Are you a Trump loyalist? However remote the possibility, try, even if for a moment, to consider these things:

It's not that simple. The MAGAts are here to stay, yes. But we need to put them forceably back under their rocks and back into the caves. In otherwords, we need to start exercising our Laws which would start locking up more and more of the fruitcakes. Just claiming to support a Revolution should be enough to either fine or jail them for a short time.
Total 100% lie....There have been numerous threads here over the years, asking you moonbats what issues of Trump's policy makes you so unhinged....Nearly all the following disagreements with his policy comes from the right, while the left engages usual litany of stale recriminations and general "ORANGE MAN BAD" mewling.
The debate about Trump is not about policy, it's about the man, that he is a DEMAGOGUE, demagogues always wind up destroying their country.
Even mentioning the Bush bootlicking neocon scum at the Pedo Project renders your alleged "just intentions" to be laughable.
Weasel words, dismissed.
Project much?

Guess what, Scooter, I don't vote at all....Trump is far more like you than not....Your disingenuous little screed can't paper that over.

If you don't vote, then you have NO credibility.
Limbaugh did something the lamestream media refused to do. Tell the truth.

Limbaugh: “The poorest people in America are better off than the mainstream families of Europe” (radio, 1993).

Reality: The poorest 20 percent of Americans can purchase an average of $5,433 worth of goods with their income. Meanwhile, in Germany, the average person can purchase $20,610 worth of goods; in France, $19,200; in Britain, $16,730 (World Development Report 1994, published by the World Bank).

Limbaugh: “There are more acres of forestland in America today than when Columbus discovered the continent in 1492” (Limbaugh, See, I Told You So, p. 171).

Rush Limbaugh
stated on February 24, 2020 in an episode of his radio show:
“The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”

In June 2020, Limbaugh claimed white supremacists “are such a small number you could put them in a phone booth.”

After Trump referred to the House impeachment inquiry as a “lynching” in October 2019, Limbaugh defended Trump’s comments by arguing that “if you look at the definition of lynching, it doesn't have anything to do with African Americans.”

In May 2004, Limbaugh claimed that guards who tortured prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq were just “having a good time” and “blow[ing] some steam off.”

Both Trumps' $2 trillion stimulus, and Biden's $2 trillion stimulus, plus the world wide supply chain disruptions, caused the inflation.
Inflation is caused by the infusion of too much fiat currency into the marketplace faster than GDP can absorb the dollars, resulting in phenomenon where there are too many dollars chasing too few goods. The stimulus necessary to prop up the economy because of the massive shut downs due to the pandemic. There was no way to know how much was necessary, so both administrations deemed that it was better to do too much, than too little. so, too much caused inflation, and inflation is the price we payed in order to prevent what would have happened, massive depression and massive deflation, which are far worse.

But, of course, now the right it exploiting this for political points, as you are doing now.

The problem is systemic, and has been going on for decades. It's not a recent phenomenon. WE did fine with the world currency reserve was the pound sterling, so we will be okay. Don't let hysterics on the right freak you out.

BLM is a not a democratic phenomenon. It is a reaction to the floyd killing and a reaction against police brutality. That blacks tend t to vote for dems is an incidental fact, not a causal fact.

I'll put it to yu this way. any billionaire who is a billionaire and not lying who is asking for donations is a crook, and those who give him money are suckers.

That's not only false, both are doing relatively well, Jobs are about 3.5% under biden and that is the real measure of the economy. Anything under 4% is considered optimum. but under Trump, he killed any effort to tackle climate change.
That, for me, is the deal breaker. Trump is a threat to the National Security of the planet.

What more to be said? Simple, pure horseshit. Homelessness has always been a problem, and even more so when Reagan defunded mental health facilities when he was Gov in CA.

What more to be said? Simple, pure horseshit. Homelessness has always been a problem, and even more so when Reagan defunded mental health facilities when he was Gov in CA.

That didn't actually happen.
The majority of the Mental Health facilities that closed, closed in the 1990's after Wilson formed a task force that found costs had skyrocketed.
As Governor, Reagan SIGNED bipartisan legislation that limited the ability of vindicative hospitalization by family members or civil courts.
The debate about Trump is not about policy, it's about the man, that he is a DEMAGOGUE, demagogues always wind up destroying their country.
Clean your room, moonbat.
Weasel words, dismissed.
You're the one who used child grabbing neocon douchebags to try to establish your alleged "just intentions"...That makes you the weasel.
If you don't vote, then you have NO credibility.
It gives me all the credibility....I'm the one who can stand aside dispassionately and judge the man substantively, without all the emotionally incontinent tirades over his relatively inconsequential brash and pugilistic style.....The one who who has no credibility is the asswagon who mistakes sniffing loquaciousness for content....That'd be you, Chumlee
It seemed nonsensical, but as a man of numbers, I decided to switch parties when I realized the Democrats were better for America.
name one thing they do that's better for america? This ought to be good.
name one thing they do that's better for america? This ought to be good.
  • Ten of the last eleven recessions have occurred under Republican Presidents.
  • Democratic presidents create more than twice as many jobs per year as Republican Presidents.
  • Republican presidents' deficits are 54% larger than Democrats' and 65% higher as a percent of GDP.
  • GDP grows 75% faster under Democratic Presidents.
  • Business investment has grown twice as fast under Democratic Presidents than under Republican Presidents.
  • Forbes Guest Post (11/7/16): The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats

Since World War 2​

  • More than twice as many jobs are created per year under Democratic Presidents than Republican Presidents (1.95 million jobs/year under Democratic Presidents versus 825,500 jobs/year under Republican Presidents.)
  • Budget deficits under Republican Presidents have been $4 trillion more than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Ten of the last eleven recessions have begun under Republican Presidents (

Since 1962​

  • GDP growth has been 75% higher under Democratic Presidents.
  • Business Investment Growth has been 126% higher under Democratic Presidents.
  • Unemployment has been 15% higher under Republican Presidents.
  • Average increase in weekly earnings have been positive under Democratic Presidents and negative under Republican Presidents

Job Growth​

Democratic Presidents have helped create 21 million more jobs than Republican Presidents, and on year-to-year basis jobs have grown nearly twice as fast under Democratic Presidents as under Republican Presidents.
  • Total jobs created under Democratic Presidents: 68,312,000
  • Total jobs created under Republican Presidents: 32,194,000
  • Average yearly growth in jobs under Democratic Presidents: 1,952,000
  • Average yearly growth in jobs under Republican Presidents: 825,500

GDP Growth​

Real Gross Domestic Product growth under Democratic Presidents has been 75% higher than during Republican Presidents.
  • Average GDP growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 3.50%
  • Average GDP growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.02%

Business Investment Growth​

Real business investment growth under Democratic Presidents has been 126% higher than under Republican Presidents.
  • Average growth per year under Democratic Presidents: 6.6%
  • Average growth per year under Republican Presidents: 2.92%

Federal Budget Deficits​

Federal budget deficits under Republican Presidents collectively are 54% higher than under Democratic Presidents (as a percentage of GDP, Republican Presidents have been 65% higher than Democratic Presidents).
  • Democratic Presidents' annual deficits averaged 2.07% of GDP
  • Republican Presidents' annual deficits averaged 3.42% of GDP
  • Total Democratic Budget Deficits: $8,085.1 billion
  • Total Republican Budget Deficits: $12,442.5 billion


Unemployment under Republican Presidents has been 15% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Average unemployment per year during Democratic Presidents: 5.59%
  • Average unemployment per year during Republican Presidents: 6.43%

Growth In Spending​

Federal Spending has increased twice as fast under Republican Presidents than under Democratic Presidents
  • Democratic Presidents' annual spending increased by an average of $36.9 billion per year
  • Republican Presidents' annual spending increased by an average of $78.6 billion per year

Balance of Trade​

Trade deficits under Republican Presidents have been 39% higher than under Democratic Presidents.
  • Total trade deficit under Democratic Administrations (in millions): $5,625,690
  • Total trade deficit under Republican Administrations (in millions): $7,042,879
Over the years, I have witnessed a phenomenon occurring primarily on the right, that many of those on the right, which has burgeoned since Trump (though it has been going on for much longer than that), that their minds have become a bucket of mush filled with thought-terminating clichés ("TDS" "deep state" "fake news" "commies" "leftists" etc) and tired right wing tropes which are engineered to curb critical thinking and kill dissent, with the specific purpose of making the base compliant, complicit, and complacent.

As a man of 72 years, I've heard similar tropes going back to the days of the John Birch Society in the 60s. Their radical views were tolerated by the conservative leaders, but they gradually took things too far and William F Buckley, the granddad of conservatism during those years, as the founding member of the National Review, pushed the group to the sidelines. Once Buckley passed, the right no longer had a filter, and the group morphed into the T party, then the Freedom caucus, and now they are the MAGA movement, and in Trump, they have found their champion Trump, slightly older than myself, must be acutely aware of the history of the GOP, and how to manipulate their flock, and he easily took over the party, he knew the tropes they wanted to hear.

Make no mistake, Trump does not believe a word of what he says, he knows the types of right wing thought-terminating clichés will control his fock, and controlling his base is all he is interested in. In fact, Trump has changed parties no less than 6 times. During his Celeb Apprentice days, he was a democrat, we have videos of him praising democrats during this time, and this is because he knew that celebs are mostly liberal, and naturally he was a dem to curry favor with celebs. But to run for president, he knew the right would be much more receptive to a billionaire, so suddenly, he is now a 'Republican'. The point is, he is whatever the situation demands, he has no core values, he is the quintessential opportunist, the word's greatest conman, and PT Barnum would have loved him, and WC Field's famous quote, "You can't fool all of the people all of the time, but you can fool some of the people some of the time,'s just enough to make a good living".

Ask yourself: Why does a billionaire solicit donations? Well, for a conman, if one can, then, why not?

THere is a reason Trump is under attack. It's not because of blind hatred. It's because we, on the left, are not infected by Trump, he has chosen your side so it is much easier for us to see right through his methods. He's using all the same tricks every demagogue in history has used, and it's so obvious I wish I could get on the roofs across the land and shout it, but the right's minds are closed, Trump has successfully mesmerized millions, and they are compliant, complicit, and complacent, it's as if it were right out of an Orwellian script. We loath Trump BECAUSE he doesn't have your interest in mind, only that of Trump, and we don't want such a man ever to have his finger on the nuke football, if you don't mind. This isn't blind, this is well reasoned, well thought out and well understood.

Our intentions are just, and for the national interest. Trump is a threat to US National Security, and he must be stopped by any legal means possible. It is sad that many on the right cannot see it, but there it is. But some sensible souls on the right are with us, such as the good folks over at the Lincoln Project. Read Rick Wilson's book, 'Everything Trump Touches, Dies'. Listen to the videos of Steve Schmidt, another co-founder of the Lincoln Project. it is their goal to resuscitate the GOP to it's original conservative traditions and roots, and Trump has taken it astray, and they know, as we know, he is taking the GOP right over a proverbial cliff. His movement will be disastrous, should Trump win a second term. His only motivation now, is not policies for the good of our country, his motivation is REVENGE, and only revenge, and that is the wrong reason to be president.

Once the MAGA cultist's brain is infected, it appears that for most, there is no escape, resistance, it seems, for many, is futile. They have been programed, via months and months of repetition and propagandistic oratory and TV punditry by Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Mark Levin et al., causing the MAGA base to hate the left and accuse the left of that which they are complicit, which IS the intent of the program by their right wing controllers, who do not have their (or your) best interests in mind, only that of Trump and his ilk. These facts are coming to light in the Dominion law suit. Fox pundits have knowingly been going along with the scheme and have been intentionally lying to their base. However, Fox will not report on the Dominion law suit, but you will find all about it on YouTube.

Some have made it out, but few are so able.

If you haven't, try and escape, you'll be glad you did.

Trump supporters are OK

I see you as the one with a mental problem

Trump haters are fixated on their bogeyman and no other issue in the universe can distract them
what conversation is it being killed? Give us an example. your OP is classic TDS, and honestly, I give two shits you posted it. it merely confirms the TDS acronym. You can't even give an example of why Trump bothers you so much you act out as a stupid fk!!! My dollar is he never came in contact with you in your life. He hasn't done one thing that you could show affected you personally negative,
Trump has succeed in shaking confidence in elections in 65 million people, by that fact, has damaged American Democracy beyond Putin's dreams, and we are talking about the country I live in, and since I live in America, it affects me, personally .
He also took America out of the Paris Accord, and we lost valuable years in the fight against climate change, and that affects me, and everyone else, personally
He has also told lies about Democrats, every day of the week, and since I am a democrat, that affects me, personally.
and yet you created this OP.

Dude, that is classic TDS.
There, that's proof. your reference to the thought-terminating cliché TDS, is, in your mind, proof and no further conversation is necessary.

See, it's not what it does to us, it's what it does to you, it curbs critical thinking and kills dissent in YOUR mind.
You only hope it does in ours, otherwise you wouldn't have used the term .

Trump, by implanting that in your mind, has succeeded.

You'll never know it until you snap out of your stupor.
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There, that's proof. your reference to the thought-terminating cliché TDS, is, in your mind, proof and no further conversation is necessary.

See, it's not what it does to us, it's what it does to you, it curbs critical thinking and kills dissent in YOUR mind.
You only hope it does in ours, otherwise you wouldn't have used the term .

Trump, by implanting that in your mind, has succeeded.

You'll never know it until you snap out of your stupor.
You posted a text brick of dry statistics, with no underlying context of how those alleged numbers were achieved.

The party man bolus that you've been vomiting up has been posted and parsed here for years....You're nothing new.
Trump has succeed in shaking confidence in elections in 65 million people, by that fact, has damaged American Democracy beyond Putin's dreams, and we are talking about the country I live in, and since I live in America, it affects me, personally .
He also took America out of the Paris Accord, and we lost valuable years in the fight against climate change, and that affects me, and everyone else, personally
He has also told lies about Democrats, every day of the week, and since I am a democrat, that affects me, personally.

There, that's proof. your reference to the thought-terminating cliché TDS, is, in your mind, proof and no further conversation is necessary.

See, it's not what it does to us, it's what it does to you, it curbs critical thinking and kills dissent in YOUR mind.
You only hope it does in ours, otherwise you wouldn't have used the term .

Trump, by implanting that in your mind, has succeeded.

You'll never know it until you snap out of your stupor.
If the democrats didnt try to cheat their way into power public confidence in our elections would still be high
If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one that hears it,
Does it make a sound?
No more than a Transylvanian Transvestite farting in a public toilet, and no one hears it.

So, when you quote Shakespeare, what good is it, if you do not possess wit, yourself?

Or, as Shakespeare would say :

So, when thou dost cite the Bard, what merit holds it, pray, If in thine own discourse, dear friend, wit finds no place to stay?

But, apparently, Hamlet didn't pay attention to Polonius when he uttered his famous soliloquy

Here's the point, when you quote someone, quote a real someone, and not a fucking character in a play.
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