Why Global Warming is total bullshit 101


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
a. Say you have a screwdriver drink, it's 1,000,000 parts in total of which 400 are vodka. You decide that's too weak and you add 100 parts more vodka. Approximately what percentage has the mix changed?

1. 33%
2. .01%
3. 6%
4. denier! Why do you hate science?!
Mix of what, total volume or alcohol? Funny how you provide your answer but not the correct one, 25%!!!

Frankematics..., AGAIN! :cool:
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Mix of what, total volume or alcohol? Funny how you provide your answer but not the correct one, 25%!!!

Frankematics..., AGAIN! :cool:

The total mix.

The total mix.

Not, "What percent has the vodka increased"


All of it

All 1,000,000 parts.

100/1,000,000 = .01%

Of the TOTAL mix
Your Aunt Zeiti has 2 nephews, you and that one called "the smarter one"

She runs a hedge fund and needs a family successor so gives you each $1,000,000 to invest

The other nephew buys discounted notes from the local bank on solid properties

You take $300 over to the race track and bet it on a horse call CO2 Raider to show; and it finishes third paying $400.

Your Aunt calls you both in to see how you did, the other nephew, the smarter one, says, "I did great! I made risk free 15% buying notes at a discount from the local bank."

Your turn. You say, "Ha! I made 25% return!!" And you slap down the 4 $100 bills! Then driving home the reason you're not ever going to be called "The Smarter One" you say "There, you deniers! Take that!"
Of course such a small part can do no harm. So why don't you take one gram of postassium cyanide. In such a large complex system as your body is, such a small part can do no harm. By you own logic.

Cretins like Frankie Boy constantly repeat such idiocy, demonstrating that fact that they have not a functioning brain. In the meantime, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that they are full of shit.
Of course such a small part can do no harm. So why don't you take one gram of postassium cyanide. In such a large complex system as your body is, such a small part can do no harm. By you own logic.

Cretins like Frankie Boy constantly repeat such idiocy, demonstrating that fact that they have not a functioning brain. In the meantime, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that they are full of shit.


CO2 is now a lethal toxin even small doses are lethal!


If its that powerful how come you can't point to a single lab experiment where you add 100PPM of CO2?

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The world is warming. From the recession, worldwide, of the glaciers, to the melting of the Arctic Sea Ice, and the melting, by the giga-ton, of the continetal ice sheets, we are observing it on every continent.

CO2, CH4, NOx, and many industrial gases with no natural analogs are being put into the atmosphere at a rate that exceeds even the periods where natural GHGs caused extinction events. Literally, we are changing the composition of our atmosphere. And we have now entered the period of consequences.

Storm Warnings: Extreme Weather Is a Product of Climate Change: Scientific American

More violent and frequent storms, once merely a prediction of climate models, are now a matter of observation. Part 1 of a three-part series
The world is warming. From the recession, worldwide, of the glaciers, to the melting of the Arctic Sea Ice, and the melting, by the giga-ton, of the continetal ice sheets, we are observing it on every continent.

CO2, CH4, NOx, and many industrial gases with no natural analogs are being put into the atmosphere at a rate that exceeds even the periods where natural GHGs caused extinction events. Literally, we are changing the composition of our atmosphere. And we have now entered the period of consequences.

Storm Warnings: Extreme Weather Is a Product of Climate Change: Scientific American

More violent and frequent storms, once merely a prediction of climate models, are now a matter of observation. Part 1 of a three-part series

And you can never show us how a 100PPM increase causes it because the system is far too complex
The world is warming. From the recession, worldwide, of the glaciers, to the melting of the Arctic Sea Ice, and the melting, by the giga-ton, of the continetal ice sheets, we are observing it on every continent.

CO2, CH4, NOx, and many industrial gases with no natural analogs are being put into the atmosphere at a rate that exceeds even the periods where natural GHGs caused extinction events. Literally, we are changing the composition of our atmosphere. And we have now entered the period of consequences.

Storm Warnings: Extreme Weather Is a Product of Climate Change: Scientific American

More violent and frequent storms, once merely a prediction of climate models, are now a matter of observation. Part 1 of a three-part series

And its been happening for the last 14,000 years

Mix of what, total volume or alcohol? Funny how you provide your answer but not the correct one, 25%!!!

Frankematics..., AGAIN! :cool:

The total mix.

The total mix.

Not, "What percent has the vodka increased"


All of it

All 1,000,000 parts.

100/1,000,000 = .01%

Of the TOTAL mix

That doesn't make scientific sense. Inert ingredients aren't considered part of the equation in any other scientific system. Why should they count in this case?
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Mix of what, total volume or alcohol? Funny how you provide your answer but not the correct one, 25%!!!

Frankematics..., AGAIN! :cool:

The total mix.

The total mix.

Not, "What percent has the vodka increased"


All of it

All 1,000,000 parts.

100/1,000,000 = .01%

Of the TOTAL mix

That doesn't make scientific sense. Inert ingredients aren't considered part of the equation in any other scientific system. Why should they count here?

CO2 is inert, why count it?
Inert ingredients aren't considered part of the equation in any other scientific system. Why should they count here?

CO2 is inert, why count it?

The same could be said for your brain, except that statement would be true! :lol:

And you still fail to understand that 100PPM is a .01% change in the total atmosphere

Your Elder brother in the AGW Cult OldRocks tell us that CO2 is like some alkaloid poison that even small doses are lethal, all I'm saying is show us in a lab or shut the fuck up.
a. Say you have a screwdriver drink, it's 1,000,000 parts in total of which 400 are vodka. You decide that's too weak and you add 100 parts more vodka. Approximately what percentage has the mix changed?

1. 33%
2. .01%
3. 6%
4. denier! Why do you hate science?!

I'm starting to lean towards man made global warming, not by carbon emissions but HARRP
which is created by the people the warmer's have placed all their trust in

But it's just a theory
Hey, here's an idea: If you believe that man is causing the earth to warm, which will in turn cause the ice sheets to melt, thereby raising the ocean sea level...move away from the water's edge. Just a thought.

But do send a postcard from your new mountain top home.
CO2 is inert, why count it?

The same could be said for your brain, except that statement would be true! :lol:

And you still fail to understand that 100PPM is a .01% change in the total atmosphere

Your Elder brother in the AGW Cult OldRocks tell us that CO2 is like some alkaloid poison that even small doses are lethal, all I'm saying is show us in a lab or shut the fuck up.

Adding it would be a 20% increase over current atmospheric content. Considering that without any CO2 the earth would be much cooler, what effect would an additional 20% have? None?

The effects of CO2 overdose have been studied in the lab and the ability of CO2 to absorb energy has been studied in the lab. What more do you want?

I think you need to admit that OR never said anything about small doses being lethal and explain what happens to IR absorbed by added CO2 in light of Conservation of Energy.
I’m not a scientist personally, nor do I study the subject extensively, but from what I can gather, a great majority of the reputable scientific institutions that spend all of their time studying the subject matter have concluded that global warming exists, and that it is likely man-made.

Some deniers point to conspiracy, and say that all of the world’s major scientific institutions have been “bought out” by governments in order to make the case for a carbon tax (yes, ALL of the world's major scientific institutions). But if you actually use your brain for a moment you will come to the realization that this conspiracy – just like many others – is too grand to have any basis in reality.

Perhaps if the split was 50/50 between the world’s science institutions, I might have second thoughts about not siding with the dissenters. But it’s not.

Therefore, I’m putting my money on what the majority of science says, rather than the opinion of a random internet guy (CrusaderFrank) who is generally extremely right-leaning.
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