Are You a Conservative, Liberal, or Other?

Are You Conservative, Liberal, or other?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters
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So, question:

Who's going to come in, vote they're a liberal, and then sit here and have to take a verbal assault? Perhaps that has something to do with the lack of interest in that option.
The ClayTaurus said:
I think Michael Moore is an idiot, I don't believe a lick of F9-11. Cindy Sheehan is out of her mind, and I feel sorry for her. I don't think she's evil, I think she ran into the wrong people at the wrong point of her grieving process. I think she'll be very embarrassed of herself 5 or 10 years down the road. I don't agree with the way welfare in this country works, I hate the entitlement mentality many people have grown accustomed to, and I actually watch Fox News about 10-1 as compared to CNN.

In general, I'm not really impressed by much when it comes to politicians. "Representation of the people" is becoming more and more of a joke, I feel.

I can't deny, I believe you're telling the truth, and that certainly puts you in a different light with me. "You think mickey moore is an idiot?" Damn... we could almost be friends on that alone. :beer:

I hate that fat fucking pile of dog shit with a passion.
No, the problem is that PR and RWA and others like them, consider anyone who disagrees with them on anything to be liberals...they're a fucking joke.
The ClayTaurus said:
So, question:

Who's going to come in, vote they're a liberal, and then sit here and have to take a verbal assault? Perhaps that has something to do with the lack of interest in that option.

Aw, I wouldn't have done that.

Libs post far-left views all over the board, and really get into it. Just admitting they are liberal, something we can plainly see anyway, seems quite innocuous by comparison.
MissileMan said:
No, the problem is that PR and RWA and others like them, consider anyone who disagrees with them on anything to be liberals...they're a fucking joke.

Point out where I have deviated from conservative values, and I'll admit you're right. Until then, jokes on you pal. You're the one who talks liberal most of the time.

I couldn't care less if you're a liberal MM, or if you disagree with me. Just don't deny it.
Abbey Normal said:
Aw, I wouldn't have done that.

Libs post far-left views all over the board, and really get into it. Just admitting they are liberal, something we can plainly see anyway, seems quite innocuous by comparison.

You answered that quite nicely Ab. Saved me the trouble.
Abbey Normal said:
Aw, I wouldn't have done that.

Libs post far-left views all over the board, and really get into it. Just admitting they are liberal, something we can plainly see anyway, seems quite innocuous by comparison.

I guess time will tell, eh? Liberal really has garnered quite the negative association recently, especially on this board.

The poll might as well read: What are you?
Swell guy

There'd be no question about the authenticity of my response to that poll question... :rotflmao:
I knew the board liberals would eithe avoid this poll, or have hard time admitting they're liberal.

Why is that? Why do liberals want to spread they're liberal agenda, but then hide the fact that they're a liberal?
The ClayTaurus said:
I guess time will tell, eh? Liberal really has garnered quite the negative association recently, especially on this board.

The poll might as well read: What are you?
Swell guy

There'd be no question about the authenticity of my response to that poll question... :rotflmao:

What... you've only been here a couple of months, and already you can recall when things were different?

This board has ALWAYS been more conservative than liberal. "Lately", the boards seen a rash of liberals come on here. That's what's different "lately".
The ClayTaurus said:
I guess time will tell, eh? Liberal really has garnered quite the negative association recently, especially on this board.

The poll might as well read: What are you?
Swell guy

There'd be no question about the authenticity of my response to that poll question... :rotflmao:

I agree with the negative connotation to the word, but the poll was pretty straightforward. This is not directed to you personally, but anyone who takes the time to debate from the liberal pov on a message board, should have the cojones and the honesty to admit he/she is liberal, no?

If this poll was taken at DU, I wonder if members there would even admit they were liberal.
Pale Rider said:
What... you've only been here a couple of months, and already you can recall when things were different?

This board has ALWAYS been more conservative than liberal. "Lately", the boards seen a rash of liberals come on here. That's what's different "lately".

I meant the word "liberal," not the underlying theme of the board. People are straying further and further away from calling themselves a liberal. Liberal is now almost a word solely used by conservatives to describe anyone they so choose, whether they're Michael Moore or slightly left of center.
Pale Rider said:
Point out where I have deviated from conservative values, and I'll admit you're right. Until then, jokes on you pal. You're the one who talks liberal most of the time.

And when you're wrong, you're really wrong. I disagree with you on two or three issues. It was nice of you to confirm my original statement though. You have no clue what a liberal is.
Abbey Normal said:
I agree with the negative connotation to the word, but the poll was pretty straightforward. This is not directed to you personally, but anyone who takes the time to debate from the liberal pov on a message board, should have the cojones and the honesty to admit he/she is liberal, no?

If this poll was taken at DU, I wonder if members there would even admit they were liberal.
But my point is, it's not that these people think they're a liberal in their subconscious and hide it to avoid ridicule - they honestly think of themselves as something else. The word "liberal" has taken on a newer, more insulting definition to it.
The ClayTaurus said:
But my point is, these people don't even think they're a liberal in their subconscious and hide it to avoid ridicule. They honestly think of themselves as something else. The word "liberal" has taken on a newer, more insulting definition to it.

I said tonight in another thread before I saw this poll, that liberal folks will just call themselves moderate anyway.

My point is, one wouldn't think that people who are afraid of ridicule, as you put it, would be the same ones having knock down fights against conservative wiews on the same board.

I am curious, what things do you think these people view as being liberal, such that they are sure that they are something else?
Abbey Normal said:
I said tonight in another thread before I saw this poll, that liberal folks will just call themselves moderate anyway.

My point is, one wouldn't think that people who are afraid of ridicule, as you put it, would be the same ones having knock down fights against conservative wiews on the same board.

I am curious, what things do you think these people view as being liberal, such that they are sure that they are something else?
I'm not so sure there necessarily are any for some of them, but if I had to guess, it would be outright socialism. Even if there was absolutely nothing that they were less liberal than someone else on, there's more to the liberal label than just viewpoints.

It speaks to your character, about your honesty (as we've already witnessed). You're unpatriotic. You want the country to fail. You would throw tomatoes at George Bush if given the chance.

I think that there are 4-5 hot-button issues that get re-hashed over and over and over again, and if you're pro-abortion, or pro-gay marriage or civil unions, or whatever the liberal view is, you're the biggest communist socialist sucking asshole the world has ever seen. You could be a total Reagan baby, fiscally, but if you thought two gay people should be allowed to form a legal union then there's no hope for you on any other political issue. And that's why no one comes on saying they're a liberal. At least, most of them, I would guess. I really can't tell you for certain.
The ClayTaurus said:
I meant the word "liberal," not the underlying theme of the board. People are straying further and further away from calling themselves a liberal. Liberal is now almost a word solely used by conservatives to describe anyone they so choose, whether they're Michael Moore or slightly left of center.

Yeah. Libs just call themselves "logical", "reasonable", or "thoughtful", when they're actually none of the above.
I'm pretty far right of center in most of my politics. The fact that I think kids ought to be more concerned with the 3 R's than the 12 Disciples when they are attending a public school doesn't make me a liberal. The fact I think abortions should be made available no matter the reason, but with restrictions, doesn't make me a liberal. The fact that I could care less if two homosexuals enter into a legally binding relationship doesn't make me a liberal.

I guess political labeling works like religious labeling. If you vote Democrat, you can't be a "real" Christian, and if you disagree with the hillbillies, you can't be a "real" conservative.

I guess "other" was right after all.
MissileMan said:
I'm pretty far right of center in most of my politics. The fact that I think kids ought to be more concerned with the 3 R's than the 12 Disciples when they are attending a public school doesn't make me a liberal. The fact I think abortions should be made available no matter the reason, but with restrictions, doesn't make me a liberal. The fact that I could care less if two homosexuals enter into a legally binding relationship doesn't make me a liberal.

I guess political labeling works like religious labeling. If you vote Democrat, you can't be a "real" Christian, and if you disagree with the hillbillies, you can't be a "real" conservative.

I guess "other" was right after all.

Yes. Real conservatives feel reading and math should take a back seat to religious indoctrination. Whatever, tool.

Actually libs have the agenda of teaching kids about gay sex, and at the same time, dumbing down the curriculum so noone "feels bad". libs are destroying our society. And you're one.
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