

Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
It's a shame that the federal government won't do the job that they are supposed to be doing under the dictates of the US Constitution. The biggest reason they refuse to do their job? They want the votes that the people who coddle the illegal Mexican aliens are willing to give them for their support of these law breakers. I hope everyone of them is voted out of office beginning with that dirtbag Owe Bama.
The Price of Admission to Our Country - Wilderness Rape Trees

[ame=]YouTube - The Price of Admission - Wilderness Rape Trees[/ame]
At some point, Arizona is going to give up on the Federal government and handle this issue themselves. When the blood starts flowing, it will be on the hands of Obama and the rest of the Federal government who turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the cries for help from a State in the Union.

I support Arizona, but then again, I love my country.
So Top. You don't think this is about national security???

I sure do. Hell. Anybody could come across the Mexican or Canadian border. Seems to me I remember reading an article about prayer rugs being found in the desert. Hmm. Thats not Mexican. Wonder who that could be??? We've already caught one terrotist coming across the border from Canada. Wonder how many we have't caught???

As for the Fed. Well no President has wanted to secure the border. Reagan, Clinton, Bush I, Bush II, Obama. Why Not. THE HISPANIC VOTE is way more important to these Clowns than securing the border doncha know?? Thats it in a nutshell.
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