Are Latinos ditching the Democrats? Don't believe the hype


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
As the midterms approach, analysts are arguing that Latino voters angry with Obama over immigration may cause problems for the Democrats on Election Day. But that's not what's happening on the ground in Colorado

Are Latinos ditching the Democrats Don t believe the hype - Yahoo News

We have GOP on this Board that believe the Latinos will not vote Democrat.

These fools still believe they can preach and teach to Latinos (and women and other minorities) instead of listening to what those groups have to say.

The article above examines Latinos and Colorado's senate race with nuance and context.

Very interesting.
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I want Latinos voting for Republicans, but CrusaderFrank wants them voting for cultural McCarthyism. The Latinos will not vote for far right doctrine.
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Once again, jknowgood, like so many fans of cultural McCarthyism, are telling Latinos what they are instead of listening to them.

Latinos (family oriented, religious, and not very pro-abortion) voted against the GOP 71 to 27.

Nothing has changed.
Most Latinos I know are very family oriented, religious, and don't believe in abortion. Three points that is the opposite of liberal views.

Actually, Liberals believe in lower working hours, more time with the family, pregnancy leave for both mother and father... If you want to see the most family orientated country in Europe, goto the uber liberals Sweden.

In France it is law to offer a parent 80% pay to work 4 day week. Half day Wednesday and Friday...

The conservatives talk a good game about being family orientated but when they are asked about putting their money where their mouth is they are all talk and no action.

Which party is about legislating to look after the poor. (Blessed be the poor...)
Which party is about gay rights (Love thy neighbour...)
Which party supports the rich mans agenda ("I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.")
The religious you talk about could be al carte version of religion some people have of praying on Sunday and screwing you over on Monday. I choose to 'judge not lest you be...'
I would say neither party can claim to be the party of God.

New Polling on Latino a Attitudes Toward Abortion National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
74% of Latino registered voters agree that a woman has a right to make her own personal, private decisions about abortion without politicians interfering.
Latinos are Catholics and Catholics have a more common sense view to church teaching especially considering the Catholic Church believed abortion was OK for 350 years before banning it a 150 years ago (under St Augustine teaching). They know the banning of it came because the Pope at the time needed a defense of Rome at the time. Abortion in the Catholic church has been exposed as political gamesmanship and considering their behaviour around sex scandals the Catholic Church flock are taking there own views on things.
Once again, jknowgood, like so many fans of cultural McCarthyism, are telling Latinos what they are instead of listening to them.

Latinos (family oriented, religious, and not very pro-abortion) voted against the GOP 71 to 27.

Nothing has changed.
I'm not telling them anything, they are very family oriented. They have close families, if their family isn't here they will send a majority of their money to them in Mexico. So welfare won't work on most, they won't give up family for handouts. They are religious, been invited to several baptisms. Liberals are fighting against religion. They also believe children are a blessing from God, and don't believe in killing them. Abortion being one of the most important parts of being a liberal. I've always said that liberals could be making a huge mistake with this, because most Latinos don't support liberal policies.
Most Latinos I know are very family oriented, religious, and don't believe in abortion. Three points that is the opposite of liberal views.

Actually, Liberals believe in lower working hours, more time with the family, pregnancy leave for both mother and father... If you want to see the most family orientated country in Europe, goto the uber liberals Sweden.

In France it is law to offer a parent 80% pay to work 4 day week. Half day Wednesday and Friday...

The conservatives talk a good game about being family orientated but when they are asked about putting their money where their mouth is they are all talk and no action.

Which party is about legislating to look after the poor. (Blessed be the poor...)
Which party is about gay rights (Love thy neighbour...)
Which party supports the rich mans agenda ("I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.")
The religious you talk about could be al carte version of religion some people have of praying on Sunday and screwing you over on Monday. I choose to 'judge not lest you be...'
I would say neither party can claim to be the party of God.

New Polling on Latino a Attitudes Toward Abortion National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
74% of Latino registered voters agree that a woman has a right to make her own personal, private decisions about abortion without politicians interfering.
Latinos are Catholics and Catholics have a more common sense view to church teaching especially considering the Catholic Church believed abortion was OK for 350 years before banning it a 150 years ago (under St Augustine teaching). They know the banning of it came because the Pope at the time needed a defense of Rome at the time. Abortion in the Catholic church has been exposed as political gamesmanship and considering their behaviour around sex scandals the Catholic Church flock are taking there own views on things.
Family, liberals destroyed the black family unit with welfare, all for a vote.
Religion, liberals try to destroy it any where they can. Took prayer out of schools.
Abortion, the Latinos I know don't believe in abortion, a couple of them don't believe in birth control. Feel free to roll the dice, you are slowly losing the black vote, you got a black president, that hasn't done a thing to help them, just more welfare.
Latinos are not culturally American. They will vote first for a latino if a latino is on the ballot. If not they will vote for whoever promises the most freebies.
Leave it to a liberal to equate family with NOT working, and religion with the abrogation of free will and the needless taking of innocent life. Somehow this makes sense to them...
Hispanic turnout is low, usually less than 50%, so they're not that important, really, and given their school dropout rates are higher than their voting percentages, around 56% or so, nobody need worry about some huge wave of racist La Raza hispanics storming into the forefront in the next 50 to 75 years. The much hoped for 'Demise of Whitey' isn't imminent any time soon, much to the chagrin of the racists who make up most of the Democratic Party base.
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From the OP link:

"It's true that Udall isn't matching Obama's whopping vote share among Latinos. But why are we using Obama's 2012 presidential blowout as a benchmark? Wouldn't a previous Senate election make more sense — like, say, the one that Udall won in 2008? That year, Udall captured 63 percent of the Latino vote. His Republican opponent got 30 percent. And Udall wound up winning the race by more than 10 percentage points.

So how is Udall doing with Latino voters this year? It's tough to say for sure, because Colorado Latinos are notoriously difficult to poll. A recent Denver Post survey shows Gardner leading him among Latinos by 14 points (a result that no one in Colorado believes); the latest Suffolk sounding gives Udall a 73-point advantage (which no one in Colorado believes, either).

The truth is somewhere in the middle. The firm Latino Decisions focuses exclusively on polling hundreds of Latino voters at a time — Spanish speakers and English speakers, cellphones and landlines, young and old — so its readings tend to be more accurate than ones extrapolated from public polling crosstabs, where the sample sizes are too small to be representative. In the latest Latino Decisions survey, 66 percent of Latinos say they will or are likely to vote for Udall, while only 17 percent say the same about Gardner. Another 17 percent are undecided."


The Latino Decisions polling from 2012 was only very slightly to the Left in 2012 (it had Obama at 74% of the Latino Vote nationally), so if we take off two points, that puts Udall at 64%, pretty much where he is. What is making the race close, therefore, would be a severe loss in the white vote for the Democratic candidate in this case.

And once again (something I have been doing all over the elections forums) I remind that polling in Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and to a certain degree, in Arizona, was way off in 2008, 2010 and 2012 and the obvious reason for this was the gross miscalculation of the Latino vote in all three cycles, and I can also mathematically prove it. In fact, I already have.
Hispanics as a whole vote at a lower rate than other demographics and a billion Mexicans lining up in LA or Denver has no bearing on what happens in Virginia (where Warner is a shoe in for Senate anyway). Hispanics already voting dem voting dem is not the issue. Swing voters are and they tend to be white middle class types.
Most Latinos I know are very family oriented, religious, and don't believe in abortion. Three points that is the opposite of liberal views.
They are not the opposite of mine...and you assume what Latinos are, yet probably know very few personally.
Once again, jknowgood, like so many fans of cultural McCarthyism, are telling Latinos what they are instead of listening to them.

Latinos (family oriented, religious, and not very pro-abortion) voted against the GOP 71 to 27.

Nothing has changed.
I'm not telling them anything, they are very family oriented. They have close families, if their family isn't here they will send a majority of their money to them in Mexico. So welfare won't work on most, they won't give up family for handouts. They are religious, been invited to several baptisms. Liberals are fighting against religion. They also believe children are a blessing from God, and don't believe in killing them. Abortion being one of the most important parts of being a liberal. I've always said that liberals could be making a huge mistake with this, because most Latinos don't support liberal policies.

You are preaching once again instead of listening.

They do not support your far right vision of America.
]Hispanic turnout is low, usually less than 50%, so they're not that important, really, and given their school dropout rates are higher than their voting percentages, around 56% or so, nobody need worry about some huge wave of racist La Raza hispanics storming into the forefront in the next 50 to 75 years.

The above is the stupid post of the morning.
As the midterms approach, analysts are arguing that Latino voters angry with Obama over immigration may cause problems for the Democrats on Election Day. But that's not what's happening on the ground in Colorado

Are Latinos ditching the Democrats Don t believe the hype - Yahoo News

We have GOP on this Board that believe the Latinos will not vote Democrat.

These fools still believe they can preach and teach to Latinos (and women and other minorities) instead of listening to what those groups have to say.

The article above examines Latinos and Colorado's senate race with nuance and context.

Very interesting.

Could you quote or even name the "GOP" on this board that stated that Latinos won't vote for democrats? Please do because it is the basis of you contention.

Really jake why do you continue to pretend to be a Republican? If you are a republican what kind of republican are you? Certainly not a Reagan republican because you break his number one rule, you talk down fellow republicans. Certainly not a Bush Republican because I have never seen you say a good word for him. That makes you a McCain republican if a republican at all. The ass beating he took in the 2008 election should show you that your type of republican just ain't gonna cut it. When a Rino runs against a democrat why would a democrat vote for a rino when they can vote for the real deal?

When I see you say one good word about any republican it will be the first time.

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