Are Republican voters racist?

There are 20 Republican women in Congress...vs 62 for the Democrats
There are 4 Republucan women Senators....vs 16 for the Democrats

So we know Republucans don't vote for blacks, but they don't exactly vote for women either

Why do they call them the white mans party again?

Gee, Winger...when a black or woman DOES run for office as a Republican they are typically attacked savagely by liberals. For you to then turn around and ask why Republicans don't elect more women or blacks borders on farce.

A political candidate gets attacked by the other side........never seen that one before

But a funny thing about political attacks...they often backfire

Voters are used to political attacks, they generally shrug them off. But if a political attack crosses the line of decency, it backfires. If you attack someone because they are a black or a woman there will be repurcussions. But attcking them for what they say or do is fair game

Repercussions? What repercussions were there when Sarah Palin was labeled "Caribou Barbie"? What repercussions were there when a handful of you progressive assholes decided that she needed to be bombarded with one frivolous lawsuit after another in an attempt to bankrupt her family AFTER SHE'D ALREADY LOST THE DAMN ELECTION!!!
And what's REALLY amazing is that while you're doing that to a accuse the GOP and Mitt Romney of waging a "War on Women"!
Your strawman has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the fact that Republicans don't ELECT blacks nor women in any significant number to speak of.

Why aren't you sticking on the subject?
Was not a straw man argument. It is what happens.

Will someone please bring a tissue?

Your party has managed to elect six blacks to higher office in a hundred years. You elect 25% of the women that Democrats do.

When are Republicans going to show some nads and acknowledge they are not an inclusive party? Blaming Democrats does not resolve the fact that Republicans are a White Mans Party

things were MUCH better for Black people when the "White Mans Party" ran things.

true story
And what's REALLY amazing is that while you're doing that to a accuse the GOP and Mitt Romney of waging a "War on Women"!

no kidding...
they only respect women who are in their party or who puts a D next to their name
I thought the subject was racism? You attack Republicans for not running enough women and blacks but every time that they DO you attack the women and blacks that they run. Yet you don't see that as a's really quite amazing to observe.
What, you perceive that i, or any other Democrat does or doesn't do, has absolutely NOTHING to do with why Republicans THEMSELVES do NOT elect blacks nor women in any significant number.

Why is that?
How many run, in any significant number, as republicans?
That's a good question.

Which is also a big problem the GOP has, because, apparently, they're not an inclusive party.

With that said, why haven't the Republicans elected more blacks or women among their ranks?

None of you have been able to answer that simple question as yet. Not a one.
Gee, Winger...when a black or woman DOES run for office as a Republican they are typically attacked savagely by liberals. For you to then turn around and ask why Republicans don't elect more women or blacks borders on farce.

A political candidate gets attacked by the other side........never seen that one before

But a funny thing about political attacks...they often backfire

Voters are used to political attacks, they generally shrug them off. But if a political attack crosses the line of decency, it backfires. If you attack someone because they are a black or a woman there will be repurcussions. But attcking them for what they say or do is fair game

Repercussions? What repercussions were there when Sarah Palin was labeled "Caribou Barbie"? What repercussions were there when a handful of you progressive assholes decided that she needed to be bombarded with one frivolous lawsuit after another in an attempt to bankrupt her family AFTER SHE'D ALREADY LOST THE DAMN ELECTION!!!

Caribou Barbie paid a price because of what she said. The meanest thing the other side did to her was play back what she was saying.

What newspapers do you read?

Such a difficult question
What, you perceive that i, or any other Democrat does or doesn't do, has absolutely NOTHING to do with why Republicans THEMSELVES do NOT elect blacks nor women in any significant number.

Why is that?
How many run, in any significant number, as republicans?
That's a good question.

Which is also a big problem the GOP has, because, apparently, they're not an inclusive party.

With that said, why haven't the Republicans elected more blacks or women among their ranks?

None of you have been able to answer that simple question as yet. Not a one.

it's really laughable; the same loser Lefty set that has avoided an honest debate on race for decades thinks the Right cant answer a question and wants to avoid the topic?

easy; Republicans have not made inroads into the Black community because of decades of PANDERING AND PATRONIZING by Democrats on race matters before you get your panties in a knot implying that i'm saying only Black people will settle for the Party offering free sh*t; that ISNT WHAT I'M SAYING.

ANY group pandered to the way the Left has been pandering to minorities would react the same way
A political candidate gets attacked by the other side........never seen that one before

But a funny thing about political attacks...they often backfire

Voters are used to political attacks, they generally shrug them off. But if a political attack crosses the line of decency, it backfires. If you attack someone because they are a black or a woman there will be repurcussions. But attcking them for what they say or do is fair game

Repercussions? What repercussions were there when Sarah Palin was labeled "Caribou Barbie"? What repercussions were there when a handful of you progressive assholes decided that she needed to be bombarded with one frivolous lawsuit after another in an attempt to bankrupt her family AFTER SHE'D ALREADY LOST THE DAMN ELECTION!!!

Caribou Barbie paid a price because of what she said. The meanest thing the other side did to her was play back what she was saying.

What newspapers do you read?

Such a difficult question

Amazing how liberal candidates were never hit with "gotcha" questions like that...isn't it, Winger! Palin spends days cramming for important issues and then Couric asks her something totally out of left field, looking to trip her up and the main stream media leaps on THAT as proof that Sarah Palin is an idiot.

At the same time the guy running as Barack Obama's Vice Presidential nominee is so fucking stupid he had to cheat to get through law school but that's never shown to the voting public because the main stream media is so busy harping on Palin saying she can see the Soviet Union from her house WHICH WAS A FIGURE OF SPEECH!!!
before I go out for the afternoon:

What, you perceive that i, or any other Democrat does or doesn't do, has absolutely NOTHING to do with why Republicans THEMSELVES do NOT elect blacks nor women in any significant number.

Why is that?
How many run, in any significant number, as republicans?
That's a good question.

Which is also a big problem the GOP has, because, apparently, they're not an inclusive party.

With that said, why haven't the Republicans elected more blacks or women among their ranks?

None of you have been able to answer that simple question as yet. Not a one.

Well, gee Marc...let's think about it...

If you run for office as a Republican woman or black...what treatment should you expect to receive from liberals and the liberal main stream media? The REAL war on women and on blacks has taken place every time a woman or a black runs for office as a conservative. Attacks that would have liberals foaming at the mouth if they were leveled against liberal women or liberal blacks is seen as "deserved" if they are leveled against conservatives.
before I go out for the afternoon:


And Dottie's "cartoon" is a perfect example of the way that the Tea Party was accorded the same treatment by the liberal main stream media. Thousands of people protested waste and out of control spending by Big Government and what did the media concentrate on...the one guy holding a sign that was racist.
Repercussions? What repercussions were there when Sarah Palin was labeled "Caribou Barbie"? What repercussions were there when a handful of you progressive assholes decided that she needed to be bombarded with one frivolous lawsuit after another in an attempt to bankrupt her family AFTER SHE'D ALREADY LOST THE DAMN ELECTION!!!

Caribou Barbie paid a price because of what she said. The meanest thing the other side did to her was play back what she was saying.

What newspapers do you read?

Such a difficult question

Amazing how liberal candidates were never hit with "gotcha" questions like that...isn't it, Winger! Palin spends days cramming for important issues and then Couric asks her something totally out of left field, looking to trip her up and the main stream media leaps on THAT as proof that Sarah Palin is an idiot.

At the same time the guy running as Barack Obama's Vice Presidential nominee is so fucking stupid he had to cheat to get through law school but that's never shown to the voting public because the main stream media is so busy harping on Palin saying she can see the Soviet Union from her house WHICH WAS A FIGURE OF SPEECH!!!

LOL....Katie Freak'n Couric?

Couric throws softballs. "What newspapers do you read" is a gotcha question?

And you claim she was presidential material?
Your strawman has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the fact that Republicans don't ELECT blacks nor women in any significant number to speak of.

Why aren't you sticking on the subject?

It's hard to elect them before you leftists have a chance to lynch them.

Here are the words of a Republican. read them and hate him.

{SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher} - Thomas Paine - Common Sense
Your strawman has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the fact that Republicans don't ELECT blacks nor women in any significant number to speak of.

Why aren't you sticking on the subject?

It's hard to elect them before you leftists have a chance to lynch them.

Here are the words of a Republican. read them and hate him.

{SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher} - Thomas Paine - Common Sense

Democrats don't attack white male Republican candidates?

There sure are enough of them
Republicans do not vote for blacks. Proof is they have only elected six blacks to higher office in a hundred years.
This borders upon rdean levels of plain old dumb.

How many blacks run as republicans?

Not many, or women either

That is the point

I wasn't aware Democrats OR Republicans had an especially great record for producing women candidates.

Why aren't at least 50% of Democratic congress-people women?

Why do Democrats hate women?


Electing the first mullatto president and finally letting Robert Byrd go to that big Clan Meeting in the Sky means that the Democratic Party has a slim margin on being less racist than Republicans.
But don't let that stand in the way of partisan talking points.
Caribou Barbie paid a price because of what she said. The meanest thing the other side did to her was play back what she was saying.

What newspapers do you read?

Such a difficult question

Amazing how liberal candidates were never hit with "gotcha" questions like that...isn't it, Winger! Palin spends days cramming for important issues and then Couric asks her something totally out of left field, looking to trip her up and the main stream media leaps on THAT as proof that Sarah Palin is an idiot.

At the same time the guy running as Barack Obama's Vice Presidential nominee is so fucking stupid he had to cheat to get through law school but that's never shown to the voting public because the main stream media is so busy harping on Palin saying she can see the Soviet Union from her house WHICH WAS A FIGURE OF SPEECH!!!

LOL....Katie Freak'n Couric?

Couric throws softballs. "What newspapers do you read" is a gotcha question?

And you claim she was presidential material?

Funny how Palin was the only one who predicted Putin's upcoming attempts to annex Russia's neighbors, Winger but she's the one who's an idiot? The truth is that Palin got it right and both Obama and Biden read the situation completely WRONG.

When you REALLY compare Palin's competence to either Barry or Joe B it's a slam dunk. Neither Obama or Biden have any executive experience whereas Palin was successful as Mayor and as Governor.
Your strawman has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the fact that Republicans don't ELECT blacks nor women in any significant number to speak of.

Why aren't you sticking on the subject?

It's hard to elect them before you leftists have a chance to lynch them.

Here are the words of a Republican. read them and hate him.

{SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher} - Thomas Paine - Common Sense

Democrats don't attack white male Republican candidates?

There sure are enough of them

Liberals reserve their most vicious attacks for conservative women and for conservative blacks. Did John McCain get targeted for non stop ethics lawsuits when HE lost to Barack Obama? Nope, didn't happen! That kind of treatment was reserved for the woman on the ticket.
It's hard to elect them before you leftists have a chance to lynch them.

Here are the words of a Republican. read them and hate him.

{SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher} - Thomas Paine - Common Sense

Democrats don't attack white male Republican candidates?

There sure are enough of them

Liberals reserve their most vicious attacks for conservative women and for conservative blacks. Did John McCain get targeted for non stop ethics lawsuits when HE lost to Barack Obama? Nope, didn't happen! That kind of treatment was reserved for the woman on the ticket.

Palin was abusing her powers as Governor and was called on it
When the going got tough she quit

Palins big problem is that she is stupid. You can' fix stupid Look at Rick Perry and Dan Quayle, once you get that stupid tag put on you it is hard to shake
Democrats don't attack white male Republican candidates?

There sure are enough of them

Liberals reserve their most vicious attacks for conservative women and for conservative blacks. Did John McCain get targeted for non stop ethics lawsuits when HE lost to Barack Obama? Nope, didn't happen! That kind of treatment was reserved for the woman on the ticket.

Palin was abusing her powers as Governor and was called on it
When the going got tough she quit

Palins big problem is that she is stupid. You can' fix stupid Look at Rick Perry and Dan Quayle, once you get that stupid tag put on you it is hard to shake

Palin is smarter than you; more sucessful than you no doubt. she could care less what you think of her. your problem is you're stupid. Once you get the stupid tag put on you it IS hard to shake; but thank your idiotic posts for that moniker.

now Palin doenst need a horde of lemmings to make excuses for her; but obama does; he NEEDS lemmings like you to excuse his many failings.

obama didnt even finnish one term as US Senator; he was campaigning the whole time

you're a joke; a hypocrite; so predictable and boring
Democrats don't attack white male Republican candidates?

There sure are enough of them

Liberals reserve their most vicious attacks for conservative women and for conservative blacks. Did John McCain get targeted for non stop ethics lawsuits when HE lost to Barack Obama? Nope, didn't happen! That kind of treatment was reserved for the woman on the ticket.

Palin was abusing her powers as Governor and was called on it
When the going got tough she quit

Palins big problem is that she is stupid. You can' fix stupid Look at Rick Perry and Dan Quayle, once you get that stupid tag put on you it is hard to shake

Maybe for Bill Maher lap dogs.

The rest of the world does not get HBO.

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