Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad?- The US Embassy?

JB 11529599
And no, I don't want anyone to die in Iraq, especially not Americans

But you will support sending them to die because you need to show the world's enemies that you have strong knees. I see that but carrying a weak mind on strong knees is nothing to brag about.

Who was the weak kneed punk US President who showed the religious zealots the Pentagon and WTC as being such soft targets that they could not resist the temptation to kill three thousand innocent people there?

And why do you agree with this lunatic conservative idiot Xavier Lerma, a freelance conservative writer and columnist writing for Pravda who lives in Moscow? Why did you agree that America is the aggressor? The Iraq war did not start because there are self deluded weaklings living in the US. According to your Xavier Lerma the US government started the war in Iraq "in the name of Democracy"

You agreed with this:

. The US government starts wars in the name of democracy while accusing Russia for invading Ukraine and for supporting terrorism everywhere. Those who watch American TV believe it to be true. More laughter from the White House as they get away with murder in their country and abroad as the war scam continues. They seek to overthrow Russia in a bill, called the "Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014". It's another joke as the US has proven to be the aggressor.

Read more at Russia Calls the United States a Joke to the World - Freedom Outpost

And you agreed that Obama has continued the aggression.

Your Xavier Lerma doesn't quit with US aggression in Iraq - it is Ukraine too.

. The US and Kiev kill civilians and kills kids while blaming Russia. ....

The only combatants today are the Ukrainian puppet army (set up by the US who target civilians) and the SE Ukraine militia heroically trying to defend their families in Novorossia. The West still lies to its people declaring that Putin has invaded Ukraine, but how many American journalists are on the SE Ukraine battlefield today? Zero.

- See more at: No Russian Troops in Ukraine Obama Admits to Coup - English

And this

. Last Thursday, along comes the general of the whole Ukrainian army appointed by Poroshenko who was appointed by Obama. The Chief of Staff of Ukraine's entire Armed Forces, General Viktor Muzhenko says, Russian troops? What Russian troops? "We (Ukrainian army) are not engaged in combat operations against the Russian army."

It's Obama according to the idiot that you agree with who appointed Poroshenko and has caused the killing of kids in Ukraine.

Because neocons and libtards in our government want to export democracy like its some kind of denim fashion accessory, so they fan the flames of rebellion like in Egypt, Libya, and Syria.

We should not interfere in the inner workings of nations that are not committing mass slaughter.

Were we to commit to doing this, we would start with MEXICO in which dozens of Americans are killed each year, more than ISIS or Iran or anyone else. But no, that isn't sexy enough so we gotta go across the globe to find people to jack with instead. More corporate contractor money that way.
JB 11529625
. I agree, but we *could* accomplish a lot for ourselves by doing things that give a lot bang per buck, like providing air support, excellent training, logistical support, advanced equipment and financial support.

We are not doing all of that and what little we are doing is half hearted and FUBARed.

So you agree with what you oppose (being weak kneed about war) and pulling our fighter pilots and trainers and advisers altogether and let the country, that Bush dumbly tore apart, fall to the Daesh terrorist scum? Could you possibly try to be consistent in any way.

So it turns out you are weak kneed and don't believe an active duty Air Force General who probably knows more about what's going on in Iraq than your weak kneed surrender monkey friends could ever know.

. A top US Air Force general insisted Friday the American-led air campaign against the Islamic State was effective, rejecting criticism that it was too slow or overly cautious. The bombing raids against the IS jihadists in Iraq and Syria have had a "profound effect on the enemy" and taken out "more than a 1,000 enemy fighters a month from the battlefield," said Lieutenant General John Hesterman, head of the air fleet under US Central Command. Coalition strikes have helped ground forces in Iraq and northern Syria regain territory from the IS and destroyed most of the group's oil refining capacity, Hesterman told reporters via telephone from Qatar.

Posted on 5 June 2015 | 9:30 pm

I'll take Lieutenant General John Hesterman's word over your bogus and conflicted Obama bashing fantasies anyday because you are nobody and he is somebody that knows what's going on in Iraq and the area.

Believe whatever you want. I gave up trying to convince partisan hacks like about anything a long time ago.

There are things we can do and some of them I would do if I were master of the Universe and some I would not, but I don't have to essplain jack to you, troll.
It has become clear Obama is over matched at every juncture. The man has an impressive resume of failures to weigh him and America down



I recently was in Vietnam and spent some time in prosperous, capitalist Saigon, now called Ho Chi Minh City, and toured the American War Museum. I believe there are a number of parallels between the Vietnam and Iraq War and that history could repeat itself now in Baghdad. Who can forget the former Vietnamese supporters of America being left behind as the last helicopter left the roof of the US embassy?

Hence the ISIS advance in Anbar province to just outside the airport is a direct threat to the Green Zone because their forces will be moving through predominantly Sunni neighborhoods all the way east to the American embassy. They could but surprisingly have not attempted to shut down the airport and here is where the situation gets interesting. Late this week, the Iraq army leadership basically said that unless US forces arrive to help them defend the western approaches to the city, they will throw down their weapons and go home – and I believe they will.

The scenario I see is the first attack will likely be against the most heavily defended target, the US embassy and the Green Zone. The ISIS fighters are not strong enough to take the heavily fortified green zone by direct assault and so it will probably fail.

The US will then attempt to fly in reinforcements to the airport and this will be when ISIS will start mortar fire and attempt to close the Baghdad airport as well as attack any convoys through the Sunni neighborhoods heading to the Green Zone. They will likely be able to shut down the airport, thus forcing reinforcements and embassy staff leaving to use helicopters for transportation to airfields further south in Iraq or maybe even to Kuwait. Closing the airport will be a major public relations victory for ISIS.

A siege of the Green Zone and American embassy will likely then take place and the US will be forced to destroy by air the Sunni neighborhoods surrounding the area from the zone west to the airport at a minimum resulting in heavy Sunni civilian causalities. Once again, more bad PR for the United States.

Eventually, the US may well be forced to close the embassy and withdraw from the Green Zone, which will result in videos that remind the American public of the Saigon collapse back on April 30, 1975. This would be a tremendous PR victory for the extremists, resulting in more fighter recruits.

Finally, if the US is forced to withdraw from their fortified embassy then, of course, ISIS will take over America's largest embassy in the world. Note, this embassy compound can hold 35,000 American personnel and is basically a small city-state within Baghdad that is massively defended.

Are We Ready For The Fall Of Baghdad Zero Hedge

Dude you have way to much time on your hands. lol

As for your analogy between Viet nam and Iraq, the similarities end at both were bullshit wars that shouldn't have been waged. Beyond that they're whole different animals.

And those so called supporters left behind on the embassy rooftop that you mentioned, they were really just fair weather friends none of whom possessed the willingness to fight and die for our cause. And that's why Viet nam was doomed to fail. Because the war was our cause, not theirs.
pwjohn is 100% correct. The SVN leadership wanted its own perks and privileges and to heck with the country. Iraq is split between religious sects, clans, and tribes. If they can't pull together, we can't force them to pull together.
pwjohn is 100% correct. The SVN leadership wanted its own perks and privileges and to heck with the country. Iraq is split between religious sects, clans, and tribes. If they can't pull together, we can't force them to pull together.

Pretty much. The best thing we can do now is stand back and let the chips fall where they may.
If we don't like the outcome then we have only ourselves to blame for that.

So the next time some goofball in the whitehouse wants to wage war halfway around the world let's not forget South Korea, Viet Nam, Crapistan, Lybia, Yemen and Iraq. Because whatever the problem is, we'll only make things worse.
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pwjohn is 100% correct. The SVN leadership wanted its own perks and privileges and to heck with the country. Iraq is split between religious sects, clans, and tribes. If they can't pull together, we can't force them to pull together.
And the Kurds. I think this is the reason why Saddam ruled Iraq with iron fist. How else can you run a country like that. It's just impossible.
Geaux4it Did Baghdad fall?

not yet, but I would bet it will. Iraq will get formally split into three parts, and effectively already is.
But with it fall to ISIS? Will the three parts fall to ISIS? Not yet.

No, I doubt that Shia Iraq or Kurdistan will fall to ISIS.

But the Sunni historically have held a tight grip on Baghdad and the elite there are Sunni tough the bigger general population is mostly Shiite.
Baghdad will not fall to ISIS, but unless the Sunni in the west are willing to fight their co-sectarians, then western Iraq may well remain ISIS.
Geaux 11551392
Boots on the ground is the answer send in the 101st -Geaux

Sending in the 101st Airborne is not up to you or anyone outside of Iraq's sovereign borders. You are demanding a new invasion against the will of the sovereign government of Iraq as if 4484 dead Americans already are not enough for you.
Geaux 11551392
Boots on the ground is the answer send in the 101st -Geaux

Sending in the 101st Airborne is not up to you or anyone outside of Iraq's sovereign borders. You are demanding a new invasion against the will of the sovereign government of Iraq as if 4484 dead Americans already are not enough for you.

How many jihad terrorist did we kill?

I can wait

When obumble lets that embassy fall it will reverberate around the world. For one thing, obumble has a policy of not evacuating Americans. He refused to evacuate the embassy in Yemen. Hundreds of Americans are being held. He won't evacuate Baghdad either. That will mean thousands taken and the executions will start.
When obumble lets that embassy fall it will reverberate around the world. For one thing, obumble has a policy of not evacuating Americans. He refused to evacuate the embassy in Yemen. Hundreds of Americans are being held. He won't evacuate Baghdad either. That will mean thousands taken and the executions will start.
Links? :)
How many jihad terrorist did we kill? I can wait. -Geaux

How many Americans did Jihad terrorists kill in Iraq under Bush. Right now according to a US Air Force Lt General right now tells us we are killing one thousand jihad terrorists in Iraq and Syria and that is zero Americans killed by jihad terrorists a month.

You like Bush's way 4484 dead Americans - I prefer Obama's way. Kill the bastards from the sky where they can't go.
When obumble lets that embassy fall it will reverberate around the world. For one thing, obumble has a policy of not evacuating Americans. He refused to evacuate the embassy in Yemen. Hundreds of Americans are being held. He won't evacuate Baghdad either. That will mean thousands taken and the executions will start.

Your only means of attack against Obama is to cite an event that will never happen. How hard up can you get?
How many jihad terrorist did we kill? I can wait. -Geaux

How many Americans did Jihad terrorists kill in Iraq under Bush. Right now according to a US Air Force Lt General right now tells us we are killing one thousand jihad terrorists in Iraq and Syria and that is zero Americans killed by jihad terrorists a month.

You like Bush's way 4484 dead Americans - I prefer Obama's way. Kill the bastards from the sky where they can't go.

That's poor performance.

We need to slaughter 35K in one month which = a substantial increase in performance


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