As China Arms Pakistan, India Trains Vietnamese


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
I am glad India is helping Vietnam.



The soldiers don't look too unlike their Indian colleagues. One of them is wearing Indian Army fatigues, while the other two have Vietnamese Army standard issue jungle camouflage.

Significantly, all three are Vietnamese Army officers and the skills they pick up here will be transferred to regular infantry soldiers of the Vietnam Army, an Army which fought a full-fledged border-war with China in 1979 in which tens of thousands of lives were lost.

Since then, Hanoi's relationship with Beijing has been patchy. While economic ties have significantly improved, Vietnam has grave concerns over China's expansion in the South China Sea where Beijing has been constructing artificial reefs along the Spratley and Paracel chain of islands, a move that has been bitterly contested by several regional countries and India as well. A strong mutual distrust also characterises relations between the people of the two countries, the legacy of a bitter past.

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