Back in 1989 Saddam Hussain was flexing his muscles by taking over Kuwat. The rest is history.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
The liberal lame stream media who hated George H. W. Bush 41, was touting how great the military might was of the Hussain Red Brigade, with all their Russian toys. That if the US tried to stop Saddam there would be great casualties of US soldiers on the battle field. That war only took 7 days. And the US was told by the UN to stop at the Iraq border because we had pushed his great army back into Iraq.

So we once again have saber rattling, lame stream media siding with the enemy, and adoring the Iranian army who with the help of the Russian toys, threatens world peace, "again". We should follow General Patton's plan of warfare.

Faced with relentless American pressure, Iran starts to hit back

The issue was slant drilling not that Saddam was a groovy dude.
And also if Kuwait was not slant drilling, it was between Kuwait and Iraq. I don't blame Iran, the US pulled out of the deal and anyone who risks their life for SA and Israel, is well stupid.
And also if Kuwait was not slant drilling, it was between Kuwait and Iraq. I don't blame Iran, the US pulled out of the deal and anyone who risks their life for SA and Israel, is well stupid.
Straight from the Jew hater, herself....Thanks for your input...
Israel outnumbered in all categories
having a very narrow front --easily cut in half
look--you can barely see Israel compared to her enemies
yet Israel kicked all their a$$es!!!!!--
Iran/Egypt/Iraq/etc have all had corrupt governments/etc that were put in by ......coups/bloody coups/etc....Mubarak elected for 30 years !!!!!......these are not countries like in the western world
And also if Kuwait was not slant drilling, it was between Kuwait and Iraq. I don't blame Iran, the US pulled out of the deal and anyone who risks their life for SA and Israel, is well stupid.
Iraq gassed people/ their OWN people--like hitler
Iraq started TWO wars/invaded 2 countries
Iraq invaded a small neighbor
just like HITLER
oil is part of our economy --it concerned us
The liberal lame stream media who hated George H. W. Bush 41, was touting how great the military might was of the Hussain Red Brigade, with all their Russian toys. That if the US tried to stop Saddam there would be great casualties of US soldiers on the battle field. That war only took 7 days. And the US was told by the UN to stop at the Iraq border because we had pushed his great army back into Iraq.

So we once again have saber rattling, lame stream media siding with the enemy, and adoring the Iranian army who with the help of the Russian toys, threatens world peace, "again". We should follow General Patton's plan of warfare.

Faced with relentless American pressure, Iran starts to hit back

why George H. W. Bush did not finished off Saddam back then ?
The liberal lame stream media who hated George H. W. Bush 41, was touting how great the military might was of the Hussain Red Brigade, with all their Russian toys. That if the US tried to stop Saddam there would be great casualties of US soldiers on the battle field. That war only took 7 days. And the US was told by the UN to stop at the Iraq border because we had pushed his great army back into Iraq.

So we once again have saber rattling, lame stream media siding with the enemy, and adoring the Iranian army who with the help of the Russian toys, threatens world peace, "again". We should follow General Patton's plan of warfare.

Faced with relentless American pressure, Iran starts to hit back

why George H. W. Bush did not finished off Saddam back then ?

because the UN told him to stop at the Saudi Arabian border. That is why...
And also if Kuwait was not slant drilling, it was between Kuwait and Iraq. I don't blame Iran, the US pulled out of the deal and anyone who risks their life for SA and Israel, is well stupid.
So because Kuwait was slant drilling that gave Saddam the right to invade Kuwait and rape the women and kill the men? Wow, you do hate women badly.
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Israel outnumbered in all categories
having a very narrow front --easily cut in half
look--you can barely see Israel compared to her enemies
yet Israel kicked all their a$$es!!!!!--
Iran/Egypt/Iraq/etc have all had corrupt governments/etc that were put in by ......coups/bloody coups/etc....Mubarak elected for 30 years !!!!!......these are not countries like in the western world
Pretty shitty piece of real estate to choose if you ask me
The liberal lame stream media who hated George H. W. Bush 41, was touting how great the military might was of the Hussain Red Brigade, with all their Russian toys. That if the US tried to stop Saddam there would be great casualties of US soldiers on the battle field. That war only took 7 days. And the US was told by the UN to stop at the Iraq border because we had pushed his great army back into Iraq.

Your ignorance of history is astounding.
The liberal lame stream media who hated George H. W. Bush 41, was touting how great the military might was of the Hussain Red Brigade, with all their Russian toys. That if the US tried to stop Saddam there would be great casualties of US soldiers on the battle field. That war only took 7 days. And the US was told by the UN to stop at the Iraq border because we had pushed his great army back into Iraq.

So we once again have saber rattling, lame stream media siding with the enemy, and adoring the Iranian army who with the help of the Russian toys, threatens world peace, "again". We should follow General Patton's plan of warfare.

Faced with relentless American pressure, Iran starts to hit back

why George H. W. Bush did not finished off Saddam back then ?

because the UN told him to stop at the Saudi Arabian border. That is why...
Who told you that and why were you gullible enough to believe them?
The liberal lame stream media who hated George H. W. Bush 41, was touting how great the military might was of the Hussain Red Brigade, with all their Russian toys. That if the US tried to stop Saddam there would be great casualties of US soldiers on the battle field. That war only took 7 days. And the US was told by the UN to stop at the Iraq border because we had pushed his great army back into Iraq.

So we once again have saber rattling, lame stream media siding with the enemy, and adoring the Iranian army who with the help of the Russian toys, threatens world peace, "again". We should follow General Patton's plan of warfare.

Faced with relentless American pressure, Iran starts to hit back

why George H. W. Bush did not finished off Saddam back then ?

because the UN told him to stop at the Saudi Arabian border. That is why...

UN can not stop Israel or Muscovites , how UN could stop the N1 country in the world , true superpower ?
While Iraq was hanging Saddam, the crazy American left was blaming George Bush Sr. for the inconvenience. Ten years later the pervert-in-chief authorized the bombing of Europe when he was caught with his pants down and the crazy left cheered.
WE had mutual defense treaties with Kuwait. It's just that simple, though I know for Burb Brat sociopaths with zero principles who have never felt giving their word to others mean they actually have to mean it and we should operate on mere whims and popularity contests when it comes to foreign policy, break our word whenever some gimp whines about something. Must be the offspring of all those hippies who thought it was just fine with them if the Reds took over most of Africa and Asia as long as they weren't personally inconvenienced for the time being and left to their dope and porn and rock n roll.
Oh by th way - the government of Kuwait winded your congress up in those days with the help of Hill & Knowlton. This company got 10 millions to place at the congress the lies of the 15 years old girl actor „Nayirah“, the daughter of the ambassador of Kuwait Saud Nasir as-Sabah, that soldiers of the Iraq had murdered children in incubators in an hospital in Kuwait and had stolen the incubators.

Is it by the way true or a lie, that US-American soldiers made a so called "clay pigeon shooting" at this war (¿or was it another war in Kuweit?). It's said they fired at the soldiers of the Iraq while they were on the withdrawal and were not any danger for them any longer. I heard your soldiers had murdred in this way of "sport shooting" about 100,000 young men from the Iraq.

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Oh by th way - the government of Kuwait winded your congress up in those days with the help of Hill & Knowlton. This company got 10 millions to place at the congress the lies of the 15 years old girl actor „Nayirah“, the daughter of the ambassador of Kuwait Saud Nasir as-Sabah, that soldiers of the Iraq had murdered children in incubators in an hospital in Kuwait and had stolen the incubators.

Is it by the way true or a lie, that US-American soldiers made a so called "clay pigeon shooting" at this war (¿or was it another war in Kuweit?). It's said they fired at the soldiers of the Iraq while they were on the withdrawal and were not any danger for them any longer. I heard your soldiers had murdred in this way of "sport shooting" about 100,000 young men from the Iraq.

Our troops on the Mexican border are also beating illegal alien children to death like baby seals, too, don't forget to spread that myth around either, gimp.
The liberal lame stream media who hated George H. W. Bush 41, was touting how great the military might was of the Hussain Red Brigade, with all their Russian toys. That if the US tried to stop Saddam there would be great casualties of US soldiers on the battle field. That war only took 7 days. And the US was told by the UN to stop at the Iraq border because we had pushed his great army back into Iraq.

So we once again have saber rattling, lame stream media siding with the enemy, and adoring the Iranian army who with the help of the Russian toys, threatens world peace, "again". We should follow General Patton's plan of warfare.

sorry, the Gulf War was a fuckup. Thank God the UN kept it from being a bigger one.

Thousands of guys came back sick so that one corrupt emir could have the honor of milking us dry at the gas pump?

Here's a crazy idea. Next time, make the rich fight their own fucking war.
Iraq gassed people/ their OWN people--like hitler
Iraq started TWO wars/invaded 2 countries
Iraq invaded a small neighbor
just like HITLER
oil is part of our economy --it concerned us

Here's the problem with that... When Saddam invaded Iran and gassed the Kurds, he had the full support of Ronnie Reagan.

It's only when he started threatening the Jews and the Oil Company Profits he became a very bad man.

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