last Refuge
20 Dec 19
Merry Christmas. The intercept is reporting that former NSA Director, Admiral Mike Rogers, has been working with U.S. Attorney John Durham for several months during his investigation into the origin of the 2016 intelligence operation against candidate Trump. This is particularly important because NSA Director Mike Rogers’ knowledge is at the epicenter of the origination of almost everything related to the FBI data-surveillance that was happening in 2015 and 2016.
(Via Intercept) [] Retired Adm. Michael Rogers, former director of the National Security Agency, has been cooperating with the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump presidential campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, according to four people familiar with Rogers’s participation. Rogers has met the prosecutor leading the probe, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, on multiple occasions, according to two people familiar with Rogers’s cooperation. Now, it’s all out in the open and no longer subject to opinion. After the DOJ inspector general informs, positively affirms, Judge Collyer was purposely misled into cooperating with, and authorizing, a fraudulent FBI investigation…. well, now Collyer is also likely rethinking those Trump Tower searches Director Rogers told her about back in 2016.

Now, it’s all out in the open and no longer subject to opinion. Admiral Rogers is voluntarily assisting I.G. Durham.
It appears that Brennan and Clapper will soon be questioned by Durham. If Durham has flipped anyone of importance it has to make the 44th president, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, and the rest of the co-conspirators of the failed coup d' etat more than a bit jittery. Perhaps Barry’s biggest mistake was hiring a patriot who was not a long-time loyalist, and who could not be counted on to maintain the Obama Code of Omerta. No doubt there are others that will turn to assist in this investigation.
In other news Presiding FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer will step down after public rebuke of FBI citing health issues. Judge Collyer has no choice but to leave. She was an integral part of this whole saga whether she knew or not. She has no credibility as a sitting judge any longer. All she can do is place a few shots at the sinking ship and try to claim she stopped its progress. She will be remembered as the FISA Judge who allowed this all to happen and continue on her watch..
It's like the bow lookouts searching for icebergs on the Titanic. They didn’t recognize the hazard until it was too late and their fate was already sealed. She is abandoning ship.
When we notice that the culprits in Cross Fire Hurricane/Spygate have not been even charged but Roger Stone was arrested before dawn by what looked like a SWAT team and punished sternly for relatively minor infractions, we can’t help noticing that something terribly wrong is going on in the federal government.
The only logical explanation I can see for all those “random” errors and mistakes that are directed in the same direction is that a powerful clique has already weaponized large part of the federal government to advance their egoistic political nefarious agenda.
Now it's being said that Joseph Mifsud is no longer with the living. His wallet and passport were found by police in a picturesque coastal town in Madeira, a Portuguese island off the coast of Morocco. You have to wonder what happened to him? Italian news outlet Il Giornale []Pagina non trovata - suggested that according to sources within the Agrigento Public Prosecution office, Mifsud is believed to be dead. Hmmm..?

That guy ain't dead.

I'm sure they've been thinking about it. Clapper, Brennan and especially Obama that put him into the job..... As far as Mifsud is concerned, he's either in a deep-deep hole,or is using false documents to hide.

I say both. You know this is a big deal in the circles those guys run in. Mr. Mifsued or how ever you spell it, if alive is definitely in hiding. His life ain't worth a plug nickle. Hell, I would bet the Clinton Klan even leased out the Arkancide crew for him.
Admiral Rogers already investigated all this for years in an internal audit. And the violations were rampant to the point that the FBI private Contractors could no longer go to the FISA courts.

Hope this is True..........because Admiral Rogers has plenty of knowledge on this..........And that isnt good for the DISAVOWED FBI CRIMINALS......

Good news here.
If they are really going after the corupt FBI here..............YOU DEMS ARE FUCKED............

Seeing Admiral Rogers onboard...............He will OWN you................He needs security.
The Intercept reported,

"Retired Admiral Michael Rogers, former director of the National Security Agency, has been cooperating with the Justice Department’s probe into the origins of the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump presidential campaign’s alleged ties to Russia, according to four people familiar with Rogers’s participation.​

"Rogers has met the prosecutor leading the probe, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, on multiple occasions, according to two people familiar with Rogers’s cooperation. While the substance of those meetings is not clear, Rogers has cooperated voluntarily, several people with knowledge of the matter said.​

"Rogers, who retired in May 2018, did not respond to requests for comment."​

But here is the key paragraph,

"Shortly after Trump won the presidency, Rogers traveled to Trump Tower in New York, where he provided an unsolicited briefing to the then president-elect. Rogers informed Trump that the NSA knew that the Russians interfered in the election, according to three people familiar with the briefing. Despite delivering what Rogers told a confidant was bad news, Trump would keep Rogers on as NSA director while dismissing Brennan and Crapper."​

Admiral Rogers saved the nation by telling President-elect Trump what Obama and his henchmen were up to. That is the big story all these Watergate-wannabe reporters missed.

Now the admiral is talking to prosecutors.

No excitement without an indictment but that giant shrinking sound you hear are sphincters closing in the Intelligence Community.

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