Average Americans voting against themselves.

Is the Republican Party dangerous to America?

  • Yes

  • No

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and how many ppl do you think would have a successful portfolio? You want to put ppl that dont know anything hardly about finance's in charge of they're own retirement? Sigh...and when they fail, where do their losses go? Never mind. You have no stomach for research and knowledge...the money that would be safely in a ret account for them, since they didnt know what they were doing, goes right into the stock market to go into some fat ass fat cats pocket. But they dont tell you that when they're slingin their crap and ppl like you eat it up with a spoon.
You get the government you deserve.

You want to put ppl that dont know anything hardly about finance's in charge of they're own retirement?

They could set up two age based portfolios that would do just fine. Much higher returns than Social Security, with the ability to leave your account to your family.

But that would keep the money out of the control of the politicians, so you'd never go for it.
The Republican party is ONLY dangerous to the middle class and poor, for us rich/wealthy folks it's a party!

Yes! Because your 40% tax on your fake trust is proof that the Republicans love you.

Yes! Because your 40% tax on your fake trust is proof that the Republicans love you

That's 4%, and that's why folks like Bill Gates are Nevada corporations.

Bill gates has spoken publicly that he want illegal immigration and Nevada leads the country in that arena...didnt even think of that...did ya?

Bill gates has spoken publicly that he want illegal immigration and Nevada leads the country in that arena...didnt even think of that...did ya?

What does that have to do with Gates being a Nevada corporation?
Wow that was a lot of liberal talking points the sadder thing is not one of them was new or orginal.
Sorry I didn't entertain you sufficiently. I tried by throwing in the Chomsky video; he made some good points - especially the most dangerous organization in the world part!
I'm not. I simply asked a question.[/QUOTE]
Poor and middle class Republicans have been convinced the solution is to shrink government but they don't realize where and when government is important. They don't realize when they say "Democrats are just as bad" that they are admitting the system is corrupt. But good luck getting them to go against the private bankers because the bankers own America.[/QUOTE]

One that understands.
Is the Republican Party dangerous to America?

No more so than the Democrat party.

No more so than the Democrat party.

Which party has actual plans and has been fighting against Republicans for higher wages and increased economy?

Dems want to grow the economy?
Then why do they add so many regulations that strangle economic activity?

Corporations have and continue to create regulations (laws) against the people. (Yes, they are the ones with the power right now.) The only way for we, the people, to fight their power is to create regulations (laws) controlling corporations! Remove regulations on corporations and you create fascism.
Why would any American citizen vote Republican when their Party leaders want to:

  • Privatize Social Security and give the money to Wall Street like they did workers pensions (401k),
  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to remove limits on private insurance profit (they tried 62 times although Obamacare largely uses their own proposed ideas to avoid single-payer Medicare),
  • De-fund public education in favor of privatized schools (how has that worked out?),
  • De-fund the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) to eliminate reliable factual news in favor of propaganda from corporate owned media (mostly accomplished),
  • Break up worker unions so employees can't defend themselves against corporate abuse like bad working conditions, low pay, and factory closings (mostly accomplished - notice the increases in airline near misses and accidents since Reagan smashed the air traffic controllers union?),
  • Override the sovereignty of national laws with international trade agreements so nations can be sued for lost corporate profits and factories can move to low wage countries among other outrages (NAFTA was a disaster and TPP is about to be - unfortunately the Clintons and Obama have cooperated on this),
  • Eliminate New Deal anti-trust regulations to reduce or eliminate industrial competition and allow large corporations to merge into mega-corps with near monopoly power (these mega-mergers began with Reagan),
  • And eliminate the power of USDA and FDA to regulate food and drug companies and let them police themselves (mostly accomplished - notice the increase in food scares lately, and the prescription drug commercials on radio and TV - particularly Viagra, Cialis, etc. all since Reagan).
I don't want to get too long here, so I will stop. Some would argue the Democrats are not innocent in these things; I would not disagree. But these policies are mostly Republican, or should I say corporate Republican.

I seriously don't believe the average Republican voter wants to do these things. It's corporate propaganda that convinces them to vote Republican. So swayed, they vote against their own best interests.

I am afraid this is a make it or break it election for America. The battle breaks down to a political war between powerful corporations and the rights of the people. Corporations already have near control of government (the dawn of fascism), and the two political party establishments, secured with corporate mass media and misinformation propaganda. Bernie Sanders is the exception. In simple terms, socialism is concern for the common citizen, and capitalism is concern for corporate power and profits. Elite power distorts government for the people, so the people need to control elite power in socialism as well as capitalism.

Noam Chomsky recently made these comments concerning the Republican Party:

...like convincing a blue collar worker that unions are bad...lmao, just unadulterated ignorance personified. A lot of what you say is true but as for as sanders being and exception?? bernie sanders sees nothing wrong with illegal immigration or H1B visa's. Hows that fit into your "exception".
You think you get it...ur gettin close but you are STILL stuck an the D or R thing. First thing...you have to jettison those party affiliations. Then youve begun to see.
Until then, your just another ignorant unreasonable stick figure.
Go to you tube and watch "Chris Hedges".

Ahh, at last a person who seems to know what is going on today. Thank you. By the way, our system is organized such that we only have two real choices without mass agreement across the nation. We can choose evil, or less evil. Other choices are available, yes. But unless every citizen votes with you, they are unelectable.

To get mass agreement, we need common media to inform everyone.

I never miss Chris Hedges comments if possible. Be sure to watch his new program.

On contact
and how many ppl do you think would have a successful portfolio? You want to put ppl that dont know anything hardly about finance's in charge of they're own retirement? Sigh...and when they fail, where do their losses go? Never mind. You have no stomach for research and knowledge...the money that would be safely in a ret account for them, since they didnt know what they were doing, goes right into the stock market to go into some fat ass fat cats pocket.

1. That policy was never part of the national GOP platform

2. The vast majority would have a successful portfolio, in that they would get a better rate of return than SS.

3. There is no money sitting in a ret account for them, in SS. That is worse than a myth. What is in that box is a box of IOUs from the rest of the government, in our name.
And Al Gore wanted to put it all in a lock box in 2000 - money not IOUs.
and how many ppl do you think would have a successful portfolio? You want to put ppl that dont know anything hardly about finance's in charge of they're own retirement? Sigh...and when they fail, where do their losses go? Never mind. You have no stomach for research and knowledge...the money that would be safely in a ret account for them, since they didnt know what they were doing, goes right into the stock market to go into some fat ass fat cats pocket. But they dont tell you that when they're slingin their crap and ppl like you eat it up with a spoon.
You get the government you deserve.
Dear Windship then why not let both parties manage their own members benefits. If ppl had to pay and manage this directly through their own elected parties and admin, wouldn't that put a stop to abuses by allowing free choice? If a mgmt system is run efficiently and represents those members values, they'd agree to pay in. Anyone who abuses resources by fraud would get called out and ppl would invest elsewhere in trustworthy mgmt.
Voting far left will always be against your best interest, just that so many do get it..
Voting far right will always be against your best interest. Apparently you don't get that.
and how many ppl do you think would have a successful portfolio? You want to put ppl that dont know anything hardly about finance's in charge of they're own retirement? Sigh...and when they fail, where do their losses go? Never mind. You have no stomach for research and knowledge...the money that would be safely in a ret account for them, since they didnt know what they were doing, goes right into the stock market to go into some fat ass fat cats pocket.

1. That policy was never part of the national GOP platform

2. The vast majority would have a successful portfolio, in that they would get a better rate of return than SS.

3. There is no money sitting in a ret account for them, in SS. That is worse than a myth. What is in that box is a box of IOUs from the rest of the government, in our name.
And Al Gore wanted to put it all in a lock box in 2000 - money not IOUs.

2000 was a little late for that game.

If that was the plan they should have started that sometimes back in the 70s when the Baby Boom was hitting the work force, and beginning their earning years.

Not to mention, that Congress, ie politicians who think no further than the next election, would have the keys to that "lock box".

Trusting them with the money is WHY we have this disaster.
Why would any American citizen vote Republican when their Party leaders want to:

  • Privatize Social Security and give the money to Wall Street like they did workers pensions (401k),
  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to remove limits on private insurance profit (they tried 62 times although Obamacare largely uses their own proposed ideas to avoid single-payer Medicare),
  • De-fund public education in favor of privatized schools (how has that worked out?),
  • De-fund the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) to eliminate reliable factual news in favor of propaganda from corporate owned media (mostly accomplished),
  • Break up worker unions so employees can't defend themselves against corporate abuse like bad working conditions, low pay, and factory closings (mostly accomplished - notice the increases in airline near misses and accidents since Reagan smashed the air traffic controllers union?),
  • Override the sovereignty of national laws with international trade agreements so nations can be sued for lost corporate profits and factories can move to low wage countries among other outrages (NAFTA was a disaster and TPP is about to be - unfortunately the Clintons and Obama have cooperated on this),
  • Eliminate New Deal anti-trust regulations to reduce or eliminate industrial competition and allow large corporations to merge into mega-corps with near monopoly power (these mega-mergers began with Reagan),
  • And eliminate the power of USDA and FDA to regulate food and drug companies and let them police themselves (mostly accomplished - notice the increase in food scares lately, and the prescription drug commercials on radio and TV - particularly Viagra, Cialis, etc. all since Reagan).
I don't want to get too long here, so I will stop. Some would argue the Democrats are not innocent in these things; I would not disagree. But these policies are mostly Republican, or should I say corporate Republican.

I seriously don't believe the average Republican voter wants to do these things. It's corporate propaganda that convinces them to vote Republican. So swayed, they vote against their own best interests.

I am afraid this is a make it or break it election for America. The battle breaks down to a political war between powerful corporations and the rights of the people. Corporations already have near control of government (the dawn of fascism), and the two political party establishments, secured with corporate mass media and misinformation propaganda. Bernie Sanders is the exception. In simple terms, socialism is concern for the common citizen, and capitalism is concern for corporate power and profits. Elite power distorts government for the people, so the people need to control elite power in socialism as well as capitalism.

Noam Chomsky recently made these comments concerning the Republican Party:

Oh no, we lost Chomsky and the Communists.
Hillary is bought and paid for by the wallstreet.

Some of the stuff on your list is liberal bullshit. Some of the stuff is what liberals themselves vote for. All of it is dumb rhetoric.

You don't seem to mind Wallstreet owns Trump, do you?

Trump’s affinity for Wall Street is most obvious in his choice of personnel. His top economic adviser, Gary Cohn, his treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, and Bannon are all Goldman Sachs alums. Trump’s nominee to run the Securities and Exchange Commission is Jay Clayton, a Wall Street lawyer who has represented Goldman Sachs as a partner at Sullivan & Cromwell, a law firm so close to Goldman it is sometimes jokingly referred to as the legal wing of the bank.

Trump’s pick for commerce secretary is private equity billionaire Wilbur Ross, whose wheeling and dealing included stewardship over American Home Mortgage Servicing and Option One, mortgage companies that paid millions to settle charges of relying on forged signatures and fabricated documents to push through foreclosures. Mnuchin’s bank, OneWest ― often referred to as a “foreclosure machine” ― also pursued improper evictions by “robo-signing” key documents, a fact Mnuchin lied about in his confirmation hearing.

Here Are All The Favors Donald Trump Has Performed For Wall Street | The Huffington Post
Why would any American citizen vote Republican when their Party leaders want to:

  • Privatize Social Security and give the money to Wall Street like they did workers pensions (401k),
  • Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to remove limits on private insurance profit (they tried 62 times although Obamacare largely uses their own proposed ideas to avoid single-payer Medicare),
  • De-fund public education in favor of privatized schools (how has that worked out?),
  • De-fund the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) to eliminate reliable factual news in favor of propaganda from corporate owned media (mostly accomplished),
  • Break up worker unions so employees can't defend themselves against corporate abuse like bad working conditions, low pay, and factory closings (mostly accomplished - notice the increases in airline near misses and accidents since Reagan smashed the air traffic controllers union?),
  • Override the sovereignty of national laws with international trade agreements so nations can be sued for lost corporate profits and factories can move to low wage countries among other outrages (NAFTA was a disaster and TPP is about to be - unfortunately the Clintons and Obama have cooperated on this),
  • Eliminate New Deal anti-trust regulations to reduce or eliminate industrial competition and allow large corporations to merge into mega-corps with near monopoly power (these mega-mergers began with Reagan),
  • And eliminate the power of USDA and FDA to regulate food and drug companies and let them police themselves (mostly accomplished - notice the increase in food scares lately, and the prescription drug commercials on radio and TV - particularly Viagra, Cialis, etc. all since Reagan).
I don't want to get too long here, so I will stop. Some would argue the Democrats are not innocent in these things; I would not disagree. But these policies are mostly Republican, or should I say corporate Republican.

I seriously don't believe the average Republican voter wants to do these things. It's corporate propaganda that convinces them to vote Republican. So swayed, they vote against their own best interests.

I am afraid this is a make it or break it election for America. The battle breaks down to a political war between powerful corporations and the rights of the people. Corporations already have near control of government (the dawn of fascism), and the two political party establishments, secured with corporate mass media and misinformation propaganda. Bernie Sanders is the exception. In simple terms, socialism is concern for the common citizen, and capitalism is concern for corporate power and profits. Elite power distorts government for the people, so the people need to control elite power in socialism as well as capitalism.

Noam Chomsky recently made these comments concerning the Republican Party:

I did not want to vote against myself.

And since Hillary and Donald had both put me into a dilemma, I voted for the CIA guy instead.

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