Assuming DeSantis Runs.Then Later,Polling Has Him Close To 20% Over Any Democrat.Do You Think The Left Will"Create Past Scandals"To Take Him Down?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
Somewhere In Florida
So are we gonna see a repeat of what happened with Trump when he was running? Sex scandals and watching very sexy russian ladies have a field day on a bed in a high end russian hotel? If any republican is a threat to the left, we all know it's Ron DeSantis, and what if as we head into the late summer,fall, all polls show DeSantis with a commanding lead in all swing states, and a few purple states that Biden won. Then what? CNN/MSNBC will look for more "Hear-Say" stories regarding DeSantis and his past before he became governor? Maybe DeSantis was seen checking into an Orlando Motel 6 with two attractive female midgets at around 1am in 2003?
We haven't even begun the race for 2024 yet. There is no evidence as of yet that DeSantis popularity extends beyond Florida or the immediate southeast. All you have right now is people looking at inflation, the stock market, the job market and responding to a poll based on that. There is a between the Earth and the Moon distance between now and election day. Lots can happen. And if DeSantis throws his hat in the ring, the fun starts for him. They will crawl through every aspect of his life and political career. Personally, I will be VERY interested to know what the REAL fallout from COVID-19 was. We know DeSantis has been suppressing numbers and he's already shut down two whistleblowers.

I'm also seeing that there are Republicans who aren't as enamored with Stillson since his one man war on anything he considers "woke". He's overstepped. And he'll continue to overstep. And I believe, THAT will be his undoing.

Still not convinced he's gonna run.
He is worse than a million Trumps and Trump is worse than a million Hiters…therefore DeSantis is a trillion Hitlers.

That should scare not only this entire planet, but any other planet in the universe with intelligent life.
That would make Poopeypants worse than a trillion DeSantis's
So are we gonna see a repeat of what happened with Trump when he was running? Sex scandals and watching very sexy russian ladies have a field day on a bed in a high end russian hotel? If any republican is a threat to the left, we all know it's Ron DeSantis, and what if as we head into the late summer,fall, all polls show DeSantis with a commanding lead in all swing states, and a few purple states that Biden won. Then what? CNN/MSNBC will look for more "Hear-Say" stories regarding DeSantis and his past before he became governor? Maybe DeSantis was seen checking into an Orlando Motel 6 with two attractive female midgets at around 1am in 2003?

Completely unnecessary. If Desantis wins the primary, Trump will burn the GOP to the ground......claiming fraud, a stolen election, and other sundry snivelling.

Just like he did in the primary contests Iowa when he lost.
Of course the Gutter Media will create any thing they can to destroy him. he can't win. Not over Trump with coservative voters. Trump has been through the fire....De Santis has not.

Trump, a proven loser, is Biden's dream candidate. Over half the electorate won't vote for Trump under any circumstance....and that was before J6 and Trump's call to terminate the constitution.

Democrats are rooting for he has such beta cuck energy.
So are we gonna see a repeat of what happened with Trump when he was running? Sex scandals and watching very sexy russian ladies have a field day on a bed in a high end russian hotel? If any republican is a threat to the left, we all know it's Ron DeSantis, and what if as we head into the late summer,fall, all polls show DeSantis with a commanding lead in all swing states, and a few purple states that Biden won. Then what? CNN/MSNBC will look for more "Hear-Say" stories regarding DeSantis and his past before he became governor? Maybe DeSantis was seen checking into an Orlando Motel 6 with two attractive female midgets at around 1am in 2003?
It's called politics. Both parties play dirty.
I think Trump has a team of hired guns digging up dirt on DeSantis and will release anything he finds long before Democrats have a shot at him
So are we gonna see a repeat of what happened with Trump when he was running? Sex scandals and watching very sexy russian ladies have a field day on a bed in a high end russian hotel? If any republican is a threat to the left, we all know it's Ron DeSantis, and what if as we head into the late summer,fall, all polls show DeSantis with a commanding lead in all swing states, and a few purple states that Biden won. Then what? CNN/MSNBC will look for more "Hear-Say" stories regarding DeSantis and his past before he became governor? Maybe DeSantis was seen checking into an Orlando Motel 6 with two attractive female midgets at around 1am in 2003?
Your head must be overflowing with conspiracy theories and misinformation.
Trump, a proven loser, is Biden's dream candidate. Over half the electorate won't vote for Trump under any circumstance....and that was before J6 and Trump's call to terminate the constitution.

Democrats are rooting for he has such beta cuck energy.
President Trump is not a loser. We had security safety, peace, prosperity...why couldn't you be happy with that. Look at the mess you have now. The American people would NOT knowingly and willingly vote for this EPIC failure.
President Trump is not a loser. We had security safety, peace, prosperity...why couldn't you be happy with that. Look at the mess you have now. The American people would NOT knowingly and willingly vote for this EPIC failure.

Trump is a loser. He went up against Biden and lost by a landslide. And has whined, snivelled, pouted and tantrumed for years.

Winners win. Losers whine about why they lost.

Its pure beta cuck energy.
Trump is a loser. He went up against Biden and lost by a landslide. And has whined, snivelled, pouted and tantrumed for years.

Winners win. Losers whine about why they lost.

Its pure beta cuck energy.
STOLEN. Election. Dominion admits they had a lot of problems.....although the cheated willingly they're now trying to cover their asses as if it was not the humans running the cheat but the hapless machines.

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