Are Republican voters racist?

Democrats aren't just racist, the are most ugly sexist ever... especially if they are a Republican/conservative woman

go cast all your ugly sins out then you can judge others

Did any democrat ever condemn Letterman for calling for the rape of Palins 14 year old daughter?

That was on national TV - not in his living room.

Well, obviously some are FAR more equal than others.
Democrats don't attack white male Republican candidates?

There sure are enough of them

democrats are scum.

They savage anyone who is an enemy of the party with demagoguery that would make Goebbels shudder.

But the racist filth and misogynist slander heaped on black and women conservatives is the lowest levels that the gutters scum of the DNC can come up with.

Oh no!

Hitler references. :eek:
Democrats aren't just racist, the are most ugly sexist ever... especially if they are a Republican/conservative woman

go cast all your ugly sins out then you can judge others

Did any democrat ever condemn Letterman for calling for the rape of Palins 14 year old daughter?

That was on national TV - not in his living room.

Well, obviously some are FAR more equal than others.

no and it was disgusting...there was a time when children were left alone...If you look on here no Republican ever bring up Obama's kids

what they did to Palin herself and her children was some of the lowest ugly politics I have ever seen in my 60 years

Democrats are the ones bringing this country down and tearing it apart
Are Republican voters racist?

Not as a whole, no.

But it is a fact that racists identify as conservative, are comfortable in the GOP, and invariably vote republican.

This does not mean the GOP is racist, and the GOP neither endorses nor promotes racism. There are aspects of conservative dogma, however, as well as aspects of the republican agenda, which do attract racists – and it’s consequently incumbent upon the GOP to examine the Party’s platform, policy positions, and overall message to discover why racists are indeed attracted to the GOP.

Dem. Party elitists no longer desire to enslave or oppress the people of color - they follow the I have a dream speech of MLK ..

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Democrats don't discriminate based of race , they now wish to enslave all people equally - regardless of race.

Historically however -the Dems have been the party of racism, socio-fascists such as Clayton like to argue that the racists migrated to the Republican Party in the late 60s but are unable or unwilling to see through the thin facade presented by the Dem. party spin masters.
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no and it was disgusting...there was a time when children were left alone...If you look on here no Republican ever bring up Obama's kids

what they did to Palin herself and her children was some of the lowest ugly politics I have ever seen in my 60 years

Democrats are the ones bringing this country down and tearing it apart

The democrats of today are the 60's radicals. They have become more sophisticated, but the goal of destroying the constitutional republic remains the same. They want a socialist, authoritarian system where all power resides with unquestioned rulers in Washington.

Unless the democrats are stopped - NOW - then government of the people, by the people, for the people, is gone forever.
no and it was disgusting...there was a time when children were left alone...If you look on here no Republican ever bring up Obama's kids

what they did to Palin herself and her children was some of the lowest ugly politics I have ever seen in my 60 years

Democrats are the ones bringing this country down and tearing it apart

The democrats of today are the 60's radicals. They have become more sophisticated, but the goal of destroying the constitutional republic remains the same. They want a socialist, authoritarian system where all power resides with unquestioned rulers in Washington.

Unless the democrats are stopped - NOW - then government of the people, by the people, for the people, is gone forever.

yep, when a domestic terrorist like Bill Ayers can become a teacher at some University you know what their plans are...they didn't just pluck Obama out of the air to run, he was the color they could use so they could slam you with the charge of racist to pass their agenda...and I'm with you they need to be stopped, but I'm afraid we might be too late
no and it was disgusting...there was a time when children were left alone...If you look on here no Republican ever bring up Obama's kids

what they did to Palin herself and her children was some of the lowest ugly politics I have ever seen in my 60 years

Democrats are the ones bringing this country down and tearing it apart

The democrats of today are the 60's radicals. They have become more sophisticated, but the goal of destroying the constitutional republic remains the same. They want a socialist, authoritarian system where all power resides with unquestioned rulers in Washington.

Unless the democrats are stopped - NOW - then government of the people, by the people, for the people, is gone forever.

yep, when a domestic terrorist like Bill Ayers can become a teacher at some University you know what their plans are...they didn't just pluck Obama out of the air to run, he was the color they could use so they could slam you with the charge of racist to pass their agenda...and I'm with you they need to be stopped, but I'm afraid we might be too late

but I'm afraid we might be too late

How do ya spell kalyshnakoff
I simply don't care. Who are you to demand someone to be silent about the way they feel?

No one can compel anyone to be silent.

Conservatives should be encouraged to loudly express their ignorance and hate, bigotry and racism, particularly around election time.

And no, you and other conservatives should not be made to feel as though you must remain silent about your ignorance, hate, bigotry, and racism just to win elections.
I simply don't care. Who are you to demand someone to be silent about the way they feel?

No one can compel anyone to be silent.

Conservatives should be encouraged to loudly express their ignorance and hate, bigotry and racism, particularly around election time.

And no, you and other conservatives should not be made to feel as though you must remain silent about your ignorance, hate, bigotry, and racism just to win elections.

Liberal [Socio-fascist] attempts to mute all opposition to liberal beliefs, is one of the core tenets of liberalism, and is an almost exclusively liberal practice in modern times. Deceitful techniques of liberal censorship include:

Liberals exaggerate offhand remarks by sports players in an attempt to chill their speech, particularly if the comments are contrary to the homosexual agenda

Ben Carson was forced to withdraw as commencement speaker of his own school, Johns Hopkins University, because of his criticism of same-sex marriage

Liberal opposition to free speech forced Tim Tebow to cancel a speaking event at a large church because its pastor has opposed the homosexual agenda

Opposing information for women that would let them know that abortion increases their risk of breast cancer, as confirmed by numerous studies

Expelling a young athlete from the 2012 Summer Olympics because she tweeted a joke about immigration, despite her apology, thereby destroying her dream and years of hard work

Monopolizing discussions and repeatedly talking more than the other side, despite saying nothing coherent - {Sounds like some people on this thread}

Intimidating sponsors of conservative speaking events by harassing andheckling them

Seeking information about donors to traditional marriage referenda in order to harass them. {Brendan Eich - Prop.8 Victims ...}

Engaging in violent protests at conservative events, or vandalizing conservative wikis on the Internet

Banning a legitimate contributor from all or part of a website because of remarks he made on a different website. {I've been the victim of that personally}

Liberals inevitably demand censorship of ideas that challenge their views, and thus attempt to silence all criticism of their ideology by slandering conservatives and other opponents as "racist" and "reactionary", legally enforce political correctness, and establish legislation making many forms of religious speech illegal under misnamed "hate speech" laws. This is especially true in its most extreme political manifestation, Communism and related forms of Socio Fascism.
I simply don't care. Who are you to demand someone to be silent about the way they feel?

No one is demanding someone be silent. We are teaching them that voicing their retarded opinions will result in others voicing their opinions and doing everything possible to hurt them financially. We are teaching them that their actions have consequences. Freedom of speech goes both ways cave ape.
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Funny, how the democrat can call Palin stupid, but if you said that about one of their women = you're a sexist pig! Weird how that works.

An American housewife, hockey mom, and successful career woman, Sarah Palin is a true independent thinker who refused to adhere to the rigid demands of canned leftist feminism. The New York Post called her "a feminist dream".
The Wall Street Journal, coined the term "Sarah Palin Feminism".

She is truly the quintessential symbol of real gender equality who evokes instantaneous rabid responses from socio fascist feminists. One feminist blogger referred to her as a "pig in lipstick".

Sexist Feminist writer Ann Friedman wrote:
In picking Palin, Republicans are lending credence to the sexist assumption that women voters are too stupid to investigate or care about the issues, and merely want to vote for someone who looks like them ... McCain has turned the idea of the first woman in the White House from a true moment of change to an empty pander.


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