
I have varied my avatars depending on the theme of the various forums on the internet.

Right now I am using the ancient stela of Hamurabi with the seated representation of his god Marduk, which dates to 2200 BCE.

Hamurabi was Semitic so it is respectful to use the "E" on BCE for him.

USMB is a political forum and Hamurabi was a king.

Marduk gave him is laws, and these made their way to the pharaohs of Egypt and his scribes and hence to Moses and then into the Bible and to Christianity and English and American law as well.

Politics are all about making laws, at the legislative, judicial, and finally administrative levels of government. But We The People start the whole process with our politics.

In the past I have used other avatars -- my boonie hat, my sword, my 45ACP etc.

Around here people like Ropey and koshergrl vary their avatars.

Whatever floats your boat.

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