AVATAR = Awesome!

The Crying Game, Usual Suspects, The Sixth Sense (and that was the ONLY one of Shyamalan's plots that was even remotely unpredictable IMO), and The Others (which, to be fair, was similar to The Sixth Sense)....

You would consider any of those recent? The most recent was The Others, and that was 8 years ago.

I thought the same thing about Star Trek. It didnt take that long on netflix.

Err...Star Trek was released in theaters on May 8, and on DVD on November 12. That's six months.

District 9?

In theaters August 14, on DVD December 29. That's 4 1/2 months.
The Crying Game, Usual Suspects, The Sixth Sense (and that was the ONLY one of Shyamalan's plots that was even remotely unpredictable IMO), and The Others (which, to be fair, was similar to The Sixth Sense)....

You would consider any of those recent? The most recent was The Others, and that was 8 years ago.

Err...Star Trek was released in theaters on May 8, and on DVD on November 12. That's six months.

District 9?

In theaters August 14, on DVD December 29. That's 4 1/2 months.

But I can watch it in my house for basically penny's. Nice. Worth the wait.

Movies...15 bucks per ticket, popcorn and soda...well, you have to bring your tax refund for those....gas, parking, annoying person behind you, etc etc....not worth it.

Netflix is 15 bucks a month. Done deal. You can get it in DVD form or sometimes you can get it streamed.
And you probably don't want to stop corporations from polluting into our atmosphere
Nope I am big support of the Clean Air Act (and Clean Water Act for that matter). I also am glad the EPA is around, thank you Nixon.

it means cutting into their profits because you have investments in the stock market that might suffer
I am not for cap and trade that is going to cripple our economy based on false information

And you probably don't see the problem with cutting down the rainforest.
Where are America's rainforests? The script writers are NOT shy about proclaim their intend to portray the aliens as Indians and the Big Bad Earthlings as America Jingoists. I don't appreciate that. America has done a very good job of preserving a large amount of our forests.

Deforestation of the rain forests are happening in Latin America. Go blame some of the leftist leaders for that.

Or Japanese whale hunters probably don't bother you.
Wow words in one's mouth. If you haven't noticed the Republicans in AK have never tried to challenge the ban on Whale hunting, even though it could be a boast to their economy.

Are you feeling guilty about something perhaps? Because I don't think they said they were Americans in Avitar. They were definately corporations being protected by private contractors, ex marines, etc. Or perhaps actual military? I forgot. But they didn't say USA.
WRONG that is exactly what they are portraying. They are using marines, for christ sake!

I wish the people who came over from England would have assiliated in with the Indians and lived more off the land.
Are you serious?

You know half of our forefathers were big on the big industrial complex and the other half wanted America to be a bunch of farmers and small local simple communities all living off the land and all buying locally.

I'd prefer we not go global.
So your against progress! Got it! :cuckoo:
I will wait until it comes out on cable, because it looks good. However, I don't want to contribute, financially or in any other way, to environmentalist and anti-US Arm forces propaganda!

Sometimes a movie is just a movie.
This is cowboys and Indians where the Indians have "god" on there side.
But I can watch it in my house for basically penny's. Nice. Worth the wait.

Movies...15 bucks per ticket, popcorn and soda...well, you have to bring your tax refund for those....gas, parking, annoying person behind you, etc etc....not worth it.

Netflix is 15 bucks a month. Done deal. You can get it in DVD form or sometimes you can get it streamed.

That's fine. I'll buy it when it's out on DVD, but it will not be the same. This is just something that when you experience it on the big screen, you can tell it won't be the same on your TV.
I will wait until it comes out on cable, because it looks good. However, I don't want to contribute, financially or in any other way, to environmentalist and anti-US Arm forces propaganda!

Sometimes a movie is just a movie.
This is cowboys and Indians where the Indians have "god" on there side.

Yea but you know the underlining intentions of this film! :eusa_whistle:
I will wait until it comes out on cable, because it looks good. However, I don't want to contribute, financially or in any other way, to environmentalist and anti-US Arm forces propaganda!

Sometimes a movie is just a movie.
This is cowboys and Indians where the Indians have "god" on there side.

Yea but you know the underlining intentions of this film! :eusa_whistle:
To bring new technology on board , create beauty, and jobs and Im going to need a 3d TV
The film is free of finger pointing, It has a message, but it is not a political indictment .
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But I can watch it in my house for basically penny's. Nice. Worth the wait.

Movies...15 bucks per ticket, popcorn and soda...well, you have to bring your tax refund for those....gas, parking, annoying person behind you, etc etc....not worth it.

Netflix is 15 bucks a month. Done deal. You can get it in DVD form or sometimes you can get it streamed.

That's fine. I'll buy it when it's out on DVD, but it will not be the same. This is just something that when you experience it on the big screen, you can tell it won't be the same on your TV.

I get that, but you would be amazed at some of the equipment in homes now. The picture, sound and MY food. :)
The Crying Game, Usual Suspects, The Sixth Sense (and that was the ONLY one of Shyamalan's plots that was even remotely unpredictable IMO), and The Others (which, to be fair, was similar to The Sixth Sense)....

You would consider any of those recent? The most recent was The Others, and that was 8 years ago.

Err...Star Trek was released in theaters on May 8, and on DVD on November 12. That's six months.

District 9?

In theaters August 14, on DVD December 29. That's 4 1/2 months.

Jesus Jon... you're like the 'Rain Man' of movie dates.
The Crying Game, Usual Suspects, The Sixth Sense (and that was the ONLY one of Shyamalan's plots that was even remotely unpredictable IMO), and The Others (which, to be fair, was similar to The Sixth Sense)....

You would consider any of those recent? The most recent was The Others, and that was 8 years ago.

District 9?

In theaters August 14, on DVD December 29. That's 4 1/2 months.

But I can watch it in my house for basically penny's. Nice. Worth the wait.

Movies...15 bucks per ticket, popcorn and soda...well, you have to bring your tax refund for those....gas, parking, annoying person behind you, etc etc....not worth it.

Netflix is 15 bucks a month. Done deal. You can get it in DVD form or sometimes you can get it streamed.


:beer: to those who 'get it'. ;)
I would agree it was beautiful to look at, but otherwise it felt like a propaganda film to me.
Just got back, and let me just say this: BEST MOVIE IN A LONG FUCKING TIME.

I went in with expectations of a beautiful movie with a decent story. I came out mesmerized by the story more than the graphics. Seriously, the graphics are truly amazing, and I was constantly awed at how beautifully Cameron had painted the world of Pandora. But even more amazing was the story, really. Without spoiling anything, I can't even begin to describe what was so great about that.

It should be a shoe-in for Best Picture, because I've seen a lot of the other possible nominees. They don't hold a candle to this.

The story was predictable. Been done many times in Sci Fi. Loved the movie though.
I went to see Avatar yesterday. I was totally impressed with the 3-D effects, but the story was weaker than a warm watered down beer. Cameron creates a beautiful world and the technical aspects of the movie are killer. But the story is so so weak that within 10 minutes I knew exactly how the story would resolve. I even predicted that the "bad" Seargent would be killed by an arrow through his heart. Weak.

Sadly, it wasn't hard to see where the movie would go because it follows a strict Hollywood liberal formula: The "hero" is human, in liberal minds, all humans are evil. When the evil human is allowed to experience the Beautiful and Natural world of Pandora and it's tree loving socialist people; he sees that he is indeed evil and decides to turn against the evil humans that are trying to exploit beautiful Pandora for it's "unobtainium". Unobtanium is a valuable commodity worth $20 million per Kilo. The Evil humans are there solely at the whim of their evil corporate masters and will stop at nothing to get "unobtainium", even if they have to destroy the beautiful and loving Pandorans and Pandora itself. They will stop at nothing to get "unobtainium"!! The share holders demand it!!!

So here it is :
Bad guys = Evil corporations, evil humans, capitalists
Good guys = the caring loving socialist Pandoran's who love (literally!!) trees, and the liberal humans who see the evil things the evil humans are doing.

Bottom line- The gentle and good tree lovers of Pandora teach the Hero their ways. He falls in love with the girl, sees the evil in his evil corporate masters, rallies the Pandorans to defeat the evil humans and their evil corporate masters. He kills the evil humans and kicks the evil humans off the planet in the end. The main bad guy - "Seargant Pure Evil" - gets shot with an arrow through his heart by the loving and innocent Pandoran that the hero has fallen in love with as she saves his life.

TADA!!!! Evil loses!!! Peace, Love, tree hugging, and Understanding wins!!!

Trite, unimpressive, simple minded story for children. Other than that, it was great. :)

Nothing Liberal about it. Standard Sci fi fare. LOTS of stories in Sci Fi have the Human discover alien worlds, adopted and identify with said alien world over their own.

Saw it coming as soon as we found out he was crippled and was going to BECOME an alien, and the scientists considered him the enemy.
Story - watered down recycled CRAP.

Not at all. Recycled? Yes. It's been done before. But this movie does it just as good as, if not better than, other movies that have done it before.

Like I said, most stories in movies these days are recycled. At least it wasn't another comic book, TV show, sequel, or book-to-movie adaptation.

I was entertained for a few hours. That is all I really want when I go to the movies. You might be emotionally attached to the film? If you are, that's cool. I'm not.

BTW, I think the dialogue was awful too. Here are a few gems:

Seargent Evil : "Keep your heads on a swivel!!"

Evil Corporate guy: "These Pandorans are nothing but blue monkeys!"

Kind and loving liberal soldier who now is killlin humans : "I have guns too, bitches! "

Evil Corporate guy: "The share holders don't care about the Pandorans, they only care about profit."

And in a blatant attempt to slander "W":
Seargant Evil: "Let's give 'em some shock and awe! The only way we can be safe is with a preemptive strike!!"

Seriously, they should have served the movie with a can of corn!!! I've heard better dialogue in a Rocky sequel!! :rofl:

Not to nit pick but the head military guy was NOT a Sergeant. He was the HEAD of the Military forces there. If you want to give him a rank Colonel would be more like it.
Saw it coming as soon as we found out he was crippled and was going to BECOME an alien, and the scientists considered him the enemy.

Seemed to me it was the scientists that were on his side and the military and corporate-types that were against him.
Sometimes a movie is just a movie.
This is cowboys and Indians where the Indians have "god" on there side.

Yea but you know the underlining intentions of this film! :eusa_whistle:
To bring new technology on board , create beauty, and jobs and Im going to need a 3d TV
The film is free of finger pointing, It has a message, but it is not a political indictment .

While I agree it is standard fare for a Sci Fi plot, the intent WAS clear. Corporations bad, that too is a Sci Fi routine fare, but the movie went to great pains to put it out there and make Humans the VERY bad guys. Only in passing is it mentioned that the population of Earth might be bothered MOMENTARILY by the slaughter of the indigenous race.

I would say that the tree huggers got a free one in via a sci fi route.

By the way? Put in the position of the avatar people? I would have sided with the Aliens also.

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