AVATAR = Awesome!

Saw it coming as soon as we found out he was crippled and was going to BECOME an alien, and the scientists considered him the enemy.

Seemed to me it was the scientists that were on his side and the military and corporate-types that were against him.

You did not pay much attention then. On arrival the scientists considered him a waste of time. Another gun carrying goon foisted on them by the Corporation and its bottom line. She even SAYS that to him in the helo ride out on their first trip.

Then they see him providing info to the Col. so they move him to a remote site to cut direct contact. Still viewing him as a goon, though one they can use. That changes over the course of the movie. Also by the way, standard Sci Fi fare.
Saw it coming as soon as we found out he was crippled and was going to BECOME an alien, and the scientists considered him the enemy.

Seemed to me it was the scientists that were on his side and the military and corporate-types that were against him.

You did not pay much attention then. On arrival the scientists considered him a waste of time. Another gun carrying goon foisted on them by the Corporation and its bottom line. She even SAYS that to him in the helo ride out on their first trip.

Then they see him providing info to the Col. so they move him to a remote site to cut direct contact. Still viewing him as a goon, though one they can use. That changes over the course of the movie. Also by the way, standard Sci Fi fare.

Thus, my point. Whatever.
$400 million dollars for a computer cartoon movie.?!Please give me a break. He could have made three movies with the money they spent on that blue skin garbage movie.
There are people making better movies for $300,000.00 and $500,000.00 thousand dollars. Please give me a break, such a waste. I am not going to see it.
$400 million dollars for a computer cartoon movie.?!Please give me a break. He could have made three movies with the money they spent on that blue skin garbage movie.
There are people making better movies for $300,000.00 and $500,000.00 thousand dollars. Please give me a break, such a waste. I am not going to see it.

in the same post, you show your ignorance in what the animation really was, how much movies cost, and that you are a right wing hack
But District 9 was a disappointment. Disappointments hit the little disks pretty quick.

Are you kidding? District 9 was awesome.

yea if you switch the humans with irsael and the camps with Palestinians you get a pretty clear picture of what its like today in that region

Wow that is really twisting things you worthless douche bag!

Also what is Irsael? :lol:
Are you kidding? District 9 was awesome.

yea if you switch the humans with irsael and the camps with Palestinians you get a pretty clear picture of what its like today in that region

Wow that is really twisting things you worthless douche bag!

Also what is Irsael? :lol:

District 9 is a better movie. And it was made for less money. This Avatar Blue Skin $400 million dollar cartoon movie is over rated garbage, rubbish.
Not at all. Recycled? Yes. It's been done before. But this movie does it just as good as, if not better than, other movies that have done it before.

Like I said, most stories in movies these days are recycled. At least it wasn't another comic book, TV show, sequel, or book-to-movie adaptation.

I was entertained for a few hours. That is all I really want when I go to the movies. You might be emotionally attached to the film? If you are, that's cool. I'm not.

BTW, I think the dialogue was awful too. Here are a few gems:

Seargent Evil : "Keep your heads on a swivel!!"

Evil Corporate guy: "These Pandorans are nothing but blue monkeys!"

Kind and loving liberal soldier who now is killlin humans : "I have guns too, bitches! "

Evil Corporate guy: "The share holders don't care about the Pandorans, they only care about profit."

And in a blatant attempt to slander "W":
Seargant Evil: "Let's give 'em some shock and awe! The only way we can be safe is with a preemptive strike!!"

Seriously, they should have served the movie with a can of corn!!! I've heard better dialogue in a Rocky sequel!! :rofl:

Not to nit pick but the head military guy was NOT a Sergeant. He was the HEAD of the Military forces there. If you want to give him a rank Colonel would be more like it.
Of course you are right, if I recall correctly he was a Colonel.

The ottom line is this - Colonel Evil was as one dimensional a character as I've ever seen in a movie. He had not one redeeming quality! He was just a gung ho, kill 'em all and screw the consequences, kinda guy. Not very realistic in my opinion.

Overall, the movie did what I expect a movie to do - entertain me for a few hours. That was accomplished by the special effects and 3-D. The actual story - was pedestrian and predictable.
Imax has only recently opened here near me and I have just been to see Avatar in 3D on an IMAX screen and I am blown away, just wow.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
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The story was predictable. Been done many times in Sci Fi. Loved the movie though.

Some spoilers below for those who have not seen it!

Like I said, what movie isn't predictable these days? You can tell the end of a movie just from a 2-3 minute trailer. The only question that remained at the midpoint of Avatar was whether or not the main characters would live. All of the major plot points were foreshadowed very early. But even though we expected some of those things to happen (such as Jake becoming Turok-Machto, or his giving up his human body to stay with the Na'vi), Cameron was still able to make those scenes play out amazingly on screen. I think the emotion capture cameras are what really made this film work so well. If it weren't for Neytiri's emotional responses to...well...everything, I don't know that this film would have worked quite as well. I can see why Cameron waited so long to make it.

The only way Cameron really would have shocked anyone was to not allow Jake to stay with the Na'vi (which, honestly, would have been a more realistic ending), but that ending would have seemed way too much like the end of Titanic. For once, Cameron gave us the happy ending. But remember, this film is the first in a trilogy...so who knows how it will really end?

Also remember that Jake's Avatar body is made up of part human DNA, so when he and Neytiri have children, there's a possibility they will pick up some human traits. Could make for an interesting story going forward.
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District 9 is a better movie. And it was made for less money. This Avatar Blue Skin $400 million dollar cartoon movie is over rated garbage, rubbish.

District 9 was amazing until the third act. The story falls to pieces at that point.

District 9 was all good. The entire movie was excellent, all acts, from the 1st to the last
act. I didn't see any falling apart in the third act.

I feel District 9 is the better science fiction movie. And it was made for less money.
Avatar is Bluskin garbage, rubbish.! And for $400 million, what a rip off. I will be surprised if the movie breaks even.
District 9 is a better movie. And it was made for less money. This Avatar Blue Skin $400 million dollar cartoon movie is over rated garbage, rubbish.

District 9 was amazing until the third act. The story falls to pieces at that point.

District 9 was all good. The entire movie was excellent, all acts, from the 1st to the last
act. I didn't see any falling apart in the third act.

I feel District 9 is the better science fiction movie. And it was made for less money.
Avatar is Bluskin garbage, rubbish.! And for $400 million, what a rip off. I will be surprised if the movie breaks even.

Do you think it's possible that we could all concede that all art is subjective?

Or not.

Either way, have fun trying to beat people into submission over what movies you think are good and bad.
District 9 was amazing until the third act. The story falls to pieces at that point.

District 9 was all good. The entire movie was excellent, all acts, from the 1st to the last
act. I didn't see any falling apart in the third act.

I feel District 9 is the better science fiction movie. And it was made for less money.
Avatar is Bluskin garbage, rubbish.! And for $400 million, what a rip off. I will be surprised if the movie breaks even.

Do you think it's possible that we could all concede that all art is subjective?

Or not.

Either way, have fun trying to beat people into submission over what movies you think are good and bad.

Listen, anyone one in their right mind can see that Avatar is a huge waste of money.
Just from looking at the trailers of Avatar, I can see that the movie looks fake, and childish. Its a computer cartoon disney type movie on steroids. And these Blue skin
characters are a joke. And to think $400 million dollars was spent to make this garbage
is really mind boggeling. What a waste, no wonder so many of these Hollywood movie
companies are going broke, they keep making investing their money on moives like Avatar.
District 9 was all good. The entire movie was excellent, all acts, from the 1st to the last
act. I didn't see any falling apart in the third act.

I feel District 9 is the better science fiction movie. And it was made for less money.
Avatar is Bluskin garbage, rubbish.! And for $400 million, what a rip off. I will be surprised if the movie breaks even.

Do you think it's possible that we could all concede that all art is subjective?

Or not.

Either way, have fun trying to beat people into submission over what movies you think are good and bad.

Listen, anyone one in their right mind can see that Avatar is a huge waste of money.
Just from looking at the trailers of Avatar, I can see that the movie looks fake, and childish. Its a computer cartoon disney type movie on steroids. And these Blue skin
characters are a joke. And to think $400 million dollars was spent to make this garbage
is really mind boggeling. What a waste, no wonder so many of these Hollywood movie
companies are going broke, they keep making investing their money on moives like Avatar.

I'll take that as a "not".
Do you think it's possible that we could all concede that all art is subjective?

Or not.

Either way, have fun trying to beat people into submission over what movies you think are good and bad.

Listen, anyone one in their right mind can see that Avatar is a huge waste of money.
Just from looking at the trailers of Avatar, I can see that the movie looks fake, and childish. Its a computer cartoon disney type movie on steroids. And these Blue skin
characters are a joke. And to think $400 million dollars was spent to make this garbage
is really mind boggeling. What a waste, no wonder so many of these Hollywood movie
companies are going broke, they keep making investing their money on moives like Avatar.

I'll take that as a "not".

Avatar was a waste of money. I vote for District 9 , as the best science fiction movie
of the year.
In spite of a somewhat predictable plot, the story keeps you guessing and the graphics are truly stunning. I saw it in 3-D; I want to see it in 'regular' too on the big screen. Definitely worth the price of admission.

Didn't have me guessing once. I saw every single plot "twist" coming fifteen minutes or more before it happened.

I left that movie wondering who I had to sue to get that three hours of my life back. Visually stunning? Okay, I suppose. But if I want to have the sermon of leftist enviro-wacko tree-hugging preached at me, I'll go to an Al Gore press conference. The only way this movie could have been more crudely blatant about its several intertwined political agendas would have been if they actually took the last step and named the eeeevil military colonel "George Bush" and the greeeedy corporate shill "Dick Cheney".

I don't go to movies to be propagandized. I go to be entertained. The hurdy-gurdy is playing, so dance, monkeys, DANCE!
It was about the spectacle, the IMAX 3D, it was amazing, who gives a flying fuck about the script or the acting?They were so-so, the story was ok, I could see the analogies.The effects were superb, I was in that fucking movie man, with those glasses on I was there.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Go see it in 3D at least if you don't have an IMAX.
You're reading way too far into it; lighten up. :lol:

There was no "reading into" required. That WAS the story . . . except he forgot the part about the evil military demonizing its opponents in order to justify looting and pillaging in the name of their corporate masters, which was more or less actually expressed in the dialogue.

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