Attempts to Stifle MA Crisis Pregnancy Centers FAIL

Never had great results with the line. Thought I might have one night, but turned out to be a bomb.
Oh man I'm dyslexic today. I had to go back and read the other post because I was so confused why you were genuinely asking me about pie.... 😄
Stating facts is not a strawman, your attempt to substantiate your opinion with an article from Reuters is

Surgical operations are not basic biology

Smoke more dope pothead
Surgeries that result in unviable babies or fetuses being "born" however are effectively abortions because those babies aren't going to survive.
Surgeries that result in unviable babies or fetuses being "born" however are effectively abortions because those babies aren't going to survive.
In your opinion.

Medically speaking, abortion procedures during a medical emergency will always kill the woman.

That is why you could not link to anything other than a Rueters propaganda piece
Because over 3 months to figure out you don't want to give birth is more than enough.
Apart from anything else, the woman doesn't have three months to figure it out, she probably won't even know for at least a month that she's even pregnant.

Then I understand it can takes weeks just to get an appointment to see one's doctor.

Tell you what: You don't have any abortions over your selected time limit.
Who cares about your strawman? 😄

Pregnancies do come with risks and abortions are medical procedures. Those risks don't always have to be life threatening to be valid. No woman should be required to accept health risks to satisfy someone else's morality.

Every successful abortion kills an innocent human being.

It is blatantly dishonest to describe this as a “medical procedure” to protect a woman's health or safety, It is homicide, plain and simple. Cold-blooded murder.
I didn't say they weren't homo sapiens. My argument has nothing to do with whether they are human or not. It's to point out that rights exist in varying degrees at different stages of life.

Is it more acceptable, or less acceptable, to murder a young man of about fifteen or sixteen years of age, than it would be to murder an old man like me, just weeks short of sixty-one?

How does one's age reflect on one's right not to be murdered?
And extending some of those rights to the fetal stage in balance with the rights of the mother is the whole argument.
I put that balance for birth control abortions at 12-16 weeks.

I cannot agree with supporting the murder of a human being at any age. From conception, that person is every bit as much a human being as he is after the arbitrary point that you want to set, and it is no more acceptable to murder him before he reaches that point than afterward.

Murder is still murder, regardless, of the age of the victim.
People continue breathing of their own volition, not yours. Way to miss the point Marty. 😄
No, we don't miss the point. Abortion is a human rights violation, and it is promoted, funded, taught by NEGATIVE EUGENECISTS whose objective is to reduce population and trample human rights.
By that logic does that independent life have a right to gestate off you without your consent? Seems like that fetus should respect others peoples bodies if it expects respect for its own in return.

Does a child have a right to be cared for, provided for, and protected by his parents, until he is old enough to support himself? Or is it within the right of the parents, of, say, a five-year-old, to toss that kid out on the streets and let him fend for himself?

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