Assorted Brain Candy

coca cola at one time really did contain cocaine

because metal was scare during ww11 oscars were made of wood

bats only turn left when exiting a cave

in america there are more plastic flamingos than real ones

in las vegas casinos there are no windows
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coca cola at one time really did contain cocaine

because metal was scare during ww11 oscars were made of wood

bats only turn left when exiting a cave

in america there are more plastic flamingos than real ones

in las vegas casinos there are no windows

I watch them fly in a counterclockwise circle over my house regularly...turning left continuously
coca cola at one time really did contain cocaine

because metal was scare during ww11 oscars were made of wood

bats only turn left when exiting a cave

in america there are more plastic flamingos than real ones

in las vegas casinos there are no windows

I watch them fly in a counterclockwise circle over my house regularly...turning left continuously
yes thats what i ment they always turn left
Benedict Arnold was the last man to leave Canadian soil after our failed attempt to take Quebec in 1775.
Prolific famed and talented American author, Stephen King, hated the movie version of one of his masterpiece books, The Shining. He thought Kubrick ruined it.

He's right.

Yes. He does have a valid point.

The whole buckets of blood crap from the elevator was proof enough of how hackish Kubrick's effort was.

Jack Nicholson, however, did have a couple of memorable ad libs in that flick.

"Honey, I'm home." And, "Here's Johnny!"
There are 84 people in the USA named LOL

The Lion used in the original MGM Movie logo, killed the trainer and 2 assistants
the day after the logo was filmed.

The average cellphone contains more bacteria than a toilet seat.

When a person cries and the first drop of tears comes from the right eye,
it's happiness, when it's from the left, it's pain.

It would take about 1,000 years to watch every video currently on YouTube.

The first man to survive going over Niagra Falls, later died by slipping on an
orange peel.

You would have to walk for 7 hours straight to burn off a Super Sized Coke,
French Fries and Big Mac.

Bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshiel wipers and laser printers were all
invented by women.

They have square watermelons in Japan.....they stack better
bats only turn left when exiting a cave
I watch them fly in a counterclockwise circle over my house regularly...turning left continuously
The ambiguous sentence in bold type demonstrates how important the careful placement of dependent clauses is -- and the care needed in separating the use of words as adverbs versus their use as conjunctions.

When exiting a cave, bats turn only left.


Only when exiting a cave, do bats turn left.

Most people actually peel bananas the wrong way. We break the stem at the top of the fruit, then peel them, right? Sometimes, with a less ripe banana, this will lead to a frustration, as the tough stem doesn't snap, and we end up with a mangled end of the banana, when we finally get the tough stem to break. Next time you peel a banana, try turning it upside down and gently pinch the bottom end. It will easily split, and you can then peel it as usual. If you observe monkeys at the zoo eating bananas, this is how they do it!

Most primates have figured this out, humans have not.
Every second, Americans collectively eat one hundred pounds of chocolate.
The fear of vegetables is called Lachanophobia.
Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
The world’s oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9000 years old.
Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch T.V for 3 hours.

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