Are you a conservative?

So, which type of conservative are you:

  1. Callous Conservative
  2. Fiscal Conservative
  3. Social Conservative
  4. Goldwater Conservative
  5. Neoconservative
  6. Single Issue voter:
  • Guns
  • Gays
  • Taxes
  • Abortion
  • White Supremacist

I'm having several problems with your list, Catcher.

Conservatives are, almost by definition, wanting in the empathy department (there is even research proving same). So, calling them "callous" would be both all-encompassing, and redundant.

Fiscal conservatives have left the building since Reagan alighted on the national arena to prove deficits don't matter. Ever since, "fiscal conservatism" has degenerated to tax cuts for the rich and entitlement cuts for the rest, and deficits as a consequence as far as the eye can see. Throw in "taxes" from your single item list. That is to say, fiscal conservatives are all the rage in case the president is a Democrat, and a giant "just kidding" otherwise.

Social conservatives are all about regulating women's vaginas, amped up by fetus fetishism. Throw in homophobics from your "single issue" list. Given that younger conservatives want nothing to do with that, I suspect they are a dying breed.

"Goldwater conservatives", I suspect, are mainly racists, nativists, White supremacists - throw in another item from your "single issue" list here.

As to the neo-conservatives: When have you last seen a conservative who wasn't basically convinced there's no foreign policy problem that can't be "solved" by shooting it dead? So, I guess, for lack of true problem-solving capacity, the rank and file conservatives are all by default neo-conservatives. The real critters in this cage are the high-powered war mongers around Cheney and Rumsfeld who last lied the U.S. into the war on Iraq, and would love nothing more than going to war on Iran. Were they (their ilk) ever to gain power and presidential support, again, the rank and file will follow like the sheep they are.
In my mind I've categorized conservative into several sub-types. Help me, and others who are not conservatives which sub-type of conservative best defines you in terms of voting, domestic and foreign policies, and the wedge issues (guns, god, gays, taxes and abortion).

To be fair, I'll post why I'm a liberal Democrat:

  • I have empathy for the working poor, the drug an alcohol dependent, the mentally ill, physically ill and the aged, children and animals;
  • I abhor war and believe diplomacy can be an effective deterrent to war. Thus I oppose Brinkmanship, belligerence and bellicose rhetoric;
  • I support the United Nations, NATO and joint missions into space with other nations, allies or otherwise;
  • I support the Olympics, World Soccer and other competition wherein American's interact with others no matter their ethnicity, creed, sex or sexual orientation;
  • I believe every American citizen should enjoy the same rights and opportunities as every other person;
  • I support a Congress which supports Universal Suffrage for all citizens in every general election. [Those without a proper picture ID ought to be informed that their member of H. or Rep. will provide them at no cost a proper ID with evidence they were born in the US or are naturalized citizens];
  • I support free public education, free preventative care for all citizens (age appropriate physical examinations, age appropriate inoculations and age appropriate curriculum in public schools on health and dental care, procreation and (age appropriate) means to prevent pregnancy and STD's.
  • I support a US AG to remove Marijuana from schedule I, and add Tobacco to that schedule.
So, which type of conservative are you:

  1. Callous Conservative
  2. Fiscal Conservative
  3. Social Conservative
  4. Goldwater Conservative
  5. Neoconservative
  6. Single Issue voter:
  • Guns
  • Gays
  • Taxes
  • Abortion
  • White Supremacist

What gives you the right to decide what categories of conservatism exist?

Not to mention your reasons for being a liberal Democrat are ridiculous, as if only liberal Democrats can care about the things on your list

Here is why I consider myself to be a conservative

1. I love freedom, including as much freedom from our own government as possible

well, that's actually pretty much it. Which is a wonderful way to live because when authoritarians on either side attempt to use the government to force me to behave the way they think they should I can apply my principles without being a hypocrite who believes for example that the government can force a baker to bake cakes for gays but they can't force restaraunts to serve Trump supporters, or visa versa. Things like that.
  • I abhor war and believe diplomacy can be an effective deterrent to war. Thus I oppose Brinkmanship, belligerence and bellicose rhetoric;
War is sometimes the only option when diplomacy fails.

Sometimes diplomacy is never attempted, TR said, "speak softly and carry a big stick". That seems to me to be left behind in recent times.
Then you should appreciate what Trump is doing with NK. Something democrats didn't want to do.

The heads of States are NOT DIPLOMATS.
I think that nearly all global agreements and organizations are fatally flawed. I think most poor Americans should try harder to work themselves out of poverty. I think people should be able to have sex with whomever they want as long as they aren't kids. I think fetuses with heartbeats should be allowed to continue having a heartbeat. I think Donald Trump is America's last hope to avert the slide into politically correct, Socialistic, Euro Hell.

I guess that makes me some sort of Conservative.

You seem to be a hybrid conservative, and thus not a single issue voter. How do you decide who to cast a vote for?
In my mind I've categorized conservative into several sub-types. Help me, and others who are not conservatives which sub-type of conservative best defines you in terms of voting, domestic and foreign policies, and the wedge issues (guns, god, gays, taxes and abortion).

To be fair, I'll post why I'm a liberal Democrat:

  • I have empathy for the working poor, the drug an alcohol dependent, the mentally ill, physically ill and the aged, children and animals;
  • I abhor war and believe diplomacy can be an effective deterrent to war. Thus I oppose Brinkmanship, belligerence and bellicose rhetoric;
  • I support the United Nations, NATO and joint missions into space with other nations, allies or otherwise;
  • I support the Olympics, World Soccer and other competition wherein American's interact with others no matter their ethnicity, creed, sex or sexual orientation;
  • I believe every American citizen should enjoy the same rights and opportunities as every other person;
  • I support a Congress which supports Universal Suffrage for all citizens in every general election. [Those without a proper picture ID ought to be informed that their member of H. or Rep. will provide them at no cost a proper ID with evidence they were born in the US or are naturalized citizens];
  • I support free public education, free preventative care for all citizens (age appropriate physical examinations, age appropriate inoculations and age appropriate curriculum in public schools on health and dental care, procreation and (age appropriate) means to prevent pregnancy and STD's.
  • I support a US AG to remove Marijuana from schedule I, and add Tobacco to that schedule.
So, which type of conservative are you:

  1. Callous Conservative
  2. Fiscal Conservative
  3. Social Conservative
  4. Goldwater Conservative
  5. Neoconservative
  6. Single Issue voter:
  • Guns
  • Gays
  • Taxes
  • Abortion
  • White Supremacist

What gives you the right to decide what categories of conservatism exist?

Not to mention your reasons for being a liberal Democrat are ridiculous, as if only liberal Democrats can care about the things on your list

Here is why I consider myself to be a conservative

1. I love freedom, including as much freedom from our own government as possible

well, that's actually pretty much it. Which is a wonderful way to live because when authoritarians on either side attempt to use the government to force me to behave the way they think they should I can apply my principles without being a hypocrite who believes for example that the government can force a baker to bake cakes for gays but they can't force restaraunts to serve Trump supporters, or visa versa. Things like that.

I have every right to express my opinion. If you believe it is flawed, write a rebuttal and don't test the clean zone rules with ad hominems.
" I believe every American citizen should enjoy the same rights and opportunities as every other person; "

Doesn't seem like it if you are a white male or a Christian. Or wealthy. Or Jewish. Or hold different views from the Liberal Democrats. And you guys don't seem to care a whole lot about future generations either, you have no problem killing them 5 minutes before they are born. Or in some cases 5 minutes after birth. Or leaving your kids and grandkids an ungodly amount of debt that they'll have to pay for. Newsflash: raising taxes on the rich just ain't going to feed that bulldog.

As a conservative person myself, I can say that I don't like those who deny the same rights and opportunities to the LGBTs, minorities, and those whose views differ from my own. I can tell you that I really don't like running up huge debt/deficits every year, neither political party has the high road there. I can tell you that I do not support interminable wars, nor do I support tariffs and protectionism. I do not support the UN, I think they are a bunch of thieves and the US can put the money we give to them to much better and more effective use than they've been doing.

I think there is significant voter fraud in this country and I see no reason why we shouldn't ensure that those who are legally entitled to vote can and those who aren't don't. I think that hundreds of billions spent on Climate Change so far has been money wasted, and I see no reason to throw good money after bad. I see no reason why we shouldn't have an effective physical border on our southern border, and it is beyond hypocritical for the lib/dems to deny funding for that when they themselves were for it just a few years before.

I think the ACA was a failure, UHC is a foolish idea that isn't fiscally feasible, and we damn well better reform our entitlement programs before they go bankrupt. I think it's about time we were honest with the American people, if they want free stuff then they'll have to pay higher taxes for whatever it is. And not just the wealthy, but EVERYBODY. That's how they do it in those wonderful socialist democracies that Bernie Sanders loves, you don't have half the populace paying no income taxes anywhere else. Are you so blinded by your ideology that you cannot see the plain truth in front of you? Namely that we don't have the effing money to pay for all those wonderful programs and policies that you guys want.

What you think does not pass the test of sagacious reasoning. I get it you hold these principles close, but I doubt you have given them sufficient thought.

One example: UHC (Universal Health Care) cured polio. I'm old enough to remember lining up for a full city block with our neighbors to eat the sugar cube which included Dr. Salk's Vaccine. Three times if my memory is correct.

UHC which provides preventative medicine which will provide cost benefits. It is no different than our defense budget against foreign powers, think of inoculations as defense weapons - weapons which would be used much more often than weapons of war.

In fact a dose of medicine that prevents infections which can lead to ER appointments and hospital stays is a bargain. Also, consider early detection in an age appropriate physical is much cheaper then to treat a heart attack, cancer or even the flu.
it's a dumbass thread because it doesn't make sense
abhor war
support the Olympics

We've been demonized so much all they now how to do is categorize us into their neat little progressive batshit insane world views.
WTF is a callous conservative ? wtf does that mean? heartless conservative ROFLMAO
Conservatives and right leaning people are usually very individualistic its pretty hard to paint us with broad strokes.
im right wing but how can i label myself ? Capitalist /constitutional conservative with a libertarian objectivitst streak?

AND he throws in such non sense like the Olympics

if the Olympics NEVER happened again the world wouldn't skip a beat

if you can get on welfare YOU HAVE THE ID TO VOTE

I posted this thread in the clean zone, if you want to post something in rebuttal please do so with the decorum this forum demands.
In my mind I've categorized conservative into several sub-types. Help me, and others who are not conservatives which sub-type of conservative best defines you in terms of voting, domestic and foreign policies, and the wedge issues (guns, god, gays, taxes and abortion).

To be fair, I'll post why I'm a liberal Democrat:

  • I have empathy for the working poor, the drug an alcohol dependent, the mentally ill, physically ill and the aged, children and animals;
  • I abhor war and believe diplomacy can be an effective deterrent to war. Thus I oppose Brinkmanship, belligerence and bellicose rhetoric;
  • I support the United Nations, NATO and joint missions into space with other nations, allies or otherwise;
  • I support the Olympics, World Soccer and other competition wherein American's interact with others no matter their ethnicity, creed, sex or sexual orientation;
  • I believe every American citizen should enjoy the same rights and opportunities as every other person;
  • I support a Congress which supports Universal Suffrage for all citizens in every general election. [Those without a proper picture ID ought to be informed that their member of H. or Rep. will provide them at no cost a proper ID with evidence they were born in the US or are naturalized citizens];
  • I support free public education, free preventative care for all citizens (age appropriate physical examinations, age appropriate inoculations and age appropriate curriculum in public schools on health and dental care, procreation and (age appropriate) means to prevent pregnancy and STD's.
  • I support a US AG to remove Marijuana from schedule I, and add Tobacco to that schedule.
So, which type of conservative are you:

  1. Callous Conservative
  2. Fiscal Conservative
  3. Social Conservative
  4. Goldwater Conservative
  5. Neoconservative
  6. Single Issue voter:
  • Guns
  • Gays
  • Taxes
  • Abortion
  • White Supremacist

White supremacists have no home either among Conservatives nor Republicans, and have not for generations.

THat you don't know that, is a sign of your inability to empathize with others.

I am a paleoconservative, primarily because of my desire for non interventionalism.

P1 What does that make Trump?

P2 I have empathy for those who need aid and comfort.

P3 Buckley or Goldwater?
The heads of States are NOT DIPLOMATS.

I think you are wrong about that. Insofar as representing their state to the outside world and directing that nation's foreign policy are part of a head of state's purview, you might even call them their nation's top diplomat.
Are you starting to understand that diplomacy doesn’t always work, MarcATL?

What do you believe works to prevent war, if not diplomacy?

Do you support Brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric as a means to peace?

Yes, brinkmanship and bellicose rhetoric coupled with a strong military absolutely prevent war. This has been proven over thousands of years of history.

It's the same concept as telling your child not to be seen as an easy target for bullies, on a macro scale.
The heads of States are NOT DIPLOMATS.

I think you are wrong about that. Insofar as representing their state to the outside world and directing that nation's foreign policy are part of a head of state's purview, you might even call them their nation's top diplomat.

TR said it best, speak softly and carry a big stick.

Diplomats carry the water for the Head of State. They do the negotiations, use back channels and do their homework: on the personalities of their counterparts; the culture and history of the State; and the current events there and in the region of their expert knowledge.

No President has the knowledge or time to understand all that encompasses in negotiations on a myriad of issues which may present themselves to the diplomats and/or ambassador (if one exists), the Joint Chiefs or the NSA Team, on every nation on the planet.
The heads of States are NOT DIPLOMATS.

I think you are wrong about that. Insofar as representing their state to the outside world and directing that nation's foreign policy are part of a head of state's purview, you might even call them their nation's top diplomat.

TR said it best, speak softly and carry a big stick.

Diplomats carry the water for the Head of State. They do the negotiations, use back channels and do their homework: on the personalities of their counterparts; the culture and history of the State; and the current events there and in the region of their expert knowledge.

No President has the knowledge or time to understand all that encompasses in negotiations on a myriad of issues which may present themselves to the diplomats and/or ambassador (if one exists), the Joint Chiefs or the NSA Team, on every nation on the planet.

Ah, I see, you mean the career diplomats, as opposed to the elected / politically appointed diplomats (heads of state, foreign secretaries), for whom the former labor.
The heads of States are NOT DIPLOMATS.

I think you are wrong about that. Insofar as representing their state to the outside world and directing that nation's foreign policy are part of a head of state's purview, you might even call them their nation's top diplomat.

TR said it best, speak softly and carry a big stick.

Diplomats carry the water for the Head of State. They do the negotiations, use back channels and do their homework: on the personalities of their counterparts; the culture and history of the State; and the current events there and in the region of their expert knowledge.

No President has the knowledge or time to understand all that encompasses in negotiations on a myriad of issues which may present themselves to the diplomats and/or ambassador (if one exists), the Joint Chiefs or the NSA Team, on every nation on the planet.

Ah, I see, you mean the career diplomats, as opposed to the elected / politically appointed diplomats (heads of state, foreign secretaries), for whom the former labor.

Correct, career diplomats do the work, not Presidents, typically.
So, which type of conservative are you:

  1. Callous Conservative
  2. Fiscal Conservative
  3. Social Conservative
  4. Goldwater Conservative
  5. Neoconservative
  6. Single Issue voter:
  • Guns
  • Gays
  • Taxes
  • Abortion
  • White Supremacist

I'm having several problems with your list, Catcher.

Conservatives are, almost by definition, wanting in the empathy department (there is even research proving same). So, calling them "callous" would be both all-encompassing, and redundant.

How very understanding of you. Not.

see what I did there? Or is it too hard to empathize with some one different?

Fiscal conservatives have left the building since Reagan alighted on the national arena to prove deficits don't matter. Ever since, "fiscal conservatism" has degenerated to tax cuts for the rich and entitlement cuts for the rest, and deficits as a consequence as far as the eye can see. Throw in "taxes" from your single item list. That is to say, fiscal conservatives are all the rage in case the president is a Democrat, and a giant "just kidding" otherwise.

The majority of the budget is now entitlements. You libs love when we touch on that at all, so you can demonize us.

And now you whine that we don't do it anymore? LOL!!!

Social conservatives are all about regulating women's vaginas, amped up by fetus fetishism. Throw in homophobics from your "single issue" list. Given that younger conservatives want nothing to do with that, I suspect they are a dying breed.

Your inability to even admit that there is a different view than yours on this, or really any issue, shows just how insanely close minded you are.

"Goldwater conservatives", I suspect, are mainly racists, nativists, White supremacists - throw in another item from your "single issue" list here.

Your race baiting is noted and held against you.

As to the neo-conservatives: When have you last seen a conservative who wasn't basically convinced there's no foreign policy problem that can't be "solved" by shooting it dead? So, I guess, for lack of true problem-solving capacity, the rank and file conservatives are all by default neo-conservatives. The real critters in this cage are the high-powered war mongers around Cheney and Rumsfeld who last lied the U.S. into the war on Iraq, and would love nothing more than going to war on Iran. Were they (their ilk) ever to gain power and presidential support, again, the rank and file will follow like the sheep they are.

Trump ran on non-intervention and won against quite a number of neocons. So, your position on this is simply ignorant and wrong.

Also, your side of the aisle is screaming for war, so try to be less crazy.
So, which type of conservative are you:

  1. Callous Conservative
  2. Fiscal Conservative
  3. Social Conservative
  4. Goldwater Conservative
  5. Neoconservative
  6. Single Issue voter:
  • Guns
  • Gays
  • Taxes
  • Abortion
  • White Supremacist

I'm having several problems with your list, Catcher.

Conservatives are, almost by definition, wanting in the empathy department (there is even research proving same). So, calling them "callous" would be both all-encompassing, and redundant.

How very understanding of you. Not.

see what I did there? Or is it too hard to empathize with some one different?

Fiscal conservatives have left the building since Reagan alighted on the national arena to prove deficits don't matter. Ever since, "fiscal conservatism" has degenerated to tax cuts for the rich and entitlement cuts for the rest, and deficits as a consequence as far as the eye can see. Throw in "taxes" from your single item list. That is to say, fiscal conservatives are all the rage in case the president is a Democrat, and a giant "just kidding" otherwise.

The majority of the budget is now entitlements. You libs love when we touch on that at all, so you can demonize us.

And now you whine that we don't do it anymore? LOL!!!

Social conservatives are all about regulating women's vaginas, amped up by fetus fetishism. Throw in homophobics from your "single issue" list. Given that younger conservatives want nothing to do with that, I suspect they are a dying breed.

Your inability to even admit that there is a different view than yours on this, or really any issue, shows just how insanely close minded you are.

"Goldwater conservatives", I suspect, are mainly racists, nativists, White supremacists - throw in another item from your "single issue" list here.

Your race baiting is noted and held against you.

As to the neo-conservatives: When have you last seen a conservative who wasn't basically convinced there's no foreign policy problem that can't be "solved" by shooting it dead? So, I guess, for lack of true problem-solving capacity, the rank and file conservatives are all by default neo-conservatives. The real critters in this cage are the high-powered war mongers around Cheney and Rumsfeld who last lied the U.S. into the war on Iraq, and would love nothing more than going to war on Iran. Were they (their ilk) ever to gain power and presidential support, again, the rank and file will follow like the sheep they are.

Trump ran on non-intervention and won against quite a number of neocons. So, your position on this is simply ignorant and wrong.

Also, your side of the aisle is screaming for war, so try to be less crazy.

Mental illness as described in the DSM uses "rule out" instead of a fast and sure diagnosis; my taxonomy is open to the "rule out" rule.

To help you, I'll add to each category why I see the behaviors / actions / policies which describe them, IMO, and allow you to rebut my thinking:

A callous conservative is someone who has no empathy for the poor, the aged, the mental impaired and even those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol; they oppose SS, Medicare, Medicaid and the PPACA (Obamacare);

A fiscal conservative is not pragmatic, they kick cans down the road so they don't have to pay via taxes to fix what needs fixing now, & will be more costly later; they are not fiscally responsible;

A social conservative has a callous disregard for people in need: a 15-yo girl pregnant by her step father; a 35 year old mother of two who married young and has no skills to secure employment when her husband walks away; a pregnant women in an intact family who learns the fetus she is carrying suffers from congenital deformities and will be dependent for his/her lifetime; an older couple whose house burned to the ground and Pacific Gas and Electric has declared bankruptcy, and there insurance companies can only pay pennies on the dollar for their loss.
In my mind I've categorized conservative into several sub-types. Help me, and others who are not conservatives which sub-type of conservative best defines you in terms of voting, domestic and foreign policies, and the wedge issues (guns, god, gays, taxes and abortion).

To be fair, I'll post why I'm a liberal Democrat:

  • I have empathy for the working poor, the drug an alcohol dependent, the mentally ill, physically ill and the aged, children and animals;
  • I abhor war and believe diplomacy can be an effective deterrent to war. Thus I oppose Brinkmanship, belligerence and bellicose rhetoric;
  • I support the United Nations, NATO and joint missions into space with other nations, allies or otherwise;
  • I support the Olympics, World Soccer and other competition wherein American's interact with others no matter their ethnicity, creed, sex or sexual orientation;
  • I believe every American citizen should enjoy the same rights and opportunities as every other person;
  • I support a Congress which supports Universal Suffrage for all citizens in every general election. [Those without a proper picture ID ought to be informed that their member of H. or Rep. will provide them at no cost a proper ID with evidence they were born in the US or are naturalized citizens];
  • I support free public education, free preventative care for all citizens (age appropriate physical examinations, age appropriate inoculations and age appropriate curriculum in public schools on health and dental care, procreation and (age appropriate) means to prevent pregnancy and STD's.
  • I support a US AG to remove Marijuana from schedule I, and add Tobacco to that schedule.
So, which type of conservative are you:

  1. Callous Conservative
  2. Fiscal Conservative
  3. Social Conservative
  4. Goldwater Conservative
  5. Neoconservative
  6. Single Issue voter:
  • Guns
  • Gays
  • Taxes
  • Abortion
  • White Supremacist

White supremacists have no home either among Conservatives nor Republicans, and have not for generations.

THat you don't know that, is a sign of your inability to empathize with others.

I am a paleoconservative, primarily because of my desire for non interventionalism.

P1 What does that make Trump?

P2 I have empathy for those who need aid and comfort.

P3 Buckley or Goldwater?

1. It is not legitimate to mention, really, any prominent republican by name in a question regarding white supremacist. Save your propaganda ploys for the tourists.

2. Unless they disagree with you, politically, then they are scum of the earth.

3. Patrick Buchanan.
So, which type of conservative are you:

  1. Callous Conservative
  2. Fiscal Conservative
  3. Social Conservative
  4. Goldwater Conservative
  5. Neoconservative
  6. Single Issue voter:
  • Guns
  • Gays
  • Taxes
  • Abortion
  • White Supremacist

I'm having several problems with your list, Catcher.

Conservatives are, almost by definition, wanting in the empathy department (there is even research proving same). So, calling them "callous" would be both all-encompassing, and redundant.

How very understanding of you. Not.

see what I did there? Or is it too hard to empathize with some one different?

Fiscal conservatives have left the building since Reagan alighted on the national arena to prove deficits don't matter. Ever since, "fiscal conservatism" has degenerated to tax cuts for the rich and entitlement cuts for the rest, and deficits as a consequence as far as the eye can see. Throw in "taxes" from your single item list. That is to say, fiscal conservatives are all the rage in case the president is a Democrat, and a giant "just kidding" otherwise.

The majority of the budget is now entitlements. You libs love when we touch on that at all, so you can demonize us.

And now you whine that we don't do it anymore? LOL!!!

Social conservatives are all about regulating women's vaginas, amped up by fetus fetishism. Throw in homophobics from your "single issue" list. Given that younger conservatives want nothing to do with that, I suspect they are a dying breed.

Your inability to even admit that there is a different view than yours on this, or really any issue, shows just how insanely close minded you are.

"Goldwater conservatives", I suspect, are mainly racists, nativists, White supremacists - throw in another item from your "single issue" list here.

Your race baiting is noted and held against you.

As to the neo-conservatives: When have you last seen a conservative who wasn't basically convinced there's no foreign policy problem that can't be "solved" by shooting it dead? So, I guess, for lack of true problem-solving capacity, the rank and file conservatives are all by default neo-conservatives. The real critters in this cage are the high-powered war mongers around Cheney and Rumsfeld who last lied the U.S. into the war on Iraq, and would love nothing more than going to war on Iran. Were they (their ilk) ever to gain power and presidential support, again, the rank and file will follow like the sheep they are.

Trump ran on non-intervention and won against quite a number of neocons. So, your position on this is simply ignorant and wrong.

Also, your side of the aisle is screaming for war, so try to be less crazy.

Mental illness as described in the DSM uses "rule out" instead of a fast and sure diagnosis; my taxonomy is open to the "rule out" rule.

To help you, I'll add to each category why I see the behaviors / actions / policies which describe them, IMO, and allow you to rebut my thinking:

A callous conservative is someone who has no empathy for the poor, the aged, the mental impaired and even those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol; they oppose SS, Medicare, Medicaid and the PPACA (Obamacare);

Conservatives have different solutions for the people in need. That you pretend that they are just "callous" is just you being unable to understand that other people are different than you.

A fiscal conservative is not pragmatic, they kick cans down the road so they don't have to pay via taxes to fix what needs fixing now, & will be more costly later; they are not fiscally responsible;

Entitlement spending is not sustainable, yet is politically untouchable.

The time for "responsible" is long gone. You libs did this, by demonizing any attempt to even discuss the issue.

This is on you.

A social conservative has a callous disregard for people in need: a 15-yo girl pregnant by her step father; a 35 year old mother of two who married young and has no skills to secure employment when her husband walks away; a pregnant women in an intact family who learns the fetus she is carrying suffers from congenital deformities and will be dependent for his/her lifetime;

Once again, you show no sign of having ever been exposed to the idea that other, different people than you, might have different views on these issues.

And you can only imagine that the only way anyone could disagree with you, is because they are stupid or evul.

THis is about you, not US.

an older couple whose house burned to the ground and Pacific Gas and Electric has declared bankruptcy, and there insurance companies can only pay pennies on the dollar for their loss.

Conservatives are more charitable than liberals.

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