Are There Any Honest Democrats Still Around ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Martin Luther King once said "Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character."
Notice that I did not put that quote in blue. That's because MLK had absolutely nothing in common with the Democrats of today. If he were live today, the last thing he would ever do is be a Democrat.

I was a Democrat for many years, up until 2002, when I became a registered Independent, (later a Republican). But when I was a Democrat, with a few exceptions, the Democratic Party was not like it is now.
Now, honesty and integrity no longer matter to today's Democrats. This is revealed consistently. It is not just the theft of the office of the presidency taking place, with no shame, conscience or regret among the fiends perpetrating this demolition of our precious democratic republic, which our founding fathers worked so hard to craft for us.

Maybe the disintegration started earlier like in 2009, when Obama allowed then Major Nidal Hasan to violate about every US Army regulation in the book in Fort Hood ,TX, eventually resulting in the massacre of 13 US Army soldiers. I began to really take notice of Democrats BAMN (by any means necessary) attitude during the Kavanaugh hearings. The way those Democrats smeared a very fine man, and dragged him through whatever dirt they could come up with, was startling. I'm sure many Americans had the same feeling that I did > Wow, I didn't know they had sunk this low.

The description of Senate Judiciary Democrats could only be described as . "Anything goes, if it will advance power for Democrats." Then there was the 2+ years of the Russian collusion hoax, not only lying and slandering, but accusing Trump of doing what Democrats themselves had done wrong. Then, more hypocritical lying with the Ukraine accusations, and even when Biden's guilt was all over the internet on video.

I almost forgot the video lie pertaining to the Benghazi horror.

The idea seemed to be "If the media is willing to lie about it, let's just go along with it."

People have now died, monuments have been destroyed, property in the Billions$$ lost, burned, smashed, all coming from deceitful media lies about alleged police brutality, which in many cases was nothing more than police acting in standard self-defense procedures (although this has been going on for decades, even well before the Rodney King deception).

So I wonder now if, alongside of all these soulless fools out celebrating the destruction of America's foundations, as long as it gets them what they want (equivalent to looting but far worse), have in their ranks, any Democrats who are actually honest enough to come foward, and condemn this massacre of our national character. If any have an ounce of decency, that's what they would be doing. There probably are some out there, but at the moment, I can't think of hardly any. Does anybody know of any ?

I hate to think that ALL Democrats would have sunk into this awful pit of iniquity. Congratulations for Wolf Blitzer on CNN, for standing up to Nancy Pelosi, and arguing with her about her blocking the stimulus checks$$$ from going out, to help very distressed Americans. At least one guy did something right. Andrew Yang spoke out too.

Right now though, Democrats badly need to speak out and condemn the various election frauds taking place, most noticably the massive early morning vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of sudden, fabricated votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania (later Georgia), when it became apparent that Trump was going to win re-election. As much as I like Trump, and admire his many accomplishments, I wouldn't want to see him win if it had to be in a shameful abandonment of honesty like this.

Democrats need to think back to Martin Luther King's words about "character" and speak up to condemn the scams, or never mention Martin Luther King's name again.
Fortunately, King is not here now, to witness this national disgrace.
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Martin Luther King once said "Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character."
Notice that I did not put that quote in blue. That's because MLK had absolutely nothing in common with the Democrats of today. If he were live today, the last thing he would ever do is be a Democrat.

I was a Democrat for many years, up until 2002, when I became a registered Independent, (later a Republican). But when I was a Democrat, with a few exceptions, the Democratic Party was not like it is now.
Now, honesty and integrity no longer matter to today's Democrats. This is revealed consistently. It is not just the theft of the office of the presidency taking place, with no shame. conscience or regret among the fiends perpetrating this demolition of our precious democratic republic, which our founding father worked so hard to craft for us.

Maybe the disintegration started earlier like in 2009, when Obama allowed then Major Nidal Hasan to violate about every US Army regulation in the book in Fort Hood ,TX, eventually resulting in the massacre of 13 US Army soldiers. I began to really take notice of Democrats BAMN (by any means necessary) attitude during the Kavanaugh hearings. The way those Democrats smeared a very fine man, and dragged him through whatever dirt they could come up with, was startling. I'm sure many Americans had the same feeling that I did > Wow, I didn't know they had sunk this low.

The description of Senate Judiciary Democrats could only be described as . "Anything goes if it will advance power for Democrats." Then there was the 2+ years of the Russian collusion hoax, not only lying and slandering, but accusing Trump of doing what Democrats themselves had done wrong. Then more hypocritical lying with the Ukraine accusations, and even when Biden's guilt was all over the internet on video.

The idea seemed to be "If the media is willing to lie about it, let's just go along with it."

People have now died, monuments have been destroyed, property in the Billions$$ lost, burned, smashed, all coming from deceitful media lies about alleged police brutality, which in many cases was nothing more than police acting in standard self-defense procedures (although this has been going on for decades, even well before the Rodney King deception).

So I wonder now if, alongside of all these soulless fools out celebrating the destruction of America's foundations, as long as it gets them what they want (equivalent to looting but far worse), have in their ranks, any Democrats who are actually honest enough to come foward and condemn this massacre of our national character. If any have an ounce of decency, that's what they would be doing. There probably are some out there, but at the moment, I can't think of hardly any. Does anybody know of any ?

I hate to think that ALL Democrats would have sunk into this awful pit of iniquity. Congratulations for Wolf Blitzer on CNN, for standing up to Nancy Pelosi, and arguing with her about her blocking the stimulus checks$$$ from going out, to help very distressed Americans. At least one guy did something right. Andrew Yang spoke out too.

Right now though, Democrats badly need to speak out and condemn the various election frauds taking place, most noticably the massive early morning vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of sudden fabricated votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, when it became apparent that Trump was going to win re-election. As much as I like Trump, and admire his many accomplishments, I wouldn't want to see him win if it had to be in a shameful abandonment of honesty like this.

Are There Any Honest Democrats Still Around ?


Democrats have sold their souls to the Devil for a chance to beat their most hated enemies

The russians you ask?

or the Irans?


70 million American citizens are the dems most hated enemies
Martin Luther King once said "Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character."
Notice that I did not put that quote in blue. That's because MLK had absolutely nothing in common with the Democrats of today. If he were live today, the last thing he would ever do is be a Democrat.

I was a Democrat for many years, up until 2002, when I became a registered Independent, (later a Republican). But when I was a Democrat, with a few exceptions, the Democratic Party was not like it is now.
Now, honesty and integrity no longer matter to today's Democrats. This is revealed consistently. It is not just the theft of the office of the presidency taking place, with no shame, conscience or regret among the fiends perpetrating this demolition of our precious democratic republic, which our founding fathers worked so hard to craft for us.

Maybe the disintegration started earlier like in 2009, when Obama allowed then Major Nidal Hasan to violate about every US Army regulation in the book in Fort Hood ,TX, eventually resulting in the massacre of 13 US Army soldiers. I began to really take notice of Democrats BAMN (by any means necessary) attitude during the Kavanaugh hearings. The way those Democrats smeared a very fine man, and dragged him through whatever dirt they could come up with, was startling. I'm sure many Americans had the same feeling that I did > Wow, I didn't know they had sunk this low.

The description of Senate Judiciary Democrats could only be described as . "Anything goes, if it will advance power for Democrats." Then there was the 2+ years of the Russian collusion hoax, not only lying and slandering, but accusing Trump of doing what Democrats themselves had done wrong. Then, more hypocritical lying with the Ukraine accusations, and even when Biden's guilt was all over the internet on video.

I almost forgot the video lie pertaining to the Benghazi horror.

The idea seemed to be "If the media is willing to lie about it, let's just go along with it."

People have now died, monuments have been destroyed, property in the Billions$$ lost, burned, smashed, all coming from deceitful media lies about alleged police brutality, which in many cases was nothing more than police acting in standard self-defense procedures (although this has been going on for decades, even well before the Rodney King deception).

So I wonder now if, alongside of all these soulless fools out celebrating the destruction of America's foundations, as long as it gets them what they want (equivalent to looting but far worse), have in their ranks, any Democrats who are actually honest enough to come foward, and condemn this massacre of our national character. If any have an ounce of decency, that's what they would be doing. There probably are some out there, but at the moment, I can't think of hardly any. Does anybody know of any ?

I hate to think that ALL Democrats would have sunk into this awful pit of iniquity. Congratulations for Wolf Blitzer on CNN, for standing up to Nancy Pelosi, and arguing with her about her blocking the stimulus checks$$$ from going out, to help very distressed Americans. At least one guy did something right. Andrew Yang spoke out too.

Right now though, Democrats badly need to speak out and condemn the various election frauds taking place, most noticably the massive early morning vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of sudden, fabricated votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania (later Georgia), when it became apparent that Trump was going to win re-election. As much as I like Trump, and admire his many accomplishments, I wouldn't want to see him win if it had to be in a shameful abandonment of honesty like this.

Democrats need to think back to Martin Luther King's words about "character" and speak up to condemn the scams, or never mention Martin Luther King's name again.
Fortunately, King is not here now, to witness this national disgrace.
Martin Luther King once said "Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character."
Notice that I did not put that quote in blue. That's because MLK had absolutely nothing in common with the Democrats of today. If he were live today, the last thing he would ever do is be a Democrat.

I was a Democrat for many years, up until 2002, when I became a registered Independent, (later a Republican). But when I was a Democrat, with a few exceptions, the Democratic Party was not like it is now.
Now, honesty and integrity no longer matter to today's Democrats. This is revealed consistently. It is not just the theft of the office of the presidency taking place, with no shame, conscience or regret among the fiends perpetrating this demolition of our precious democratic republic, which our founding fathers worked so hard to craft for us.

Maybe the disintegration started earlier like in 2009, when Obama allowed then Major Nidal Hasan to violate about every US Army regulation in the book in Fort Hood ,TX, eventually resulting in the massacre of 13 US Army soldiers. I began to really take notice of Democrats BAMN (by any means necessary) attitude during the Kavanaugh hearings. The way those Democrats smeared a very fine man, and dragged him through whatever dirt they could come up with, was startling. I'm sure many Americans had the same feeling that I did > Wow, I didn't know they had sunk this low.

The description of Senate Judiciary Democrats could only be described as . "Anything goes, if it will advance power for Democrats." Then there was the 2+ years of the Russian collusion hoax, not only lying and slandering, but accusing Trump of doing what Democrats themselves had done wrong. Then, more hypocritical lying with the Ukraine accusations, and even when Biden's guilt was all over the internet on video.

I almost forgot the video lie pertaining to the Benghazi horror.

The idea seemed to be "If the media is willing to lie about it, let's just go along with it."

People have now died, monuments have been destroyed, property in the Billions$$ lost, burned, smashed, all coming from deceitful media lies about alleged police brutality, which in many cases was nothing more than police acting in standard self-defense procedures (although this has been going on for decades, even well before the Rodney King deception).

So I wonder now if, alongside of all these soulless fools out celebrating the destruction of America's foundations, as long as it gets them what they want (equivalent to looting but far worse), have in their ranks, any Democrats who are actually honest enough to come foward, and condemn this massacre of our national character. If any have an ounce of decency, that's what they would be doing. There probably are some out there, but at the moment, I can't think of hardly any. Does anybody know of any ?

I hate to think that ALL Democrats would have sunk into this awful pit of iniquity. Congratulations for Wolf Blitzer on CNN, for standing up to Nancy Pelosi, and arguing with her about her blocking the stimulus checks$$$ from going out, to help very distressed Americans. At least one guy did something right. Andrew Yang spoke out too.

Right now though, Democrats badly need to speak out and condemn the various election frauds taking place, most noticably the massive early morning vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of sudden, fabricated votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania (later Georgia), when it became apparent that Trump was going to win re-election. As much as I like Trump, and admire his many accomplishments, I wouldn't want to see him win if it had to be in a shameful abandonment of honesty like this.

Democrats need to think back to Martin Luther King's words about "character" and speak up to condemn the scams, or never mention Martin Luther King's name again.
Fortunately, King is not here now, to witness this national disgrace.
The old character's have since past on, and their replacements have fell and bumped their little heads when they weren't caught coming out of their momma's birth canal.
OP likes the Democratic Party of “old” and converted to Republican for good when Dems nominated a black candidate. Hmmmm.
Martin Luther King once said "Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character."
Notice that I did not put that quote in blue. That's because MLK had absolutely nothing in common with the Democrats of today. If he were live today, the last thing he would ever do is be a Democrat.

I was a Democrat for many years, up until 2002, when I became a registered Independent, (later a Republican). But when I was a Democrat, with a few exceptions, the Democratic Party was not like it is now.
Now, honesty and integrity no longer matter to today's Democrats. This is revealed consistently. It is not just the theft of the office of the presidency taking place, with no shame, conscience or regret among the fiends perpetrating this demolition of our precious democratic republic, which our founding fathers worked so hard to craft for us.

Maybe the disintegration started earlier like in 2009, when Obama allowed then Major Nidal Hasan to violate about every US Army regulation in the book in Fort Hood ,TX, eventually resulting in the massacre of 13 US Army soldiers. I began to really take notice of Democrats BAMN (by any means necessary) attitude during the Kavanaugh hearings. The way those Democrats smeared a very fine man, and dragged him through whatever dirt they could come up with, was startling. I'm sure many Americans had the same feeling that I did > Wow, I didn't know they had sunk this low.

The description of Senate Judiciary Democrats could only be described as . "Anything goes, if it will advance power for Democrats." Then there was the 2+ years of the Russian collusion hoax, not only lying and slandering, but accusing Trump of doing what Democrats themselves had done wrong. Then, more hypocritical lying with the Ukraine accusations, and even when Biden's guilt was all over the internet on video.

I almost forgot the video lie pertaining to the Benghazi horror.

The idea seemed to be "If the media is willing to lie about it, let's just go along with it."

People have now died, monuments have been destroyed, property in the Billions$$ lost, burned, smashed, all coming from deceitful media lies about alleged police brutality, which in many cases was nothing more than police acting in standard self-defense procedures (although this has been going on for decades, even well before the Rodney King deception).

So I wonder now if, alongside of all these soulless fools out celebrating the destruction of America's foundations, as long as it gets them what they want (equivalent to looting but far worse), have in their ranks, any Democrats who are actually honest enough to come foward, and condemn this massacre of our national character. If any have an ounce of decency, that's what they would be doing. There probably are some out there, but at the moment, I can't think of hardly any. Does anybody know of any ?

I hate to think that ALL Democrats would have sunk into this awful pit of iniquity. Congratulations for Wolf Blitzer on CNN, for standing up to Nancy Pelosi, and arguing with her about her blocking the stimulus checks$$$ from going out, to help very distressed Americans. At least one guy did something right. Andrew Yang spoke out too.

Right now though, Democrats badly need to speak out and condemn the various election frauds taking place, most noticably the massive early morning vote dumps of hundreds of thousands of sudden, fabricated votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania (later Georgia), when it became apparent that Trump was going to win re-election. As much as I like Trump, and admire his many accomplishments, I wouldn't want to see him win if it had to be in a shameful abandonment of honesty like this.

Democrats need to think back to Martin Luther King's words about "character" and speak up to condemn the scams, or never mention Martin Luther King's name again.
Fortunately, King is not here now, to witness this national disgrace.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican who was considered a Communist sympathizer by the Kennedy brothers, who illegally wired tapped his phone.

Real Democrats have to parrot the party line or else.

Some do so, and some manage to just keep silent.

They are between a rock and a hard place.

They do not believe in many Republican goals but neither do they believe in some Democratic goals. By default, they feel forced to pull the Democratic lever.

Too bad we do not have proportional representation as some other countries. Then we could have multiple parties and everyone has a voice at the table. Sure, it's messy (Italy, for example), but it IS democratic.
Democrats are the scum of this country. I even started a thread about it once.

They will lie, cheat and steal and are Hell bent on making this country a Socialist shithole.

Piss on them. The greedy little bastards are the enemy of our nation.

Biden is not only a low IQ asshole but is owned lock stock and barrel by the Chinese, that made his family pretty damn rich.
Democrats are the scum of this country. I even started a thread about it once.

They will lie, cheat and steal and are Hell bent on making this country a Socialist shithole.

Piss on them. The greedy little bastards are the enemy of our nation.

Biden is not only a low IQ asshole but is owned lock stock and barrel by the Chinese, that made his family pretty damn rich.

And China hasn't made Trump any money? A lot of his shit is manufactured there.
Gonna pipe up about that, partisan hack?
The Democrat Party has been dishonest from the beginning, in the 1820s. When the Federalist Party dissolved, another party cropped up to move the government and the country leftward. And with each lurch leftward, the more giddy the moonbats get.
Actually, the Democrats have been cheating for far longer than most people realize....

They actually pulled a mail-in voter scam in 1864!!!

Are There Any Honest Democrats Still Around ?


Democrats have sold their souls to the Devil for a chance to beat their most hated enemies

The russians you ask?

or the Irans?


70 million American citizens are the dems most hated enemies

The party of JFK died long ago and was replace by a fascist socialist party. the fascist socialist democrat party, think they have won, but they have not. Trump will prevail. #StopTheSteal

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