Are women to blame for adultery?


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2011
It seems the punishment, in religious orders, is always worse for the woman. From the Scarlet A to stonings or lashing for the woman only.

Are they solely responsible? Or, at least, more responsible?
It depends on who does the cheating.
Your partner can make you unhappy but it is still YOUR fault you break your commitment.
If you want to cheat, divorce them.
It depends on who does the cheating.
Your partner can make you unhappy but it is still YOUR fault you break your commitment.
If you want to cheat, divorce them.

I was referring to two married people fooling around, and not with their spouses.

But I like what you said. It is YOUR fault if you cheat.
It depends on who does the cheating.
Your partner can make you unhappy but it is still YOUR fault you break your commitment.
If you want to cheat, divorce them.

I was referring to two married people fooling around, and not with their spouses.

But I like what you said. It is YOUR fault if you cheat.
I dont see why one should get more blame simply for their sex.
You know, it isn't either the man's or the woman's fault if there is cheating going on. If two people are cheating on their spouses, that is the responsibility of BOTH of the people. Takes two to tango y'all.
Let us put the blame where it belongs, on evolution and natural selection.

Humans are still animals no matter how you want to spin it.

People cheat, as long as they own up to it, who cares..

And this is incredibly offensive thread, guess only heterosexuals can be in a consensual relationship.
Let us put the blame where it belongs, on evolution and natural selection.

Humans are still animals no matter how you want to spin it.

People cheat, as long as they own up to it, who cares..

And this is incredibly offensive thread, guess only heterosexuals can be in a consensual relationship.

Hey Kosh, it's only natural for people to talk about relationships that they are familiar with. And, since 90 to 95 percent of the population is hetero, it's the reason that people are talking about m/f relationships other than gay ones.

However........................if you know about gay relationships, or are in one, tell us how gays view cheating.
You know, it isn't either the man's or the woman's fault if there is cheating going on. If two people are cheating on their spouses, that is the responsibility of BOTH of the people. Takes two to tango y'all.
You're right, but a lot of times, one of the two are single and the other is married. I used to belong to a site for women only and many posts were about their cheating husbands with a single woman. I know many here will think it's biased, but that seems to be more prevalent than the other way around. There were a few women who were having affairs, but for the most part, it was the other way around.
Let us put the blame where it belongs, on evolution and natural selection.

Humans are still animals no matter how you want to spin it.

People cheat, as long as they own up to it, who cares..

And this is incredibly offensive thread, guess only heterosexuals can be in a consensual relationship.

Hey Kosh, it's only natural for people to talk about relationships that they are familiar with. And, since 90 to 95 percent of the population is hetero, it's the reason that people are talking about m/f relationships other than gay ones.

However........................if you know about gay relationships, or are in one, tell us how gays view cheating.

The thread is not about cheating it is about women being responsible for it..

How does that work with two males?
Let us put the blame where it belongs, on evolution and natural selection.

Humans are still animals no matter how you want to spin it.

People cheat, as long as they own up to it, who cares..

And this is incredibly offensive thread, guess only heterosexuals can be in a consensual relationship.

Hey Kosh, it's only natural for people to talk about relationships that they are familiar with. And, since 90 to 95 percent of the population is hetero, it's the reason that people are talking about m/f relationships other than gay ones.

However........................if you know about gay relationships, or are in one, tell us how gays view cheating.

I can tell you because I am good friends with two gay married couples. They are as adamant against cheating as straight couples are. Actually they've been together for many more years than a lot of straight couple I've known.

ETA: One couple are males and one couple are females.
It seems the punishment, in religious orders, is always worse for the woman. From the Scarlet A to stonings or lashing for the woman only.

Are they solely responsible? Or, at least, more responsible?

I'm not sayin' wemmins are bad people because God knows, I love the hell out of 'em.

But it was after all a woman who was approached by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. The Devil didn't tempt the man first for a reason, and that's the reason there's so much misery in this world today.
Well, I'm not committing adultery without a women!

Lucky for you dressing your left hand up as a woman is not cheating.

It seems the punishment, in religious orders, is always worse for the woman. From the Scarlet A to stonings or lashing for the woman only.

Are they solely responsible? Or, at least, more responsible?

I'm not sayin' wemmins are bad people because God knows, I love the hell out of 'em.

But it was after all a woman who was approached by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. The Devil didn't tempt the man first for a reason, and that's the reason there's so much misery in this world today.
Please tell me you're being sarcastic, or are you that much of a misogynist for real? Oh, and you're bible is full of fairy tales, this being one of them. It was written by men back in practically the stone age who were intimidated by women and therefore had to demonize them.

So, okay, I'll play along, maybe Eve did take the apple, but she tempted weak Adam into taking a bite, so who is to blame here? Eve for taking it, or Adam for being the weakling?
It seems the punishment, in religious orders, is always worse for the woman. From the Scarlet A to stonings or lashing for the woman only.

Are they solely responsible? Or, at least, more responsible?

I'm not sayin' wemmins are bad people because God knows, I love the hell out of 'em.

But it was after all a woman who was approached by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. The Devil didn't tempt the man first for a reason, and that's the reason there's so much misery in this world today.
Please tell me you're being sarcastic, or are you that much of a misogynist for real? Oh, and you're bible is full of fairy tales, this being one of them. It was written by men back in practically the stone age who were intimidated by women and therefore had to demonize them.

So, okay, I'll play along, maybe Eve did take the apple, but she tempted weak Adam into taking a bite, so who is to blame here? Eve for taking it, or Adam for being the weakling?

Actually, both were to blame. And, it wasn't so much that they ate the apple, the real sin was that they didn't take responsibility for their actions. I've got a hunch that when God asked them if they ate and they said yes, but can you show us how to fix it, the human race would have turned out a lot different.
It seems the punishment, in religious orders, is always worse for the woman. From the Scarlet A to stonings or lashing for the woman only.

Are they solely responsible? Or, at least, more responsible?

Ummmm, no. Why would they be?
It takes two. Why shouldn't both be responsible?

Exactly. Either the man or the woman can say no, and no affair will happen.

And, you can't blame it on the woman seducing the man, because if the man didn't want to cheat, nothing she could do would make that happen. I've been in some relationships where I truly loved the person, and there was nobody who could make me stray from them. be fair, I have also had relationships that started to fade and we were losing interest in each other. Those were the times that I would stray and go out with someone else. And, because the relationship was already on the rocks, it was fairly easy to get my attention.

If you're having an affair, blame yourself, not the other person.
In my way of thinking not saying it is the consensus but With regards to Adultery. it would take place between two Or more ADULTS. This means they are responsible as grown people for their actions. Too lay ( no pun intended) the blame at the feet of one ADULT in this case a women is rediculous as Two Adults are Required.. ( children are not adults and are out of the topic by default for a number of reasons) Both or more are responsible for their actionswhether they be male or female...

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