Are you aware of the real roots of the Leftist collusion theory? Read here!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
If you read the posts in this forum, you would be led to believe that President Trump got together with Russians, stole votes, hacked voting machines, paid to have Russians use misinformation across the internet against Hillary, and basically stole the election. That is what Leftist posters on here will tell you is the crux of the whole collusion case, and just like Pinnochio, their noses grow every time they open their mouth's; some of them, anyway! They are embellishing what started all of this, because they are now caught between a rock and a hard place.

What is the REAL reason this whole fiasco started? What was the evidence? Did they make their case; and if so, who did!

This whole fiasco was generated by 2 different events, one supposedly pulled on the DNC, the other came out of Donald Trumps mouth while on the campaign trail, and created the collusion/delusion that has us arguing endlessly on this board, and as the Leftists embellish the charges, they demand his removal for things he is not even, or ever been accused of doing, but I digress.

1. The hacking of the DNC.

2. Donald Trump publicly asking the hackers if they had the e-mails to release them.

There it is folks, the whole collusion/delusion Leftist theory in a nutshell. No vote stealing, no election machine hacking, no money switching hands, no Russian spies at Trump Tower devising ways to steal the election from Hillary; those 2 things I have listed above has given us the "collusion/delusion." In essence, what the Left is saying is------->If the hackers had NOT released those e-mails, Hillary would have won, and Trump COLLUDED with the hackers (supposedly Russians) to release them at the perfect time, to swing the election to him!

Now, to have Trump collude with Russians........besides the fact you have to prove he talked to them about it, or at the very least prove his campaign 1st have to prove it was the Russians who stole all those e-mails.

Now, I am assuming that if an American got those e-mails, and turned it over to the Trump team, that would be called opposition research; kinda like when Maddow got Trumps tax return some magical way, but if it is the Russians, OMG, we are all gonna die! (how do we know Maddow didn't get the tax return from the Russians, but again, I digress)

And so, Hilly and friends had to tie this to the Russians, they just had to, then they could link the evil Donald Trump to those Russians later and walla, adios President Trump!

And so what did the DNC do? Why instantly they called the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, and everybody and their brother to inspect their servers to prove as the 1st leg of their evidence, that the evil Russians hacked them in the name of Trump, correct?

Ummmmm, you would be wrong! They instead called the Hilly's charming and delightful lawfirm of Perkins Coei. In fact, they REFUSED to allow the FBI and the rest of them, access to the servers for a forensic examination. Instead, they had their law firm find a computer team to do the study.

Now who is Perkins Coei? Why surprise, surprise, that is the same law firm that hired Steele for the Clinton team; you know, the same Steele of the infamous dossier!

And who/whom did Perkins Coie hire to do the forensics on the system? CROWDSTRIKE!

Who is Crowdstrike? Oh, that is almost as good, check it out yourselves---->What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google

And it get better than this, it really does! Heard of Buzzfeed have you? Well, Buzzfeed is getting sued by entities over the dossier, and Russian collusion stories. So what did Buzzfeed do? They went to the DNC and requested that the DNC let them have their experts look at the servers, so they could prove that their stories were true!

Guess what, DENIED!

So Buzzfeed said, ok, then let us have a copy of what YOUR forensic specialists found so as we can defend ourselves in court then against the lawsuits.

Again, DENIED!

Now then, you would THINK as logical individuals that to sew up this whole thing for at least a partial victory for the DNC, they would want to show Russian hacking, then all they would have to do is tie Trump to it; gotta do one before you can do the other, right!

Nope! The one piece of evidence they have, they are keeping it all secret.

Now, I bet you heard that 17...........let me spell that for you S-E-V-E-N-T-E-E-N secy-secy agencies agree with Crowdstrike.

Ummmmmm, no they don't. They agree that IF what Crowdstrike released was accurate, then it looked like Russian hacking. That is exactly why you should read the link I provided on who Crowd strike is, and then also do your own research too.

So the point is-----------> Do not listen to Leftists and their wild claims that Trump did this, that, or the other. Their whole investigation rests upon--------->
1. Did the Russians hack the DNC?

2. Did Trump suggest they do it,


3. If they did hack the DNC, did he know they did and suggest to them to release the e-mails.

That's it folks, the whole collusion/delusion in a nutshell!

And remember this also-----------> IF a foreign entity was NOT the people who got those e-mails, it is now opposition research, unless it was the Trump team who hacked in themselves. Whoever got those e-mails if American, has done something illegal, that is for sure; kinda like Maddow got Trumps income tax return, or all the leaks to the media of classified information..........but who is in jail for that today? Nobody!

Now you know why the collusion/delusion is falling apart faster than a wet paper bag. The FBI has to find some other thing he did to collude with Russians besides this, and they haven't found a thing.


Because the FBI has not run a forensic test on the servers to even insure it was the Russians, AND they are not even in possession of the servers to this day. Think about that for a minute-) How do you even start a prosecution of anyone over a foreign hack, when you haven't even viewed the evidence yourself?

Now you know exactly why every Leftist comes on this board and very seldom speaks of this, they want to talk about other things Trump did that are made up, lol.

Get educated, the lefts premise is over without the FBI forensically checking those servers, and the only thing they could glean from that is if it WAS the Russians. Then they have to tie Trump to it-)
If you read the posts in this forum, you would be led to believe that President Trump got together with Russians, stole votes, hacked voting machines, paid to have Russians use misinformation across the internet against Hillary, and basically stole the election. That is what Leftist posters on here will tell you is the crux of the whole collusion case, and just like Pinnochio, their noses grow every time they open their mouth's; some of them, anyway! They are embellishing what started all of this, because they are now caught between a rock and a hard place.

What is the REAL reason this whole fiasco started? What was the evidence? Did they make their case; and if so, who did!

This whole fiasco was generated by 2 different events, one supposedly pulled on the DNC, the other came out of Donald Trumps mouth while on the campaign trail, and created the collusion/delusion that has us arguing endlessly on this board, and as the Leftists embellish the charges, they demand his removal for things he is not even, or ever been accused of doing, but I digress.

1. The hacking of the DNC.

2. Donald Trump publicly asking the hackers if they had the e-mails to release them.

There it is folks, the whole collusion/delusion Leftist theory in a nutshell. No vote stealing, no election machine hacking, no money switching hands, no Russian spies at Trump Tower devising ways to steal the election from Hillary; those 2 things I have listed above has given us the "collusion/delusion." In essence, what the Left is saying is------->If the hackers had NOT released those e-mails, Hillary would have won, and Trump COLLUDED with the hackers (supposedly Russians) to release them at the perfect time, to swing the election to him!

Now, to have Trump collude with Russians........besides the fact you have to prove he talked to them about it, or at the very least prove his campaign 1st have to prove it was the Russians who stole all those e-mails.

Now, I am assuming that if an American got those e-mails, and turned it over to the Trump team, that would be called opposition research; kinda like when Maddow got Trumps tax return some magical way, but if it is the Russians, OMG, we are all gonna die! (how do we know Maddow didn't get the tax return from the Russians, but again, I digress)

And so, Hilly and friends had to tie this to the Russians, they just had to, then they could link the evil Donald Trump to those Russians later and walla, adios President Trump!

And so what did the DNC do? Why instantly they called the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, and everybody and their brother to inspect their servers to prove as the 1st leg of their evidence, that the evil Russians hacked them in the name of Trump, correct?

Ummmmm, you would be wrong! They instead called the Hilly's charming and delightful lawfirm of Perkins Coei. In fact, they REFUSED to allow the FBI and the rest of them, access to the servers for a forensic examination. Instead, they had their law firm find a computer team to do the study.

Now who is Perkins Coei? Why surprise, surprise, that is the same law firm that hired Steele for the Clinton team; you know, the same Steele of the infamous dossier!

And who/whom did Perkins Coie hire to do the forensics on the system? CROWDSTRIKE!

Who is Crowdstrike? Oh, that is almost as good, check it out yourselves---->What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google

And it get better than this, it really does! Heard of Buzzfeed have you? Well, Buzzfeed is getting sued by entities over the dossier, and Russian collusion stories. So what did Buzzfeed do? They went to the DNC and requested that the DNC let them have their experts look at the servers, so they could prove that their stories were true!

Guess what, DENIED!

So Buzzfeed said, ok, then let us have a copy of what YOUR forensic specialists found so as we can defend ourselves in court then against the lawsuits.

Again, DENIED!

Now then, you would THINK as logical individuals that to sew up this whole thing for at least a partial victory for the DNC, they would want to show Russian hacking, then all they would have to do is tie Trump to it; gotta do one before you can do the other, right!

Nope! The one piece of evidence they have, they are keeping it all secret.

Now, I bet you heard that 17...........let me spell that for you S-E-V-E-N-T-E-E-N secy-secy agencies agree with Crowdstrike.

Ummmmmm, no they don't. They agree that IF what Crowdstrike released was accurate, then it looked like Russian hacking. That is exactly why you should read the link I provided on who Crowd strike is, and then also do your own research too.

So the point is-----------> Do not listen to Leftists and their wild claims that Trump did this, that, or the other. Their whole investigation rests upon--------->
1. Did the Russians hack the DNC?

2. Did Trump suggest they do it,


3. If they did hack the DNC, did he know they did and suggest to them to release the e-mails.

That's it folks, the whole collusion/delusion in a nutshell!

And remember this also-----------> IF a foreign entity was NOT the people who got those e-mails, it is now opposition research, unless it was the Trump team who hacked in themselves. Whoever got those e-mails if American, has done something illegal, that is for sure; kinda like Maddow got Trumps income tax return, or all the leaks to the media of classified information..........but who is in jail for that today? Nobody!

Now you know why the collusion/delusion is falling apart faster than a wet paper bag. The FBI has to find some other thing he did to collude with Russians besides this, and they haven't found a thing.


Because the FBI has not run a forensic test on the servers to even insure it was the Russians, AND they are not even in possession of the servers to this day. Think about that for a minute-) How do you even start a prosecution of anyone over a foreign hack, when you haven't even viewed the evidence yourself?

Now you know exactly why every Leftist comes on this board and very seldom speaks of this, they want to talk about other things Trump did that are made up, lol.

Get educated, the lefts premise is over without the FBI forensically checking those servers, and the only thing they could glean from that is if it WAS the Russians. Then they have to tie Trump to it-)
/----/ Unfortunately this is way too deep in the tall grass for Libtards to follow. You lost them at "President Trump got together with Russians, " and that's what they are running with.
catch a democrat.jpg
If you read the posts in this forum, you would be led to believe that President Trump got together with Russians, stole votes, hacked voting machines, paid to have Russians use misinformation across the internet against Hillary, and basically stole the election. That is what Leftist posters on here will tell you is the crux of the whole collusion case, and just like Pinnochio, their noses grow every time they open their mouth's; some of them, anyway! They are embellishing what started all of this, because they are now caught between a rock and a hard place.

What is the REAL reason this whole fiasco started? What was the evidence? Did they make their case; and if so, who did!

This whole fiasco was generated by 2 different events, one supposedly pulled on the DNC, the other came out of Donald Trumps mouth while on the campaign trail, and created the collusion/delusion that has us arguing endlessly on this board, and as the Leftists embellish the charges, they demand his removal for things he is not even, or ever been accused of doing, but I digress.

1. The hacking of the DNC.

2. Donald Trump publicly asking the hackers if they had the e-mails to release them.

There it is folks, the whole collusion/delusion Leftist theory in a nutshell. No vote stealing, no election machine hacking, no money switching hands, no Russian spies at Trump Tower devising ways to steal the election from Hillary; those 2 things I have listed above has given us the "collusion/delusion." In essence, what the Left is saying is------->If the hackers had NOT released those e-mails, Hillary would have won, and Trump COLLUDED with the hackers (supposedly Russians) to release them at the perfect time, to swing the election to him!

Now, to have Trump collude with Russians........besides the fact you have to prove he talked to them about it, or at the very least prove his campaign 1st have to prove it was the Russians who stole all those e-mails.

Now, I am assuming that if an American got those e-mails, and turned it over to the Trump team, that would be called opposition research; kinda like when Maddow got Trumps tax return some magical way, but if it is the Russians, OMG, we are all gonna die! (how do we know Maddow didn't get the tax return from the Russians, but again, I digress)

And so, Hilly and friends had to tie this to the Russians, they just had to, then they could link the evil Donald Trump to those Russians later and walla, adios President Trump!

And so what did the DNC do? Why instantly they called the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, and everybody and their brother to inspect their servers to prove as the 1st leg of their evidence, that the evil Russians hacked them in the name of Trump, correct?

Ummmmm, you would be wrong! They instead called the Hilly's charming and delightful lawfirm of Perkins Coei. In fact, they REFUSED to allow the FBI and the rest of them, access to the servers for a forensic examination. Instead, they had their law firm find a computer team to do the study.

Now who is Perkins Coei? Why surprise, surprise, that is the same law firm that hired Steele for the Clinton team; you know, the same Steele of the infamous dossier!

And who/whom did Perkins Coie hire to do the forensics on the system? CROWDSTRIKE!

Who is Crowdstrike? Oh, that is almost as good, check it out yourselves---->What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google

And it get better than this, it really does! Heard of Buzzfeed have you? Well, Buzzfeed is getting sued by entities over the dossier, and Russian collusion stories. So what did Buzzfeed do? They went to the DNC and requested that the DNC let them have their experts look at the servers, so they could prove that their stories were true!

Guess what, DENIED!

So Buzzfeed said, ok, then let us have a copy of what YOUR forensic specialists found so as we can defend ourselves in court then against the lawsuits.

Again, DENIED!

Now then, you would THINK as logical individuals that to sew up this whole thing for at least a partial victory for the DNC, they would want to show Russian hacking, then all they would have to do is tie Trump to it; gotta do one before you can do the other, right!

Nope! The one piece of evidence they have, they are keeping it all secret.

Now, I bet you heard that 17...........let me spell that for you S-E-V-E-N-T-E-E-N secy-secy agencies agree with Crowdstrike.

Ummmmmm, no they don't. They agree that IF what Crowdstrike released was accurate, then it looked like Russian hacking. That is exactly why you should read the link I provided on who Crowd strike is, and then also do your own research too.

So the point is-----------> Do not listen to Leftists and their wild claims that Trump did this, that, or the other. Their whole investigation rests upon--------->
1. Did the Russians hack the DNC?

2. Did Trump suggest they do it,


3. If they did hack the DNC, did he know they did and suggest to them to release the e-mails.

That's it folks, the whole collusion/delusion in a nutshell!

And remember this also-----------> IF a foreign entity was NOT the people who got those e-mails, it is now opposition research, unless it was the Trump team who hacked in themselves. Whoever got those e-mails if American, has done something illegal, that is for sure; kinda like Maddow got Trumps income tax return, or all the leaks to the media of classified information..........but who is in jail for that today? Nobody!

Now you know why the collusion/delusion is falling apart faster than a wet paper bag. The FBI has to find some other thing he did to collude with Russians besides this, and they haven't found a thing.


Because the FBI has not run a forensic test on the servers to even insure it was the Russians, AND they are not even in possession of the servers to this day. Think about that for a minute-) How do you even start a prosecution of anyone over a foreign hack, when you haven't even viewed the evidence yourself?

Now you know exactly why every Leftist comes on this board and very seldom speaks of this, they want to talk about other things Trump did that are made up, lol.

Get educated, the lefts premise is over without the FBI forensically checking those servers, and the only thing they could glean from that is if it WAS the Russians. Then they have to tie Trump to it-)
/----/ Unfortunately this is way too deep in the tall grass for Libtards to follow. You lost them at "President Trump got together with Russians, " and that's what they are running with.
View attachment 177860

LOL, you are probably correct!
If you read the posts in this forum, you would be led to believe that President Trump got together with Russians, stole votes, hacked voting machines, paid to have Russians use misinformation across the internet against Hillary, and basically stole the election. That is what Leftist posters on here will tell you is the crux of the whole collusion case, and just like Pinnochio, their noses grow every time they open their mouth's; some of them, anyway! They are embellishing what started all of this, because they are now caught between a rock and a hard place.

What is the REAL reason this whole fiasco started? What was the evidence? Did they make their case; and if so, who did!

This whole fiasco was generated by 2 different events, one supposedly pulled on the DNC, the other came out of Donald Trumps mouth while on the campaign trail, and created the collusion/delusion that has us arguing endlessly on this board, and as the Leftists embellish the charges, they demand his removal for things he is not even, or ever been accused of doing, but I digress.

1. The hacking of the DNC.

2. Donald Trump publicly asking the hackers if they had the e-mails to release them.

There it is folks, the whole collusion/delusion Leftist theory in a nutshell. No vote stealing, no election machine hacking, no money switching hands, no Russian spies at Trump Tower devising ways to steal the election from Hillary; those 2 things I have listed above has given us the "collusion/delusion." In essence, what the Left is saying is------->If the hackers had NOT released those e-mails, Hillary would have won, and Trump COLLUDED with the hackers (supposedly Russians) to release them at the perfect time, to swing the election to him!

Now, to have Trump collude with Russians........besides the fact you have to prove he talked to them about it, or at the very least prove his campaign 1st have to prove it was the Russians who stole all those e-mails.

Now, I am assuming that if an American got those e-mails, and turned it over to the Trump team, that would be called opposition research; kinda like when Maddow got Trumps tax return some magical way, but if it is the Russians, OMG, we are all gonna die! (how do we know Maddow didn't get the tax return from the Russians, but again, I digress)

And so, Hilly and friends had to tie this to the Russians, they just had to, then they could link the evil Donald Trump to those Russians later and walla, adios President Trump!

And so what did the DNC do? Why instantly they called the FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, and everybody and their brother to inspect their servers to prove as the 1st leg of their evidence, that the evil Russians hacked them in the name of Trump, correct?

Ummmmm, you would be wrong! They instead called the Hilly's charming and delightful lawfirm of Perkins Coei. In fact, they REFUSED to allow the FBI and the rest of them, access to the servers for a forensic examination. Instead, they had their law firm find a computer team to do the study.

Now who is Perkins Coei? Why surprise, surprise, that is the same law firm that hired Steele for the Clinton team; you know, the same Steele of the infamous dossier!

And who/whom did Perkins Coie hire to do the forensics on the system? CROWDSTRIKE!

Who is Crowdstrike? Oh, that is almost as good, check it out yourselves---->What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google

And it get better than this, it really does! Heard of Buzzfeed have you? Well, Buzzfeed is getting sued by entities over the dossier, and Russian collusion stories. So what did Buzzfeed do? They went to the DNC and requested that the DNC let them have their experts look at the servers, so they could prove that their stories were true!

Guess what, DENIED!

So Buzzfeed said, ok, then let us have a copy of what YOUR forensic specialists found so as we can defend ourselves in court then against the lawsuits.

Again, DENIED!

Now then, you would THINK as logical individuals that to sew up this whole thing for at least a partial victory for the DNC, they would want to show Russian hacking, then all they would have to do is tie Trump to it; gotta do one before you can do the other, right!

Nope! The one piece of evidence they have, they are keeping it all secret.

Now, I bet you heard that 17...........let me spell that for you S-E-V-E-N-T-E-E-N secy-secy agencies agree with Crowdstrike.

Ummmmmm, no they don't. They agree that IF what Crowdstrike released was accurate, then it looked like Russian hacking. That is exactly why you should read the link I provided on who Crowd strike is, and then also do your own research too.

So the point is-----------> Do not listen to Leftists and their wild claims that Trump did this, that, or the other. Their whole investigation rests upon--------->
1. Did the Russians hack the DNC?

2. Did Trump suggest they do it,


3. If they did hack the DNC, did he know they did and suggest to them to release the e-mails.

That's it folks, the whole collusion/delusion in a nutshell!

And remember this also-----------> IF a foreign entity was NOT the people who got those e-mails, it is now opposition research, unless it was the Trump team who hacked in themselves. Whoever got those e-mails if American, has done something illegal, that is for sure; kinda like Maddow got Trumps income tax return, or all the leaks to the media of classified information..........but who is in jail for that today? Nobody!

Now you know why the collusion/delusion is falling apart faster than a wet paper bag. The FBI has to find some other thing he did to collude with Russians besides this, and they haven't found a thing.


Because the FBI has not run a forensic test on the servers to even insure it was the Russians, AND they are not even in possession of the servers to this day. Think about that for a minute-) How do you even start a prosecution of anyone over a foreign hack, when you haven't even viewed the evidence yourself?

Now you know exactly why every Leftist comes on this board and very seldom speaks of this, they want to talk about other things Trump did that are made up, lol.

Get educated, the lefts premise is over without the FBI forensically checking those servers, and the only thing they could glean from that is if it WAS the Russians. Then they have to tie Trump to it-)
/----/ Unfortunately this is way too deep in the tall grass for Libtards to follow. You lost them at "President Trump got together with Russians, " and that's what they are running with.
View attachment 177860

LOL, you are probably correct!

Hannity should be proud of you for remembering that entire dumb story. I'm starting to get into this MAGA thing
And, I would like to remind people---------->While Trump was supposedly pulling this dastardly thing off, he was under SURVEILLANCE do to the Carter Paige FISA warrant......and he did NOT know it until 10 days AFTER becoming the President elect when Admiral Rogers told him.

And so, the supposed DUMBEST President in history, while under surveillance unbeknownst to him, did NOT create any thread to lead anyone towards collusion that a special counsel can follow!

This is the theory of the Left? Stupid Trump was sooooooooo smart, he has outwitted, out played, out thought, and has the whole Federal government agencies unable to get him, even as they listened to everything his campaign did?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

You just can't make this up people, you just can't! I guess Donald Trump is really James Bond, Jack Reacher, and Clint Eastwood rolled into one, lolololol!

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