Ask a democrat

Yes, ask a democrat about why he/she supports such policies and we will do our best to explain why. Not all democratic policies are supported by all democrats of course.

Make it brief....

One example: Why do you want to tax soda? My answer to this...I don't. ;) But obesity and health cost are going up big time.

Why do you want to flood this country with cheap Mexican labor?

I don't...

The republicans and the rich certainly have for the past 50 years....The republicans have a long history supporting outsourcing(Nixons China policy, Reagans and george hw Bushs Nafta) and cheap labor for the past 50 years.

Certainly we democrats want amnesty for the illegals but the left doesn't really like outsourcing, offshoring and cheating the system as the republican rich.

Nafta wouldn't have passed without bill clinton, matthew. He weedled, cajoled, and probably blackmailed demorat congress critters to pass it. obama was trying to sneak tpp trade deal in also. Demorats no more care for the working stiffs anymore than the republicans do. If they did, they wouldn't be for open borders and cheap labor.
Name the Democrats that want Open Borders or call for more cheap labor? We'll wait.
Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border world
Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border world
Bernie and Immigration: Reclaiming the Concept of “Open Borders”

Bernie and Immigration: Reclaiming the Concept of "Open Borders" | HuffPost
The Left Goes All In On Open Borders
The Left Goes All In On Open Borders

Yes, ask a democrat about why he/she supports such policies and we will do our best to explain why. Not all democratic policies are supported by all democrats of course.

Make it brief....

One example: Why do you want to tax soda? My answer to this...I don't. ;) But obesity and health cost are going up big time.

Why do you want to flood this country with cheap Mexican labor?

I don't...

The republicans and the rich certainly have for the past 50 years....The republicans have a long history supporting outsourcing(Nixons China policy, Reagans and george hw Bushs Nafta) and cheap labor for the past 50 years.

Certainly we democrats want amnesty for the illegals but the left doesn't really like outsourcing, offshoring and cheating the system as the republican rich.

Nafta wouldn't have passed without bill clinton, matthew. He weedled, cajoled, and probably blackmailed demorat congress critters to pass it. obama was trying to sneak tpp trade deal in also. Demorats no more care for the working stiffs anymore than the republicans do. If they did, they wouldn't be for open borders and cheap labor.
Name the Democrats that want Open Borders or call for more cheap labor? We'll wait.

How ignorant of news and politics are you?

Never heard of George Soros " open border society? "

Yes, ask a democrat about why he/she supports such policies and we will do our best to explain why. Not all democratic policies are supported by all democrats of course.

Make it brief....

One example: Why do you want to tax soda? My answer to this...I don't. ;) But obesity and health cost are going up big time.

Why do you want to flood this country with cheap Mexican labor?

I don't...

The republicans and the rich certainly have for the past 50 years....The republicans have a long history supporting outsourcing(Nixons China policy, Reagans and george hw Bushs Nafta) and cheap labor for the past 50 years.

Certainly we democrats want amnesty for the illegals but the left doesn't really like outsourcing, offshoring and cheating the system as the republican rich.

Nafta wouldn't have passed without bill clinton, matthew. He weedled, cajoled, and probably blackmailed demorat congress critters to pass it. obama was trying to sneak tpp trade deal in also. Demorats no more care for the working stiffs anymore than the republicans do. If they did, they wouldn't be for open borders and cheap labor.
Name the Democrats that want Open Borders or call for more cheap labor? We'll wait.

How ignorant of news and politics are you?

Never heard of George Soros " open border society? "

You mean this - Open Society Foundations promoting democracy and capitalism? How terrible, simply terrible.

Mission & Values
Mission & Values
Our Mission
The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people.

We seek to strengthen the rule of law; respect for human rights, minorities, and a diversity of opinions; democratically elected governments; and a civil society that helps keep government power in check.

We help to shape public policies that assure greater fairness in political, legal, and economic systems and safeguard fundamental rights.

We implement initiatives to advance justice, education, public health, and independent media.

We build alliances across borders and continents on issues such as corruption and freedom of information.

Working in every part of the world, the Open Society Foundations place a high priority on protecting and improving the lives of people in marginalized communities.

Our Values
We believe in fundamental human rights, dignity, and the rule of law.

We believe in a society where all people are free to participate fully in civic, economic, and cultural life.

We believe in addressing inequalities that cut across multiple lines, including race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and citizenship.

We believe in holding those in power accountable for their actions and in increasing the power of historically excluded groups.

We believe in helping people and communities press for change on their own behalf.

We believe in responding quickly and flexibly to the most critical threats to open society.

We believe in taking on controversial issues and supporting bold, innovative solutions that address root causes and advance systemic change.

We believe in encouraging critical debate and respecting diverse opinions.
Yes, ask a democrat about why he/she supports such policies and we will do our best to explain why. Not all democratic policies are supported by all democrats of course.

Make it brief....

One example: Why do you want to tax soda? My answer to this...I don't. ;) But obesity and health cost are going up big time.

Why do you want to flood this country with cheap Mexican labor?

I don't...

The republicans and the rich certainly have for the past 50 years....The republicans have a long history supporting outsourcing(Nixons China policy, Reagans and george hw Bushs Nafta) and cheap labor for the past 50 years.

Certainly we democrats want amnesty for the illegals but the left doesn't really like outsourcing, offshoring and cheating the system as the republican rich.
only republicans are responsible for this matthew?...and you are saying democrats answer honestly?...
Why do you want to flood this country with cheap Mexican labor?

I don't...

The republicans and the rich certainly have for the past 50 years....The republicans have a long history supporting outsourcing(Nixons China policy, Reagans and george hw Bushs Nafta) and cheap labor for the past 50 years.

Certainly we democrats want amnesty for the illegals but the left doesn't really like outsourcing, offshoring and cheating the system as the republican rich.

Nafta wouldn't have passed without bill clinton, matthew. He weedled, cajoled, and probably blackmailed demorat congress critters to pass it. obama was trying to sneak tpp trade deal in also. Demorats no more care for the working stiffs anymore than the republicans do. If they did, they wouldn't be for open borders and cheap labor.
Name the Democrats that want Open Borders or call for more cheap labor? We'll wait.

How ignorant of news and politics are you?

Never heard of George Soros " open border society? "

You mean this - Open Society Foundations promoting democracy and capitalism? How terrible, simply terrible.

Mission & Values
Mission & Values
Our Mission
The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people.

We seek to strengthen the rule of law; respect for human rights, minorities, and a diversity of opinions; democratically elected governments; and a civil society that helps keep government power in check.

We help to shape public policies that assure greater fairness in political, legal, and economic systems and safeguard fundamental rights.

We implement initiatives to advance justice, education, public health, and independent media.

We build alliances across borders and continents on issues such as corruption and freedom of information.

Working in every part of the world, the Open Society Foundations place a high priority on protecting and improving the lives of people in marginalized communities.

Our Values
We believe in fundamental human rights, dignity, and the rule of law.

We believe in a society where all people are free to participate fully in civic, economic, and cultural life.

We believe in addressing inequalities that cut across multiple lines, including race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and citizenship.

We believe in holding those in power accountable for their actions and in increasing the power of historically excluded groups.

We believe in helping people and communities press for change on their own behalf.

We believe in responding quickly and flexibly to the most critical threats to open society.

We believe in taking on controversial issues and supporting bold, innovative solutions that address root causes and advance systemic change.

We believe in encouraging critical debate and respecting diverse opinions.

So know you want to play stupid?

Yes, ask a democrat about why he/she supports such policies and we will do our best to explain why. Not all democratic policies are supported by all democrats of course.

Make it brief....

One example: Why do you want to tax soda? My answer to this...I don't. ;) But obesity and health cost are going up big time.

Why do you want to flood this country with cheap Mexican labor?

I don't...

The republicans and the rich certainly have for the past 50 years....The republicans have a long history supporting outsourcing(Nixons China policy, Reagans and george hw Bushs Nafta) and cheap labor for the past 50 years.

Certainly we democrats want amnesty for the illegals but the left doesn't really like outsourcing, offshoring and cheating the system as the republican rich.

Nafta wouldn't have passed without bill clinton, matthew. He weedled, cajoled, and probably blackmailed demorat congress critters to pass it. obama was trying to sneak tpp trade deal in also. Demorats no more care for the working stiffs anymore than the republicans do. If they did, they wouldn't be for open borders and cheap labor.
Name the Democrats that want Open Borders or call for more cheap labor? We'll wait.
Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border world
Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border world
Bernie and Immigration: Reclaiming the Concept of “Open Borders”

Bernie and Immigration: Reclaiming the Concept of "Open Borders" | HuffPost
The Left Goes All In On Open Borders

The Left Goes All In On Open Borders

A nation founded by immigrants supporting continued immigration - how terrible.
Ask a democrat

Why are you guys so weird?


Personal freedom and liberty. Forcing everyone to go to church, have a gun and be nasty isn't exactly much better then Iran or Saudi arabia...I hope you realize.

Weird = doing as you please. Life is short.
i havent been to a church for quite a one has ever said i had better go....
Ask a democrat

Why are you guys so weird?

It's probably the giving a fuck about anyone but yourself part that throws you? I'm sure that makes no sense to you at all.

I give to charity and tithe do you?

God no, on the tithing part. God has more than enough cash.

Now your babbling..

Calm down smoke another joint...

and pass it this way please.....
Why do you democrats keep supporting socialist policies that have been proven time and again to be failures?
Socialist policies, like those in effect in say Germany, France, England, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Canada, those kinds of shit-holes no one would ever want to live in?

Stop being a drone for what you don't even understand - capitalism.
Why do you democrats keep supporting socialist policies that have been proven time and again to be failures?
Socialist policies, like those in effect in say Germany, France, England, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Canada, those kinds of shit-holes no one would ever want to live in?

Stop being a drone for what you don't even understand - capitalism.

Lets look at Canada how many NHL teams moved to the States?

So are you another one going to retire in s socialist country and pay 80% in taxes , where a gallon of petro cost $8 bucks plus?

Why do you democrats keep supporting socialist policies that have been proven time and again to be failures?
Socialist policies, like those in effect in say Germany, France, England, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Canada, those kinds of shit-holes no one would ever want to live in?

Stop being a drone for what you don't even understand - capitalism.

That's look at Canada how many NHL teams moved to the States?

So are you another one going to retire in s socialist country and pay 80% in taxes , where a gallon of petro cost $8 bucks plus?

50%. And that gallon of gas will power the small generator in the car (to charge the batteries) so it could cost ten times that much and I'd still get 600 miles to the gallon. You long for a past - that never existed.
Why do Democrats what the US to become just another third world country?
Name one? We'll wait. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Changing the goal posts again?

It's the democrat ideology for tickle up poor and promote divide and Racism...

Just to get votes..

Ignorant dogma. Not interested.

Reality doesn't sit well with you does it?

Reality suits me a whole lot better than is does you. I can deal with Islamic terrorism, gays getting married (and raising kids), and trans kids going potty where they feel the most comfortable. That shit makes you nuts, old man.
Why do you democrats keep supporting socialist policies that have been proven time and again to be failures?
Socialist policies, like those in effect in say Germany, France, England, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Canada, those kinds of shit-holes no one would ever want to live in?

Stop being a drone for what you don't even understand - capitalism.

That's look at Canada how many NHL teams moved to the States?

So are you another one going to retire in s socialist country and pay 80% in taxes , where a gallon of petro cost $8 bucks plus?

50%. And that gallon of gas will power the small generator in the car (to charge the batteries) so it could cost ten times that much and I'd still get 600 miles to the gallon. You long for a past - that never existed.

600 miles to the gallon? You know Germany and Europe is phasing out 3 cylinder diesels right?


Why do you democrats keep supporting socialist policies that have been proven time and again to be failures?
Socialist policies, like those in effect in say Germany, France, England, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Canada, those kinds of shit-holes no one would ever want to live in?

Stop being a drone for what you don't even understand - capitalism.

That's look at Canada how many NHL teams moved to the States?

So are you another one going to retire in s socialist country and pay 80% in taxes , where a gallon of petro cost $8 bucks plus?

50%. And that gallon of gas will power the small generator in the car (to charge the batteries) so it could cost ten times that much and I'd still get 600 miles to the gallon. You long for a past - that never existed.

600 miles to the gallon? You know Germany and Europe is phasing out 3 cylinder diesels right?


The gas powers the generator - not the wheels. Batteries do the rest.
Why do Democrats what the US to become just another third world country?
Name one? We'll wait. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Changing the goal posts again?

It's the democrat ideology for tickle up poor and promote divide and Racism...

Just to get votes..

Ignorant dogma. Not interested.

Reality doesn't sit well with you does it?

Reality suits me a whole lot better than is does you. I can deal with Islamic terrorism, gays getting married (and raising kids), and trans kids going potty where they feel the most comfortable. That shit makes you nuts, old man.

You can deal with it but can little kids deal with it?

And your saying this now..till you become terrified when a terrorist puts you in the ground and can't speak no more...


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