Are Dimocrats Really OK With Suppression of Their Political Opposition?

Does the Conduct of the FBI and Mueller cause you concern?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • No

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • I dont care, bring me another beer

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
We all recognize that the real test between political suppression of ones opposition under the color of law is distinguishable from an actual process of legal justice by whether one applies the same level of law enforcement to ones own party as one applies to ones opponents.

The real test is independent of official rulings as any despot worth his salt or corrupt one party state will use legal decisions to cover their trail. Just because some Nazi says 'It's the law' does not make it right, nor does a judge saying 'it is due process' when that process is not even handed demonstrably.

So we have the entire upper leadership of the FBI using personal servers to conduct government business, in violation of security protocol and laws, and the selected agents managed to also be heavy with Hillary supporters. And who believes they did due diligence when investigating Hillary Clinton? Hillary destroyed 33,000 government documents, which is illegal, and these investigative supporters couldnt find anything worthy of prosecution?

And five of these agents had texted others about how Trump and his supporters were POS, stupid, lazy, etc, but that did not influence their investigation of Hillary at all, or of Trumps supposed collusion with Russia, but that did not influence them at all as they carried out due diligence?

And out of all the FBI agents available, some 30,000 in the Bureau, they could only come up with the same crew of Hillary supporters to investigate this Russia collusion allegations against Trump? Seriously?

Is it merely coincidence that General Flynn was coerced into a guilty plea for lying to the FBI when even Peter Strzok admitted that Flynn never lied? But this same agent who claimed that the FBI would not allow Trump to be President, is still an employed FBI agent despite his repeated lies to investigators? So if you lie to the FBI and you support Hillary, your OK, but if you support Trump you get presecuted into the Poor House? ISnt that what they do to people in Russia?

And lets look at Paul Manafort, who the Mueller investigators went after on charges that were settled like 15 years ago. They bring these issues up from the grave practically and hound Manafort with them, breaking to the mans home in the middle of the night and frighten the man and his wife out of their beds, and have the wife stand naked in front of them as they searched the house? And everyone knows what Mueller is really after here; to coerce Manafort into flipping on Trump.

“The heat is being turned up on Paul Manafort,” said Robert Ray, a former independent counsel who succeeded Kenneth Starr in the investigation of multiple scandals involving President Bill Clinton.

Manafort’s legal team fired back at the prosecution in a court filing Friday night, accusing Mueller’s lawyers of “heavy-handed tactics” and of distorting the significance of Manafort’s effort to reach out to former colleagues in his Ukraine-related work.

“From a scant record, the Special Counsel conjures a sinister plot to ‘corruptly persuade’ two of Mr. Manafort’s former business associates to perjure themselves at the upcoming trial in September,” Manafort’s attorneys wrote. “Mr. Manafort asked no one to provide a false affidavit or false testimony at trial, or perjure themselves, and he has not given — nor offered to give — any potential witness anything in exchange for false testimony.”​

But Manafort insists he knows of no Trump collusion and wont plead guilty on these ancient legal matters, so what happens next? Andrew Weisman, Muellers suppsed 'pit bull' is put onto the Manafort case.

And who is Andrew Weisman?
He is a prosecutor known for over-reach,

Yet Mueller tapped a different sort of prosecutor to lead his investigation — his long-time friend and former counsel, Andrew Weissmann. He is not just a “tough” prosecutor. Time after time, courts have reversed Weissmann’s most touted “victories” for his tactics. This is hardly the stuff of a hero in the law.

Weissmann, as deputy and later director of the Enron Task Force, destroyed the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs worldwide — only to be reversed several years later by a unanimous Supreme Court.

Next, Weissmann creatively criminalized a business transaction between Merrill Lynch and Enron. Four Merrill executives went to prison for as long as a year. Weissmann’s team made sure they did not even get bail pending their appeals, even though the charges Weissmann concocted, like those against Andersen, were literally unprecedented.

Weissmann’s prosecution devastated the lives and families of the Merrill executives, causing enormous defense costs, unimaginable stress and torturous prison time. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the mass of the case.

Weissmann quietly resigned from the Enron Task Force just as the judge in the Enron Broadband prosecution began excoriating Weissmann’s team and the press began catching on to Weissmann’s modus operandi.

Mueller knows this history. Is this why he tapped Weissmann to target Paul Manafort?​

And it is well known that the evidence against Manafort is almost NONEXISTENT.

But direct evidence against Manafort is almost nonexistent. Saying “we should talk” and “I want to give you an update” or a “heads-up” is hardly the stuff that true witness-tampering charges are made of. And, more to the point, if the entire conversation in which Manfort participated lasted for less than a minute and a half, he’d have to be a very, very fast talker to have accomplished tampering.
So what is going on here? Why would Mueller’s team, whose actions to date have been premised on overwhelming evidence, take this risk and go out on this evidentiary limb?

My speculation is simple: This is a sign that they are feeling pressure. Possibly from Trump. Possibly from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Possibly just from their reading of the public tea leaves. Whatever the source of the pressure, they have an increased sense of urgency to move quickly.

And that translates to the want, and need, for Manafort’s cooperation. Not later but now. And the only way to get that cooperation now is to ramp up the pressure. The motion, if successful, would put Manafort in jail sooner rather than later, at the end of what promises to be a lengthy trial. That would concentrate Manafort’s mind quite a bit—and this is the type of pressure tactic that prosecutors use all the time. So that isn’t a surprise.

What is surprising, as I have said, is how thin the factual basis appears to be for these charges. I hope that the Mueller team isn’t rushing its effort. Now is no time to panic.​

So with no direct evidence of actual witness tampering, a judge has denied bail and placed in prison a 69 year old man, over charges that were settled out of court due to lack of criminal facts, all to get him to flip over on Trump, a duly elected President that some of the investigators are provable hostile to and committed to not allowing him to be President? Manafort doesnt even have a p[assport any more, so how is this decrepit old man a flight risk? lol.

No evidence against Manafort, but a Dimocrat judges puts him in prison without trial, while a team of investigators with a track record of hostility to the subject being investigated continue their so-called 'investigation'?

If the conduct of the Justice Department, the top level of the FBI and this so-called Mueller 'investigation' does not equate to Dimocrat suppression of their Republican opposition, then nothing Putin has ever done is oppressive either or any other tin-horn dictator.

The Deep State is pulling off a coup and like any other Preatorian Guard, taking control of our Republic behind the scenes to create a dictatorship like the Ceasars or the Bolsheviks.

If Trump is charged or removed from office a revolution to remove this Deep State is warranted.
We all recognize that the real test between political suppression of ones opposition under the color of law is distinguishable from an actual process of legal justice by whether one applies the same level of law enforcement to ones own party as one applies to ones opponents.

The real test is independent of official rulings as any despot worth his salt or corrupt one party state will use legal decisions to cover their trail. Just because some Nazi says 'It's the law' does not make it right, nor does a judge saying 'it is due process' when that process is not even handed demonstrably.

So we have the entire upper leadership of the FBI using personal servers to conduct government business, in violation of security protocol and laws, and the selected agents managed to also be heavy with Hillary supporters. And who believes they did due diligence when investigating Hillary Clinton? Hillary destroyed 33,000 government documents, which is illegal, and these investigative supporters couldnt find anything worthy of prosecution?

And five of these agents had texted others about how Trump and his supporters were POS, stupid, lazy, etc, but that did not influence their investigation of Hillary at all, or of Trumps supposed collusion with Russia, but that did not influence them at all as they carried out due diligence?

And out of all the FBI agents available, some 30,000 in the Bureau, they could only come up with the same crew of Hillary supporters to investigate this Russia collusion allegations against Trump? Seriously?

Is it merely coincidence that General Flynn was coerced into a guilty plea for lying to the FBI when even Peter Strzok admitted that Flynn never lied? But this same agent who claimed that the FBI would not allow Trump to be President, is still an employed FBI agent despite his repeated lies to investigators? So if you lie to the FBI and you support Hillary, your OK, but if you support Trump you get presecuted into the Poor House? ISnt that what they do to people in Russia?

And lets look at Paul Manafort, who the Mueller investigators went after on charges that were settled like 15 years ago. They bring these issues up from the grave practically and hound Manafort with them, breaking to the mans home in the middle of the night and frighten the man and his wife out of their beds, and have the wife stand naked in front of them as they searched the house? And everyone knows what Mueller is really after here; to coerce Manafort into flipping on Trump.

“The heat is being turned up on Paul Manafort,” said Robert Ray, a former independent counsel who succeeded Kenneth Starr in the investigation of multiple scandals involving President Bill Clinton.

Manafort’s legal team fired back at the prosecution in a court filing Friday night, accusing Mueller’s lawyers of “heavy-handed tactics” and of distorting the significance of Manafort’s effort to reach out to former colleagues in his Ukraine-related work.

“From a scant record, the Special Counsel conjures a sinister plot to ‘corruptly persuade’ two of Mr. Manafort’s former business associates to perjure themselves at the upcoming trial in September,” Manafort’s attorneys wrote. “Mr. Manafort asked no one to provide a false affidavit or false testimony at trial, or perjure themselves, and he has not given — nor offered to give — any potential witness anything in exchange for false testimony.”​

But Manafort insists he knows of no Trump collusion and wont plead guilty on these ancient legal matters, so what happens next? Andrew Weisman, Muellers suppsed 'pit bull' is put onto the Manafort case.

And who is Andrew Weisman?
He is a prosecutor known for over-reach,

Yet Mueller tapped a different sort of prosecutor to lead his investigation — his long-time friend and former counsel, Andrew Weissmann. He is not just a “tough” prosecutor. Time after time, courts have reversed Weissmann’s most touted “victories” for his tactics. This is hardly the stuff of a hero in the law.

Weissmann, as deputy and later director of the Enron Task Force, destroyed the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs worldwide — only to be reversed several years later by a unanimous Supreme Court.

Next, Weissmann creatively criminalized a business transaction between Merrill Lynch and Enron. Four Merrill executives went to prison for as long as a year. Weissmann’s team made sure they did not even get bail pending their appeals, even though the charges Weissmann concocted, like those against Andersen, were literally unprecedented.

Weissmann’s prosecution devastated the lives and families of the Merrill executives, causing enormous defense costs, unimaginable stress and torturous prison time. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the mass of the case.

Weissmann quietly resigned from the Enron Task Force just as the judge in the Enron Broadband prosecution began excoriating Weissmann’s team and the press began catching on to Weissmann’s modus operandi.

Mueller knows this history. Is this why he tapped Weissmann to target Paul Manafort?​

And it is well known that the evidence against Manafort is almost NONEXISTENT.

But direct evidence against Manafort is almost nonexistent. Saying “we should talk” and “I want to give you an update” or a “heads-up” is hardly the stuff that true witness-tampering charges are made of. And, more to the point, if the entire conversation in which Manfort participated lasted for less than a minute and a half, he’d have to be a very, very fast talker to have accomplished tampering.
So what is going on here? Why would Mueller’s team, whose actions to date have been premised on overwhelming evidence, take this risk and go out on this evidentiary limb?

My speculation is simple: This is a sign that they are feeling pressure. Possibly from Trump. Possibly from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Possibly just from their reading of the public tea leaves. Whatever the source of the pressure, they have an increased sense of urgency to move quickly.

And that translates to the want, and need, for Manafort’s cooperation. Not later but now. And the only way to get that cooperation now is to ramp up the pressure. The motion, if successful, would put Manafort in jail sooner rather than later, at the end of what promises to be a lengthy trial. That would concentrate Manafort’s mind quite a bit—and this is the type of pressure tactic that prosecutors use all the time. So that isn’t a surprise.

What is surprising, as I have said, is how thin the factual basis appears to be for these charges. I hope that the Mueller team isn’t rushing its effort. Now is no time to panic.​

So with no direct evidence of actual witness tampering, a judge has denied bail and placed in prison a 69 year old man, over charges that were settled out of court due to lack of criminal facts, all to get him to flip over on Trump, a duly elected President that some of the investigators are provable hostile to and committed to not allowing him to be President? Manafort doesnt even have a p[assport any more, so how is this decrepit old man a flight risk? lol.

No evidence against Manafort, but a Dimocrat judges puts him in prison without trial, while a team of investigators with a track record of hostility to the subject being investigated continue their so-called 'investigation'?

If the conduct of the Justice Department, the top level of the FBI and this so-called Mueller 'investigation' does not equate to Dimocrat suppression of their Republican opposition, then nothing Putin has ever done is oppressive either or any other tin-horn dictator.

The Deep State is pulling off a coup and like any other Preatorian Guard, taking control of our Republic behind the scenes to create a dictatorship like the Ceasars or the Bolsheviks.

If Trump is charged or removed from office a revolution to remove this Deep State is warranted.

This is perfectly logical in a world with no objective reality.
This is perfectly logical in a world with no objective reality.
The libtards dont get it, the FDR patronage system is out of cash and they are losing due to the bankruptcy of that system.

Eventually they will be purged from power and they are setting the legal precedents for their own prosecution.
We all recognize that the real test between political suppression of ones opposition under the color of law is distinguishable from an actual process of legal justice by whether one applies the same level of law enforcement to ones own party as one applies to ones opponents.

The real test is independent of official rulings as any despot worth his salt or corrupt one party state will use legal decisions to cover their trail. Just because some Nazi says 'It's the law' does not make it right, nor does a judge saying 'it is due process' when that process is not even handed demonstrably.

So we have the entire upper leadership of the FBI using personal servers to conduct government business, in violation of security protocol and laws, and the selected agents managed to also be heavy with Hillary supporters. And who believes they did due diligence when investigating Hillary Clinton? Hillary destroyed 33,000 government documents, which is illegal, and these investigative supporters couldnt find anything worthy of prosecution?

And five of these agents had texted others about how Trump and his supporters were POS, stupid, lazy, etc, but that did not influence their investigation of Hillary at all, or of Trumps supposed collusion with Russia, but that did not influence them at all as they carried out due diligence?

And out of all the FBI agents available, some 30,000 in the Bureau, they could only come up with the same crew of Hillary supporters to investigate this Russia collusion allegations against Trump? Seriously?

Is it merely coincidence that General Flynn was coerced into a guilty plea for lying to the FBI when even Peter Strzok admitted that Flynn never lied? But this same agent who claimed that the FBI would not allow Trump to be President, is still an employed FBI agent despite his repeated lies to investigators? So if you lie to the FBI and you support Hillary, your OK, but if you support Trump you get presecuted into the Poor House? ISnt that what they do to people in Russia?

And lets look at Paul Manafort, who the Mueller investigators went after on charges that were settled like 15 years ago. They bring these issues up from the grave practically and hound Manafort with them, breaking to the mans home in the middle of the night and frighten the man and his wife out of their beds, and have the wife stand naked in front of them as they searched the house? And everyone knows what Mueller is really after here; to coerce Manafort into flipping on Trump.

“The heat is being turned up on Paul Manafort,” said Robert Ray, a former independent counsel who succeeded Kenneth Starr in the investigation of multiple scandals involving President Bill Clinton.

Manafort’s legal team fired back at the prosecution in a court filing Friday night, accusing Mueller’s lawyers of “heavy-handed tactics” and of distorting the significance of Manafort’s effort to reach out to former colleagues in his Ukraine-related work.

“From a scant record, the Special Counsel conjures a sinister plot to ‘corruptly persuade’ two of Mr. Manafort’s former business associates to perjure themselves at the upcoming trial in September,” Manafort’s attorneys wrote. “Mr. Manafort asked no one to provide a false affidavit or false testimony at trial, or perjure themselves, and he has not given — nor offered to give — any potential witness anything in exchange for false testimony.”​

But Manafort insists he knows of no Trump collusion and wont plead guilty on these ancient legal matters, so what happens next? Andrew Weisman, Muellers suppsed 'pit bull' is put onto the Manafort case.

And who is Andrew Weisman?
He is a prosecutor known for over-reach,

Yet Mueller tapped a different sort of prosecutor to lead his investigation — his long-time friend and former counsel, Andrew Weissmann. He is not just a “tough” prosecutor. Time after time, courts have reversed Weissmann’s most touted “victories” for his tactics. This is hardly the stuff of a hero in the law.

Weissmann, as deputy and later director of the Enron Task Force, destroyed the venerable accounting firm of Arthur Andersen LLP and its 85,000 jobs worldwide — only to be reversed several years later by a unanimous Supreme Court.

Next, Weissmann creatively criminalized a business transaction between Merrill Lynch and Enron. Four Merrill executives went to prison for as long as a year. Weissmann’s team made sure they did not even get bail pending their appeals, even though the charges Weissmann concocted, like those against Andersen, were literally unprecedented.

Weissmann’s prosecution devastated the lives and families of the Merrill executives, causing enormous defense costs, unimaginable stress and torturous prison time. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the mass of the case.

Weissmann quietly resigned from the Enron Task Force just as the judge in the Enron Broadband prosecution began excoriating Weissmann’s team and the press began catching on to Weissmann’s modus operandi.

Mueller knows this history. Is this why he tapped Weissmann to target Paul Manafort?​

And it is well known that the evidence against Manafort is almost NONEXISTENT.

But direct evidence against Manafort is almost nonexistent. Saying “we should talk” and “I want to give you an update” or a “heads-up” is hardly the stuff that true witness-tampering charges are made of. And, more to the point, if the entire conversation in which Manfort participated lasted for less than a minute and a half, he’d have to be a very, very fast talker to have accomplished tampering.
So what is going on here? Why would Mueller’s team, whose actions to date have been premised on overwhelming evidence, take this risk and go out on this evidentiary limb?

My speculation is simple: This is a sign that they are feeling pressure. Possibly from Trump. Possibly from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Possibly just from their reading of the public tea leaves. Whatever the source of the pressure, they have an increased sense of urgency to move quickly.

And that translates to the want, and need, for Manafort’s cooperation. Not later but now. And the only way to get that cooperation now is to ramp up the pressure. The motion, if successful, would put Manafort in jail sooner rather than later, at the end of what promises to be a lengthy trial. That would concentrate Manafort’s mind quite a bit—and this is the type of pressure tactic that prosecutors use all the time. So that isn’t a surprise.

What is surprising, as I have said, is how thin the factual basis appears to be for these charges. I hope that the Mueller team isn’t rushing its effort. Now is no time to panic.​

So with no direct evidence of actual witness tampering, a judge has denied bail and placed in prison a 69 year old man, over charges that were settled out of court due to lack of criminal facts, all to get him to flip over on Trump, a duly elected President that some of the investigators are provable hostile to and committed to not allowing him to be President? Manafort doesnt even have a p[assport any more, so how is this decrepit old man a flight risk? lol.

No evidence against Manafort, but a Dimocrat judges puts him in prison without trial, while a team of investigators with a track record of hostility to the subject being investigated continue their so-called 'investigation'?

If the conduct of the Justice Department, the top level of the FBI and this so-called Mueller 'investigation' does not equate to Dimocrat suppression of their Republican opposition, then nothing Putin has ever done is oppressive either or any other tin-horn dictator.

The Deep State is pulling off a coup and like any other Preatorian Guard, taking control of our Republic behind the scenes to create a dictatorship like the Ceasars or the Bolsheviks.

If Trump is charged or removed from office a revolution to remove this Deep State is warranted.

You think the DEEP STATE is a real thing. That's funny, and a little sad.
This is perfectly logical in a world with no objective reality.
The libtards dont get it, the FDR patronage system is out of cash and they are losing due to the bankruptcy of that system.

Eventually they will be purged from power and they are setting the legal precedents for their own prosecution.

Please post often. It's sometimes difficult to explain just how dumb RWNJs can be. Having one of your posts easily available makes that chore so much easier.
What's a dimocrat?

Something like a conservitard?
No, a Dimocrat is a crypto Nazi racist shit4brains whose days are over.
Oh, so smarter and sweeter smelling than conservatives then.
Yeah, you crypto-fascists, have had your day, loser.

Now it is time for History to judge, and it wont be kind, asshat.

So when is that gonna happen? Any day now?
I'm still trying to figure out what a "crypto-fascist" is.
Another over-looked item. Weiners laptop found loaded with Beast emails by state court. They turned it over to FBI who sat on it for 30 days!

Until the lower court began to make noise 2 weeks before election. Comey was forced to scramble. claimed not enough time left to go through all the emails. Hence the 10 day investigation.

They all thought Beast would win, this email issue would vanish. True obstruction/ FBI. This is in IG report but not really put out but by a FOX guest.
What's a dimocrat?

Something like a conservitard?
No, a Dimocrat is a crypto Nazi racist shit4brains whose days are over.
Oh, so smarter and sweeter smelling than conservatives then.
Yeah, you crypto-fascists, have had your day, loser.

Now it is time for History to judge, and it wont be kind, asshat.
Lol, profanity is fun and childish!
But it isnt as pathetic and morally bankrupt as your defense of Big Brother Deep State shenanigans that are undermining our Republic, fuckface.
Last edited:
What's a dimocrat?

Something like a conservitard?
No, a Dimocrat is a crypto Nazi racist shit4brains whose days are over.
Oh, so smarter and sweeter smelling than conservatives then.
Yeah, you crypto-fascists, have had your day, loser.

Now it is time for History to judge, and it wont be kind, asshat.
Lol, profanity is fun and childish!
But it isnt as pathetic and morally bankrupt as yuour defense of Big Brother Deep State shenanigans that are undermining our Republic, fuckface.
Lol, you said "deep state" with a straight face.
Another over-looked item. Weiners laptop found loaded with Beast emails by state court. They turned it over to FBI who sat on it for 30 days!

Until the lower court began to make noise 2 weeks before election. Comey was forced to scramble. claimed not enough time left to go through all the emails. Hence the 10 day investigation.

They all thought Beast would win, this email issue would vanish. True obstruction/ FBI. This is in IG report but not really put out but by a FOX guest.

We are only seeing the tip of the proverbial Shitberg.

There is much much more that will come out before this whole thing is over and the irony is that the Deep State is instigating all of this on themselves, lol.
No, a Dimocrat is a crypto Nazi racist shit4brains whose days are over.
Oh, so smarter and sweeter smelling than conservatives then.
Yeah, you crypto-fascists, have had your day, loser.

Now it is time for History to judge, and it wont be kind, asshat.
Lol, profanity is fun and childish!
But it isnt as pathetic and morally bankrupt as yuour defense of Big Brother Deep State shenanigans that are undermining our Republic, fuckface.
Lol, you said "deep state" with a straight face.
You can mock all you want retardo, but you are watching your libtard Wimpire coming crashing down around your ears, roflmao

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