Are you a Holocaust Denying Anti Zionist IslamoNazi? Neo Nazi Dirtbag?

That would be what Muslim animals have been doing, you stupid fucking dipshit. Is that all you were able to surmise from these links? You're truly pathetic.
I do believe you've reached a new level of stupid.

It is clearly defined that a "war against international treaties" is a war crime. Now, between the two groups, who has more UN resolutions against them?
i read the whole link. you should also. that is just one definition of many discussed, per your statement opening "anti Zionism by definitoin means..." you should have said "one of the any definitions of anti-zionism is...".

you are not "a fucking idiot". perhaps, though, a visit to your urologist and a simple prescription will at least solve part of your problem.
Okay retard, let's start over then. Zionism = the right for Jews to have a state of their own in their ancient homeland of Israel. So anti Zionism doesn't only mean one is "against certain policies of Israel", you moron, by definition it means YOU'RE AGAINST THIS CONCEPT. Or to put it another way, an anti Zionist is FOR THE DESTRUCTION OR ENTIRE DISMANTLING OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL. In other words an "anti Zionist" isn't someone who, for example, may be against "settlements" or "going back to 1967 lines". An Anti Zionist is basically Jew hating scum like you.

let's try this again. anti-zionism has many diferent definitions and i am not accepting yours.

no one buys your definition nowadays anyway, except for a very few people who grasp at any straw to cry "anti-semitism."

guess what. i am against colonialism. period, and particularly any that occurred after the atlantic charter, which pretty much was the death knell of colonial and imperialistic enterprise.

but anyway,

sealadaigh oglaigh na h'Eireann (provisional irish republican army) thanks you for your continued support. brits out. up the RA. beidh ar la linn, mo chara.
P O'Neill
No it's actually pretty simple. Anti means against. You are against Zionism, and Zionism is, the right of the Jewish people to have a state of their own in the land of their ancestors, which is Israel. With means you wish to practice discrimination and persecution of Jews by denying them a right all people have, including Muslims who have about 26 Islamic shitholes of their own, and occupy 99% of the land in the Middle East by Islamic invasions and force.
That would be what Muslim animals have been doing, you stupid fucking dipshit. Is that all you were able to surmise from these links? You're truly pathetic.
I do believe you've reached a new level of stupid.

It is clearly defined that a "war against international treaties" is a war crime. Now, between the two groups, who has more UN resolutions against them?
No, you skipped all the evidence of tortures and Nazi death camps and experimentation and the horrors the Nazis committed and went right into classic anti semtism by accusing Jews of being Nazis. Did you skip all the crimes against humanity and barbarism that have been committed by Muslims in the last 6 decades, you fucking moron?
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let's try this again. anti-zionism has many diferent definitions and i am not accepting yours.

Anti zionism has many definitions because Zionism has a few definitions.

The basic, less accepted form is, The right of Jews to set up a Jewish homeland.
That causes a basic problem.
Where ever such a homeland was set up, means kicking out whoever lived there before.
I don't buy this "we lived there 2,000 years ago" shit.

Next up comes more, even worse stuff.

Zionism, to many, means an exclusive Jewish homeland. Openly racist and totally unacceptable but what we're seeing in Israel at the moment.
Non Jewish population repressed and made to feel very unwelcome.

Many extremists believe ALL jews should return to that jewish state and not mix with dirty non jews.

Again, a totally unacceptable, racist policy that many Jews reject as evil stupidity.

You don't have to be anti Jew to be anti Zionist.
No, you skipped all the evidence of tortures and Nazi death camps and experimentation and the horrors the Nazis committed and went right into classic anti semtism by accusing Jews of being Nazis. Did you skip all the crimes against humanity and barbarism that have been committed by Muslims in the last 6 decades, you fucking moron?
Wrong. My post said nothing about "jews...being nazis"; it proved Israel has committed war crimes.
No, you skipped all the evidence of tortures and Nazi death camps and experimentation and the horrors the Nazis committed and went right into classic anti semtism by accusing Jews of being Nazis. Did you skip all the crimes against humanity and barbarism that have been committed by Muslims in the last 6 decades, you fucking moron?
Wrong. My post said nothing about "jews...being nazis"; it proved Israel has committed war crimes.

Israeli has committed many war crimes.
Many are available on youtube for anyone to see but they have special protection so nothing will happen.
If Iran had done half of that stuff, the US would be at war again by now.
let's try this again. anti-zionism has many diferent definitions and i am not accepting yours.

Anti zionism has many definitions because Zionism has a few definitions.

The basic, less accepted form is, The right of Jews to set up a Jewish homeland.
That causes a basic problem.
Where ever such a homeland was set up, means kicking out whoever lived there before.
I don't buy this "we lived there 2,000 years ago" shit.

Next up comes more, even worse stuff.

Zionism, to many, means an exclusive Jewish homeland. Openly racist and totally unacceptable but what we're seeing in Israel at the moment.
Non Jewish population repressed and made to feel very unwelcome.

Many extremists believe ALL jews should return to that jewish state and not mix with dirty non jews.

Again, a totally unacceptable, racist policy that many Jews reject as evil stupidity.

You don't have to be anti Jew to be anti Zionist.
The Brothers Grimm wrote much better stuff than your fairy tales.
let's try this again. anti-zionism has many diferent definitions and i am not accepting yours.

Anti zionism has many definitions because Zionism has a few definitions.

The basic, less accepted form is, The right of Jews to set up a Jewish homeland.
That causes a basic problem.
Where ever such a homeland was set up, means kicking out whoever lived there before.
I don't buy this "we lived there 2,000 years ago" shit.

Next up comes more, even worse stuff.

Zionism, to many, means an exclusive Jewish homeland. Openly racist and totally unacceptable but what we're seeing in Israel at the moment.
Non Jewish population repressed and made to feel very unwelcome.

Many extremists believe ALL jews should return to that jewish state and not mix with dirty non jews.

Again, a totally unacceptable, racist policy that many Jews reject as evil stupidity.

You don't have to be anti Jew to be anti Zionist.
Then it's a good thing then, Fred, that the Jewish extremists are such a small percentage compared to the Muslim extremists. As a Muslim from Indonesia, I am sure you are aware of what other Muslims are doing to the Ahmadi Muslims there. I am sure as a civilized man you think that the way your fellow Muslims treat these Ahmadis is evil stupidity and totally unacceptable..
The Persecution of Indonesia's Ahmadi Muslims - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

No, you skipped all the evidence of tortures and Nazi death camps and experimentation and the horrors the Nazis committed and went right into classic anti semtism by accusing Jews of being Nazis. Did you skip all the crimes against humanity and barbarism that have been committed by Muslims in the last 6 decades, you fucking moron?
Wrong. My post said nothing about "jews...being nazis"; it proved Israel has committed war crimes.
Your post proved you're a fucking anti Semite garbage of humanity.
let's try this again. anti-zionism has many diferent definitions and i am not accepting yours.

Anti zionism has many definitions because Zionism has a few definitions.

The basic, less accepted form is, The right of Jews to set up a Jewish homeland.
That causes a basic problem.
Where ever such a homeland was set up, means kicking out whoever lived there before.
I don't buy this "we lived there 2,000 years ago" shit.

Next up comes more, even worse stuff.

Zionism, to many, means an exclusive Jewish homeland. Openly racist and totally unacceptable but what we're seeing in Israel at the moment.
Non Jewish population repressed and made to feel very unwelcome.

Many extremists believe ALL jews should return to that jewish state and not mix with dirty non jews.

Again, a totally unacceptable, racist policy that many Jews reject as evil stupidity.

You don't have to be anti Jew to be anti Zionist.
Indo Fred are you a moron or just pretending that you don't know about 20% of Israeli citizens are Arab Muslims, with full rights? You see nothing wrong with every single Muslim country out there sticking the Muslim Crescent Moon and Sword (as a symbol of peace) on their flags and calling themselves "Islamic" shithole republic of hate and oppression, while imposing state sacpnctioned flithy shariah law that persecutes minorities, but you have a problem with Israel calling itself a Jewish country? Huh?!

Does the phrase "Fuck you and the horse (camel actually) you rode in on" ring any bells in your ignorant brain, MohaMUD?
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let's try this again. anti-zionism has many diferent definitions and i am not accepting yours.

Anti zionism has many definitions because Zionism has a few definitions.

The basic, less accepted form is, The right of Jews to set up a Jewish homeland.
That causes a basic problem.
Where ever such a homeland was set up, means kicking out whoever lived there before.
I don't buy this "we lived there 2,000 years ago" shit.

Next up comes more, even worse stuff.

Zionism, to many, means an exclusive Jewish homeland. Openly racist and totally unacceptable but what we're seeing in Israel at the moment.
Non Jewish population repressed and made to feel very unwelcome.

Many extremists believe ALL jews should return to that jewish state and not mix with dirty non jews.

Again, a totally unacceptable, racist policy that many Jews reject as evil stupidity.

You don't have to be anti Jew to be anti Zionist.
The Brothers Grimm wrote much better stuff than your fairy tales.
These assholes make up so much garbage and shit, I bet you they can't even keep track of all the lies they spew themselves.
let's try this again. anti-zionism has many diferent definitions and i am not accepting yours.

Anti zionism has many definitions because Zionism has a few definitions.

The basic, less accepted form is, The right of Jews to set up a Jewish homeland.
That causes a basic problem.
Where ever such a homeland was set up, means kicking out whoever lived there before.
I don't buy this "we lived there 2,000 years ago" shit.

Next up comes more, even worse stuff.

Zionism, to many, means an exclusive Jewish homeland. Openly racist and totally unacceptable but what we're seeing in Israel at the moment.
Non Jewish population repressed and made to feel very unwelcome.

Many extremists believe ALL jews should return to that jewish state and not mix with dirty non jews.

Again, a totally unacceptable, racist policy that many Jews reject as evil stupidity.

You don't have to be anti Jew to be anti Zionist.
Indo Fred are you a moron or just pretending that you don't know about 20% of Israeli citizens are Arab Muslims, with full rights? You see nothing wrong with every single Muslim country out there sticking the Muslim Crescent Moon and Sword (as a symbol of peace) on their flags and calling themselves "Islamic" shithole republic of hate and oppression, while imposing state sacpnctioned flithy shariah law that persecutes minorities, but you have a problem with Israel calling itself a Jewish country? Huh?!

Does the phrase "Fuck you and the horse (camel actually) you rode in on" ring any bells in your ignorant brain, MohaMUD?

It was the best part of 100% before the invasion of Palestine started by extremist jewish terrorist groups.
Does the phrase "Fuck you and the horse (camel actually) you rode in on" ring any bells in your ignorant brain, MohaMUD?

I don't have a camel but I used to ride horses.
I was also a weekend judge for show jumping events.
Nothing special, just county standard.

As a judge, we had to be able to spot a dodgy pony when it came into the ring.
Some are very easy to spot.

Mud in big letters?
(I would say "capitalised" but I don't want to use words that may be too big for him to understand).
Mud is a common idiot's slang for Arabs, Middle Eastern or Asian people.
Got news for you.
I'm a white chap.

0/10 - must try harder.
Does the phrase "Fuck you and the horse (camel actually) you rode in on" ring any bells in your ignorant brain, MohaMUD?

I don't have a camel but I used to ride horses.
I was also a weekend judge for show jumping events.
Nothing special, just county standard.

As a judge, we had to be able to spot a dodgy pony when it came into the ring.
Some are very easy to spot.

Mud in big letters?
(I would say "capitalised" but I don't want to use words that may be too big for him to understand).
Mud is a common idiot's slang for Arabs, Middle Eastern or Asian people.
Got news for you.
I'm a white chap.

0/10 - must try harder.
Anti zionism has many definitions because Zionism has a few definitions.

The basic, less accepted form is, The right of Jews to set up a Jewish homeland.
That causes a basic problem.
Where ever such a homeland was set up, means kicking out whoever lived there before.
I don't buy this "we lived there 2,000 years ago" shit.

Next up comes more, even worse stuff.

Zionism, to many, means an exclusive Jewish homeland. Openly racist and totally unacceptable but what we're seeing in Israel at the moment.
Non Jewish population repressed and made to feel very unwelcome.

Many extremists believe ALL jews should return to that jewish state and not mix with dirty non jews.

Again, a totally unacceptable, racist policy that many Jews reject as evil stupidity.

You don't have to be anti Jew to be anti Zionist.
Indo Fred are you a moron or just pretending that you don't know about 20% of Israeli citizens are Arab Muslims, with full rights? You see nothing wrong with every single Muslim country out there sticking the Muslim Crescent Moon and Sword (as a symbol of peace) on their flags and calling themselves "Islamic" shithole republic of hate and oppression, while imposing state sacpnctioned flithy shariah law that persecutes minorities, but you have a problem with Israel calling itself a Jewish country? Huh?!

Does the phrase "Fuck you and the horse (camel actually) you rode in on" ring any bells in your ignorant brain, MohaMUD?

It was the best part of 100% before the invasion of Palestine started by extremist jewish terrorist groups.
Nah, that's just a sorry ass response for my blowing up your claim that Israel is "openly racist", which is exactly what the Arabs and Muslims are.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
No, you skipped all the evidence of tortures and Nazi death camps and experimentation and the horrors the Nazis committed and went right into classic anti semtism by accusing Jews of being Nazis. Did you skip all the crimes against humanity and barbarism that have been committed by Muslims in the last 6 decades, you fucking moron?
Wrong. My post said nothing about "jews...being nazis"; it proved Israel has committed war crimes.

Israeli has committed many war crimes.
Many are available on youtube for anyone to see but they have special protection so nothing will happen.
If Iran had done half of that stuff, the US would be at war again by now.
Israel has been accused of war crimes while defending itself from Muslim animals that are actually committing the war crimes and crimes against humanity. IslamoNazi turnspeak. Accuse the other side of what you're most guilty of.
Indo Fred are you a moron or just pretending that you don't know about 20% of Israeli citizens are Arab Muslims, with full rights?

Been a little busy so not too much time to make you look stupid.
I have a second now and that should be plenty.

Israel bans Arab parties from running in upcoming elections - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

The Central Elections Committee (CEC) yesterday banned the Arab parties United Arab List-Ta'al and Balad from running in next month's parliamentary elections amid accusations of racism from Arab MKs. Both parties intend to challenge the decision in the Supreme Court.

Yep, full voting rights as long as they don't want to vote for their own parties.
Indo Fred are you a moron or just pretending that you don't know about 20% of Israeli citizens are Arab Muslims, with full rights?

Been a little busy so not too much time to make you look stupid.
I have a second now and that should be plenty.

Israel bans Arab parties from running in upcoming elections - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

The Central Elections Committee (CEC) yesterday banned the Arab parties United Arab List-Ta'al and Balad from running in next month's parliamentary elections amid accusations of racism from Arab MKs. Both parties intend to challenge the decision in the Supreme Court.

Yep, full voting rights as long as they don't want to vote for their own parties.

Israel sometimes bans parties for cause----for example it banned the party of Rabbi Kahane too. You have a penchant for sticking your foot and keyboard in your caudal orifice. In fact there have been times when the USA banned this or that party------remember ?? "those who support the overthrow of the US government"??? or are you that stupid?

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