At what age do black live begin to matter?

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
Whites like you have problems.

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). The media has ignored white on white crime to such an extent that you can post articles like this while stories of missing white children are found buried in a backyard.

The difference is that white people are not rioting in the streets over one or two killings while ignoring the thousands of killings. I object strongly to all killings. The lack of respect within our society for human life is a shame. I don't care what color the person is or the victim is, I despise the killings.

The point is, though, that Black Lives Matters don't actually care about black lives. You should be up in arms that they're pretending to be for black people just to advance their destructive agenda, unless, of course, your agenda is the same. If their agenda, and your agenda, was to save black lives, then do something that actually saves lives. Take back the streets in black neighborhoods. Stop the killing.

Using your numbers, 3315 murdered whites, is 1 in about 71000 white people murdered in 2019. On the other hand, 1 in 13675 black people are murdered each year. How much do you really care about back people when your response to the killing of innocent black babies is, "Whitey does it, too." I care more about black lives than do you or Black Lives Matter. I'm more concerned about black deaths because they happen literally more than 5 times the rate of white people.

I care about the killing of white people, too, but the biggest, most urgent, problem is the killing of black babies and children. When those numbers get anywhere close to the numbers of murders in white communities, or in the nation as a whole, then we can look at the next biggest priority, the next biggest gain in lives saved - whether, at that time, it is white murders or murders in general, that becomes the next priority.

Quit telling us about 1 in 71000 deaths and focus on 1 in 13675 deaths.
Just because you have more people is not an excuse for committing more murders. So I will be focusing on total numbers of deaths not 1 in 10,000. Because that's always going to be the white excuse even as whites have killed millions over the course of this nations history. In 2018 whites killed each other more than blacks did. I am sure those 2,677 families of those dead people were not considering they were 1 in 71,000.

White babies are being killed but whites want to point fingers at everybody else. I spent 32 years working to reduce violence in the black community where I live. I have personally experienced how it's like pulling teeth to get whites in government to return some of the taxes we pay back into our communities. The same goes for white businesses that take our money then when we ask for donations to programs that would solve problems in our community, we hear crickets, The same goes to banks that take our money and make money off it, then don't loan money to black entrepreneurs who could create the jobs needed to reduce the violence. But boy there are plenty like you what want to use ratios.

So to that I say drop the fake concern and work on the larger issue of violence and crime in the white community. Because you want to do ratios but you ignore every ratio but the one that allows you to try denigrating a black group that chooses to oppose as specific issue. Maybe you go talk to some people in the black community in Chicago instead of looking for a fucking link to the most terrible crime done by blacks to run your mouth. Because if you did, you'd hear years of frustration by people who have been asking government , business and banks to return some of the money blacks put in the pot back into the community.

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
Whites like you have problems.

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). The media has ignored white on white crime to such an extent that you can post articles like this while stories of missing white children are found buried in a backyard.

The difference is that white people are not rioting in the streets over one or two killings while ignoring the thousands of killings. I object strongly to all killings. The lack of respect within our society for human life is a shame. I don't care what color the person is or the victim is, I despise the killings.

The point is, though, that Black Lives Matters don't actually care about black lives. You should be up in arms that they're pretending to be for black people just to advance their destructive agenda, unless, of course, your agenda is the same. If their agenda, and your agenda, was to save black lives, then do something that actually saves lives. Take back the streets in black neighborhoods. Stop the killing.

Using your numbers, 3315 murdered whites, is 1 in about 71000 white people murdered in 2019. On the other hand, 1 in 13675 black people are murdered each year. How much do you really care about back people when your response to the killing of innocent black babies is, "Whitey does it, too." I care more about black lives than do you or Black Lives Matter. I'm more concerned about black deaths because they happen literally more than 5 times the rate of white people.

I care about the killing of white people, too, but the biggest, most urgent, problem is the killing of black babies and children. When those numbers get anywhere close to the numbers of murders in white communities, or in the nation as a whole, then we can look at the next biggest priority, the next biggest gain in lives saved - whether, at that time, it is white murders or murders in general, that becomes the next priority.

Quit telling us about 1 in 71000 deaths and focus on 1 in 13675 deaths.
Just because you have more people is not an excuse for committing more murders. So I will be focusing on total numbers of deaths not 1 in 10,000. Because that's always going to be the white excuse even as whites have killed millions over the course of this nations history. In 2018 whites killed each other more than blacks did. I am sure those 2,677 families of those dead people were not considering they were 1 in 71,000.

White babies are being killed but whites want to point fingers at everybody else. I spent 32 years working to reduce violence in the black community where I live. I have personally experienced how it's like pulling teeth to get whites in government to return some of the taxes we pay back into our communities. The same goes for white businesses that take our money then when we ask for donations to programs that would solve problems in our community, we hear crickets, The same goes to banks that take our money and make money off it, then don't loan money to black entrepreneurs who could create the jobs needed to reduce the violence. But boy there are plenty like you what want to use ratios.

So to that I say drop the fake concern and work on the larger issue of violence and crime in the white community. Because you want to do ratios but you ignore every ratio but the one that allows you to try denigrating a black group that chooses to oppose as specific issue. Maybe you go talk to some people in the black community in Chicago instead of looking for a fucking link to the most terrible crime done by blacks to run your mouth. Because if you did, you'd hear years of frustration by people who have been asking government , business and banks to return some of the money blacks put in the pot back into the community.
This is what we call African "logic"

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
Whites like you have problems.

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). The media has ignored white on white crime to such an extent that you can post articles like this while stories of missing white children are found buried in a backyard.

The difference is that white people are not rioting in the streets over one or two killings while ignoring the thousands of killings. I object strongly to all killings. The lack of respect within our society for human life is a shame. I don't care what color the person is or the victim is, I despise the killings.

The point is, though, that Black Lives Matters don't actually care about black lives. You should be up in arms that they're pretending to be for black people just to advance their destructive agenda, unless, of course, your agenda is the same. If their agenda, and your agenda, was to save black lives, then do something that actually saves lives. Take back the streets in black neighborhoods. Stop the killing.

Using your numbers, 3315 murdered whites, is 1 in about 71000 white people murdered in 2019. On the other hand, 1 in 13675 black people are murdered each year. How much do you really care about back people when your response to the killing of innocent black babies is, "Whitey does it, too." I care more about black lives than do you or Black Lives Matter. I'm more concerned about black deaths because they happen literally more than 5 times the rate of white people.

I care about the killing of white people, too, but the biggest, most urgent, problem is the killing of black babies and children. When those numbers get anywhere close to the numbers of murders in white communities, or in the nation as a whole, then we can look at the next biggest priority, the next biggest gain in lives saved - whether, at that time, it is white murders or murders in general, that becomes the next priority.

Quit telling us about 1 in 71000 deaths and focus on 1 in 13675 deaths.
Just because you have more people is not an excuse for committing more murders. So I will be focusing on total numbers of deaths not 1 in 10,000. Because that's always going to be the white excuse even as whites have killed millions over the course of this nations history. In 2018 whites killed each other more than blacks did. I am sure those 2,677 families of those dead people were not considering they were 1 in 71,000.

White babies are being killed but whites want to point fingers at everybody else. I spent 32 years working to reduce violence in the black community where I live. I have personally experienced how it's like pulling teeth to get whites in government to return some of the taxes we pay back into our communities. The same goes for white businesses that take our money then when we ask for donations to programs that would solve problems in our community, we hear crickets, The same goes to banks that take our money and make money off it, then don't loan money to black entrepreneurs who could create the jobs needed to reduce the violence. But boy there are plenty like you what want to use ratios.

So to that I say drop the fake concern and work on the larger issue of violence and crime in the white community. Because you want to do ratios but you ignore every ratio but the one that allows you to try denigrating a black group that chooses to oppose as specific issue. Maybe you go talk to some people in the black community in Chicago instead of looking for a fucking link to the most terrible crime done by blacks to run your mouth. Because if you did, you'd hear years of frustration by people who have been asking government , business and banks to return some of the money blacks put in the pot back into the community.

You're going to focus on the total number because you don't care about black children being murdered in the streets of Chicago. You only see ratios because you ignore that the ratio describes likelihood of being killed in their front yard. When my grandchildren come over and play in my front yard, they're 5 times less likely than the children in your life to be killed and yet you're more worried about my grandchildren. That's very gracious of you but mine are safe, yours are not. Yours are 5 times more likely to get killed.

Government is putting money in the cities. Donald Trump more so than any president in history, including Obama. But the banks and business recently learned that it's not a good idea for them to invest in inner cities because of.. well.. you know: Black Lives Matter is burning black owned buildings, looting black owned businesses, and killing black people.

The fake concern is yours. You pretend to care about the black community but it's not blacks you care about; it's revenge for something you never experienced and that I never did. It does not seem to me that you care a bit about black lives and even less about the lives of black children. You want me to ignore the deaths of black children and stick to my own race. That makes you a racist. You're the one looking for the numbers to point away from the much higher risk of black children dying to point everyone to the much lower risk of white children dying. You do exactly what you accuse me of but your actions aren't supported by the numbers.

My concern is for the children most at risk of being killed. Though there are a lot of reasons that it black children most likely to be murdered, my interest is that they are the most likely to be murdered and not just that they're black. I support the things that will actually reduce those reasons in the hopes of making childhood safe for those children. You, and Black Lives Matter, oppose everything that will fix the actual problems.

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
Your right. Time for strict gun control.

Please give some specific examples of gun control measures that you think would have prevented any of the shhotings indicated in this thread. Also explain what the enforcement of those measures would look like.

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
They don't matter......

The fact that black children are killed proves that blacks don't matter....

Now this logic doesn't apply to abortion because quite a few white folks have abortions and it doesn't feel good to claim that proves white lives don't matter....

But since we can finally say that black lives don't matter -- why not go even further and make it the law
And the Strawman award for June 2020 goes to....... Biff_Poindexter!!!

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.

Black lives do not matter to the democrat party. Democrats pretend to care about Black lives for a few weeks before each election cycle.....and the minute the polls close they forget about Blacks and could not care less about them....until the next election cycle....

Blacks, for some reason, are immune from understanding this dynamic......and their children are dying because of this...

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
Your right. Time for strict gun control.

There is extreme gun control in all of these democrat controlled is not normal gun owners with their legal guns shooting people in these democrat party controlled cities....

Democrat party policies, not guns, are the thing driving gun murder in these is the democrats who turned loose democrat party terrorists to burn, loot and kill in Black neighborhoods just before an election, and it is the democrat party who is attacking the police and forcing them to back off enforcing the law....

Sell you stupidity to the other democrats...they are dumb enough to believe you.

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
Whites like you have problems.

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. So in addition to the fact that 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person, more whites were killed than blacks. Even more important in debunking this lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other(2677) than blacks who killed each other(2600). The media has ignored white on white crime to such an extent that you can post articles like this while stories of missing white children are found buried in a backyard.

And you just did the left wing dodge on this subject......

Blacks kill more White people than Whites kill Black people.......Blacks are 12% of the population but commit about 50% of all murder.

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
At what age does black lives matter? It depends on what neighborhood they live in. To the inner-city pro-criminal black neighborhoods, black lives don't really matter. For blacks living in the suburbs, all lives matter, regardless of age.

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
Your right. Time for strict gun control.
You’re wrong. In more ways than one.
There is extreme gun control in all of these democrat controlled cities
And zero gun control 20 minutes away in Indiana. This is pointed out every time you make this asinine argument. Are you incapable of learning?

A lot of states and cities, l ike Indiana, don't have gun control and don't have the murders. Lack of gun control doesn't cause murders. Other cities with guns don't have murders. Baltimore, Chicago, other large Democratic run cities have most murders per capita. It's not the guns. Try again.
There is extreme gun control in all of these democrat controlled cities
And zero gun control 20 minutes away in Indiana. This is pointed out every time you make this asinine argument. Are you incapable of learning?

A lot of states and cities, l ike Indiana, don't have gun control and don't have the murders. Lack of gun control doesn't cause murders. Other cities with guns don't have murders. Baltimore, Chicago, other large Democratic run cities have most murders per capita. It's not the guns. Try again.
Name a city with guns that don’t have murders.
There is extreme gun control in all of these democrat controlled cities
And zero gun control 20 minutes away in Indiana. This is pointed out every time you make this asinine argument. Are you incapable of learning?

A lot of states and cities, l ike Indiana, don't have gun control and don't have the murders. Lack of gun control doesn't cause murders. Other cities with guns don't have murders. Baltimore, Chicago, other large Democratic run cities have most murders per capita. It's not the guns. Try again.
Name a city with guns that don’t have murders.
Correction: other states with guns don't have murders at the rate Chicago and Baltimore have.. What I meant originally; I just typed it wrong.

Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
13 black kids killed in 8 months--and counting
''''Most of the killings remain unsolved.''''


Two black children killed in shootings in Chicago this past weekend. I'm waiting for the riots and BLM protests.
Your right. Time for strict gun control.
yes--that's part of it
you people are thinking 1 dimensionally
it's both------bad culture + guns = Murders
.....very pro gun Dem St Louis has a much higher murder rate then gun controlled Dem LA, NYCity and Chicago

...Rep Texas has a higher murder rate than Dem New York
..blacks murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
they rape at twice the rate

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