B. S. Ratings


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
As you watch and read the news, notice how many interviews and comments are provided by people with obvious and transparent biases, rendering their opinions on the specific matter near meaningless.

For example, defense attorneys are interviewed to opine on the guilt of their client. Supporting and opposing partisans are asked for their opinions on matters where their opinions are as predictable and pointless as if they were taken out of an ad campaign.

I propose that the Journalism profession implement a bias rating for such sources, and include this rating in the coverage. Say the rating runs from one being least biased and ten being most.

So Nancy P is interviewed to get her opinion on the Trump-russia conspiracy. The introduction would include a self evaluation by the interviewer on the bias level. The rating would not indicate a likely lie, just that the voiced opinion should not have much weight.

In time, journalists will want to find sources who would have low bias artings, rather than what they do now.

Just a suggestion
Thank you. I am so sick of getting "democratic strategists" on to tell me why all the Clinton investigations are false, or why all the Trump scandals are real, or that idiot who worked for Obama to write Obamacare defend why we must not repeal it. Democratic strategists always seem to have this smug grin or laugh that they cannot suppress and never goes away thought the interview no matter what it is. I have a list of faces that when I see them come on as guest, their opinions are so facile and predictable I just skip over the entire segment, considering it a waste of my time.

Sadly, more and more, I was doing that with many of Bill O'Reilly's guests. Unworthy of my time are people like Juan Williams and many of the blond eye candy 27 year old women in tight skirts who were just children when much of today's topics were happening.

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