Arrivederci Roma


Sep 23, 2010
Let me open this thread with this video:

Al Armendariz, Obama's EPA Regional Administrator Wants To Crucify Business - YouTube

Here’s a transcript of the nasty stuff:

“I was in a meeting once and I gave an analogy to my staff about my philosophy of enforcement, and I think it was probably a little crude and maybe not appropriate for the meeting, but I’ll go ahead and tell you what I said:

“It was kind of like how the Romans used to, you know, conquer villages in the Mediterranean. They’d go in to a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they saw and they’d crucify them.

“Then, you know, that town was really easy to manage for the next few years.”

“It’s a deterrent factor,” Armendariz said, explaining that the EPA is following the Romans’ philosophy for subjugating conquered villages.

EPA Official's 'Philosophy' On Oil Companies: 'Crucify Them' - Just As Romans Crucified Conquered Citizens
By Craig Bannister
April 25, 2012

EPA Official's 'Philosophy' On Oil Companies: 'Crucify Them' - Just As Romans Crucified Conquered Citizens |

There is a serious danger in making Al Armendariz’s philosophy the only reason to shutdown the EPA. Many Americans, certainly liberals and misinformed rank & file environmental sign-carriers, think the EPA is doing a good thing whenever it attacks oil companies. You can be sure they all believe that oil company profits are responsible for high gasoline prices at the pump.

The danger is that Americans will lose sight of the real threat the EPA poses; a threat that originates in the United Nations. Every EPA employee along with everybody who is paid tax dollars by the EPA is working for the United Nations. Many EPA employees might not know who they are working for; those who do know will deny it, but it is a fact just the same.

Armendariz’s philosophy is important in understanding the UN’s agenda, but individual Americans will be better off if they focus on the things the EPA is doing to their property Rights. With property Rights in mind ask yourself this: If the Exxon Mobil corporation cannot defend itself against the EPA what chance do individual homeowners have when the EPA comes for them?

Put my question in context by recalling the tax on income. The XVI Amendment was was going to punish the rich. How is that one working out for the wealthy and for private sector Americans?

I’ll bet that most Americans do not know that in 2010 the EPA had 18,518 employees:

If you add in all the parasites feeding off the EPA on a contractual basis 18,518 more than doubles. I’ve heard that this year the actual number goes as high as 60,000. I don’t doubt it. If you think you are getting off light —— think again:

The Environmental Protection Agency has said new greenhouse gas regulations, as proposed, may be “absurd” in application and “impossible to administer” by its self-imposed 2016 deadline. But the agency is still asking for taxpayers to shoulder the burden of up to 230,000 new bureaucrats — at a cost of $21 billion — to attempt to implement the rules.

EPA: Regulations would require 230,000 new employees, $21 billion
By Matthew Boyle - The Daily Caller 11:57 AM 09/26/2011

230,000 Employees | Green House Gas | Clean Air Act | The Daily Caller

Incidentally, EPA bureaucrats carry guns thanks to Bill Clinton.

The UN’s global warming scam has been exposed time and time again, yet the EPA’s actions never stop trying to legitimate a known political fraud.

The EPA is not needed.

President Reagan along with countless others wanted to eliminate the Department of Education. Any time that is tried the parasites in the education industry trot out the children. Eliminating the EPA will be infinitely more difficult because of the tremendous political influence the United Nations exerts in this country. Few Americans realize that the EPA and the Department of Education join forces whenever either one is threatened with extinction or budget cuts.

If any corporation or individual violates a so-called environmental law they should be arrested and get their day in court as the Constitution guarantees. The EPA should not have the authority to tax anyone.

Back in 2010 EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson announced that she would tax industries to enforce the Clean Air Act. The question is: Where does a bureaucrat get the authority to tax anyone? Certainly not from the Constitution. No police chief in this country can go to a local business, or an individual, suspected of breaking a law and impose a tax. Yet Jackson is doing just that. No arrests for breaking the law, no day in court for the accused, just the EPA —— in the person of Lisa P. Jackson —— ordering a private business to pay a tax. I will not be surprised if some of those tax dollars find their way to the United Nations in a backdoor approach to giving the UN taxing authority over the American people.

The only good thing about the EPA is that a constitutional amendment is not required to shut it down.

Finally, Lisa P. Jackson and Al Armendariz probably never heard this one:

Perry Como - Arriverderci Roma - - YouTube
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Al Armendariz resigned. That does not mean his snout is out of the public trough. Mark my words, he’ll turn up with a tax dollar job somewhere down the line; probably in higher education.

Even when one of their own is outed, environmental frauds get milage out of it. Lisa Jackson should have said service to the United Nations because Armendariz sure as hell was not serving America or the American people:

“Over the weekend Dr. Armendariz offered his resignation, which I accepted. I respect the difficult decision he made and his wish to avoid distracting from the important work of the agency. We are all grateful for Dr. Armendariz's service to EPA and to our nation,” said EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson in a statement Monday.

EPA official resigns over ‘crucify’ remarks
By Ben Geman - 04/30/12 12:39 PM ET

EPA official resigns over

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