Attorney General Eric Holder Promises to Investigate Himself


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
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Attorney General Eric Holder Promises to Investigate Himself and Send Himself to Prison

January 19, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

Attorney General Eric Holder didn’t just kill 300 Mexicans, he also killed irony.

[ame=]Eric Holder: We Will Go After Gun Traffickers - YouTube[/ame]

And to consider a series of new federal laws imposing tough penalties on gun traffickers who help funnel weapons to dangerous criminals.

I think that we all look forward to Holder catching himself and locking himself up. It shouldn’t be a very difficult investigation even for him. It’s only a question of how much time Holder will give himself to turn himself in. And hopefully he won’t tip himself off about his own raid on himself.


Attorney General Eric Holder Promises to Investigate Himself and Send Himself to Prison
Nope not going to investigate himself, he got his dear leader to cover his ass with executive privilege. This is all show boating to distract the public form what's really important, like the economy.
They won't get away with the cover up much longer. Those documents are going to come to light. The SCOTUS has already made a very strong and clear ruling on EP in regard to cover ups. Holder and Obama both stated those documents contained NOTHING - their names- NO WHERE.. there's more to this story.. a whole lot more. We're going to soon find out and I am willing to bet AG Holder is going to do some prison time.

Attorney General Eric Holder Promises to Investigate Himself and Send Himself to Prison

January 19, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

Attorney General Eric Holder didn’t just kill 300 Mexicans, he also killed irony.

Eric Holder: We Will Go After Gun Traffickers - YouTube

And to consider a series of new federal laws imposing tough penalties on gun traffickers who help funnel weapons to dangerous criminals.

I think that we all look forward to Holder catching himself and locking himself up. It shouldn’t be a very difficult investigation even for him. It’s only a question of how much time Holder will give himself to turn himself in. And hopefully he won’t tip himself off about his own raid on himself.


Attorney General Eric Holder Promises to Investigate Himself and Send Himself to Prison
Holder is going to investigate himself?
:eusa_shifty: :eusa_eh: :lol: :badgrin: :disbelief: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

House Judiciary: Did Eric Holder lie under oath?


The House Judiciary Committee is looking into whether Attorney General Eric Holder lied under oath during his testimony earlier this month on the Justice Department's seizing of journalists' records, CBS News has confirmed.

Holder appeared before the committee on May 15 and said he wasn't involved in "the potential prosecution" of a member of the press under the Espionage Act for disclosing information adding, "this is not something I've ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy."

Holder in the hot seat at congressional hearing

Fox News reporter secretly monitored by Obama administration: Court documents


House Judiciary: Did Eric Holder lie under oath? - CBS News
Only old timers probably remember when the media was in the business of investigative reporting. Maybe it was only a myth. Maybe the media only comes alive when a republican is in office. Anyway it seems that the liberal media is more afraid of disclosing evidence about the A.G. than investigating the administration.
The Perjury Rap Sheet of an Attorney General

May 29, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder remains in the eye of a largely self-inflicted storm. The House Judiciary Committee is initiating an investigation into whether Holder lied under oath when he testified before the Committee on May 15th regarding the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) seizure of Fox News reporter James Rosen’s emails. Furthermore, in a revelation likely to add weight to that investigation, The New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza reports that the DOJ essentially went “judge shopping” to procure a search warrant to access Rosen’s files.

The Committee is examining an exchange Holder had with Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA). Johnson was concerned the DOJ could prosecute reporters under the auspices of the Espionage Act of 1917.

Johnson: ”But we certainly need to protect the privacy of individuals, and we need to protect the ability … of the press to engage in its First Amendment responsibilities to be free and to give us information about our government so as to keep the people informed.”

Holder: “Well, I would say this. With regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material, that is not something that I’ve ever been involved in, heard of or would think would be a wise policy. In fact, my view is quite the opposite.”


The Perjury Rap Sheet of an Attorney General | FrontPage Magazine
Eric Holder’s Reign of Racial Terror

July 17, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is apparently ready to pick up where he left off last year and continue his investigation into whether Trayvon Martin’s civil rights were violated by the recently acquitted George Zimmerman. Holder had stepped aside to let the Florida trial of Zimmerman proceed, but it would appear that the verdict rendered Saturday night is too irresistible for the man who oversees one of the most racially-polarized Justice Departments (DOJ) in the history of the nation. “Experienced federal prosecutors will determine whether the evidence reveals a prosecutable violation of any of the limited federal criminal civil rights statutes within our jurisdiction, and whether federal prosecution is appropriate,” the DOJ announced.

NAACP President Benjamin Jealous was thrilled with the news. Regarding the conclusion of the trial, he said in a statement, “We are outraged and heartbroken over today’s verdict. We will pursue civil rights charges with the Department of Justice, we will continue to fight for the removal of Stand Your Ground laws in every state and we will not rest until racial profiling in all its forms is outlawed.”

Such “coordination” between the NAACP and the DOJ has already occurred. As a 2012 article in the Orlando Sentinel reveals, the DOJ’s Community Relations Service (CRS) “helped set up a meeting between the local NAACP and elected officials” leading to the temporary resignation of Sanford police Chief Bill Lee, who was subsequently fired for failing to file charges against Zimmerman. The article further notes that the CRS, which the DOJ claims ”does not take sides” in their role as “peacemakers” in community racial conflicts, also “arranged a police escort for college students to ensure safe passage for their 40-mile march from Daytona Beach to Sanford to demand justice.”


Ironically, all of this agitation is being perpetrated under the banner of seeking justice. Mob justice is more like it, along with the DOJ’s capitulation to provide legitimacy for it. Eric Holder’s unsavory alliance with Al Sharpton, his previous coordination with the NAACP on both this case and the one in Philadelphia, as well as his Department’s documented effort to orchestrate unrest from the very beginning, leaves little doubt that he is more than up to the task. President Obama’s decision not to intervene — despite the reality his previous intervention turned this case into a national story — is equally egregious.

If the DOJ follows the law, it will be virtually impossible to prove Zimmerman acted with malice. Yet given Holder’s long and tattered track record regarding this case and others (Fast and Furious comes immediately to mind), the rule of law may become the first casualty in this transparently political effort.

Eric Holder?s Reign of Racial Terror | FrontPage Magazine
EDITORIAL: Eric Holder, you’re no Martin Luther King

The attorney general strikes a shameful pose

The Washington Times
Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Eric Holder, who gets more headlines than any other member of the president’s Cabinet, and usually for the wrong things, confuses celebrity with credibility. He imagines celebrity makes him a credible champion of civil rights. He’s fond of citing a man whom he seems to regard as his equal as a civil rights pioneer.

But some of us knew Martin Luther King, and Mr. Holder, you’re no Martin Luther King.

We know Mr. Holder, too, as the attorney general whose office declined to prosecute Black Panthers who attempted to intimidate white voters in Philadelphia, approved the intimidation of the Associated Press, presided over the most sweeping collection of information on private citizens in the nation’s history, and authorized the killing of an American citizen by drone attack, depriving him of his civil rights.


Read more: EDITORIAL: Eric Holder, you?re no Martin Luther King - Washington Times
Obama can issue a blanket pardon for anything Holder has done and nobody will ever go after the first black president.

Everytime I read the news I hear that voice in my head saying, "forget it Jake, it's Chinatown."

Eric Holder’s stand your ground squirrel

By: Michelle Malkin
7/17/2013 11:09 AM

Welcome to the Obama administration’s cringe-inducing non sequitur of the week. On Tuesday, Attorney General Eric Holder continued stoking the fires of racial resentment over a Florida jury’s acquittal of George Zimmerman. In an address to NAACP leaders, who are demanding federal intervention, Holder attacked Stand Your Ground self-defense laws.

All together now: Squirrel!

“Separate and apart from the (Trayvon Martin) case that has drawn the nation’s attention, it’s time to question laws that senselessly expand the concept of self-defense and sow dangerous conflict in our neighborhoods,” Holder opined. He then baselessly claimed that such laws are creating “more violence than they prevent” and used his platform to promote citizens’ “duty to retreat.”


Eric Holder's stand your ground squirrel


Seven More Reasons to Impeach Eric Holder

August 6, 2013 By J. Christian Adams


Over a year ago, I penned Ten Reasons to Impeach Eric Holder. In that David Horowitz Freedom Center pamphlet, I documented how Attorney General Eric Holder has corroded the rule of law, abused power and deserved to be impeached. Since the publication of the pamphlet, Holder has provided multiple new reasons why he is unfit to serve as Attorney General.

Instead of moderating, instead of adopting a more centrist approach after the publication of that pamphlet in Spring 2012, Holder has radicalized even further.

This should be unsurprising to anyone who has followed Holder’s career. Holder is driven by a radical progressive view of the law, and by contempt for conservatives. He is hostile to the rule of law, at least as traditionally understood by Americans.


But Holder’s record demonstrates it is he who has made a mockery out of the rule of law. His tenure at the Justice Department overflows with abuse of power, appeals to racial division, and disregard of the constitutional balance of powers.

Taking Sides in George Zimmerman Trial and Federal Threats
Failure to Indict Black Panthers
Contempt of Congress
Failure to Prosecute IRS Officials
DOJ Vendetta Against Fox News and James Rosen
Perjury Before Congress on Rosen Investigation
Manipulation of 2012 Elections and Opposition to Election Integrity

Eric Holder is a menace to the rule of law and the individual liberty it protects. He should not only be run out of his office, but hounded forever by liberty-loving Americans exposing his behavior until he is bereft of clients after he leaves the Justice Department.

Seven More Reasons to Impeach Eric Holder | FrontPage Magazine
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Atty General Holder Inflated Mortgage Fraud Prosecutions by 80%

August 13, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

Unfortunately it seems like there’s no one to prosecute him for fraud. Or for killing a whole bunch of Mexicans.

he Justice Department made a long-overdue disclosure late Friday: Last year when U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder boasted about the successes that a high-profile task force racked up pursuing mortgage fraud, the numbers he trumpeted were grossly overstated.

We’re not talking small differences here. Originally the Justice Department said 530 people were charged criminally as part of a year-long initiative by the multi-agency Mortgage Fraud Working Group. It now says the actual figure was 107 — or 80 percent less. Holder originally said the defendants had victimized more than 73,000 American homeowners. That number was revised to 17,185, while estimates of homeowner losses associated with the frauds dropped to $95 million from $1 billion.

Even Hillary Clinton can spot the difference between 95 million and 1 billion. Even Hillary.

So how did Holder pull off the scam? In the time-honored government fashion of moving a lot of numbers around and taking credit for other people’s work.


The Obama administration has been on the defensive for years over its lack of decisive, high-profile prosecutions related to the financial crisis

It can’t prosecute its own donors… can it.

Atty General Holder Inflated Mortgage Fraud Prosecutions by 80% | FrontPage Magazine


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