Bachmann signs The Family Lead pledge

I knew you had reading comprehension issues.

I'm simply telling you why I took it wrong in the first place. But hey, just feel free to ignore where I said that if they only mean child pornography then I was wrong with my OP.
Bachmann never said anything about the porn ban thing.
But what is great is this further isolates her with the religous right.
And sends tens of thousands more conservative Republicans away from that.
Good news every time she does something or opens her mouth. More and more conservatives see first hand how she wants religion dictating to government.

yeah sure.:lol:

You do not know that she panders to the religous right and this was Exhibit A of that?
You do not know that the anti gay marriage wagon has always been pulled and loaded with the religous right?
And that the fight against bans on gay marriage now are being LED BY CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS?
My bad. I never knew you were that uninformed.
I posted the vow, its right there in a thumbnail from the pledge site

Yes, I also read the original vow. Are you ignoring what I said on purpose?

It's not just kids that are being mentioned in the same sentence as banning all forms of pornography, it's women as well. Hence why it can be taken as saying they want to ban more than child pornography. They should have split it into two sentences, one about their stances toward protection of women and then one for children.

Oh? becasue thats not what you "said"...

here I typed it out....

Humane protection of woman and the innocent fruit of conjugal intimacy-
our next generation of American children- from human trafficking, sexual slavery, seduction into promiscuity, and all forms of pornography and prostitution, infanticide, abortion and other types of coercion or stolen innocence.

theres the vow, here is what you linked to and posted;

The ninth step calls for the banning of “all forms” of pornography. The pledge also states that homosexuality is both a choice and a health risk. You can read all the details of the pledge here.

Here at think progress, lifted exactly;

The ninth step calls for the banning of “all forms” of pornography.

BREAKING: Bachmann pledges to ban pornography | ThinkProgress

Bachmann never said anything about the porn ban thing.
But what is great is this further isolates her with the religous right.
And sends tens of thousands more conservative Republicans away from that.
Good news every time she does something or opens her mouth. More and more conservatives see first hand how she wants religion dictating to government.

yeah sure.:lol:

You do not know that she panders to the religous right and this was Exhibit A of that?
You do not know that the anti gay marriage wagon has always been pulled and loaded with the religous right?
And that the fight against bans on gay marriage now are being LED BY CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS?
My bad. I never knew you were that uninformed.

oooooooooooooo, those "religious people on the right are SCARY" I guess you're saying there aren't ANY religious people on the left?
homosexual MARRIAGE isn't something of high PRIORITY on my list, sorry.
You do know the Obama and Democrats panders to uninformed idiots don't you. My bad, I never you were that uninformed.

Yes, that's not what I said originally, because I was mistaken if they only meant child pornography. However, you're also ignoring where in my first post in the thread outside the OP, I post a link to the complete vow.
I am sorry Modbert but you are not copping to your OP, child porn in a sense has zip to do with this.

What are you talking about? And have you decided to just selectively ignore certain posts in this thread?
And, you say you are in college.

God, the country is in bad shape.

Sorry we all cannot be as perfect as you are Si Modo, I'm sure you never made a mistake in your life. :doubt:
Of course I've made mistakes, Doggie. I just don't consistently make them, then when caught in what appears to be another example of my inherent dishonesty, I don't say, "Oops, I simply made a mistake".

You operate a lot like a grocery store I no longer frequent. They rarely had the price that was programmed into the cash register the same as the lower price advertized on the shelf or the weekly flyer. I got so tired of the lame excuse that they simply made a mistake and charged me more when they always made that same 'mistake'.

It's a trust thing. Folks who know the value of being trusted make sure they have integrity and keep it.
Of course I've made mistakes, Doggie. I just don't consistently make them, then when caught in what appears to be another example of my inherent dishonesty, I don't say, "Oops, I simply made a mistake".

You operate a lot like a grocery store I no longer frequent. They rarely had the price that was programmed into the cash register the same as the lower price advertized on the shelf or the weekly flyer. I got so tired of the lame excuse that they simply made a mistake and charged me more when they always made that same 'mistake'.

It's a trust thing. Folks who know the value of being trusted make sure they have integrity and keep it.

Except I don't consistently make them either. But hey, if you wish to make sweeping generalizations about me, go right ahead. I can think of two threads in the last couple of months where I had to say I was wrong because I was. Feel free to prove me wrong if there are more.

That being said, I'm willing to admit to my mistakes, which is more than what a good amount of people on this board have never and will never do.
btw, personal pledge?

The Candidate Vow:
Therefore, in any elected or appointed capacity by which I may have the honor of serving our fellow citizens in these United States, I the undersigned do hereby solemnly vow* to honor and to cherish, to defend and to uphold, the Institution of Marriage as only between one man and one woman. I vow* to do so through my:

  • bullet points of pandashit follow
I didn't see the footnotes, I'll admit. If she was just referring to child pornography then I was incorrect in my OP.

That being said, the vow was written pretty poorly then. I read it originally as women and the future generation of this country later on, not today. Because why mention women and banning all forms of pornography in the same sentence if you mean to ban only child pornography?

But again, if the pledge refers to just child pornography, then I was incorrect in posting my OP and was wrong.

Don't listen to these partisan fuckwits. You didn't interpret anything incorrectly. Child porn is already illegal and no politicians anywhere are advocating for legalization. There'd be no need for any pledge about that whatsoever. That part of the pledge is definitely about supporting legislation that greatly restricts, if not outright bans "all forms of pornography" which as elvis pointed out, they didn't bother to define.
btw, personal pledge?

The Candidate Vow:
Therefore, in any elected or appointed capacity by which I may have the honor of serving our fellow citizens in these United States, I the undersigned do hereby solemnly vow* to honor and to cherish, to defend and to uphold, the Institution of Marriage as only between one man and one woman. I vow* to do so through my:

  • bullet points of pandashit follow

Sorry, you can't read. It was a personal pledge.

I mean, if you think that applies to one's personal opinions expressed in a personal, then that's good to know. Apparently, some folks have the idea of the First is that everyone must think as they do.

It doesn't work that way, no matter how bitter the dyke is.


Yes, that's not what I said originally, because I was mistaken if they only meant child pornography. However, you're also ignoring where in my first post in the thread outside the OP, I post a link to the complete vow.

you mean this?

Take a look:

#9 under the "Candidate vow". Pretty clear it says all forms of pornography.

you know.....I don't know what to say, really. your ideology has such a grip on you, you will not even read a statement and parse it correctly.

please sir, tell me please where in 'Humane protection'= 'banning'?

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