Awesome NRA commercial


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013

Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell Addresses Terrorists in NRA AD

"For the 14th anniversary of the heinous attacks of September 11, 2001, the National Rifle Association (NRA) is running an ad featuring former Navy SEAL and Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell speaking directly to terrorists who think they can strike fear in the hearts of free people who are armed.

The commercial is not flashy or technologically intricate. Rather, it is a sobering moment that presents Luttrell facing the camera, addressing terrorists as if they were standing in front of him, face to face.

Luttrell begins:

I know you’re watching, so pay attention. You hate my freedom, my religion, and my country. You hate me for speaking my mind. You try to control me with violence and intimidation. You think you can muzzle me with fear? Don’t ever confuse me for my politicians or my media.

I am an American, free born and free bred. And I will call you out for who you are–an Islamic extremist who would kill me for my beliefs."

rest at link

Well done PSA sorta commercial.
Compared to that Navy commercial with all the sailors in the expanding ring of protection around the family with little girl (which coulda been so much better) this one nailed it. Kinda ad I woulda written. :)

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