As a conservative I didn't believe in global warming. But then I looked up in the sky today. Did you see the sky?

Conservative from Georgia

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2018
I have never seen Such thing before .

Canada wildfires are burning so hot that the debris going up to the sky and is spreading as far as Washington DC. Go. Ahead if you look in the northeast, look up in the sky and you will see the sun shining bright Orange.It only looks this way when the air pollution is at high levels.

I did not believe in global warming but i'm starting to change my mind .

You have the Southwest running out of water. The sky Covered in smoke. in the northeast. Lakes drying up.I think this s*** is real guys.
I have never seen Such thing before .

Canada wildfires are burning so hot that the debris going up to the sky and is spreading as far as Washington DC. Go. Ahead if you look in the northeast, look up in the sky and you will see the sun shining bright Orange.It only looks this way when the air pollution is at high levels.

I did not believe in global warming but i'm starting to change my mind .

You have the Southwest running out of water. The sky Covered in smoke. in the northeast. Lakes drying up.I think this s*** is real guys.
That's good but now you have to be re-educated in order to cast out all of the denialist pablum you've been swallowing.

Go slow and methodical. Learn to use the denialist's comments against them instead of wasting time trying to convince them.

For a start, understand that smoke from fires is not climate change. It's a substantially large contributing factor.
I have never seen Such thing before .

Canada wildfires are burning so hot that the debris going up to the sky and is spreading as far as Washington DC. Go. Ahead if you look in the northeast, look up in the sky and you will see the sun shining bright Orange.It only looks this way when the air pollution is at high levels.

I did not believe in global warming but i'm starting to change my mind .

You have the Southwest running out of water. The sky Covered in smoke. in the northeast. Lakes drying up.I think this s*** is real guys

You do realize "climate change" has been happening for billions of years right? That's why it's call climate change, because the climate changes. Earth is not static.

We have had world wide floods, world wide fires, a total reversal of the poles, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, total depletion and regeneration of the ozone layer, mass extinctions, and so on. Hell millions of years ago the antarctic used to be a rainforest.

Look at California and all the fires they have and everyone yelling "climate change and global warming are causing the California wild fires" which is completely untrue.

Like in California they mismanaged their forrests and poured all of their resources into fighting fires instead of preventing fires.

If you clear dead brush and clear dead trees, do controlled burns, replant more fire resistant trees that don't produce waste that burns easily, keep wood bouring beetles and such under control that prematurely kill trees and so on you will have A LOT LESS fires. Don't do any of that? You're guaranteed more fires.
Yeah it sucks here in Virginia but it's just that the Hosers can't manage their forests and keep their smoke to themselves.

There is supposed to be some respite this evening but it's supposed to blow back in tomorrow.

Leave it to Hosers to fuck-up a late spring day.

Fuck the CC hoax.
You do realize "climate change" has been happening for billions of years right? That's why it's call climate change, because the climate changes. Earth is not static.

We have had world wide floods, world wide fires, a total reversal of the poles, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, total depletion and regeneration of the ozone layer, mass extinctions, and so on. Hell millions of years ago the antarctic used to be a rainforest.

Look at California and all the fires they have and everyone yelling "climate change and global warming are causing the California wild fires" which is completely untrue.

Like in California they mismanaged their forrests and poured all of their resources into fighting fires instead of preventing fires.

If you clear dead brush and clear dead trees, do controlled burns, replant more fire resistant trees that don't produce waste that burns easily, keep wood bouring beetles and such under control that prematurely kill trees and so on you will have A LOT LESS fires. Don't do any of that? You're guaranteed more fires.
Millions of years ago, we know for sure that humans were not the cause because humans did not exist.
But now humans exist.

Besides, there’s no evidence that millions of years ago the earth warmed as quickly as it is warming now.
I have never seen Such thing before .

Canada wildfires are burning so hot that the debris going up to the sky and is spreading as far as Washington DC. Go. Ahead if you look in the northeast, look up in the sky and you will see the sun shining bright Orange.It only looks this way when the air pollution is at high levels.

I did not believe in global warming but i'm starting to change my mind .

You have the Southwest running out of water. The sky Covered in smoke. in the northeast. Lakes drying up.I think this s*** is real guys.
You mistake the bright orange sky being related to global warming when it is really an omen for things to come

Millions of years ago, we know for sure that humans were not the cause because humans did not exist.
But now humans exist.

Besides, there’s no evidence that millions of years ago the earth warmed as quickly as it is warming now.

Do you even know what happened millions of years ago?

I have never seen Such thing before .

Canada wildfires are burning so hot that the debris going up to the sky and is spreading as far as Washington DC. Go. Ahead if you look in the northeast, look up in the sky and you will see the sun shining bright Orange.It only looks this way when the air pollution is at high levels.

I did not believe in global warming but i'm starting to change my mind .

You have the Southwest running out of water. The sky Covered in smoke. in the northeast. Lakes drying up.I think this s*** is real guys.
Fraud says what?

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