As We Come to the Last 50 days Before Election, Both Campaigns Pick their Topics for the Home Stretch

Whose message has more impact for you?

  • Mother Earth is Purging us! vote Biden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joe Biden is a brain damaged fool who cant lead an economic recovery - Trump

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • Can I vote for Mickey Mouse? of course I can

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
And it is Bidens Green New Deal vrs Trumps Freedom/Liberty/Strong Economy campaign platforms.

Of course Biden tries to sell his message as a negative of Trumps record.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden accused President Trump of being “a climate arsonist” and charged that if the president wins another four years in the White House, the wildfires raging across the western United States will become more “devastating and more deadly.”
Pointing to the wildfires, as well as this summer’s massive flooding and damaging hurricanes, the former vice president argued that “Trump’s climate denial may not have caused these fires and record floods and record hurricanes, but if he gets a second term, these hellish events will continue to become more common.”

Of course, in the context of the national economy, the #1 issue by far, this spells out Green New Deal.

The Trump campaign is set to release a mid-eight-figure ad buy Tuesday touting the economy during President Trump's first term after a recent emphasis on "law and order" messaging, saying the economy is the "defining issue" of the 2020 presidential race, Fox News has learned. ...
But the content of the new ads will shift from the message of recent ad buys – painting the president as the “law and order” candidate – and resume its pitch of a strong economy under Trump.
“We believe the economy, and who is best to handle the economy, is going to be the defining issue in this race,” the official said. “Voters know that President Trump built the world’s best economy once, and he’s already doing it a second time.”

Which is the better sales pitch in your mind?
Haven't paid much attention to the candidates' messages. At this point only the novice hasn't a clue of what they'll be getting from each. Neither side's commercials has irritated me the way Hillary's did in 2016 so I'm pleased about finding them easy to ignore.

My one question about Trump is whether his harping on the legitimacy of the election is serving as an excuse in a race he knows he's going to lose OR if it's his strategy for getting out his vote? My one question on Biden is his mental condition which I'll judge for myself during the debates.

You can vote for Mickey Mouse, but unless he's registered as a candidate in your state the vote won't be counted. Thus my preference has been to randomly pick among the non-major political party candidates to register my lack of satisfaction with both the Republican and Democrat.
Haven't paid much attention to the candidates' messages. At this point only the novice hasn't a clue of what they'll be getting from each. Neither side's commercials has irritated me the way Hillary's did in 2016 so I'm pleased about finding them easy to ignore.

My one question about Trump is whether his harping on the legitimacy of the election is serving as an excuse in a race he knows he's going to lose OR if it's his strategy for getting out his vote? My one question on Biden is his mental condition which I'll judge for myself during the debates.

You can vote for Mickey Mouse, but unless he's registered as a candidate in your state the vote won't be counted. Thus my preference has been to randomly pick among the non-major political party candidates to register my lack of satisfaction with both the Republican and Democrat.
It doesnt bother you when Biden talks about his Healthcare plan that will "save" everyone money on their insurance? Boy that sure went over well in 2010 when ObamaUnCare was forced upon US and everyones premiums went up by $4,000... Every fucking thing Biden says is a bald face lie....
So far this is the demoncraps only message to America! :dunno:

Haven't paid much attention to the candidates' messages. At this point only the novice hasn't a clue of what they'll be getting from each. Neither side's commercials has irritated me the way Hillary's did in 2016 so I'm pleased about finding them easy to ignore.

My one question about Trump is whether his harping on the legitimacy of the election is serving as an excuse in a race he knows he's going to lose OR if it's his strategy for getting out his vote? My one question on Biden is his mental condition which I'll judge for myself during the debates.

You can vote for Mickey Mouse, but unless he's registered as a candidate in your state the vote won't be counted. Thus my preference has been to randomly pick among the non-major political party candidates to register my lack of satisfaction with both the Republican and Democrat.
It doesnt bother you when Biden talks about his Healthcare plan that will "save" everyone money on their insurance? Boy that sure went over well in 2010 when ObamaUnCare was forced upon US and everyones premiums went up by $4,000... Every fucking thing Biden says is a bald face lie....

Trump's proposed eliminating $1trillion/year of Social Security funding. How do you suppose he'll make up for that? Income taxes collect $1.7 trillion annually. A 59% increase in income taxes collections would make up for it.

For the wife and I a 59% increase in our federal income tax would be $590/month. I'd take the $4000 increase, even if the company I retired from wasn't paying our medical insurance
Trump's proposed eliminating $1trillion/year of Social Security funding. How do you suppose he'll make up for that? Income taxes collect $1.7 trillion annually. A 59% increase in income taxes collections would make up for it.
For the wife and I a 59% increase in our federal income tax would be $590/month. I'd take the $4000 increase, even if the company I retired from wasn't paying our medical insurance
I think he is going to remove the salary cap on SS taxes.

Raising Tax Cap Explored as Way to Close Social Security Gap,” and here’s what I reported at the time:
“Removing the cap entirely, thereby imposing a flat tax of 12.4 percent on all earnings — essentially a $100 billion a year tax increase on the wealthy — would more than completely close the funding gap.”
More recently (Septempter 2010), here’s what Janemarie Mulvey wrote in a report for the Congressional Research Service:
“If all earnings were subject to the payroll tax, but the base was retained for benefit calculations, the Social Security Trust Funds would remain solvent for the next 75 years.”

Eliminating the cap on earnings subject to Social Security taxes would call on top earners to contribute more toward the basic economic security of the nation’s elderly and families, commensurate with top earners’ ability to pay. In a time of growing inequality between the richest Americans and everyone else, this change would reduce inequality. It would also balance Social Security’s finances for the next 75 years and, with other changes, help pay for improvements in Social Security for people who need them. Annual earnings subject to Social Security taxes are currently capped at $110,100.
Only 6 percent of workers earn more than that. These top 6 percent get a boost in their take-home pay when they reach the cap and stop paying into Social Security for the year. (Their employers stop paying in then, too.) For example, someone earning about $120,000 this year would hit the cap and stop paying into Social Security in late November, while someone making $2.5 million would stop paying in mid-January.
Since these higher earners don’t pay Social Security taxes on all of their earnings, their effective Social Security tax rates are lower— sometimes drastically lower—than the 6.2 percent rate paid by workers whose earnings fall below the cap. For instance, a worker earning $120,000—moderately above the cap—pays an effective Social Security tax rate of 5.7 percent of his or her total earnings; the employer pays a matching rate. One making $2.5 million sees the vast majority of his or her earnings exempt from Social Security, and pays only about 1/3 of 1 percent of his or her total earnings.
Ending the cap would call on top earners to pay their fair share toward keeping Social Security strong for the long term.
The FICA tax is the only regressive tax we have. It needs to be changed.
And it is Bidens Green New Deal vrs Trumps Freedom/Liberty/Strong Economy campaign platforms.

Of course Biden tries to sell his message as a negative of Trumps record.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden accused President Trump of being “a climate arsonist” and charged that if the president wins another four years in the White House, the wildfires raging across the western United States will become more “devastating and more deadly.”
Pointing to the wildfires, as well as this summer’s massive flooding and damaging hurricanes, the former vice president argued that “Trump’s climate denial may not have caused these fires and record floods and record hurricanes, but if he gets a second term, these hellish events will continue to become more common.”

Of course, in the context of the national economy, the #1 issue by far, this spells out Green New Deal.

The Trump campaign is set to release a mid-eight-figure ad buy Tuesday touting the economy during President Trump's first term after a recent emphasis on "law and order" messaging, saying the economy is the "defining issue" of the 2020 presidential race, Fox News has learned. ...
But the content of the new ads will shift from the message of recent ad buys – painting the president as the “law and order” candidate – and resume its pitch of a strong economy under Trump.
“We believe the economy, and who is best to handle the economy, is going to be the defining issue in this race,” the official said. “Voters know that President Trump built the world’s best economy once, and he’s already doing it a second time.”

Which is the better sales pitch in your mind?

The RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP) is a master @ Divide & Conquer stategy!
And it is Bidens Green New Deal vrs Trumps Freedom/Liberty/Strong Economy campaign platforms.

Of course Biden tries to sell his message as a negative of Trumps record.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden accused President Trump of being “a climate arsonist” and charged that if the president wins another four years in the White House, the wildfires raging across the western United States will become more “devastating and more deadly.”
Pointing to the wildfires, as well as this summer’s massive flooding and damaging hurricanes, the former vice president argued that “Trump’s climate denial may not have caused these fires and record floods and record hurricanes, but if he gets a second term, these hellish events will continue to become more common.”

Of course, in the context of the national economy, the #1 issue by far, this spells out Green New Deal.

The Trump campaign is set to release a mid-eight-figure ad buy Tuesday touting the economy during President Trump's first term after a recent emphasis on "law and order" messaging, saying the economy is the "defining issue" of the 2020 presidential race, Fox News has learned. ...
But the content of the new ads will shift from the message of recent ad buys – painting the president as the “law and order” candidate – and resume its pitch of a strong economy under Trump.
“We believe the economy, and who is best to handle the economy, is going to be the defining issue in this race,” the official said. “Voters know that President Trump built the world’s best economy once, and he’s already doing it a second time.”

Which is the better sales pitch in your mind?

Trump and his campaign should be pushing that list Biden put out. You know the one that tells us what he will do if elected??

No sane American would vote for anything on his list. Trump and his people should be pushing that list hard.
Lol, a poll out today gives Biden a 16 point lead in MN.

Guess nobody in MN gives a shit what the Bolshies do to their cities, lol.

psssst, or the Media is just lying their asses off again.
Lol, a poll out today gives Biden a 16 point lead in MN.

Guess nobody in MN gives a shit what the Bolshies do to their cities, lol.

psssst, or the Media is just lying their asses off again.

LMAO Another poll like the polls that predicted HItlery would be POTUS in 2016??

Polls are for narrow minded fools.

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