Bachmanns Vetting Begins: The Dirt Surfaces---Earmarks, Farm Subsidies And Pardons.

When the GOP wants a liberal's advice, they'll ask you, Mr. "Obama Isn't Far Enough Left To Suit Me".

Well the GnOP better start taking someone's advice. They are ignoring their strategists that told them signing on to Ryan's plan to kill Medicare wasn't a wise political move.

If you ever poked your head outside of Glen Beck's world, you might try catching some progressive shows and you would see that most liberals think President Obama isn't far left enough. The man that the right wing nutballs call 'Socialist' and 'Marxist' is considered a centrist by actual liberals and progressives. Of course, they (liberals) shouldn't be surprised since that is what he RAN as.
I don't watch Beck. I don't watch or listen to any talking heads.

I think for myself. I can tell you can't recognize that when you see it.
Bull Feathers!
Well, I could make comments like yours, but I'm not interested in hitting myself in the head with a hammer.

The numbers at are bogus. Says Nonexistent Congressional District Got Jobs From Stimulus

Government Watchdog Can’t Verify Stimulus Job Stats | Disinformation

Morning Bell: The Fake Jobs of Obama’s Failed StimulusThe Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

But you just keep listening to The One. It's easier than thinking, I suppose.

You are really a jerk, Dave. That's it for you. You don't want to exchange ideas and really know what's going on. Those links you provided are totally worthless. You did not even choose an issue from to discuss. Just throw out articles from right wing conservatives at me. Gee, you really know how to discuss an issue!!! You're a typical low information conservative voter.
Ahhh. So now "being informed" means "mindlessly believing everything Obama tells you".

You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

Nice dodge, Davey. But forget it, it doesn't work anymore. It took me a long time to get your number, I'm ashamed to say. But now I have it. You love to use every Republican talking point there is and never provide anything of substance. Because you are a typical low information conservative voter.
No, I don't lie, Jake. The stimulus was about political payback. Mainstream Republicans know that. Mindless Obama cheerleaders don't.

Dave, I told you to look at, but you don't want to because you don't really want to know what's going on. It provides lots of information on the repairs, Mr. Lazy. You ARE lying.
Yes, and I showed you the numbers there are suspect.

But you keep believing it because Obama told you to. It makes you an independent thinker. No, really. :lol:

Oh, shut up, Davey. You didn't show me jack!!! One of your brilliant articles was two years old.
Give it up, Dave. You're getting your ass kicked on this thread. And deservedly so.
Well the GnOP better start taking someone's advice. They are ignoring their strategists that told them signing on to Ryan's plan to kill Medicare wasn't a wise political move.

If you ever poked your head outside of Glen Beck's world, you might try catching some progressive shows and you would see that most liberals think President Obama isn't far left enough. The man that the right wing nutballs call 'Socialist' and 'Marxist' is considered a centrist by actual liberals and progressives. Of course, they (liberals) shouldn't be surprised since that is what he RAN as.
I don't watch Beck. I don't watch or listen to any talking heads.

I think for myself. I can tell you can't recognize that when you see it.

Listing to pundits doesn't mean that you can't think for yourself...a fact I'm sure you are aware of, but just want to be an asshole. No problem. Doesn't change the fact that the current president is a far cry from what a liberal progressive would consider a liberal.

This liberal (me) is realistic enough to know that we aren't going to get an actual liberal President like a President Sanders or a President Kucinich.
And thank Gaea. Look at the damage the not-left-enough-for-you Obama has done.
Well the GnOP better start taking someone's advice. They are ignoring their strategists that told them signing on to Ryan's plan to kill Medicare wasn't a wise political move.

If you ever poked your head outside of Glen Beck's world, you might try catching some progressive shows and you would see that most liberals think President Obama isn't far left enough. The man that the right wing nutballs call 'Socialist' and 'Marxist' is considered a centrist by actual liberals and progressives. Of course, they (liberals) shouldn't be surprised since that is what he RAN as.
I don't watch Beck. I don't watch or listen to any talking heads.

I think for myself. I can tell you can't recognize that when you see it.
Bull Feathers!
Looks like you can't recognize it, either. :lol:
You are really a jerk, Dave. That's it for you. You don't want to exchange ideas and really know what's going on. Those links you provided are totally worthless. You did not even choose an issue from to discuss. Just throw out articles from right wing conservatives at me. Gee, you really know how to discuss an issue!!! You're a typical low information conservative voter.
Ahhh. So now "being informed" means "mindlessly believing everything Obama tells you".

You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.

Nice dodge, Davey. But forget it, it doesn't work anymore. It took me a long time to get your number, I'm ashamed to say. But now I have it. You love to use every Republican talking point there is and never provide anything of substance. Because you are a typical low information conservative voter.
Odd how you never seem to provide any factual refutation then, isn't it? Do you really think "because I say so!!" is sufficient? :lol:
Dave, I told you to look at, but you don't want to because you don't really want to know what's going on. It provides lots of information on the repairs, Mr. Lazy. You ARE lying.
Yes, and I showed you the numbers there are suspect.

But you keep believing it because Obama told you to. It makes you an independent thinker. No, really. :lol:

Oh, shut up, Davey. You didn't show me jack!!! One of your brilliant articles was two years old.
Oh, I showed you. Your refusal to see it does in no way refute the facts presented.

Gobama! Isn't he ever so dreamy?
Give it up, Dave. You're getting your ass kicked on this thread. And deservedly so.

I'm sure it comforts your little mind to feel that way, but no. :lol:

But this is interesting:

Jokey is a self-described mainstream Republican. One of the most far-left members here, Rinata, is on his side, cheering him on, thanking his posts, and probably pos-repping him. And given her hyperpartisanship, she's unlikely to ever support a conservative in political issues.

So, Jokey -- do you really think you're fooling anybody? :lol:
daveman clearly has trouble thinking and certainly does not think for himself. That has been clear from day one.
Jokey gets his frilly panties in a wad when I correctly point out that mainstream Republicans do NOT condemn Obama for not being far enough left. :lol:

You are projecting again and lying again. I said you and your ilk are not mainstream Republicans, but simply far right agenda-driven reactionaries who believe that good Republican and Democratic politics and programs are too far left. You are wrong, as always. And I, as always, will correct you or CG or the ilk, when necessary, which is most of the time.
daveman clearly has trouble thinking and certainly does not think for himself. That has been clear from day one.
Jokey gets his frilly panties in a wad when I correctly point out that mainstream Republicans do NOT condemn Obama for not being far enough left. :lol:

You are projecting again and lying again. I said you and your ilk are not mainstream Republicans, but simply far right agenda-driven reactionaries who believe that good Republican and Democratic politics and programs are too far left. You are wrong, as always. And I, as always, will correct you or CG or the ilk, when necessary, which is most of the time.
I don't lie, Jokey. Your own words prove you're lying:

I am a solid Republican who agrees with George Will.

I am mainstream, not a liberal...

See? Mainstream Republican.

But mainstream Republicans don't criticize Obama for not being far enough left, Jokey:
I got on Obama about not pushing through a single payer health care, got on him about not bringing the Iraq troops home more quickly, plus a few other things.
You can't run away from your own words, Jokey.
Nope, you did not. You just keep lying. Nothing to do about that, because you can't stop.:lol: You are such a typical fascist, lying about others and about what you said. You do practice the Big Lie, always have, and I will always point it out.
Nope, you did not. You just keep lying. Nothing to do about that, because you can't stop.:lol: You are such a typical fascist, lying about others and about what you said. You do practice the Big Lie, always have, and I will always point it out.
And like a typical leftist, Jokey insists he didn't say what he said, and projects his own lying on others because he can't accept responsibility for his own actions.

Ayers would be proud of you, you little radical.
Like a fascist, daveman keeps aping the Nazi big lie syndrome. You also ape Alinski. Hmmm . . .

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