Are thread bans harder to implement than thread closings?


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Thread bans, punish the ones responsible; thread closings, punish everyone participating in the thread. No one should be punished for a crime they didn't commit. In addition to that, closing a thread, is the actual end game for most hijackers. So by getting the thread closed, the hijackers achieved their goal.

I understand the mods have a burden average posters do not have and all their time should not be dominated by doing "mod stuff", that is why I'm asking the question, "Is it easier to close the thread, than doing thread bans?"

I know thread bans are possible, I just don't see them occurring very often.

But if the occasion does arise where a thread ban is being considered, from my perspective, the person worthy, should be guilty of 3 things:
  • malicious intent
  • repetitive nature
  • high flame/debate ratio
The offending poster should have at least demonstrated malicious intent to derail the thread. Off topic quips and light-hearted comments from time to time, are not malicious in nature.

The repetitiveness of off topic comments, would indicate malicious intent.

And if the poster has more "flame" posts, than "debate" posts, that to would indicate malicious intent.

I agree, posts should be relevant to the OP; but by not addressing the offending posters specifically, who have a history of deliberately derailing threads, with basically the same type of comments, in thread after thread, drags us all down.

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