Arrow of Capital: Dystopian Democrat


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Capitalism makes for great decision-making and risk-themed storytelling, which is why audiences appreciate films such as Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps and The Wolf of Wall Street.

In Adam Smith's seminal economics-philosophy treatise The Wealth of Nations, we are offered the suggestion that competitive economics in a capitalism-oriented 'system' makes for all kinds of decision-making complications (perhaps even creating symbolic 'risk factorial trees' and 'consequence-dissection spiders').

When I watch a 'modernism' film such as Gattaca (a genetics-paranoia story) or Robots (a civilization-management tale), I think about new age humanism concerns regarding the sheer metaphysics of capitalism-related decision-making 'schizophrenic imagination,' which is why Las Vegas is arguably so...cerebral!

Here's a capitalism-consciousness yarn (comics-adapted) inspired by the fortune-terrorism film Marauders.


Arrow was America's favorite capitalism-defender and democracy-crusader, and now, he was dealing with a new nemesis on the surface of Earth --- a demonic Devil's Advocate named Iago (aka, 'Riddler') who wanted to ensnare civilization's most important decision-makers (e.g., U.S. President Donald Trump) in confounding capitalism decision-making Catch-22s and death-traps. Arrow knew that Riddler's primary objective was to pervert the risk-fears in men regarding the 'gamble' of capitalism and manipulate human avarice. Riddler had constructed an army of mechanical robotic spiders (fitted with explosives) which he planned to release onto the Wall Street trading-floor during the week leading up to Halloween 2017.


"My spiders are ingenious! They symbolize the pure uncertainty of capitalism theory and the risks and fears that arise from the unavoidable decision-making 'trees' of modern economics-based politics and global banking! When I release my mechanical exploding spiders onto the Wall Street trading-floor, Americans will take notice of my unignorable warning that moral laziness in the modern age will not be tolerated by any well-thinking and well-calculating terrorist (such as myself!). I sincerely hope this omen reaches the ears (and heart) of Arrow, whom I dare to refute/dispute me!" ---Riddler (Letter to New York Times)


Arrow read Riddler's notice to the Times and started planning on how to defeat the ghoul. Arrow realized that Riddler was a real modern anti-capitalism terrorist and cared nothing for the 'wisdom' of Adam Smith or the peacefulness of Marxism. Arrow conjectured that Riddler's mechanical 'demonic spiders' represented the probability ambiguities in capitalism-based economics sectors analysis, ambiguities that confounded the peaceful promises of institutions such as the World Bank. Arrow decided to challenge Riddler with a carefully-planned 'mystical-man' game (referencing the omen-fable of Goldilocks and the superstition of tarot-card based fortune-telling!). Arrow would counter Riddler's spiders with his own brand of 'theistic imagination.'


Arrow laid out an array of mystical communalism-themed tarot-cards (and took pictures of them!) and sent them to the New York Times with the challenging message that the cards represented the calculated multitude of possibilities that capitalism investment creates in everyday Wall Street risk courage(!). Arrow wrote that the tarot-cards are 'weapons of humility' potentially harnessed by the muse-like fable-spirit of Goldilocks (a young girl who awakened humanity to the reality of consequence-based fantasy!). When Riddler read Arrow's notice, he realized releasing his poisonous mechanical spiders would simply be a 'rebellious gesture.' Riddler surrendered his agenda and disappeared, but Arrow would always remember him as the penultimate 'Western terrorist.'




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