Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult

- 7% of voters think the moon landing was faked

- 13% of voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters

Those are disturbing. Woulda thought they amounts shoudl be reversed. :)

As to atheists, try it the other way, if people who claim to believe in God really do, why get so upset when confronted by those that don't? Shouldn't you be walking around all blissed out about the heaven you get for believing? Only someone really unsure or filled with doubt should get upset when somoene says what whackjobs ya are. :)

I don't care if atheists don't believe. I do care that they assault the faith of impressionable people and kids who don't have the resources to think it through.

It angers me that atheists rob people of their faith using false arguments and repeatedly disproven falsehoods, like the claim that there is evidence that Jesus did not live.

As to the individual atheist that chooses to not believe because he is too lazy and/or dishonest to look at the facts; to hell with him.
Sounds like you care very much.

Sounds like you are an idiot.
What about the stupid Catholic sheep Germans who went along with Hitler? What about the dummy American christians who let Bush lie them into a holy war with the muslims? Hell even I fell for that one after 9-11 but then again I was a believer in 2001. Not anymore.

Well since I said 'Communist China and the Soviet Union had the highest totals of all other nations combined' Catholic Germans and other groups don't really add in to that, do they dumbass?

And as bad as Hitler was, his twelve million is not even one tenth that of Red China and the USSR. You atheists are without peer in at least one thing; mass murder.

You guys are sure catching up. How many deaths in just the Gaza conflict alone? 1000 minimum? How many died in Iraq? 1 Million?

How many more murder/death/kills do you guys need to catch us because I'm sure your numbers are running up like the debt clock does. Ever see that thing go up? That's how many murder/death/kills happen every day in theist world. In fact I even remember watching Robin Williams talk about god. Is he in hell now because he killed himself? How the fuck do you know? :cuckoo::eusa_liar:

lol, that post is a great example of antichristian bigotry.

My God, you are blaming us for things we didn't have shit to do with Christian theology, jack ass.
So maybe then when a Christian is arguing with atheists you should either state your position or butt out?

They were communists, dude, not Christians.

Shit, you are a stupid ignoramus.

Public board. I'll butt in where I please and don't require or desire your approval. You can always ignore me if I prove too difficult for you. But if you are going to make statement which are blatantly untrue, I am going to point it out.

Communist does not mean Atheist. The vast majority of Chinese were not Atheist even during the height of the Mao regime. So the majority of the killings were done by people who believed in God in one fashion or another. Just as the majority of the killings under the Nazis were done by Christians. Religion does not and never has prevented genocide. What happened in the 20th century to affect the rate of killing wasn't Atheism, it was technology.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't 9/11 a faith based initiative? Religious fanatics martyred themselves, by killing themselves along with 3000 others because they believed god would reward them for it?

Only on the surface. Religion is not a cause of violence and neither is Atheism. People don't need a cause to kill each other, we just like having an excuse.
Communist does not mean Atheist. The vast majority of Chinese were not Atheist even during the height of the Mao regime. So the majority of the killings were done by people who believed in God in one fashion or another. Just as the majority of the killings under the Nazis were done by Christians. Religion does not and never has prevented genocide. What happened in the 20th century to affect the rate of killing wasn't Atheism, it was technology.

They try to pin all the commy stuff on atheists.

ALL Communists were atheists, ignoramus.

You are wrong. Wildly wrong. Wrong at a truly amazing level. But heck, I fully respect you right to be wrong if that makes you happy.
Yeah, cause you saying stupid things is really meaningless when you don't give a fuck.

But that is not what the lawsuits or Seelybooboos statement was about; they want all mention of God silenced, dumbass.

People voting their beliefs is part of the democratic process.

Don't like it perhaps you should move to Outer Slobovia.

You DO know the difference between law makers (government) from voters (the people) right? Laws cannot be based on religious beliefs............i.e. lawmakers cannot construct bills on any religious position. The voter, can vote based on whatever they want.

Sure, laws can be based on religious beliefs, why not? I want murder to be illegal and that is because of my religious beliefs.

Are you saying I cant vote for my congresscritter because I want him to keep murder illegal?

My values are what motivate me to do what I do, and a huge chunk of those beliefs are founded on religious beliefs. I cannot yank the religious ones out and just ignore them, nor am I obligated to.

I do have a test I do use and that is to see if there is a secular rational for the religious belief being put into law. If I have any then I vote my religious beliefs, if not then I don't. So I vote to end and/or restrict abortion and do not vote to make church attendance mandatory.

You really don't understand any of this do you?

Lol, I explain and explain things but you cant be convinced I understand anything because I disagree with you? roflmao

Your opinion is GOD did it...................GOD is right..................don't question GOD.

If you atheist libtards didn't have straw men you wouldn't ever win an argument.


No. I don't think you understand because you contradict yourself.

You are for church/state separation, yet you have no problem with religious beliefs being legislated!?
Those two things are in violent contradiction.

And please tell me..............what was my straw man argument?
lol, kookburger deflection.

How can something eternal NOT be God the Creator?

Well, you haven't defined what a god is, where that definition comes from, or how we can test it. All your argument boils down to is assigning an unknown, hypothetical thing with the designation of "God the Creator." That's pretty arbitrary.

Lol, you say that as if the Catholic church has not defined God thousands of years ago.

IF you cant do some reading you are not worth my time.
I'm well aware of the Catholic Church's definition...and it was at odds with the Jewish definition and several of the other early Christian Church's definitions. For example, the Armenian Church holds to Miaphysitism...a single nature of Christ instead of the dual nature ascribed by the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

But I wasn't restricting definitions to the Abrahamic God, but rather what "a god," any god, would be. First you have to have a generic description of what would make something a god, then you can go down to the specific qualities of a particular god.

You're doing the logic backwards. You can't propose a being with a set of qualities and then just declare that to be the only definition of a god. You have to start with a generic description and then see if proposed gods meet that description. For example...if we start with the basic qualities of immortality and demonstrated power of creation ex nihilo then we can rule out Caesar and the Egyptian Pharaohs. But are those qualities the right definition?
I'm not a Christian. There are more than the two things.

So maybe then when a Christian is arguing with atheists you should either state your position or butt out?

So the religious people just did what they were told by this tiny minority. These heavily armed religious people committed horrendous acts because they were ordered to by people they vastly out numbered. Doesn't say much for religion, does it?

They were communists, dude, not Christians.

Shit, you are a stupid ignoramus.

Public board. I'll butt in where I please and don't require or desire your approval. You can always ignore me if I prove too difficult for you.

You are a liar, I see that much, and I think you are very likely an atheist, but it is immaterial because you are a demonstrated liar now.

But if you are going to make statement which are blatantly untrue, I am going to point it out.

Well, you are deep into the display of your ignorance, stupidity and antichristian bigotry, when do you get to the point where you help me by showing me where I am mistaken?

Communist does not mean Atheist.

At the time of the atrocities it did since the Communist party would not admit anyone as members if they were not atheists, you ignorant fuck.

The vast majority of Chinese were not Atheist even during the height of the Mao regime.

Neither were they majority communists either, lol

So the majority of the killings were done by people who believed in God in one fashion or another.

That only follows if you can prove that the minority communists atheists were not sufficient to do the murdering, and that has been demonstrated. With modern technology it doesn't take a lot of people to murder millions upon millions.

Just as the majority of the killings under the Nazis were done by Christians.

Straw man, and still not a tenth of what atheists did in Red China and the USSR.

Religion does not and never has prevented genocide.

Another obvious lie from a retard.

What happened in the 20th century to affect the rate of killing wasn't Atheism, it was technology.

It was all driven by atheism, ordered by atheists and that systems complete lack of respect for human life, the same disrespect that drives them to keep the murder of the unborn legal. More blood on the hands of atheism.
Well, you haven't defined what a god is, where that definition comes from, or how we can test it. All your argument boils down to is assigning an unknown, hypothetical thing with the designation of "God the Creator." That's pretty arbitrary.

Lol, you say that as if the Catholic church has not defined God thousands of years ago.

IF you cant do some reading you are not worth my time.
I'm well aware of the Catholic Church's definition...and it was at odds with the Jewish definition and several of the other early Christian Church's definitions. For example, the Armenian Church holds to Miaphysitism...a single nature of Christ instead of the dual nature ascribed by the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

But I wasn't restricting definitions to the Abrahamic God, but rather what "a god," any god, would be. First you have to have a generic description of what would make something a god, then you can go down to the specific qualities of a particular god.

You're doing the logic backwards. You can't propose a being with a set of qualities and then just declare that to be the only definition of a god. You have to start with a generic description and then see if proposed gods meet that description. For example...if we start with the basic qualities of immortality and demonstrated power of creation ex nihilo then we can rule out Caesar and the Egyptian Pharaohs. But are those qualities the right definition?

lol, I am not defending something new or invented, so I do not have to define what has already been defined.
Public board. I'll butt in where I please and don't require or desire your approval. You can always ignore me if I prove too difficult for you. But if you are going to make statement which are blatantly untrue, I am going to point it out.

Communist does not mean Atheist. The vast majority of Chinese were not Atheist even during the height of the Mao regime. So the majority of the killings were done by people who believed in God in one fashion or another. Just as the majority of the killings under the Nazis were done by Christians. Religion does not and never has prevented genocide. What happened in the 20th century to affect the rate of killing wasn't Atheism, it was technology.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't 9/11 a faith based initiative? Religious fanatics martyred themselves, by killing themselves along with 3000 others because they believed god would reward them for it?

Only on the surface. Religion is not a cause of violence and neither is Atheism. People don't need a cause to kill each other, we just like having an excuse.

I partially disagree.
Many religious beliefs influence separation. Just creating an "us" and "them" is enough to spark conflict.
Would you agree with that?
So maybe then when a Christian is arguing with atheists you should either state your position or butt out?

They were communists, dude, not Christians.

Shit, you are a stupid ignoramus.

Public board. I'll butt in where I please and don't require or desire your approval. You can always ignore me if I prove too difficult for you. But if you are going to make statement which are blatantly untrue, I am going to point it out.

Communist does not mean Atheist. The vast majority of Chinese were not Atheist even during the height of the Mao regime. So the majority of the killings were done by people who believed in God in one fashion or another. Just as the majority of the killings under the Nazis were done by Christians. Religion does not and never has prevented genocide. What happened in the 20th century to affect the rate of killing wasn't Atheism, it was technology.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't 9/11 a faith based initiative? Religious fanatics martyred themselves, by killing themselves along with 3000 others because they believed god would reward them for it?

Yeah and that has to do with the 9-11 Truthers mentions 9-11?

lol, idiots
Public board. I'll butt in where I please and don't require or desire your approval. You can always ignore me if I prove too difficult for you. But if you are going to make statement which are blatantly untrue, I am going to point it out.

Communist does not mean Atheist. The vast majority of Chinese were not Atheist even during the height of the Mao regime. So the majority of the killings were done by people who believed in God in one fashion or another. Just as the majority of the killings under the Nazis were done by Christians. Religion does not and never has prevented genocide. What happened in the 20th century to affect the rate of killing wasn't Atheism, it was technology.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't 9/11 a faith based initiative? Religious fanatics martyred themselves, by killing themselves along with 3000 others because they believed god would reward them for it?

Only on the surface. Religion is not a cause of violence and neither is Atheism. People don't need a cause to kill each other, we just like having an excuse.

Atheism is a 'removing-the-block cause' of mass murder.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't 9/11 a faith based initiative? Religious fanatics martyred themselves, by killing themselves along with 3000 others because they believed god would reward them for it?

Only on the surface. Religion is not a cause of violence and neither is Atheism. People don't need a cause to kill each other, we just like having an excuse.

I partially disagree.
Many religious beliefs influence separation. Just creating an "us" and "them" is enough to spark conflict.
Would you agree with that?

lol, more kooburger circle jerk
Only on the surface. Religion is not a cause of violence and neither is Atheism. People don't need a cause to kill each other, we just like having an excuse.

I partially disagree.
Many religious beliefs influence separation. Just creating an "us" and "them" is enough to spark conflict.
Would you agree with that?

lol, more kooburger circle jerk

Right. Don't actually address the subject................just make an ignorant statement.:eusa_clap:
I partially disagree.
Many religious beliefs influence separation. Just creating an "us" and "them" is enough to spark conflict.
Would you agree with that?

lol, more kooburger circle jerk

Right. Don't actually address the subject................just make an ignorant statement.:eusa_clap:

The question wasn't addressed to me, idiot. Hell you wrote the question, don't you know?


And my statement was right on the money; you were going into atheist circle jerk mode and I called you on it.

The First Amendments guarantee of freedom of religious speech has been turned upside down by absurd claims that putting a cross on a graveyard memorial
Why would you consider a Jew, or Muslim, or Hindu, or Atheist objecting to a Christian symbol over their loved ones' graves an absurd claim?

or allowing graduating seniors to mention God in a speech
Freedom of religion does not mean you get a captive's definitely not freedom of religion if one is required to listen to a proselytizing speech or sermon as part of a graduation. And that lawsuit was not brought by atheists but by a Jewish family.

or saying prayers at a high school football game are some kind of partial establishment of religion.
Perhaps you should read up on things first...or does that advice only apply to others? Santa Fe Independent School Dist. v. Doe, 530 U.S. 290 (2000) was case brought by Catholic and Mormon families because the predominantly Baptist school set up a system where only Baptist students would be allowed to give the prayer. When only one denomination gets a voice, that's an establishment of religion.
Lol, you say that as if the Catholic church has not defined God thousands of years ago.

IF you cant do some reading you are not worth my time.
I'm well aware of the Catholic Church's definition...and it was at odds with the Jewish definition and several of the other early Christian Church's definitions. For example, the Armenian Church holds to Miaphysitism...a single nature of Christ instead of the dual nature ascribed by the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.

But I wasn't restricting definitions to the Abrahamic God, but rather what "a god," any god, would be. First you have to have a generic description of what would make something a god, then you can go down to the specific qualities of a particular god.

You're doing the logic backwards. You can't propose a being with a set of qualities and then just declare that to be the only definition of a god. You have to start with a generic description and then see if proposed gods meet that description. For example...if we start with the basic qualities of immortality and demonstrated power of creation ex nihilo then we can rule out Caesar and the Egyptian Pharaohs. But are those qualities the right definition?

lol, I am not defending something new or invented, so I do not have to define what has already been defined.
But why pick the one? When there are multiple definitions. You're evading.

If you can't grasp the concept, just say so. I can dumb it down for you.
lol, more kooburger circle jerk

Right. Don't actually address the subject................just make an ignorant statement.:eusa_clap:

The question wasn't addressed to me, idiot. Hell you wrote the question, don't you know?


And my statement was right on the money; you were going into atheist circle jerk mode and I called you on it.


You felt the need to respond. You obviously disagree. Please tell me the fallacy in my statement.

Also, you accused me of a straw man argument. Yet never did show what it was. Very dishonest discussion technique.

So, if you are going to "call me on it". Please explain the problem.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't 9/11 a faith based initiative? Religious fanatics martyred themselves, by killing themselves along with 3000 others because they believed god would reward them for it?

Only on the surface. Religion is not a cause of violence and neither is Atheism. People don't need a cause to kill each other, we just like having an excuse.

I partially disagree.
Many religious beliefs influence separation. Just creating an "us" and "them" is enough to spark conflict.
Would you agree with that?

I would agree that us vs them is a very human trait. I would disagree that religion is anything but a reflection of that. It is not a source. Humans kill because we like to kill.

I had an experience a number of years back I think might illustrate what I mean. This goes back to the days when you rented VCR tapes in local stores, before even Blockbuster came out. I was in renting some movie. In the back of the store was a door with a sign that said adults only. In that room you could rent videos of people having sex. This was closed off so no innocent children would be warped by images of people giving each other pleasure. At the same time, on the monitor above the register where any child could see it, was playing the latest hit - "Commando" with Arnold Schwartzeneger. I stood at the register and calmly watched Arnie kill dozens of people as he fought his way to save his daughter and it struck me that this was good family fun, while those nasty videos in the back were to be hidden away.

A fairly elegant tale of human nature. Don't you think?
And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't 9/11 a faith based initiative? Religious fanatics martyred themselves, by killing themselves along with 3000 others because they believed god would reward them for it?

Only on the surface. Religion is not a cause of violence and neither is Atheism. People don't need a cause to kill each other, we just like having an excuse.

Atheism is a 'removing-the-block cause' of mass murder.

No, it isn't. But it can be a boogeyman to justify one's fears.
So maybe then when a Christian is arguing with atheists you should either state your position or butt out?

They were communists, dude, not Christians.

Shit, you are a stupid ignoramus.

Public board. I'll butt in where I please and don't require or desire your approval. You can always ignore me if I prove too difficult for you.

You are a liar, I see that much, and I think you are very likely an atheist, but it is immaterial because you are a demonstrated liar now.

Well, you are deep into the display of your ignorance, stupidity and antichristian bigotry, when do you get to the point where you help me by showing me where I am mistaken?

At the time of the atrocities it did since the Communist party would not admit anyone as members if they were not atheists, you ignorant fuck.

Neither were they majority communists either, lol

That only follows if you can prove that the minority communists atheists were not sufficient to do the murdering, and that has been demonstrated. With modern technology it doesn't take a lot of people to murder millions upon millions.

Straw man, and still not a tenth of what atheists did in Red China and the USSR.

Religion does not and never has prevented genocide.

Another obvious lie from a retard.

What happened in the 20th century to affect the rate of killing wasn't Atheism, it was technology.

It was all driven by atheism, ordered by atheists and that systems complete lack of respect for human life, the same disrespect that drives them to keep the murder of the unborn legal. More blood on the hands of atheism.

As I said, if being this wrong makes you happy then I am happy for you.

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