Author: "No More Candy-Assed Christianity"


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
It's hard to argue with him. If you look at evil in religion (muslims) they are trying to drowned out christian voices with intimidation and violence. If you look at evil in politics (Democrats) they are trying to drowned out christian voices with intimidation and violence.

They all want us to sit down and shut up. It's a fight. Christians have to stop being timid and start fighting loud and hard.

'Candy-a**ed Christianity' must end, author declares
He needs a different title. There is no need to use such language to get the point across that Believers are to defend the faith and speak out against evil.
The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1

Perhaps the author should first become acquainted with who is and who is not a true follower of Christ by "Biblical Standards."

Fox's Book of Martyrs' might be a great reference point after reading the KJV Bible for some testimonies of true believers.
I do not know that 'candy assed Christianity' is really all that prevalent. They are already vocal and rather vehement. What is it that you think they are not doing?
I do not know that 'candy assed Christianity' is really all that prevalent. They are already vocal and rather vehement. What is it that you think they are not doing?
Maybe the author has confused Joel Osteen / Rick Warren followers for true followers of Jesus Christ. Perhaps that is the problem.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Revelation 12:11

Defining the true follower of Jesus Christ. Look it up in the KJV Holy Bible.
He needs a different title. There is no need to use such language to get the point across that Believers are to defend the faith and speak out against evil.
The language is a necessary component in changing attitudes.
They must have written their own version of the Holy Bible (a false one) to support those changing attitudes. My Bible calls those people backsliders or those who have fallen away from the faith.
Muslims and Christians are the same. Thank god the Jesus freaky have evolved where they don't really follow the religion . Bunch of fakers .
Muslims and Christians are the same. Thank god the Jesus freaky have evolved where they don't really follow the religion . Bunch of fakers .

The Muslims are cutting off the heads of the Christians. When did the Christians start cutting of the heads of Muslims?

Have you ever read a history book? Christans have had no problem with killing people .
It's hard to argue with him. If you look at evil in religion (muslims) they are trying to drowned out christian voices with intimidation and violence. If you look at evil in politics (Democrats) they are trying to drowned out christian voices with intimidation and violence.

They all want us to sit down and shut up. It's a fight. Christians have to stop being timid and start fighting loud and hard.

'Candy-a**ed Christianity' must end, author declares
Dr. Ron Paul said that the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion is that Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before putting their faith in the state and that throughout our nation's history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. That's why they chip away at our nation's Christian heritage. A people without a heritage are easily persuaded.
He needs a different title. There is no need to use such language to get the point across that Believers are to defend the faith and speak out against evil.

Oh my fucking god - just as I've said about you fake christians. As long as you call it something pretty, it's okay to hate and do harm.

Just like Jesus taught, right?
Muslims and Christians are the same. Thank god the Jesus freaky have evolved where they don't really follow the religion . Bunch of fakers .

The Muslims are cutting off the heads of the Christians. When did the Christians start cutting of the heads of Muslims?

Have you ever read a history book? Christans have had no problem with killing people .

And while they're doing their killing, they're also preaching about how special they are and/or how they don't like your color, your sexuality,my our god.

Then they go get forgiven so they can go out the next day and do it all again.

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Muslims and Christians are the same. Thank god the Jesus freaky have evolved where they don't really follow the religion . Bunch of fakers .

The Muslims are cutting off the heads of the Christians. When did the Christians start cutting of the heads of Muslims?

Have you ever read a history book? Christans have had no problem with killing people .

Oh and it's not ancient history. How many hate crimes are we seeing these days? So called christians are attacking people daily.

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Muslims and Christians are the same. Thank god the Jesus freaky have evolved where they don't really follow the religion . Bunch of fakers .

The Muslims are cutting off the heads of the Christians. When did the Christians start cutting of the heads of Muslims?

Have you ever read a history book? Christans have had no problem with killing people .

And while they're doing their killing, they're also preaching about how special they are and/or how they don't like your color, your sexuality,my our god.

Then they go get forgiven so they can go out the next day and do it all again.

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Tell me more nonsense that you know about Christians. It is quite entertaining.
Muslims and Christians are the same. Thank god the Jesus freaky have evolved where they don't really follow the religion . Bunch of fakers .

The Muslims are cutting off the heads of the Christians. When did the Christians start cutting of the heads of Muslims?

Have you ever read a history book? Christans have had no problem with killing people .

Oh and it's not ancient history. How many hate crimes are we seeing these days? So called christians are attacking people daily.

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The key words in your pathetic statement are "so called Christians."
Muslims and Christians are the same. Thank god the Jesus freaky have evolved where they don't really follow the religion . Bunch of fakers .

The Muslims are cutting off the heads of the Christians. When did the Christians start cutting of the heads of Muslims?

Have you ever read a history book? Christans have had no problem with killing people .

Oh and it's not ancient history. How many hate crimes are we seeing these days? So called christians are attacking people daily.

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The key words in your pathetic statement are "so called Christians."

As the saying goes, going to church doesn't make one any more a Christian, than standing in a garage makes one a car.
It's hard to argue with him. If you look at evil in religion (muslims) they are trying to drowned out christian voices with intimidation and violence. If you look at evil in politics (Democrats) they are trying to drowned out christian voices with intimidation and violence.

They all want us to sit down and shut up. It's a fight. Christians have to stop being timid and start fighting loud and hard.

'Candy-a**ed Christianity' must end, author declares

I have to admit that I'm not into 'turn the other cheek.'

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