Zone1 Argument: USMB is a safe space for right wing politics

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Gold Member
Aug 17, 2018
To be clear, I don't mean this to be a taunt or something incendiary since, as a leftist, I don't think safe spaces are entirely a bad thing. I'm just making the point that, given how right-wingers' derogatory posts often go untouched by mods here while similar left wing posts tend to get the full deletion-and-warning treatment, there may be a little doublemindedness in admins' approach here. It seems a lot like the cancel culture rightwingers claim to hate.

If you want to cancel this post and lock it or ban me or whatever go ahead I guess.

Do you require a coloring book or puppy to hug as you huddle here in ZONE 1?


To be clear, I don't mean this to be a taunt or something incendiary since, as a leftist, I don't think safe spaces are entirely a bad thing. I'm just making the point that, given how right-wingers' derogatory posts often go untouched by mods here while similar left wing posts tend to get the full deletion-and-warning treatment, there may be a little doublemindedness in admins' approach here. It seems a lot like the cancel culture rightwingers claim to hate.

If you want to cancel this post and lock it or ban me or whatever go ahead I guess.
I see more leftwing posts protected by the mods,,,

FFS a leftist started a thread talking about the benefits of teaching kids how to be bisexual,, pointing out that if you broke up with your opposite sex partner you couls always go back and have gay sex with your best friend,,,

grooming is OK on here but calling someone a groomer isnt,,,
To be clear, I don't mean this to be a taunt or something incendiary since, as a leftist, I don't think safe spaces are entirely a bad thing. I'm just making the point that, given how right-wingers' derogatory posts often go untouched by mods here while similar left wing posts tend to get the full deletion-and-warning treatment, there may be a little doublemindedness in admins' approach here. It seems a lot like the cancel culture rightwingers claim to hate.

If you want to cancel this post and lock it or ban me or whatever go ahead I guess.
You're kidding, right? I get hit with lots of derogatory posts from Demwits all the time. I certainly don't come to USMB because I feel it's a “safe space.” That's a complete joke. I come here because I enjoy the banter. I have thick skin, and there's NOTHING you folks can say that can hurt my feelings or cause any fear or inflict any pain. I battle the false, leftist ideology. Will I throw a few darts at the most aggressive lefties? Sure I will, but it's generally a tit-for-tat scenario.
If words and ideas contrary to your own make you feel unsafe then you need help from a shrink not a message board....
Ideas seem to be the whole reason for deletion here. Zone 1 seems to be a place where those on the right can feel comfortable not having their ideas challenged. I'd say the same for "the badlands forum" as well. These are places where those on the right can feel safe and protected, free to call lefties names while hiding behind the moderators and making faces.
Ideas seem to be the whole reason for deletion here. Zone 1 seems to be a place where those on the right can feel comfortable not having their ideas challenged. I'd say the same for "the badlands forum" as well. These are places where those on the right can feel safe and protected, free to call lefties names while hiding behind the moderators and making faces.
all that means is the left cant debate rationally,,

zone 1 is pretty simple for anyone to comment in,,
youre proving him right,,
I'm proving him right that there are babies on the right?

I'm not complaining that those on the right are too harsh, I'm saying the opposite, that they're using this site as a safe space where leftist views often get canceled if they make the rightwing admins too uncomfortable and that the admins are sheltering and babying rightwingers here.
I'm proving him right that there are babies on the right?

I'm not complaining that those on the right are too harsh, I'm saying the opposite, that they're using this site as a safe space where leftist views often get canceled if they make the rightwing admins too uncomfortable and that the admins are sheltering and babying rightwingers here.
and we have explained several reasons how you are wrong in that conclusion,,,

grow a thicker skin and bring more to the discussion that feelings and lies,,,
Ideas seem to be the whole reason for deletion here. Zone 1 seems to be a place where those on the right can feel comfortable not having their ideas challenged. I'd say the same for "the badlands forum" as well. These are places where those on the right can feel safe and protected, free to call lefties names while hiding behind the moderators and making faces.
More BS. I can't count how many of my posts and threads have been removed from Zone 1. Even super tame ones. I haven't complained. I go with the flow.
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