Back to the 1930s


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
There's an old saying popular among liberals and leftists: "Anti-Semitism is the socialism of the stupid." The aphorism attempts to account for the troubling resemblance of the main propaganda line for socialism -- there is a small, infinitely powerful, infinitely wealthy cabal at the center of society that controls the entire economy -- with the other propaganda line that there is a small, infinitely powerful, infinitely wealthy, Jewish cabal at the center of society controlling everything. According to this flippant dismissal, only a stupid person would distort the shining truths of socialism by muddying them with theories about race or religion.
Somehow it never occurs to liberals that the equation also runs the other way. Socialism is the anti-Semitism of the intelligentsia.
The political dialogue of the "1 percent versus the 99 percent" that currently consumes the liberal press is beginning to take the aura of the 1930s. That was the era, of course, when the world was divided into the "plutocrats" and "the masses," when the Monopoly board's depiction of "the rich" as a portly, tuxedo-and-top-hat-wearing breed apart was perceived as social reality. It was the 1930s, after all, that gave us Daddy Warbucks, that billionaire-who-could-do-anything, who was, let us not forget, a friend of President Franklin Roosevelt.

The American Spectator : Back to the 1930s
By comparison, the Occupy-Whatever movement has so far been relatively benign. There is the usual agitprop of trying to provoke the police into overreaction so that the aggressors can celebrate themselves as "victims of the establishment who have unmasked the iron fist of the establishment," etc. etc. (Why is it that every movement that starts out denouncing billionaires ends up fighting $35,000-a-year cops from Queens?)

Strangely when Bush was in office we seldom had this kind of talk. All blame for anything was laid at the president's feet. How many leftists are blaming Obama for any of this?
He is the most divisive president and the most divisive leadership in history. There is not a Us vs Them, there is only Us.
There's an old saying popular among liberals and leftists: "Anti-Semitism is the socialism of the stupid." "Anti-Semitism is the socialism of the stupid."

What a load of right wing TROLLING hooey.

An old saying?


Must be one of those old sayings that nobody ever said.
By comparison, the Occupy-Whatever movement has so far been relatively benign. There is the usual agitprop of trying to provoke the police into overreaction so that the aggressors can celebrate themselves as "victims of the establishment who have unmasked the iron fist of the establishment," etc. etc. (Why is it that every movement that starts out denouncing billionaires ends up fighting $35,000-a-year cops from Queens?)

That's the well practiced script the media follows: Martin Luther King against Bull Connor, the Kent State students against the Ohio National guard. Never mind that the students got their marching orders then from the KGB or its agents.
Suppose that a thousand or so Ohio farmers with a rag tag assortment of weapons had showed up instead of the Ohio National Guard to restore order on the campus. The media would have been tongue tied. Instead they received the opportunity of a lifetime, a media twofer, a chance to amplify their anti Vietnam war opposition and a chance to take dead aim at the media's much hated, much reviled President Richard Milhouse Nixon. How could this Neanderthal be still alive and President, too, when their hero, their idol, the centerpiece of their vision of Camelot was dead, cut down so abruptly, so rudely?
But the era that produced Nathan Hale, "I regret that I only have one life to give for my country!" is long gone from American lore, the men that pledged "Their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor" long dead and moldering in their graves. The NEA recently once debated whether they should even begin the teaching of American History in the public schools with the advent of the Clinton Administration, everything that had occurred before then being immaterial to life in America today.

Sadly most Americans are content to let their institutions carry out the function of maintaining order in their societies today, and the media is more than happy to portray the men who comprise those institutions as the tools of an evil repressive government, suppressing dissent and maintaining the status quo. The descendants of the 1917 Bolsheviks using the battering ram to smash open the doors of the Russian Duma are always the media's heroes in their script.
There's an old saying popular among liberals and leftists: "Anti-Semitism is the socialism of the stupid." The aphorism attempts to account for the troubling resemblance of the main propaganda line for socialism -- there is a small, infinitely powerful, infinitely wealthy cabal at the center of society that controls the entire economy -- with the other propaganda line that there is a small, infinitely powerful, infinitely wealthy, Jewish cabal at the center of society controlling everything. According to this flippant dismissal, only a stupid person would distort the shining truths of socialism by muddying them with theories about race or religion.
Somehow it never occurs to liberals that the equation also runs the other way. Socialism is the anti-Semitism of the intelligentsia.
The political dialogue of the "1 percent versus the 99 percent" that currently consumes the liberal press is beginning to take the aura of the 1930s. That was the era, of course, when the world was divided into the "plutocrats" and "the masses," when the Monopoly board's depiction of "the rich" as a portly, tuxedo-and-top-hat-wearing breed apart was perceived as social reality. It was the 1930s, after all, that gave us Daddy Warbucks, that billionaire-who-could-do-anything, who was, let us not forget, a friend of President Franklin Roosevelt.

The American Spectator : Back to the 1930s

Anyone can cut 'n paste WillowTree
Not a single word was yours :(

By comparison, the Occupy-Whatever movement has so far been relatively benign. There is the usual agitprop of trying to provoke the police into overreaction so that the aggressors can celebrate themselves as "victims of the establishment who have unmasked the iron fist of the establishment," etc. etc. (Why is it that every movement that starts out denouncing billionaires ends up fighting $35,000-a-year cops from Queens?)

Just the way the progressives like it to be...

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